
Perspire Sauna Studio Partners With PATH Water to Hydrate All Franchise Locations

Perspire Sauna Studio Partners With PATH Water to Hydrate All Franchise Locations

Perspire Sauna Studio與PATH Water合作爲所有分店提供水分
PR Newswire ·  08/01 12:36

Leading Infrared/Red-Light Reaffirms Commitment to Sustainable Franchise Practices


COSTA MESA, Calif., Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Perspire Sauna Studio, the country's largest sauna franchise specializing in full spectrum infrared (IR) and red-light therapy (RLT), proudly announced their latest partnership with PATH Water, a pioneering concept in the beverage space that will officially begin serving as the exclusive provider of hydration reinforcement at all Perspire franchise locations across the country.

加利福尼亞州科斯塔梅薩,2024年8月1日 /美通社 / -- Perspire Sauna Studio作爲這個國家最大的桑拿特許經營機構,專門提供全光譜紅外線(IR)和紅光療法(RLT),自豪地宣佈與PATH Water的最新合作伙伴關係。PATH Water在飲料領域具有開創性的概念,正式成爲全國所有Perspire特許經營地點的獨家水合增強提供商。

PATH Water Partners with Perspire Sauna Studio
PATH Water與Perspire Sauna Studio合作

PATH was established back in 2014, determined to make a difference by creating a business whose sole focus was on reducing the world's reliance on single-use plastic water bottles. They've worked to achieve such a feat by developing an ever-expanding custom line of refillable, recyclable, eco-friendly water bottles. To date, their team has prevented nearly 400 million plastic bottles from entering our oceans and landfills.


"The conversation around proper hydration for sauna sessions has always been a significant one between our franchisees and their members," shared Perspire Sauna Studio Founder and CEO Lee Braun. "With well-over 2 million sauna sessions under the brand's belt, ensuring everyone is staying healthy and safe while enjoying their detox is of the utmost importance. We are a wellness company, after all, and our partnership with PATH speaks to that."

"我們特許經營商和他們的成員之間關於桑拿會話的合適水合問題一直是一個重要問題," Perspire Sauna Studio創始人兼首席執行官李博朗分享道。"隨着超過200萬次的桑拿會話,確保每個人在享受排毒的同時保持健康和安全至關重要。我們畢竟是一家健康公司,我們與PATH的合作正是這一點。"

This latest partnership is in furtherance of Perspire's commitment to building and embodying sustainable brand practices. Each of their saunas is crafted by Clearlight using eco-certified wood and non-volatile organic compounds; a core component in the franchise's luxury, spa-like environment and experience. PATH Water will add to that custom experience and aid members in the health optimization journey.

這一最新的合作是促進Perspire建立和體現可持續品牌實踐的承諾之一。他們的每個桑拿房都是由Clearlight使用經過環保認證的木材和非揮發性有機化合物製成的;這是特許經營機構提供的豪華、水療式的環境和體驗的核心組成部分。PATH Water將爲這一定製體驗增添內容,並幫助會員進行健康優化旅程。

"Teaming up with Perspire to help fuel members experience with their cutting-edge sauna technology is a natural move for our product, and a step further in our ambition towards the eradication of single-use plastic bottles," said PATH Partner, Cedric Benaroch. "And given the number of franchise locations they're planning to debut over the coming years, our partnership will only grow stronger, and our shared impact on the environment more meaningful."

"與Perspire合作,幫助加強他們的尖端桑拿技術體驗,對我們的產品來說是一個自然而然的選擇,也是我們向消除一次性塑料瓶的野心邁出的一大步," PATH合夥人塞德里克·貝納羅克表示。"考慮到他們未來幾年計劃推出的特許經營地點數量,我們的合作只會越來越強大,我們在環境上的共同影響也會更加有意義。"

Perspire Sauna Studio is currently seeking single-unit and multi-unit franchisees interested in new career opportunities or those looking to diversify their current portfolios. To learn more about the brand's franchising opportunities, visit .

Perspire Sauna Studio目前正在尋求對新職業機會感興趣或希望多樣化他們目前的投資組合的單個和多個特許經營商。要了解有關該品牌特許經營機會的更多信息,請訪問 .

About Perspire Sauna Studio:
Perspire Sauna Studio is the fastest-growing infrared sauna and red-light therapy franchise in the U.S. The science-based, technology-driven wellness company provides guests a modern-day experience to a centuries-old practice through elevated infrared (IR) sauna and red-light therapy (RLT). The brand was established in 2010 by Founder & CEO Lee Braun, to expand into major markets throughout the U.S. and further instill its vision of making the infrared sauna experience accessible to all. The company has awarded over 200 franchise licenses, with 60 open studios around the U.S.

關於Perspire Sauna Studio:
Perspire Sauna Studio是美國發展最快的紅外線桑拿和紅光療法特許經營機構。這家以科學爲基礎、以技術爲驅動的健康公司爲客人提供現代化的紅外線(IR)桑拿和紅光療法(RLT)體驗。該品牌於2010年由創始人兼首席執行官李博朗創立,旨在進入美國主要市場,進一步實現讓紅外線桑拿體驗對所有人都可見的願景。該公司已經授予了200多個特許經營許可證,開設了60個工作室遍佈美國。

About PATH Water:
PATH redefines sustainability in bottled water, the first 100% recyclable water packaged in a sleek, robust aluminum container. It stands out from traditional aluminum bottles, designed for repeated use, setting new industry standards. PATH's exceptional features align with ethical values. We're dedicated to eradicating single-use plastic bottles, especially as projections suggest oceans will hold more plastic than fish by 2050. Our mission is clear: offer a sustainable future through preferred bottled water that helps consumers break free from single-use plastic. Daily, global demand for sustainable, reusable bottled water options fuels our revolution.


Media Contact: Conner Gossel, Fishman Public Relations, [email protected] or 937-545-9812

媒體聯繫人:康納·戈斯爾(Fishman Public Relations), 或937-545-9812 [email protected]

SOURCE Perspire Sauna Studio

SOURCE Perspire Sauna Studio

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