
ArcWest Provides Exploration Update: Partner Funded Drilling Is Scheduled for Multiple ArcWest Porphyry Copper-Gold Projects in 2024

ArcWest Provides Exploration Update: Partner Funded Drilling Is Scheduled for Multiple ArcWest Porphyry Copper-Gold Projects in 2024

newsfile ·  07/31 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 31, 2024) - ArcWest Exploration Inc. (TSXV: AWX) ("ArcWest") is pleased to provide an update on exploration programs planned for the summer and fall of 2024, which include partner funded drilling on two ArcWest porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum ("Cu-Au-Mo") projects.

溫哥華,卑詩省 -(新聞發佈公司 - 2024年7月31日) - ArcWest Exploration Inc.(TSXV:AWX)(“ ArcWest”)很高興地宣佈2024年夏季和秋季計劃的勘探項目更新,其中包括兩個ArcWest斑岩銅金鉬(“Cu-Au-Mo”)項目的夥伴資助鑽探。



  • Drilling has commenced at the Oweegee Dome porphyry Cu-Au-Mo project, funded by partner Sanatana Resources (see Sanatana Resources press release dated June 26, 2024). Oweegee Dome is located 40 km east of Newmont's Brucejack gold mine and 45 km east of Seabridge Gold's KSM-Iron Cap porphyry Cu-Au project. According to Seabridge, KSM-Iron Cap is host to the world's largest undeveloped Au project by reserves and resources ().
  • 奧威吉穹丘斑岩銅金鉬(Cu-Au-Mo)項目的鑽探已經開始,由合作伙伴Sanatana Resources(請參閱Sanatana Resources於2024年6月26日發佈的新聞稿)。 Oweegee穹丘位於紐曼礦業Brucejack金礦40公里以東,Seabridge Gold的KSm-Iron Cap斑岩銅金(Cu-Au)項目以東45公里。 根據Seabridge的說法,KSm-Iron Cap是儲量和資源方面世界上最大的未開發Au項目 ().
  • Drilling at ArcWest's Rip porphyry Cu-Mo project is scheduled for the late summer/fall of 2024, funded by partner Interra Copper (see Interra Copper press release dated April 16th, 2024). Rip is situated approximately 30 km northeast of Imperial Metals' past-producing Huckleberry mine and Surge Copper's advanced stage Ootsa and Berg projects.
  • ArcWest的裏普(Rip)斑岩銅鉬(Cu-Mo)項目的鑽探計劃安排爲2024年晚期/秋季,由合作伙伴Interra Copper(請參閱Interra Copper於2024年4月16日發佈的新聞稿)資助。 瑞普位於Imperial Metals過去生產的Huckleberry礦山以東約30公里,並處於Surge Copper的Ootsa和Berg項目的先進階段。
  • Additional mapping and sampling will be completed at ArcWest's Todd Creek project, funded by Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. ("Freeport"). The goal of the 2024 program is to complete follow up work on a large number of targets identified in 2023 (see ArcWest Exploration press release dated March 4th, 2024). This will include ground-truthing multiple geophysical anomalies delineated during the 2023 3D IP survey in addition to completing detailed mapping/sampling in the vicinity of newly discovered high grade Cu-Au occurrences, including a breccia in the upper Ice Creek area which returned assays up to 262 g/t Au and 2.46% Cu. Work in 2024 is designed to set the stage for a significant drill program in 2025.
  • 在由Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc.(“Freeport”)資助的ArcWest Todd Creek項目中,將完成其他的測繪和採樣工作(請參閱ArcWest Exploration於2024年3月4日發佈的新聞稿)。 2024年的目標是在2023年確定的衆多目標上進行跟進工作(請參閱ArcWest Exploration於2024年3月4日發佈的新聞稿)。(包括在新發現的高品位銅金礦化區域進行詳細的地質勘查,包括上冰溪區域的角礫岩,其回歸的金屬檢測值可達262克/噸(g/t)Au和2.46%Cu,並且地面真實性的多個地球物理異常的核實以及工作進行於2023年的3D IP勘測)。2024年的工作旨在爲2025年的重大鑽探計劃奠定基礎。

Tyler Ruks, President and CEO of ArcWest commented, "Partner funded drilling on two ArcWest porphyry Cu projects is scheduled for the 2024 field season. This includes drilling at the Oweegee Dome Cu-Au and Rip Cu-Mo projects, funded by Sanatana Resources and Interra Copper, respectively. Continued groundwork at the Todd Creek Cu-Au project, funded by Freeport-McMoRan, will set the stage for a significant drill program next year. We are fortunate to have such excellent partners and so many opportunities for discovery in 2024.

