
Pumping IS Breastfeeding: Willow Launches Campaign To Expand The Breastfeeding Conversation During World Breastfeeding Week and Beyond

Pumping IS Breastfeeding: Willow Launches Campaign To Expand The Breastfeeding Conversation During World Breastfeeding Week and Beyond

PR Newswire ·  08/01 10:45

The Femtech leader partners with SimpliFed, Birth By Us, and more to tackle the stigma of pumping for breastfeeding mothers

Femtech領導者與SimpliFed、Birth By Us等合作,解決爲哺乳的母親使用泵吸乳器的污名化問題。

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Willow Innovations, Inc. (Willow), the Femtech leader disrupting the breastfeeding and pumping industry for over a decade, is once again challenging breastfeeding norms that no longer serve modern mothers. Today, celebrating World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, the mom-led brand launched its "Pumping IS Breastfeeding" campaign to shift the conversation about breastfeeding and what it means to pump.

舊金山,2024年8月1日/美通社/- Willow Innovations,Inc。 Femtech領導者Willow,擾亂哺乳和泵奶行業十多年,再次挑戰不再爲現代母親服務的哺乳規範。今天,在慶祝世界母乳餵養周和全國母乳餵養意識月的活動中,這個由媽媽領導的品牌推出了其泵奶就是哺乳"運動,改變有關哺乳和泵奶的對話。

The dialogue on breastfeeding often neglects the role pumping plays in allowing mothers to meet their feeding goals, creating a stigma that pumping is not breastfeeding. At a time when American moms lack federal paid family leave and 1 in 4 new moms return to work two weeks postpartum, pumping is a necessary part of the breastfeeding journey. Yet moms don't feel proud or supported in their pumping experience. According to the 2024 State of Feeding survey1, 87% of new mothers pump, yet only 45% feel proud of pumping. In addition, nearly 40% of new moms reported receiving no support or education on pumping from healthcare providers.

母乳餵養的對話經常忽略泵奶在幫助母親達到哺乳目標方面的作用,營造泵奶不是哺乳的污名化思想。在美國母親缺乏聯邦帶薪家庭假期,每4名新媽媽有1人在產後兩週內返回工作的時候,泵奶是哺乳旅程的必要部分。然而,母親在泵奶的體驗中並不感到自豪或得到支持。根據 2024年哺乳狀況調查,87%的新媽媽泵奶,但只有45%感到自豪。此外,近40%的新媽媽報告說他們沒有得到來自醫療保健提供者的有關泵奶的支持或教育。

The new campaign from Willow affirms that "Pumping IS Breastfeeding" and provides moms with resources that reflect the full breastfeeding journey. Moms will have access to educational and expert content focused on every aspect of breastfeeding, including pumping. Willow is also debuting a new video series featuring International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) and Willow Mom Coaches, answering moms' most pressing questions about breastfeeding, how to navigate the pumping journey, what it means to exclusively pump, and more.

Willow的新運動確認了“泵奶就是哺乳”,併爲母親們提供反映全面哺乳旅程的資源。母親將有機會獲取專注於哺乳的各個方面,包括泵奶的 教育和專家內容 視頻系列 ,其中包括國際認證的哺乳顧問(IBCLC)和Willow媽媽教練,回答母親們最緊迫的問題,包括哺乳,如何完成泵奶之旅,僅泵奶是什麼意思等。

The campaign will also include community engagement opportunities in partnership with mom-trusted voices. Willow is collaborating with SimpliFed, its digital IBCLC support service partner, and Birth By Us, a pregnancy and postpartum app designed by and for Black women, to elevate the conversation and provide moms with supportive breastfeeding resources.

這項運動還將與受信任的媽媽的聲音合作,提供社區參與機會。Willow正在與 SimpliFed,其數字化的國際認證的哺乳顧問支持服務合作伙伴和 Birth By Us,一個由黑人女性設計和用於孕產期的應用程序,以提升對話併爲母親提供支持的母乳餵養資源。

"In the U.S., new mothers receive very little support, and we are too often caught in judgmental 'mommy wars' over the right way to feed your baby. What new moms need is encouragement to thrive on their real feeding journeys," said Sarah O'Leary, mom of two and CEO of Willow. "The majority of new mothers want to breastfeed, and the reality is most moms will introduce pumping, sometimes exclusively, for various reasons. And, they deserve to feel proud of their journey. It's time for our breastfeeding conversations to be more inclusive of pumping and align with real experiences."

