
Next Mission to Space Station Will Launch a Variety of Biomedical and Physical Science Research

Next Mission to Space Station Will Launch a Variety of Biomedical and Physical Science Research

PR Newswire ·  08/02 15:33

Northrop Grumman's 21st mission to the orbiting laboratory set to launch with more than 20
ISS National Lab-sponsored payloads onboard


CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., Aug. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Novel biomedical investigations, technology demonstrations, physical science projects, and much more are slated to launch to the International Space Station (ISS) this weekend. Northrop Grumman's 21st Commercial Resupply Services (NG-21) mission to the orbiting laboratory, contracted by NASA, will carry more than 900 pounds of critical research and supplies, including more than 20 payloads sponsored by the ISS National Laboratory. The mission will launch from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station no earlier than Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 11:28 a.m. EDT.

2024年8月2日,美國佛羅里達州卡納維拉爾角 - 諾斯羅普格魯曼公司第21次商業儲備服務(NG-21)任務射程預計將從卡納維拉爾角太空發射站,在東部夏令時上午11:28點開始發射,該任務由NASA簽約,將運載超過900磅的關鍵研究和供應品,其中包括超過20個由ISS國家實驗室贊助的有效載荷。

Here is a look at some of the ISS National Lab-sponsored investigations launching on NG-21 that intend to bring value to humanity and enable commerce in low Earth orbit:


  • Three of these investigations are also funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). They include:
  • 這些調查研究中的三項還受到美國國家科學基金會(NSF)的資助。它們包括:
    • A project from Florida International University will study the behavior of tiny, engineered particles microscopically dispersed in a liquid to form an active colloid. The team will explore the potential of these particles to extract energy from their surroundings and use it for self-propulsion. Results could inform a variety of applications, from targeted drug delivery to disease screening, water desalination, and photothermal therapies to treat cancer and other diseases.
    • An investigation from Northeastern University will study the physics of tiny particles of different sizes dispersed in a fluid that stick together to form a colloidal gel. Understanding the behavior of these particles is important across several industries, including food, medicine, construction, and electronics.
    • A project from Notre Dame will examine the physics of bubble formation in microgravity to develop highly sensitive biosensors for detecting trace substances in liquids. The team will use light to generate bubbles that can collect, concentrate, and deposit trace amounts of substances in a solution onto a surface for collection and analysis. This project builds on the team's prior ISS National Lab-sponsored research, and results could lead to new sensor technology for detecting early cancer markers in blood.
  • Two projects are focused on the in-space production of stem cells, which can mature into different types of tissues to improve patient care on Earth. One is an investigation from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center that will test whether human induced pluripotent stem cells (iSPCs) grow and divide faster in microgravity. Results could help establish methods for future large-scale in-space biomanufacturing of stem cell-derived products, which could lead to new treatments for heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and many other conditions. For the second project, BioServe aims to develop a novel stem cell expansion bioreactor and protocols for its use in space.
  • Sphere Entertainment Co. is in phase two of a technology research experiment testing Big Sky—an ultra-high-resolution, single-sensor camera—on the space station. In the first phase, which launched in November 2022, a commercial off-the-shelf camera collected baseline information while astronauts tested the camera's use in space. The second phase will see Big Sky—developed by Sphere Entertainment to capture content for Sphere, the next-generation entertainment medium in Las Vegas—tested inside the ISS. Big Sky features the world's largest image sensor, as well as the world's sharpest cinematic lenses, and captures detailed, large-format images in a way never before possible. This mission will help validate proper functioning, operations, and video downlink of Big Sky in microgravity conditions to help inform future research.
    • 佛羅里達國際大學的一個項目將研究液體中微觀粒子的行爲,這些微觀粒子都是被精心製造的,形成活性膠體。該團隊將探討這些顆粒從周圍環境中提取能量並用於自我推進的潛力。結果可能會影響各種應用程序,包括有針對性的藥物遞送到疾病篩查、水淡化和光熱治療,以治療癌症等疾病。 低地球軌道中分散的微小粒子的物理研究調查研究將由東北大學進行。了解這些粒子的行爲對幾個行業至關重要,包括食品、醫藥、建築和電子等領域。 諾特爾大學的一個項目將研究微重力條件下的泡沫形成物理現象,旨在開發高度敏感的生物傳感器,以便在液體中檢測痕量物質。該團隊將使用光來產生氣泡,氣泡可以收集、濃縮和沉積液體中微量物質,以便在表面進行收集和分析。該項目建立了該團隊之前由ISS國家實驗室贊助的研究,結果可能會導致新的傳感器技術,以檢測血液中的早期癌症標記物。
    • 兩個項目專注於在空間中生產幹細胞,可以成熟爲不同類型的組織,以改善地球上的患者護理。一個是來自辛達西醫學中心的一項調查,將測試人類誘導性多能幹細胞(iSPCs)是否會在微重力下生長和分裂。結果可能有助於建立未來大規模太空細胞製造的方法,從而推出針對心臟疾病、神經退行性疾病以及許多其他疾病的新治療方法。對於第二個項目,BioServe旨在開發一種新型幹細胞擴增生物反應器及其在空間中的使用協議。
    • Sphere Entertainment Co. 處於技術研究實驗的第二階段測試期,對於超高分辨率、單傳感器攝像頭 Big Sky 在太空站上進行測試。在第一階段中,這個可商用的現成攝像頭在宇航員測試了攝像頭在太空中的使用。第二階段將在ISS內對 Big Sky 進行測試,這個由Sphere Entertainment 開發的攝像頭特徵是世界上最大的圖像傳感器以及世界上最銳利的電影鏡頭,可以以前所未有的方式捕捉詳細、大格式的圖像。該任務將幫助驗證 Big Sky 在微重力條件下的適當功能、操作和視頻下行,以幫助提供未來的研究。
  • 這些調查中的兩個專注於在空間中生產幹細胞,幹細胞可以成熟成不同類型的組織,這將改善地球上的患者護理方式。其中一個是 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 的調查,測試人類誘導多能幹細胞(iSPCs)是否可以在微重力中快速生長和分裂。結果可以幫助制定未來的大規模空間生物製造幹細胞衍生產品的方法,從而爲多種疾病提供新的治療方法,如心臟病、神經退行性疾病等。 本次調查研究中的兩個項目都專注於在太空中生產幹細胞,幹細胞可以成熟成不同類型的組織,這將改善地球上的患者護理方式。其中一個是 Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 的調查,測試人類誘導多能幹細胞(iSPCs)是否可以在微重力中快速生長和分裂。結果可以幫助制定未來的大規模空間生物製造幹細胞衍生產品的方法,從而爲多種疾病提供新的治療方法,如心臟病、神經退行性疾病等。BioServe 的一個項目旨在開發一種新的幹細胞擴增生物反應器及其在太空中的使用協議。
  • Sphere Entertainment Co. 處於技術研究實驗的第二階段測試期,對於超高分辨率、單傳感器攝像頭 Big Sky 在太空站上進行測試。這個由Sphere Entertainment 開發的攝像頭特徵是世界上最大的圖像傳感器以及世界上最銳利的電影鏡頭,可以以前所未有的方式捕捉詳細、大格式的圖像。

