
Medically Home Announces Graham Barnes as CEO

Medically Home Announces Graham Barnes as CEO

Medically Home宣佈任命graham爲CEO
PR Newswire ·  08/01 09:05

Cofounder and former CEO Rami Karjian steps up to new role as advisor

創始人和前CEO Rami Karjian將擔任顧問的新角色

BOSTON, Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Medically Home, the leader in decentralizing advanced care to the home, today announced that its Board of Directors has named Graham Barnes as President and CEO of Medically Home effective immediately. Barnes brings extensive experience leading organizations with services adjacent to Medically Home's market, with a background that includes acute hospital staffing and scheduling, care coordination, home health, and contract lifecycle management segments.

2024年8月1日,波士頓 / PRNewswire / -- 在家中提供先進護理服務的領導者Medically Home今日宣佈,其董事會已任命Graham Barnes爲Medically Home的總裁兼首席執行官,立即生效。Barnes具有領導產品鄰近市場組織的廣泛經驗,背景涵蓋了急診醫院人員配備和排班、協調護理、家庭保健和合同生命週期管理領域。

Barnes has successfully led multiple companies in various stages of development as CEO and comes to Medically Home at a time when the company has earned recognized leadership in hospital-at-home care, a market that it has developed for the past 10 years.

作爲首席執行官,Barnes成功地領導了多個不同發展階段的公司,並在Medically Home的市場中發展了10年,現時加入該公司。Medically Home已獲得了在醫院適合住家的護理方面的領先地位。

"We are pleased to appoint Graham Barnes to the role of President and CEO. His track record of growing and nurturing healthcare companies gives us deep confidence in his ability to elevate Medically Home and build on the strong market position that has been achieved to date," said Maneesh Goyal, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Medically Home and Chief Operating Officer, Mayo Clinic Platform, at the Mayo Clinic. "We would also like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rami Karjian for his dedication and leadership bringing Medically Home to where it is today."

"我們很高興任命Graham Barnes擔任總裁兼首席執行官。他增長和培育保健公司的記錄使我們對他提高Medically Home的能力和建立迄今已經實現的強大市場地位的信心十足。"因梅奧診所平台的首席運營官Maneesh Goyal和Medically Home的董事會主席表示。"我們還要向Rami Karjian表示衷心感謝,感謝他的奉獻和領導,爲Medically Home帶來了成就。"

Barnes' experience also includes healthcare software and technology across multiple healthcare use cases.


"I am honored to be appointed to lead Medically Home and advance its innovative model of care," said Barnes. "Medically Home has built a safe and robust clinical, logistics, and operational model that underpins acute care at home and post-acute care at home for more than 20 organizations. There is tremendous potential to continue partnering with leading healthcare organizations to provide patients and the clinicians who serve them with our scalable care model."

"我很榮幸被任命爲Medically Home的領導,並推進其創新的護理模式。"Barnes 表示。Medically Home已建立了一個安全、健全的臨床、物流和運營模型,支持超過20個組織的住家急診治療和住家後急性護理。繼續與領先的醫療保健組織合作,爲病人和服務病人的臨床醫生提供可擴展的護理模型,有着巨大的潛力。

Barnes continued, "Medically Home is transforming healthcare by offering patient-centered, cost-effective care and expanding access to services for more patients in more areas with a wider range of medical needs."

Barnes繼續說道:"Medically Home通過爲更多有更廣泛醫療需求的病人提供以病人爲中心的、具有成本效益的護理和擴大服務範圍,正在改變醫療保健。"

Cofounder and former CEO Rami Karjian will join Medically Home cofounders Raphael Rakowski and Andy Lipman in a new advisory role at Medically Home, further leveraging his background in logistics management as the company continues to advance.

創始人和前CEO Rami Karjian將加入Medically Home的聯合創始人Raphael Rakowski和Andy Lipman,在物流管理方面發揮新的顧問作用,助力公司不斷前行。

"Both Medically Home and the overall movement to decentralize care are at an inflection point," said Karjian. "Medically Home's platform has already successfully cared for more than 40,000 patients and we expect the market to accelerate with new opportunities in the future as Graham takes the helm. We are proud of all that has been done establishing this new model of patient care delivery and believe we have set a new standard in patient care that will endure. We welcome the next chapter for Medically Home under Graham's proven leadership."

"Medically Home和去中心化護理的整個運動都處於一個拐點," Karjian表示。"Medically Home的平台已經成功地照顧了40,000多位患者,我們預計市場將隨着Graham的掌舵加速增長。我們爲創建這種新型的患者護理模式所做的所有工作感到自豪,並相信我們已經設立了一種新的患者護理標準,這將持續下去。在Graham已被證明的領導下,我們期待Medically Home的下一章的到來。"

Medically Home's partnerships include health systems and hospitals around the country and its model has provided hospital-level care for tens of thousands of patients since its first patient in 2017. For more information about Medically Home, visit .

Medically Home的合作伙伴包括全國各地的醫療保健系統和醫院,自2017年首位患者以來,其模型已爲成千上萬的患者提供了類似於醫院級別的護理。有關Medically Home的更多信息,請訪問。

About Medically Home
Medically Home operates a decentralized care model for patients with serious or complex illnesses in partnership with health systems, physician groups, and payers to safely provide emergency and hospital-level care for their patients at home. Medically Home provides all that is needed including the clinical protocols, reimbursement model, platform technology, and fulfillment of the clinical services required for partners to deliver care in the home. For more information visit .

關於Medically Home:Medically Home運營一種分散的護理模式,爲與健康系統、醫療團隊和支付者合作的患者提供緊急和醫院級別的護理,以便他們安全地在家中治療。Medically Home提供所有所需的臨床協議、報銷模型、平台技術和履行合作伙伴提供家庭護理的臨床服務。查看更多信息,請訪問。
Medically Home與衛生系統,醫生團隊和支付方合作,爲患有嚴重或複雜疾病的患者提供去中心化的護理模式,安全地在家中提供緊急和醫院級別的護理。 Medically Home提供所需的一切,包括臨床協議,報銷模型,平台技術和執行合作伙伴所需的臨床服務。更多信息請訪問 。

SOURCE Medically Home

來源:Medically Home

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