
Desert Gold Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") Progress Update for SMSZ Project in West Mali, Africa

Desert Gold Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") Progress Update for SMSZ Project in West Mali, Africa

newsfile ·  08/01 05:30



  • An initial resource estimate will be prepared for Gourbassi West North
  • Assay results from recently completed drilling include 3.54 g/t Au over 10.15 metres at Barani East and 6.62 g/t Au over 12 metres at Gourbassi West***
  • Gourbassi West North將準備初步資源估算。
  • 最近完成鑽探的化驗結果包括Barani East的10.15米內3.54克/噸Au和Gourbassi West的12米內6.62克/噸Au。

Surrey, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 1, 2024) - Desert Gold Ventures Inc. (TSXV: DAU) (FSE: QXR2) (OTCQB: DAUGF) ("Desert Gold" or "the Company") is pleased to provide an update to its Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") on its SMSZ Project in western Mali, West Africa. Assay results have been received from the 12 metallurgical drill holes. Three, approximately 220 kg composite metallurgical samples have been sent to a metallurgical lab in South Africa and a drone elevation and photo mosaic survey has been flown over the three potential mining areas.

加拿大新聞社Surrey,不列顛哥倫比亞省——(2024年8月1日)——Desert Gold Ventures Inc.(TSXV:DAU)(FSE:QXR2)(OTCQB:DAUGF)(以下簡稱Desert Gold或該公司)很高興向其位於西非馬裏西部的SMSZ項目的初步經濟評估(PEA)提供更新。已收到12個冶金鑽探孔的化驗結果。三個約220公斤的複合冶金樣品已被送往南非的冶金實驗室,並對這三個潛在的採礦區進行了無人機高度和帶狀拼接測量。

Desert Gold's CEO, Jared Scharf, commented: "I'm very pleased with the progress regarding our PEA. We got some nice surprises from the metallurgical holes with several unexpected zone extensions and higher grades than expected at some parts of the Barani East Zone. The possible addition of a new resource at Gourbassi West North could further enhance project economics as we move forward to complete the PEA as soon as possible. We look forward to providing additional guidance soon."

Desert Gold的CEO Jared Scharf評論道:「我對我們PEA的進展非常滿意。我們從冶金孔中得到了一些驚喜,包括幾個意想不到的區域延伸和Barani East Zone某些部分的高品位超出預期。Gourbassi West North可能增加新的資源,進一步提高項目的經濟效益,我們將盡快完成PEA,並期待提供更多指導。」

Summarized assay composites are presented below from the recently completed drill program (true widths are 70% to 90% of drilled length):


Barani East

Barani East

BE-MET2 - 2.61 g/t Au over 14 metres from 41 metres - oxide
BE-MET3 - 3.54 g/t Au over 10.15 metres from 123.5 metres - oxide
BE-MET4 - 0.72 g/t Au over 4.5 metres from 69.5 metres - oxide, 1.5 metres of core missing from zone
BE-MET4 - 1.32 g/t Au over 13.5 metres from 79 meters - oxide, extra mineralization
BE-MET5 - 0.65 g/t Au over 8.45 metres from 67 metres - oxide
BE-MET5 - 1.05 g/t Au over 6.0 metres from 104 metres - oxide/transition, extra mineralization
BE-MET6 - 0.97 g/t Au over 5 metres from 20 metres - oxide

BE-MET2 - 氧化物,來自41米處的14米內2.61克/噸Au。
BE-MET3 - 氧化物,來自123.5米處的10.15米內3.54克/噸Au。
BE-MET4 - 氧化物,來自69.5米處的4.5米內0.72克/噸Au,礦區缺失1.5米。
BE-MET4 - 氧化物,來自79米處的13.5米內1.32克/噸Au,額外礦化。
BE-MET5 - 氧化物,來自67米處的8.45米內0.65克/噸Au。
BE-MET5 - 氧化/過渡性,來自104米處的6.0米內1.05克/噸Au,額外礦化。
BE-MET6 - 氧化物,來自20米處的5米內0.97克/噸Au。