ArcWest的總裁兼首席執行官Tyler Ruks評論道:“計劃於2024年野外季夥伴資助的兩個ArcWest斑岩Cu項目將開始鑽探。 這包括由Sanatana Resources資助的Oweegee Dome Cu-Au和由Interra Copper資助的Rip Cu-Mo項目。 在Todd Creek Cu-Au項目繼續地基工作的同時,由Freeport-McMoRan資助,將爲明年開展重大的鑽探計劃奠定基礎。 我們很幸運有這麼好的合作伙伴,以及在2024年有如此多的發現機會。

ArcWest remains in a strong financial position with $2.55 million hard dollars in the treasury, zero warrants, significant insider ownership and an exceptionally low burn rate. Anticipated income for ArcWest between now and the end of the year includes option payments totaling $325,000, in addition to share payments from earn-in agreements and an anticipated $120,000 in operatorship fees for ArcWest managed exploration programs. The company currently has a market capitalization of only $9 million.

ArcWest保持強大的財務狀況,寶庫中擁有255萬美元的硬通貨,零認股權證,顯着的內部股權,以及非常低的燒銷率。 ArcWest在現在到年底之間的預期收入包括總計32.5萬美元的期權支付,此外還有來自賺取協議的股份支付,以及ArcWest承擔的勘探項目的預期12萬美元的操作費用。該公司目前的市值僅爲900萬美元。

The company is currently in discussions with potential funding partners for its additional porphyry Cu-Au projects, and is actively evaluating porphyry Cu-Au projects for potential acquisition. ArcWest has multiple opportunities for copper-gold discoveries in 2024 and remains a compelling investment opportunity."

該公司目前正在與潛在的資金夥伴進行討論以獲取其額外的斑岩Cu-Au項目資金,並積極評估可能收購的斑岩Cu-Au項目。 ArcWest在2024年有多種銅金礦發現的機會,是一個非常有吸引力的投資機會."

Summer and fall 2024 exploration programs on ArcWest's projects are anticipated to include the following:


