
King's College Hospital London Improves EHR Performance and Security With Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

King's College Hospital London Improves EHR Performance and Security With Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

PR Newswire ·  07/31 09:00

Cuts time to access critical patient information in half and significantly reduces time spent on administrative tasks


AUSTIN, Texas, July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- King's College Hospital London, in Dubai (KCH Dubai), has become one of the first UAE-based health systems to migrate its Oracle Health Electronic Health Record (EHR) to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). With OCI, KCH Dubai is improving the security, performance, and usability of the EHR resulting in a better experience for its patients and providers. KCH Dubai is now providing more than 1,000 concurrent users across its facilities with access to more efficient workflows and improved system performance. Moving to the cloud has also provided the hospital network with the scalable foundation it needs to simplify integrations and meet its goal of innovating in critical areas such as population health.

2024年7月31日,德州奧斯汀 /美通社/ - 倫敦國王學院迪拜分院(KCH迪拜)已成爲首批將其Oracle Health電子健康記錄(EHR)遷移到Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI)的阿聯酋醫療系統之一。通過OCI,KCH迪拜正在提高EHR的安全性,性能和可用性,從而爲患者和提供者提供更好的體驗。 KCH迪拜現在向其設施的超過1,000個併發用戶提供更高效的工作流程和改進的系統性能。轉向雲端還爲醫院網絡提供了可擴展的基礎,以簡化集成並實現創新,以滿足人口健康等關鍵領域的目標。

Following its rapid migration to OCI, KCH Dubai is seeing positive results across the hospital including cutting the time it takes to access patient information by 50%, a 20% reduction in reviewing each patient's medical chart, and a 25% overall reduction in time spent in the EHR due to faster screen loads and transaction response times. The overall increased speed and responsiveness of the system is helping to streamline processes so clinicians can complete tasks more quickly and free up more time to spend with patients. The performance gains also enable more comprehensive and real-time updates to the patient record, which strengthens communication and care coordination across all caregivers to enhance patient care.


"With Oracle Health, we've seen substantial improvements in our clinical processes, including an increase in the system's speed and responsiveness and a noticeable deduction in the time spent reviewing patient charts across various specialties," said Kimberly Pierce, chief executive officer, KCH Dubai. "Oracle's cloud offering has the technological infrastructure we need to fully embrace future advancements in areas such as generative AI that will benefit our patients and how we deliver care while better supporting our practitioners."

“在使用Oracle Health後,我們的臨床流程得到了實質性的改善,包括系統速度和響應能力的提高,以及各種專業領域審核患者圖表所需時間的明顯減少,”KCH迪拜首席執行官Kimberly Pierce表示。“Oracle的雲服務提供了我們需要的技術基礎設施,以充分擁抱未來在生成式AI等領域的發展,這將有益於我們的患者以及我們如何提供護理,同時更好地支持我們的醫生。”

With OCI, KCH Dubai can also now rely on Oracle's real-time threat detection and monitoring, autonomous systems, and team of experts to help protect its networks against the constantly changing cybercrime landscape. In addition, OCI will support scalability of healthcare technology as KCH Dubai expands with new facilities and specialties, ultimately growing its overall operation and capacity to care for its community.


"The combined power of OCI and our EHR is enabling KCH Dubai physicians to be more productive, waste less time in medical records, and refocus more time on patient care," said Seema Verma, executive vice president and general manager, Oracle Health and Life Sciences. "Moreover, they have the comprehensive platform to continually be able to plug-in the technologies they need to solve their toughest challenges and be more adaptable, predictive, and responsive to evolving healthcare needs."

“OCI和我們的EHR的聯合作用使KCH迪拜的醫生更加高效,在醫療記錄上浪費的時間更少,更多地聚焦於患者護理,”Oracle健康和生命科學執行副總裁兼總經理Seema Verma表示。“此外,他們擁有全面的平台,可以不斷接入他們需要解決最棘手的挑戰並更加適應、預測和響應不斷變化的醫療需求的技術。”

Learn more about the benefits of OCI for healthcare customers at .


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Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at .

Oracle提供了一套綜合性的應用程序套件,以及在Oracle Cloud中的安全的、自治的基礎設施。如需了解Oracle(NYSE:ORCL)的更多信息,請訪問我們網站。

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Oracle、Java、MySQL和NetSuite均爲Oracle Corporation的註冊商標。NetSuite是第一家雲公司,開啓了雲計算的新時代。



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