
Silver Bullet Mines Provides Update on Washington Silver Mine, A New Director, and a Lead Order for Financing

Silver Bullet Mines Provides Update on Washington Silver Mine, A New Director, and a Lead Order for Financing

newsfile ·  08/02 10:52

Burlington, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 2, 2024) - Silver Bullet Mines Corp. (TSXV: SBMI) (OTCQB: SBMCF) ('SBMI' or 'the Company') is pleased to announce it is continuing preparations for mining at its Washington Mine Property in Idaho, including adding mining strength to its board of directors. The Washington Mine, a historical past producing high grade gold/silver mine, is 100% privately owned by SBMI on patented lands. It is near Idaho City and Boise, proximate to infrastructure.

Silver Bullet Mines Corp. (TSXV: SBMI) (OTCQB: SBMCF)公司很高興宣佈,包括增加董事會的採礦實力在內,正在繼續準備其位於愛達荷州華盛頓礦區的採礦工作。 華盛頓礦山是一個歷史悠久的高品位金銀礦山,100%由SBMI在專利土地上私有。 它靠近愛達荷城和博伊西市,靠近基礎設施。

As previously disclosed by SBMI, the Washington Mine first saw production in the late 1800's with an average gold grade of one ounce per ton. It again produced gold in the 1930's during which time the then-owner lacked the process capability needed to produce silver, so a decision was made to block out the silver mineralization with the intention of returning at a future date to extract it. To the best of SBMI's knowledge, the blocked-out volume remains in situ. A historical report indicates the blocked-out volume contains an estimated 3 million ounces of silver with a grade of 30 to 90 ounces per ton and 15,000 ounces of gold at 0.3 ounces per ton. (Source, "Geological Evaluation", Roger G. Stoker, P.G. and Ryne C. Stoker, Student Geologist, Energy Services Inc., December, 1981.).

正如SBMI先前披露的那樣,華盛頓礦在19世紀90年代首次生產,平均金品位爲每噸1盎司。 在20世紀30年代,它再次生產金,在此期間,當時的所有者缺乏生產銀所需的工藝能力,因此決定封鎖銀的礦化,打算在將來的某個日期返回以提取銀。 據SBMI所知,被封鎖的量仍處於現狀。歷史報告顯示,被封鎖的體積包含估計300萬盎司的銀,品位爲每噸30至90盎司,以及0.3盎司每噸的1.5萬盎司黃金。(資料來源,「地質評估」,Roger G. Stoker,P.G.和Ryne C. Stoker,學生地質學家,能源服務公司,1981年12月。)

Stoker also indicated the underground location of the "Berger Vein," described as a "gold ore shoot 25 feet wide, 135 feet long, and unknown depth." Average grades were given as 0.3 oz/ton gold with unknown silver content. Additional notes in Stoker suggest that the Berger Vein had been intersected in drifting at the 400-foot level.

Stoker還指出了「Berger Vein」的地下位置,描述爲「一個長25英尺,寬135英尺,深度未知的金礦脈。」平均品位爲0.3盎司/噸的金礦脈,銀含量不明。 Stoker的附註中還提到,Berger Vein在400英尺層漂移時已經被穿過。

In the 1980's a previous owner of the Washington Mine reopened the underground to produce a bulk sample claimed to be representative of the mineralized body. The bulk sample was sent to Hecla Smelting for processing with the head grade reported to be 44 ounces silver per ton. (Stoker, ibid.).

1980年代,華盛頓礦的前任所有者重新開採地下礦體,聲稱該礦體的批量樣品代表了有礦化物的體。批量樣品被送往Hecla Smelting加工,頭品位報道爲每噸44盎司銀。(斯托克,同上。)

SBMI took its own bulk sample in 2021 which averaged 55.5 oz/t silver (news release of January 18, 2022), which equates to over 1,902 g/t silver at a conversion rate of 34.285.


As part of its preparations for mining at the Washington Mine, the Company completed the mine identification process and contracted a Mine Safety and Health Administration ("MSHA") consultant to assist SBMI in meeting MSHA standards.