  • A drilling program at Oweegee Dome, funded by partner Sanatana Resources Inc. ArcWest's 100% owned Oweegee Dome project is located 40 km east of Newcrest's Brucejack mine and 45 km east of Seabridge Gold's KSM-Iron Cap porphyry Cu-Au project. The 31,000 ha Oweegee Dome property has potential for the discovery of multiple porphyry Cu-Au centres. The highly gossanous Delta target area contains multiple porphyry Cu-Au occurrences over a 20 km2 area. Historical shallow inclined drill tests of the east side of Delta Zone returned strongly anomalous Cu-Au over significant intervals in intensely quartz-sericite-pyrite ("QSP")/clay-pyrite altered porphyritic intrusions and associated breccias. A 2023 3D IP survey of the east Delta zone area demonstrated that an undrilled chargeability anomaly of significant size and magnitude underlies the east Delta target area. This anomaly ("Junction"; Fig. 1) might represent the interpreted source of porphyry mineralization intercepted in drill holes 2022-08 and 2022-09 and will be the focus of the ongoing 2024 program, which is estimated to include up to 3,000 m of drilling (see Sanatana Resources press release dated June 26, 2024).
  • 由合作伙伴Sanatana Resources Inc.資助的Oweegee Dome的鑽探計劃。 ArcWest擁有的100%的Oweegee Dome項目位於紐克雷斯特(Newcrest)的布魯斯傑克礦山以東40公里,Seabridge Gold的KSm-Iron Cap斑岩銅金(Cu-Au)項目以東45公里。 Oweegee Dome地產面積31,000公頃,有多個斑岩Cu-Au中心的發現潛力。高吸氧Delta靶區含有20平方公里區域內多個斑岩銅金礦區。 Delta區域東側的歷史性淺傾斜鑽探,在石英泥岩-黃鐵礦改造("QSP")/黃鐵礦堆積斑岩侵入體和相關角礫岩中顯著地間隔安全銅金化。 東德爾塔區域的2023年3D IP調查表明,一個符號大小都很顯著的未鑽探的充電異常基礎地下德爾塔靶區。 這個異常(“Junction”; 圖1)可能代表斑岩礦化被取樣的來源,該取樣在鑽孔2022-08和2022-09中被攔截,將是正在進行的2024年鑽探工作的重點,該鑽探工作預計將涉及多達3,000,000萬元。(請參閱Sanatana Resources於2024年6月26日發佈的新聞稿)。
  • A diamond drilling program at Rip, funded by partner Interra Copper Corp. ("Interra"). ArcWest's 100% owned Rip project is situated approximately 30 km northeast of Imperial Metals' past-producing Huckleberry mine and Surge Copper's advanced stage Ootsa and Berg projects. The Rip project is interpreted as a highly underexplored porphyry Cu-Mo system that is predominantly covered by overburden. A small outcrop area contains variably altered porphyritic intrusions which cut strongly hornfelsed Hazelton Group volcano-sedimentary rocks. Porphyritic intrusions and hornfelsed country rock are both host to porphyry style stockwork, including magnetite-chalcopyrite and quartz-chalcopyrite-molybdenite veins. Historical exploration on the project included shallow, percussion drilling targeting a large IP anomaly; within the IP anomaly, the holes intersected predominantly QSP altered lithologies (including altered porphyritic intrusions) with anomalous Cu-Mo mineralization. A single diamond drill hole collared approximately 200 m north of the discovery outcrop intersected anomalous Cu (0.07%) and Mo (0.005%) over 74 m in strongly QSP altered volcanic rocks cut by late feldspar porphyry and mineralized quartz diorite dykes. The bottom 64 metres consists of intrusive clast-rich polymictic breccia cut by abundant pyrite, gypsum and quartz veins with local secondary biotite.
  • 由合作伙伴Interra Copper Corp.資助的瑞普(Rip)鑽探計劃。 ArcWest擁有的100%瑞普項目位於Imperial Metals過去生產的Huckleberry礦山以東約30公里,並處於Surge Copper的Ootsa和Berg項目的先進階段。 瑞普項目解釋爲高度未開發的斑岩Cu-Mo系統,主要由覆蓋物覆蓋。 小的露頭區域包含變質程度不一的斑岩侵入體,侵入體切割強烈的hornfelsed Hazelton Group火山沉積岩。 斑岩侵入岩和hornfelsed圍巖都是斑岩礦牀樣式的脈狀巖體,包括磁鐵礦 - 黃銅礦和石英 - 黃銅礦 - 鉬礦化脈。 該項目的歷史勘探包括淺層鑽探,針對大型IP異常;在IP異常範圍內,孔洞的主要爲 QSP改造巖性(包括改造斑岩侵入),銅 - 鉬礦化異常。 一個單一的鑽探孔約20000萬跨越發現的露頭岩石的北方,強烈QSP改造的火山岩中截取了偏脹的銅(0.07%)和鉬(0.005%)上7400萬。 底部64米由侵入岩石屑富含的多成分角狀巖剪切裂紋、石膏和石英脈掏出,並帶有地方性的二次黑雲母。

Recently completed geophysical surveys at Rip (airborne magnetics and 3D IP, carried out by Precision Geosurveys and Dias Geophysical, respectively) suggest potential for two porphyry Cu-Mo mineralized centres (Fig. 2). The northernmost centre contains the outcropping porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization, and comprises a coincident magnetic/resistivity high, surrounded by a "doughnut" shaped chargeability high (> 35 mV/V) with a diameter of approximately 1 km. A second potential porphyry Cu-Mo centre is situated approximately 1.1 km to the south, comprising a similar magnetic high surrounded by a "doughnut" shaped chargeability high (> 35 mV/V). This southern potential porphyry center is entirely covered by overburden. A first phase drill program (2000 m) to test these geophysical targets is scheduled for late summer/fall.