Gourbassi West North

Gourbassi West North

FR-MET5 - 0.72 g/t Au over 21.9 metres from 3.4 metres - transition
FR-MET5 - 1.18 g/t Au over 24.6 metres from 35.4 metres - fresh rock
FR-MET6 - 0.70 g/t Au over 8.5 metres from 6.0 metres- transition
FR-MET6 - 1.84 g/t Au over 23.5 metres from 17 metres - mostly fresh rock
FR-MET7 - 0.90 g/t Au over 33.6 metres from 6.8 metres - mix of oxide and weathered fresh

FR-MET5 - 過渡性,來自3.4米處的21.9米內0.72克/噸Au。
FR-MET5 - 新鮮岩石,來自35.4米處的24.6米內1.18克/噸Au。
FR-MET6 - 過渡性,來自6.0米處的8.5米內0.70克/噸Au。
FR-MET6 - 大多是新鮮岩石,來自17米處的23.5米內1.84克/噸Au。
FR-MET7 - 氧化和風化新鮮礦物的混合物,來自6.8米處的33.6米內0.90克/噸Au。

Gourbassi West

Gourbassi West

FR-MET1 - 6.62 g/t Au over 12 metres from 2 metres - oxide (when one sample is capped at 10 g/t Au as per the mineral resource estimate, then 1.44 g/t Au over 12 metres)***
FR-MET1 - 12.93 g/t Au over 1 metre from 47 metres - fresh rock
FR-MET2 - 0.47 g/t Au over 15.5 metres from 47 metres - oxide
FR-MET3 - 0.33 g/t Au over 14 metres from 5 metres - oxide
FR-MET4 - 0.51 g/t Au over 36 metres from 2 metres - oxide

FR-MET1 - 在氧化物中,從2米處獲得了6.62克每噸的黃金,長度爲12米(根據礦產資源估算,當一個樣品被蓋在10克每噸的黃金時,則在12米處獲得了1.44克每噸的黃金)***。
FR-MET1 - 在新鮮的岩石中,從47米處獲得了12.93克每噸的黃金,長度爲1米。
FR-MET2 - 在氧化物中,從47米處獲得了0.47克每噸的黃金,長度爲15.5米。
FR-MET3 - 在氧化物中,從5米處獲得了0.33克每噸的黃金,長度爲14米。
FR-MET4 - 在氧化物中,從2米處獲得了0.51克每噸的黃金,長度爲36米。

A total of 12, 50 metre to 160-metre-deep holes totaling 905 metres, were completed over the Barani East (five holes - Figure 2), Gourbassi West (four holes - Figure 3) and Gourbassi West North (three holes - Figure 3) zones (see Figure 1 for deposit locations). The Barani East and Gourbassi West zones contain, oxide and transition measured and indicated mineral resources of 131,000 ounces* of gold grading 1.41 g/t Au and inferred mineral resources of 55,000 ounces* of gold grading 1.22 g/t Au. A resource estimate will be prepared for the 1.6 km-long Gourbassi West North zone. Leachable, oxide and transition resources at all three zones will be part of the PEA.

總共完成了12個深度爲50米至160米的鑽孔,總長905米,這些鑽探在Barani East(五個鑽孔————圖2),Gourbassi West(四個鑽孔————圖3)和Gourbassi West North(三個鑽孔————圖3)區域完成(請參閱圖1以獲取礦牀位置)。 Barani East和Gourbassi West區域包含131,000盎司黃金的氧化和轉換測量和指示礦產資源,平均品位爲1.41克每噸,以及55,000盎司黃金的推斷礦產資源,平均品位爲1.22克每噸。1.6公里長的Gourbassi West North區域將進行資源評估。三個區域的可浸出、氧化和過渡資源將成爲PEA的一部分。

Updated hard boundary mineralized wire frames prepared for the Barani East, Gourbassi West North and Gourbassi West deposits, will be used in the PEA.