作爲準備在華盛頓礦開採的一部分,該公司完成了採礦標識流程,並簽約了礦業安全和健康管理署("MSHA ")顧問,以協助SBMI達到MSHA標準。

It is anticipated that production at the Washington Mine will start at 50 tons per day sometime over the next few months, in a zone that reportedly produced smelter receipts of 44 ounces per ton silver in the 1980's. Access to the material will be through a new adit approximately 80 feet from where the high-grade mineralization is reasonably believed to be. As SBMI is starting a new adit, SBMI will rockbolt there immediately as the adit is begun and then lengthened.

預計在未來幾個月內,位於距離高品位礦化物合理位置約80英尺的新隧道中,華盛頓礦的日產量將從50噸開始,該區域在20世紀80年代報道稱,可生產每噸44盎司銀的冶煉爐憑證。 進入材料將通過新的橫向洞口進行。 由於SBMI正在開始新的掘進工作,因此SBMI將立即在那裏進行岩石錨杆固定,然後延長掘進。

The initial plan is to extract roughly 2500 tons of high-grade material to be stockpiled at the minesite until sufficient quantities are available for economic shipping to a mill.


The Company is evaluating several mills to determine their capabilities of processing the material from the Washington Mine on an economic basis. Relevant metallurgical test work was completed by Montana Technical Institute (CAMP) in 2022.


Assuming regular mining from the Washington Mine is stabilized, further plans include mine development to access the areas of the underground workings where high-grade gold was mined in the past including the Berger Vein, and surface exploration to delineate the possible parallel vein that was reported during SBMI's 2021 summer exploration program (news release of December 9, 2021).

假設華盛頓礦的常規採礦已穩定,進一步的計劃包括開發礦區以進入地下工作區,此前在那裏曾開採過高品位黃金,包括Berger Vein,以及地表勘探,以劃定可能平行脈的範圍。該計劃是在SBMI的2021年夏季勘探計劃(2021年12月9日的新聞發佈)中報道的。

To support the Company's mining plans, both at the Washington Mine in Idaho and the Buckeye Silver Mine in Arizona, the Company is pleased to announce Mr. Kerem Usenmez, M.Sc., P.Eng., has been appointed to the board. Mr. Usenmez is a Geological Engineer and a mining entrepreneur with 25 years of global experience, focussed in underground and open pit mining and ground support with Inco (MB), and Wood (formerly Amec) Engineering.

爲支持該公司在愛達荷州的華盛頓礦和亞利桑那州的Buckeye Silver Mine的採礦計劃,該公司很高興宣佈Mr. Kerem Usenmez萬Sc,P.Eng.已被任命爲董事會成員。 Kerem先生是一位地質工程師和礦業企業家,在全球擁有25年的經驗,專注於地下和露天採礦和地面支撐,曾在Inco(MB)和Wood(原Amec)工程師處工作。

He is currently the CEO of Volta Metals Ltd. (CSE: VLTA), a lithium explorer, based in Ontario, Canada. Before Volta Metals, he was the CEO of Metallum Resources Inc. where he acquired and advanced Canada's highest grade zinc deposit, the Superior Lake Zinc Project.

他目前是Volta Metals Ltd.(CSE:VLTA)的首席執行官,一家鋰勘探公司,位於加拿大安大略省。在Volta Metals之前,他曾是Metallum Resources Inc.的首席執行官,在那裏他獲得並發展了加拿大最高品位的鋅礦牀- Superior Lake Zinc Project。

Kerem has 25 years of mining and exploration experience in various fields from exploration geology and drilling supervision to rock mechanics. He has in-depth technical experience in geotechnical and geological site investigation, rock mass characterization, and engineering stability analysis for mining and infrastructure projects, underground and open pit mine design, slope stability analyses, including geotechnical mapping, material strength testing, empirical analysis and numerical modelling and has extensive experience with the design and quality control/quality assurance for the implementation of ground support systems underground, conducting detailed rock mechanics mining scoping, pre/feasibility studies and detailed design/evaluation/review/monitoring of underground excavations at existing operations. He also has extensive experience in diverse geotechnical projects world-wide, including dam constructions, tunnel constructions and mines.


