
Enterprises Accelerate IT Advancements to Harness Generative AI's Power, F5 Study Finds

Enterprises Accelerate IT Advancements to Harness Generative AI's Power, F5 Study Finds

F5 Inc ·  07/31 00:00

2024 Digital Enterprise Maturity Index identifies critical steps for organizations to achieve digital maturity amid rapid technological changes


SEATTLE – F5 (NASDAQ: FFIV) today released its 2024 Digital Enterprise Maturity Index report, a comprehensive analysis of enterprise digital transformation efforts across the globe, underscoring the immense power of generative AI and its pivotal role in driving digital maturity across industries. The report reveals critical insights into how organizations can modernize their enterprise architectures, enhance automation, and improve data management practices to leverage AI and deliver superior digital experiences to customers.


Key highlights from the 2024 Digital Enterprise Maturity Index include:


  • Enterprises are pushing ahead on digital transformation efforts: 29% of organizations participating in the study are considered "doers," scoring among leaders in areas such as infrastructure, app delivery, security, data, and automation. This is a significant improvement from last year's report, when only 4% were considered "doers."
  • Generative AI's revolutionary impact: Generative AI is fundamentally changing digital operations, significantly enhancing automation and data management. Organizations that integrate AI technologies show higher levels of digital maturity across multiple categories.
  • Hybrid application adoption: 82% of "doers" operate hybrid applications, indicating advanced digital readiness and effective AI integration.
  • SRE and automation practices: 97% of digitally mature organizations have adopted or plan to adopt Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) practices, essential for scaling AI-driven operations and maintaining performance.
  • Security and zero trust implementation: With the increasing reliance on AI, 92% of mature organizations have adopted zero trust principles, reflecting a higher confidence level in their security frameworks.
  • API management proficiency: Advanced organizations manage an average of 468 APIs, showcasing a sophisticated digital infrastructure prepared for AI integration.
  • Automation and operational efficiency: Organizations whose automation maturity is "automated" saw the biggest benefits: 53% enjoy greater consistency, 71% saw cost savings, and 80% report greater operational efficiencies.
  • 企業在數字化轉型方面正在努力推進:參與研究的組織中有29%被認爲是“實踐者”,在基礎設施、應用程序交付、安全、數據和自動化等領域得分領先。這相比去年的報告有了顯著改善,當時只有4%被認爲是“實踐者”。
  • 生成式人工智能的革命性影響:生成式人工智能根本改變了數字運營,顯著增強了自動化和數據管理。整合人工智能技術的組織在多個類別中表現出更高級別的數字成熟度。
  • 混合應用程序採用:82%的“實踐者”使用混合應用程序,表明其具備先進的數字化準備和有效的人工智能整合。
  • SRE和自動化實踐:97%的數字成熟組織已經採用或計劃採用Site Reliability Engineering(SRE)實踐,這是擴展以AI驅動的運營和維護性能的重要實踐。
  • 安全和零信任實施:隨着對人工智能的依賴程度增加,92%的成熟組織採用了零信任原則,反映了他們安全框架的更高信心水平。
  • API管理熟練度:先進的組織管理平均468個API,展示了一個爲AI整合做好準備的複雜數字基礎架構。
  • 自動化和運營效率:自動化成熟度爲“自動化”的組織獲得了最大的好處:53%的組織享有更大的一致性,71%的組織實現了成本節約,80%的組織報告獲得了更高的運營效率。

"The rapid evolution of generative AI is not just a technological advancement; it's a transformative force that is reshaping the entire landscape of digital business," said Lori MacVittie, Chief Evangelist and Distinguished Engineer at F5. "Organizations that embrace this change and modernize their enterprise architectures to integrate AI-driven automation and data management will not only stay competitive but will also lead their industries into a new era of efficiency and innovation. Our 2024 Digital Enterprise Maturity Index offers a roadmap for these organizations to understand their current standing and the steps they need to take to achieve digital maturity."