Willow的CEO,兩個孩子的媽媽Sarah O'Leary說:“在美國,新媽媽接受的支持非常少,我們經常陷入關於餵養寶寶的正確方式的判斷“媽媽戰爭”成爲了問題所在。新媽媽需要的是鼓勵,讓他們在真實的餵養旅程中茁壯成長。”“大多數新媽媽希望母乳餵養,事實上,大多數媽媽會以各種原因引入泵,有時是專門用於泵,他們值得爲自己的旅程感到自豪。是時候讓我們的哺乳對話更加包容泵奶,並與真實經驗相符了。”

According to the CDC, more than 80% of mothers initiate breastfeeding, and 71% plan to breastfeed for one year. However, due to various health and societal reasons, only 40% of mothers reach their feeding goals. Pumping is vital in allowing many moms to reach their feeding goals and give their babies breast milk for longer.


"Any amount of breast milk, whether it's from the breast or the bottle, is beneficial - and we know having holistic support and effective tools make it more feasible. Our research shows that moms who pump, specifically with Willow, are more likely to reach their breastfeeding goals and provide breast milk longer," said O'Leary.

“無論是從乳房還是奶瓶餵食,任何數量的母乳都有益。我們知道,有全面的支持和有效的工具可以讓母乳餵養更可行。我們的研究表明,使用 Willow泵的媽媽更有可能達到他們的母乳餵養目標,並更長時間地提供母乳”,O’Leary稱。

Visit to learn more about Willow and join the "Pumping IS Breastfeeding" conversation on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.

訪問以了解更多信息。 了解更多關於Willow並加入YouTube、Instagram和TikTok的“泵奶就是母乳餵養”交流。

About Willow
Founded in 2014, Willow forever changed how women pump by inventing the first wearable, in-bra breast pump in 2017. Built for total pumping freedom, with no tubes, cords, or bulky and loud motors, the award-winning pumps - Willow 360 and Willow Go - are engineered to give moms the mobility, output, and confidence they need for a successful feeding journey. Today, with Willow, moms are more likely to reach their breast pumping and breastfeeding goals. Visit Willow online to learn more, and follow #withWillow on Instagram and Facebook.

Willow成立於2014年,2017年發明了第一款可以穿在內衣裏的可穿戴式乳房泵,徹底改變了媽媽們的泵奶方式。獲獎無數的“Willow 360”和“Willow Go”的泵,不需要管道、線纜或大而吵鬧的電機,爲母親們提供了完全自由的泵奶體驗。今天,使用Willow,母親們更有可能達到泵奶和母乳餵養的目標。訪問Willow了解更多,並在#withWillow 上關注。 Willow 360和頁面。Willow Go 泵以滿足媽媽成功餵養之旅所需的移動性、輸出和信心爲工程原則。今天,使用 Willow,媽媽們更有可能達到他們的泵奶和母乳餵養目標。Visit Willow 了解更多,在1Willow、Bobbie和SimpliFed之間進行“餵養狀態”調查。該調查在2023年8月10日至9月18日之間進行,由1,899名美國準媽媽和新父母組成,他們去年有了寶寶。受訪者被問及問題以了解他們的餵養目標、期望和現實,並以更大的目標來確定品牌如何創建更加支持性的餵養旅程。經濟學家、教授和Bobbie董事會成員Emily Oster將數據綜合成關鍵發現。 在線上出售 了解更多,並在#withWillow上關注。 Instagram和頁面。Facebook.

1Willow, Bobbie, and SimpliFed conducted the State of Feeding survey between August 10 and September 18, 2023. The survey comprised 1,899 U.S. expecting and new parents who had a baby last year. Respondents were asked questions to understand their feeding goals, expectations, and realities, with a larger goal of identifying how brands can create a more supportive feeding journey. Economist, Professor, and Bobbie MotherBoard member Emily Oster synthesized the data into key findings.

1Willow、Bobbie和SimpliFed在2023年8月10日至9月18日之間進行了餵養狀態調查。該調查共有1,899名美國預期或新父母參加,他們去年生了孩子。調查對象被問及了解他們的餵養目標、期望和現實,並以尋找品牌如何創建更多支持性餵養旅程爲最終大目標,由經濟學家、教授和Bobbie董事會成員Emily Oster綜合了數據,發現了關鍵問題。

SOURCE Willow Innovations, Inc.

SOURCE Willow Innovations,Inc.

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