Kerem is a director of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada where he chairs the Securities and Public Affairs committees. Kerem earned his Bachelor and Master's degrees from Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey, and earned equivalency via Master's courses from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Manitoba and Ontario.

Kerem是加拿大探礦者和發展協會的董事,他擔任證券和公共事務委員會主席。 Kerem在土耳其的Dokuz Eylul大學獲得了學士和碩士學位,並通過Laurentian University在Sudbury,安大略省的碩士課程獲得了等同學歷。他是馬尼托巴省和安大略省的註冊專業工程師。

Readers should be cautioned that the Company's decision to move forward with the construction of and production at the Washington Mine is not based on the results of any pre-feasibility study or feasibility study of mineral resources demonstrating economic or technical viability. The Company has undertaken exploration and development activities; and after taking into consideration various factors, including but not limited to: historical data, the exploration and development results to date, technical information developed internally, the availability of financing, and the starting costs as estimated internally by the Company's management, the Company is of the view that the establishment of mineral reserves by way of a prefeasibility or feasibility study at this stage is not necessary and would be unduly costly, and that the most responsible utilization of the Company's resources is to proceed with the development of the Washington Mine. Readers are cautioned that due to the lack of prefeasibility or feasibility study, there is increased uncertainty and higher risk of economic and/or technical failure associated with the Company's decision. In particular, there is additional risk that mineral grades may be lower than expected, and the risk that construction or continuing mining operations may be more difficult or more expensive than management expected. Production and economic variables may vary considerably, due to the absence of a detailed economic and technical analysis in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. Failure at the Washington Mine may materially adversely impact the Company's overall ability to continue as a going concern.

讀者應注意,該公司決定繼續建設和生產Washington Mine的決定不是基於任何礦產資源的可行性或技術可行性的預先可行性研究或可行性研究的結果。 該公司已進行了勘探和開發活動; 並在考慮到各種因素,包括但不限於:歷史數據,迄今爲止的勘探和開發結果,內部開發的技術信息,融資的可用性以及公司管理層內部估計的啓動成本後,公司認爲在這個階段通過預可行性或可行性研究建立礦產儲量是不必要的,並且會費用過高,使用公司資源最負責任的方式是繼續開發Washington Mine。 讀者應注意,由於缺乏預可行性或可行性研究,與該公司的決定相關的經濟和/或技術失敗的風險增加。 特別是,還存在這種風險,即礦物品位可能低於預期,並且在施工或持續的採礦作業可能比管理層預期的更加困難或昂貴。 生產和經濟變量可能因未按照National Instrument 43-101進行詳細的經濟和技術分析而產生相當大的差異。 Washington Mine的失敗可能對公司的整體業務產生重大不利影響。

The references in this release to data and observations derived from work not carried out by SBMI are of historical nature only and cannot be relied upon at this time. SBMI does not know the methods by which such work was carried out, or whether all or part of it was under the supervision of a Qualified Person, as that term is defined in NI43-101. SBMI refers to such data and observations to inform its knowledge of the area and to support its thesis for exploration and mining.

本新聞稿中對未由SBMI進行的工作得出的數據和觀察結果的引用僅具有歷史性質,目前不能依賴。 SBMI不知道進行此類工作的方法,或者是否全部或部分由符合NI43-101定義的「合格人員」監督。 SBMI提到這些數據和觀察結果以了解該地區,並支持其用於勘探和採礦的論點。

With respect to the third-party stockpile initially announced May 2, 2024 and updated June 13, 2024, SBMI announces all such material has been processed through SBMI's mill. The Company continues to discuss acquiring the remaining 30,000 tons of mineralized material at surface from an arm's length third party. The Company is evaluating the results of the test run to determine what changes to the mill or additional equipment if any will be needed to process the remaining 30,000 tons on a cost-effective basis, which will impact the terms of the agreement if any with the third party. It is likely some capital expenditures will need to be incurred to enable the mill to maximize its recovery of all valuable minerals in the material.