F5的首席佈道師兼傑出工程師Lori MacVittie表示:“生成人工智能的快速發展不僅是技術上的進步,更是一股正在重塑數字業務整個領域的轉型力量。採納這種變革並現代化企業架構以整合AI驅動的自動化和數據管理的組織,不僅能保持競爭優勢,而且還將帶領其所在的行業進入一個效率和創新的新時代。我們的2024數字企業成熟度指數爲這些組織提供了一個路線圖,以了解其目前的水平以及實現數字成熟度所需採取的步驟。”

The report categorizes organizations into three distinct groups based on their progress in digital transformation: "doers," who are making significant strides and leading the way in modernization; "dabblers," who are in the early stages of their digital journey; and "dawdlers," who show little to no progress in advancing their digital capabilities. This classification helps highlight the varying levels of digital maturity and readiness for AI integration.


Broader insights on digital transformation


Beyond the impact of generative AI, the 2024 Digital Enterprise Maturity Index provides an in-depth look at several key areas crucial for digital transformation:


  • Infrastructure modernization: The report emphasizes the importance of a flexible and adaptable enterprise architecture to keep pace with rapid technological advancements. Organizations need an infrastructure that can seamlessly integrate new technologies as they emerge.
  • Application delivery and security: The ability to distribute and secure applications across various environments—core, cloud, and edge—is critical. The report highlights that 40% of organizations have automated app and API security functions, but only 23% have automated app delivery, indicating a significant area for improvement.
  • Data management: Data governance and full-stack observability are essential for digital maturity. The report notes that 58% of "doers" face challenges with data silos, emphasizing the need for robust data strategies to enable comprehensive observability and drive automation.
  • Operational challenges and solutions: The report delves into the operational hurdles organizations face, such as budget constraints, complexity of tools, and skillset gaps. For instance, 49% of "doers" cite a lack of interoperability and the presence of too many tools and APIs as significant blockers to automation.
  • 基礎設施現代化:報告強調了靈活且適應性強的企業架構的重要性,以跟上技術迅速發展的步伐。組織需要一個能夠無縫集成新技術的基礎設施。
  • 應用程序交付和安全:分發和保護應用程序在各種環境(核心、雲和邊緣)中的能力至關重要。報告強調,40%的組織已自動化應用程序和API安全功能,但只有23%的組織已自動化應用程序發佈,表明這是一個極其需要改進的領域。
  • 數據管理:數據治理和全棧可觀察性對於數字成熟至關重要。報告指出,“實踐者”中有58%面臨數據孤島的挑戰,強調需要強大的數據策略,以實現全面可觀察性並推動自動化。
  • 操作挑戰和解決方案:報告深入探討了組織面臨的操作障礙,例如預算限制、工具的複雜性和技能差距。例如,49%的“實踐者”認爲缺乏互操作性和存在過多的工具和API是自動化的重大障礙。

Additional findings on the state of digital maturity can be found in the full report, 2024 Digital Enterprise Maturity Index, and in F5's companion blog.


About the report


F5 analyzed 713 responses selected from its annual State of Application Strategy research based on completeness of answers to the key questions that make up its digital maturity model. Just about one-third of respondents hail from the technology industry. There is good representation from retail, manufacturing, and financial services. Respondents represent a global sample, with just about a third from each major region: NA, EMEA, and APCJ. Similarly, grouping by annual revenue nets a fairly even distribution across large (27%), medium (32%), and smaller enterprises (32%).


About F5


F5 is a multicloud application security and delivery company committed to bringing a better digital world to life. F5 partners with the world's largest, most advanced organizations to secure every app—on premises, in the cloud, or at the edge. F5 enables businesses to continuously stay ahead of threats while delivering exceptional, secure digital experiences for their customers. For more information, go to (NASDAQ: FFIV)

F5是一家多雲應用安全和交付公司,致力於爲數字世界帶來更好的用戶體驗。F5與世界上最大、最先進的組織合作,以確保每個使用本公司服務的應用(無論是在本地、雲端還是在邊緣)都獲得安全保障。F5使企業能夠在持續應對威脅的同時,爲其客戶提供卓越的、安全的數字體驗。欲深入了解更多信息,請訪問。(NASDAQ: FFIV)

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F5 is a trademark, service mark, or tradename of F5, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.


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