These are just a few of the investigations launching on NG-21. To learn about other ISS National Lab-sponsored projects on this mission and view a webinar recording with some of the principal investigators, please visit our launch page.

這只是 NG-21 上發射的調查研究之一。要了解有關本次任務上其他ISS國家實驗室贊助的項目,並查看一些主要研究人員的網絡研討會記錄,請訪問我們的發射頁面。 關於國際空間站(ISS)國家實驗室:國際空間站(ISS)是一個獨一無二的實驗室,可以進行地球上不可能的研究和技術開發。作爲一種公共服務企業,ISS國家實驗室允許研究者利用這個多用戶設施來改善地球上的生活質量,成熟的空間商業模式,未來的科學素養,擴大低地球軌道可持續的可擴展市場。通過這個軌道上的國家實驗室,ISS的研究資源可用於支持美國政府機構,學術機構和私營部門的非NASA科學、技術和教育計劃。科學前沿進步協會(CASIS)根據與NASA的合作協議來管理ISS國家實驗室,易於訪問其永久的微重力研究環境,並獲得低地球軌道獨特的觀察點和極端多樣和極端條件。要了解有關ISS國家實驗室的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。

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About the International Space Station (ISS) National Laboratory:
The International Space Station (ISS) is a one-of-a-kind laboratory that enables research and technology development not possible on Earth. As a public service enterprise, the ISS National Laboratory allows researchers to leverage this multiuser facility to improve quality of life on Earth, mature space-based business models, advance science literacy in the future workforce, and expand a sustainable and scalable market in low Earth orbit. Through this orbiting national laboratory, research resources on the ISS are available to support non-NASA science, technology, and education initiatives from U.S. government agencies, academic institutions, and the private sector. The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) manages the ISS National Lab, under Cooperative Agreement with NASA, facilitating access to its permanent microgravity research environment, a powerful vantage point in low Earth orbit, and the extreme and varied conditions of space. To learn more about the ISS National Lab, visit our website.

國際空間站(ISS)是一個獨一無二的實驗室,可以進行地球上不可能的研究和技術開發。 關於國際空間站(ISS)國家實驗室:國際空間站(ISS)是一個獨一無二的實驗室,可以進行地球上不可能的研究和技術開發。作爲一種公共服務企業,ISS國家實驗室允許研究者利用這個多用戶設施來改善地球上的生活質量,成熟的空間商業模式,未來的科學素養,擴大低地球軌道可持續的可擴展市場。通過這個軌道上的國家實驗室,ISS的研究資源可用於支持美國政府機構,學術機構和私營部門的非NASA科學、技術和教育計劃。科學前沿進步協會(CASIS)根據與NASA的合作協議來管理ISS國家實驗室,易於訪問其永久的微重力研究環境,並獲得低地球軌道獨特的觀察點和極端多樣和極端條件。要了解有關ISS國家實驗室的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, CASIS accepts corporate and individual donations to help advance science in space for the benefit of humanity. For more information, visit our donations page.

ASAIS作爲501(c)(3)非營利組織,接受企業和個人捐贈,以幫助推進太空科學,造福人類。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的網站 捐贈頁面.

Media Contact:

Patrick O'Neill


[email protected]




[email protected]

International Space Station (ISS) National Laboratory
Managed by the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space, Inc. (CASIS)

6905 N. Wickham Rd., Suite 500, Melbourne, FL 32940 • 321.253.5101 •



SOURCE International Space Station National Lab


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