Barani East、Gourbassi West North和Gourbassi West礦牀的硬性邊界礦化電極體將用於PEA。

A drone survey was carried out over the three deposit areas to provide accurate topography and a detailed photomosaic. This data will be used to plan the locations for potential mining infrastructure including buildings, crushing facilities, leach pads, waste rock, etc.


Next Steps


An initial resource estimate will be prepared for Gourbassi West North.

Gourbassi West North將進行最初的資源評估。

Heap leach metallurgical test work is expected to take at least 3 months to complete. Once completed, the gold recovery data will be used to design the open pits and milling facilities for the PEA. Additional, timed, bottle roll gold recovery tests will be completed for the gold-bearing zones in the fresh rock portions of the deposits.


Assays for four core holes totaling 729 metres and 71 RC/AC holes, totaling 3,162 metres, are pending with approximately 80% of the assays received. Assay results from this work will be presented once they have been validated and interpreted.


This press release contains certain scientific and technical information. The Company is solely responsible for the contents and accuracy of any scientific and technical information related to it. Don Dudek, P.Geo. a director of Desert Gold and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this press release.

"Jared Scharf"

Other News


Desert Gold has retained GBC AG ("GBC"), to provide independent research coverage for the Company. Based in Augsburg Germany, GBC is one of the leading independent research and investment companies in the European financial community. GBC will provide independent corporate analysis and research coverage on Desert Gold. The term of the engagement is 12 months effective from the date of this news release. GBC will receive a fee of EUR 30,000 for its services.

Desert Gold聘請了GBC AG(「GBC」)爲公司提供獨立研究報告服務。GBC總部位於德國奧格斯堡,是歐洲金融界領先的獨立研究和投資公司之一。GBC將爲Desert Gold提供獨立的企業分析和研究報告。該協議的有效期爲從本新聞發佈日期開始的12個月。GBC將獲得3萬歐元的服務費。

* Desert Gold news releases January 17, 2022 and March 3, 2022
** Desert Gold news release March 25, 2019

* Desert Gold新聞稿2022年1月17日和2022年3月3日
** Desert Gold新聞稿2019年3月25日



"Jared Scharf"
Jared Scharf
President & CEO

* Desert Gold 新聞稿,2022年1月17日
** Desert Gold 新聞稿,2020年2月24日


關於Desert Gold Desert Gold Ventures Inc.是一家黃金勘探和開發公司,控制着西馬裏440平方公里的SMSZ項目,該項目擁有848.7萬噸1.14克每噸黃金的測量和指示礦產資源,總計310,300盎司,2070萬噸1.16克每噸黃金的估算礦產資源,總計769,200盎司。欲獲取更多信息,請訪問該公司的網站。

Desert Gold Ventures Inc. is a gold exploration and development company which controls the 440 km2 SMSZ Project in Western Mali containing Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources of 8.47 million tonnes grading 1.14 g/t gold totaling 310,300 ounces and Inferred Mineral Resources of 20.7 million tonnes grading 1.16 g/t gold totaling 769,200 ounces. For further information please visit under the company's profile. Website: .


Jared Scharf, President & CEO


This news release contains forward-looking statements respecting the Company's ability to successfully complete the Offering. These forward-looking statements entail various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in these forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on current expectations, are subject to a number of uncertainties and risks, and actual results may differ materially from those contained in such statements, including the inability of the Company to successfully complete the Offering. These uncertainties and risks include, but are not limited to, the strength of the capital markets, the price of gold; operational, funding, and liquidity risks; the degree to which mineral resource estimates are reflective of actual mineral resources; and the degree to which factors which would make a mineral deposit commercially viable are present; the risks and hazards associated with mining operations. Risks and uncertainties about the Company's business are more fully discussed in the company's disclosure materials filed with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada and available at and readers are urged to read these materials. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from such statements unless required by law.

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Figure 1. Property Compilation Map

圖2 - Barani East冶金孔位

Figure 2 - Barani East Metallurgical Hole Locations


Figure 3 - Gourbassi West and Gourbassi West North Metallurgical Hole Locations

圖3 - Gourbassi West和Gourbassi West North冶金孔位

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