To finance the further work at the Washington Mine and for working capital, SBMI intends to issue a convertible debenture (the "Debenture") in an amount up to $1,000,000.00 to willing investors ("Investors"), issuable in tranches of $1,000.00 with each tranche having 10,000 detachable warrants. Each warrant has a term of three years and is exercisable at $0.16, $0.18, and $0.20 for years 1, 2, and 3 respectively following the issuance of the Debenture. The Debenture will have a three-year term and interest will run at a rate of 12% per annum, payable semi-annually in arrears during year one and quarterly in arrears during years two and three. Interest will be paid to Investors in cash or in common shares of the Company, at SBMI's option.


Each Investor at any time can convert its portion of the Debenture, in whole or in part, into common shares of the Company. The conversion price shall be $0.10 during the first twelve months following issuance of the Debenture, $0.12 during the next twelve months of the term of the Debenture, and $0.14 during the final twelve months of the term of the Debenture (the "Conversion Price").


SBMI can force conversion of the Debenture, in whole or in part, if SBMI's closing price for its common shares exceeds $0.25 for a period of ten days. The Debenture can be prepaid by SBMI any time after twelve months from the issuance of the Debenture.


The Company has a lead order from existing shareholders for $300,000.


Closing on the Debenture in whole or in part and Mr. Usenmez' appointment are subject to regulatory approval.


For further information, please contact:


John Carter
Silver Bullet Mines Corp., CEO
+1 (905) 302-3843

John Carter
+1 (905) 302-3843

Peter M. Clausi
Silver Bullet Mines Corp., VP Capital Markets
+1 (416) 890-1232

Peter M. Clausi
+1 (416) 890-1232

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements that constitute forward-looking statements as they relate to SBMI and its subsidiaries. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts but represent management's current expectation of future events, and can be identified by words such as "believe", "expects", "will", "intends", "plans", "projects", "anticipates", "estimates", "continues" and similar expressions. Although management believes that the expectations represented in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be correct.


By their nature, forward-looking statements include assumptions, and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future results, conditions, actions or events to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. If and when forward-looking statements are set out in this new release, SBMI will also set out the material risk factors or assumptions used to develop the forward-looking statements. Except as expressly required by applicable securities laws, SBMI assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements. The future outcomes that relate to forward-looking statements may be influenced by many factors, including but not limited to: the impact of SARS CoV-2 or any other global virus; reliance on key personnel; the thoroughness of its QA/QA procedures; the continuity of the global supply chain for materials for SBMI to use in the production and processing of ore; shareholder and regulatory approvals; activities and attitudes of communities local to the location of the SBMI's properties; risks of future legal proceedings; income tax matters; fires, floods and other natural phenomena; the rate of inflation; availability and terms of financing; distribution of securities; commodities pricing; currency movements, especially as between the USD and CDN; effect of market interest rates on price of securities; and, potential dilution. SARS CoV-2 and other potential global pathogens create risks that at this time are immeasurable and impossible to define.

根據其性質,前瞻性聲明包含假設,並且受到內在風險和不確定性的影響,這可能導致實際未來結果、條件、行動或事件與前瞻性聲明中的存在差異。如果在此新聞稿中列出前瞻性聲明,則SBMI將列出用於制定前瞻性聲明的重要風險因素或假設。除適用的證券法明確規定外,SBMI不承擔更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明的義務。與前瞻性聲明有關的未來結果可能會受到許多因素的影響,包括但不限於:SARS CoV-2或任何其他全球病毒的影響;對關鍵人員的依賴;其QA / QA程序的徹底程度;全球供應鏈的連續性,用於供應SBMI在礦石生產和加工中使用的材料;股東和監管機構的批准;SBMI屬性所在地的當地社區的活動和態度;未來法律訴訟的風險;所得稅事項;火災、洪水和其他自然現象;通貨膨脹率;融資的可用性和條款;證券的分配;商品定價;貨幣波動,尤其是美元指數和加元之間的波動;市場利率對證券價格的影響;以及潛在稀釋。SARS CoV-2和其他潛在的全球病原體造成的風險目前是不可計量和無法定義的。

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