最近在Rip(由Precision Geosurveys和Dias Geophysical分別進行的航空磁測和3D IP)上完成的地球物理勘查表明可能存在兩個斑岩Cu-Mo礦化中心(圖2)。 最北端的中心包含露頭式斑岩Cu-Mo礦化,幷包括一個相干的磁/電阻高點,周圍是一個“甜甜圈”形狀的電阻率高點(>35 mV/V),直徑約爲1公里。 第二個潛在的斑岩Cu-Mo中心位於南部約1.1公里處,包括一個類似的磁高點,被“圓環”形狀的電阻率高包圍(>35 mV/V)。第一階段的鑽探計劃(2,000米)旨在測試這些地球物理目標,計劃於晚期夏季/秋季進行。

  • A mapping/sampling program at Todd Creek, funded by Freeport. Exploration at Todd Creek in 2023 included a mapping and sampling program, in addition to one of the largest 3D IP surveys in BC history, completed by Dias Geophysical (for results, see ArcWest Exploration press release dated March 4th, 2024). The geophysical survey, which also included MT, covered much of the 12 km N-S corridor of variably altered, strongly gossanous, variably Cu-Au mineralized Early Jurassic volcanic rocks which exists on the west side of Todd Creek valley. Copper-gold occurrences are abundant throughout this corridor, and are focused in a number of zones. Historical, shallow inclined drilling in a number of these zones intersected significant Cu-Au mineralization, locally associated with previously unrecognized porphyry-like veins. ArcWest believes that the predominance of QSP altered volcanic rocks (including high crystallinity muscovite), coupled with more restricted zones of advanced argillic alteration (pyrophyillite ± alunite ± diaspore) suggests that the west side of Todd Creek valley could represent the hanging wall of an Early Jurassic porphyry Cu-Au system with the preserved roots of a pre-existing lithocap. The 2023 geophysical program was successful in identifying multiple significant, untested geophysical anomalies, many of which underlie outcropping zones of Cu-Au mineralization, suggesting potential for the discovery of a number of underlying Cu-Au mineralized intrusive centres. The 2023 program was also successful in discovering a number of new Cu-Au mineralized showings on the property, including a breccia in the upper Ice Creek area which returned assays up to 262 g/t Au and 2.46% Cu. The 2024 program, designed to set the stage for a significant drill program on the project in 2025, will focus on ground-truthing geophysical anomalies in addition to completing detailed mapping and sampling in the vicinity of newly discovered, high grade Cu-Au occurrences.
  • 2023年在託德河進行的一項映射/採樣項目,由Freeport贊助。2023年的託德河勘探包括由迪亞斯地球物理(Dias Geophysical)完成的不列顛哥倫比亞歷史上最大的三維IP勘測之一,以及若干個顯著的區間的礦物成分分析(詳見ArcWest Exploration於2024年3月4日發佈的新聞稿)。這項物理勘測還包括了覆蓋了許多變化多樣的、被過氧化鐵覆蓋的早白堊世火山岩的12公里南北走向走廊的大部分區域,包括了山區。整個走廊分佈着大量的銅-金礦體,主要分佈在若干個區域內。曾進行的一些淺斜向鑽孔取樣在許多這些區域內,發現了大量的銅-金礦體,主要與以前未被發現的似斑狀的岩脈相聯繫。ArcWest認爲,QSP蝕變的火山岩(包括高結晶雲母巖)的優勢,再加上較爲狹小的先進伊利石蝕變區間(高嶺石±明礬±舄堅)表明託德河河谷的西側可能代表着一種早期侵入岩體的銅-金斑岩系統上盤,具有現存岩漿腰帶。2023年物理勘測成功地發現了多個顯著的、未受到試驗的物理異常體,其中許多位於Cu-Au礦化區的露頭下方,暗示着可能發現若干底部銅-金礦體。2023年的項目還在物業內發現了若干新的Cu-Au礦化展示,其中包括在上冰溪地區發現的一種角礫岩,其回收的金和銅含量分別高達262 g/t和2.46%。2024年的項目旨在爲2025年的項目提供舞臺,將重點關注地面真實性物理異常,以及在新發現的高品位Cu-Au地區進行詳細的映射和採樣。

About ArcWest Exploration Inc.

關於ArcWest Exploration Inc。

ArcWest Exploration is a project generator focused on porphyry copper-gold exploration opportunities throughout western North America. The company is in possession of six 100% owned copper-gold projects throughout BC's premier porphyry copper-gold districts. These include ArcWest's Todd Creek and Oweegee Dome projects, which are two of the largest and most prospective land positions for copper-gold exploration in BC's prolific Golden Triangle. Oweegee Dome neighbours Seabridge Gold's supergiant KSM-Iron Cap-Snowfield porphyry copper-gold deposit and Todd Creek adjoins Newmont's Brucejack mine property. Several ArcWest projects are currently being advanced through earn-in and joint venture agreements; this includes an agreement with mining giant Freeport-McMoRan to advance ArcWest's 100% owned Todd Creek copper-gold project. By conducting partner funded exploration on multiple exploration projects simultaneously, ArcWest's chances of discovery are enhanced while exposing shareholders to minimal dilution. The company is managed by an experienced technical team with a track record of discovery and a reputation for attracting well-funded senior partners, including Freeport-McMoRan, Robert Friedland group companies, ITOCHU, Antofagasta and Teck.

ArcWest Exploration是一家專注於西部北美斑岩銅-金勘探機會的項目發電機。該公司擁有不列顛哥倫比亞省主要斑岩銅金區域的六個100%擁有銅金項目。其中包括ArcWest的Todd Creek和Oweegee Dome項目,它們是不列顛哥倫比亞州 prolific Golden Triangle 的兩個最大,最有前途的銅金勘探土地。Oweegee Dome鄰近Seabridge Gold的超大型KSm-Iron Cap-Snowfield斑岩銅-金礦體,而Todd Creek則毗鄰Newmont的Brucejack礦場。幾個ArcWest項目目前正在通過賺取和合資協議進行推進;這包括與礦業巨頭Freeport-McMoRan的協議,以推進ArcWest 100%擁有的託德克里克銅金項目。通過同時在多個勘探項目上進行合作商投資的勘探,ArcWest的發現機會得到了提升,同時將股東暴露到最小的稀釋風險。公司由一支經驗豐富的技術團隊管理,他們具有發現和吸引資金充裕的高級合作伙伴的聲譽,包括Freeport-McMoRan、Robert Friedland集團公司、伊藤忠、安多法加斯塔和特克。

Qualified Person


ArcWest's disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Nigel Luckman, PGeo, Chief Operating Officer, who serves as a Qualified Person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

ArcWest在新聞稿中披露的技術或科學性質已經由PGeo,首席運營官Nigel Luckman審核並批准,擔任國家43-101號儀器下定義的合格人。

For further information please contact: Tyler Ruks, President and CEO at +1 (604) 638 3695.

欲了解更多信息,請致電+1 (604) 638 3695聯繫Tyler Ruks總裁兼首席執行官。

Investors are cautioned that ArcWest Exploration Inc. has not verified the data from the KSM-Iron Cap, Brucejack, Treaty Creek, Huckleberry, Ootsa, Berg or Bell-Granisle deposits. Further, the presence and style of mineralization on these properties is not necessarily indicative of similar mineralization on the ArcWest Exploration Inc. property. Historical assays from drill programs on its properties have not been verified by ArcWest but have been cited from sources believed to be reliable. Assay results reported by ArcWest in this news release range from trace amounts to the values stated.

投資者應當注意,ArcWest Exploration Inc.未核實KSm-Iron Cap、Brucejack、Treaty Creek、Huckleberry、Ootsa、Berg或Bell-Granisle礦牀的數據。此外,這些物業上的礦化形式和風格不一定表明在ArcWest Exploration Inc.物業上存在類似的礦化形式。從其物業上的鑽探計劃中獲得的歷史分析結果尚未得到ArcWest的驗證,但已引用了被認爲是可靠的來源。ArcWest在本新聞稿中報告的分析結果範圍從微量到所述值。

This news release contains statements about ArcWest's expectations and are forward-looking in nature. As a result, they are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. Although ArcWest believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them as actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof, and ArcWest undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, except as required by law.


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