
Green Bridge Metals Clarifies Certain Technical Disclosure

Green Bridge Metals Clarifies Certain Technical Disclosure

Accesswire ·  08/02 17:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 2, 2024 / Green Bridge Metals Corporation (CNSX:GRBM)(OTCQB:GBMCF)(FWB:J48) (WKN:A3EW4S) ("Green Bridge" or the "Company") wishes to clarify certain technical disclosure, as detailed below, following a technical disclosure review by the Mining Group in the Corporate Finance Division of the British Columbia Securities Commission (the "BCSC").

溫哥華,BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年8月2日 / Green Bridge Metals Corporation(CNSX:GRBM)(OTCQB:GBMCF)(FWB:J48)(WKN:A3EW4S)("Green Bridge"或"公司")希望澄清以下技術披露,如下所述,以下是由不列顛哥倫比亞省證券委員會("BCSC")公司財務部採礦組進行的技術披露審核後的結果。

The Company has not completed adequate work to develop a resource estimate in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") at the SCZ project. In addition, the Company wishes to clarify that its Chrome Puddy project is in the exploration stage, and that, contrary to National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), the mineral resource estimate previously disclosed by the Company in respect of the project is not supported by a NI 43-101 compliant technical report and should not be relied upon unless and until it is supported by a NI 43-101 compliant technical report.

公司未能完成符合《43-101國家規定》("NI 43-101")的SCZ項目資源估算的充分工作。此外,公司希望澄清其Chrome Puddy項目處於勘探階段,並且,與《礦產項目披露標準43-101》("NI 43-101")相反,公司先前披露的有關該項目的礦產資源估算不受NI 43-101合規技術報告的支持,在未得到NI 43-101合規技術報告的支持之前不應該依賴於它。

Furthermore, the Company clarifies the following disclosures in its investor presentation, news releases and website:


a. disclosures relating to historical estimates in respect of its Chrome Puddy project do not contain the supporting disclosures required by section 2.4 of NI 43-101; accordingly, the Company restates this information as follows:

a. 關於Chrome Puddy項目歷史估算的披露不包含第2.4節所需的支持性披露;因此,公司將此信息重述如下:

"A historical mineral resource based on limited drilling south of Puddy Lake was presented in 1966 by Commerce Nickel Mines Ltd. (CNML). CNML reported a nickeliferous magnetite mineral resource estimate of 30 million tons grading 0.27% Ni, 0.017% C o and 7.2% recoverable Fe to a depth of 400 ft (122 m) (Annual Report 1966). This historical mineral resource estimate was calculated prior to the implementation of the standards for disclosure set forth in NI 43-101 and current CIM standards for mineral resource estimation. The historical drill and assay results were reported in a manner that was consistent with the exploration practices at that time. Diamond drill holes by CNML, that are the basis of the historical mineral resource, are presented on maps that can be reasonably accurately located on the basis of lakeshore and topographic features and the logs for such diamond drill holes are available in public files, as are the 1965 assay certificates by Technical Laboratory Services, which was a reputable assay lab. A longitudinal section evaluation of relatively widely spaced drill intersections shows continuity of mineralization and that the reported tonnage and grade estimates are reasonable. However there have been no independent validations of the historical assay drill core results and the assumptions, parameters and methods used to prepare the historical estimate are not all known. Resource definitions, terminology, and reporting standards have changed significantly since these series of reports. The estimate is considered historical in nature and a QP has not done sufficient work to independently validate the assay drill core results and evaluate these resources as current resources. Therefore, the Company is treating the estimate as historical in nature.

"基於Puddy Lake南部有限鑽孔的歷史礦產資源,由Commerce Nickel Mines Ltd.(CNML)於1966年發佈。CNML報告了一個鎳磁鐵礦礦產資源估算,規模爲3000萬噸,品位爲0.27%的Ni,0.017%的C o和7.2%的可回收Fe到400英尺(122米)的深度(1966年年報)。該歷史礦產資源估計是在實施NI 43-101和當前CIM礦產資源估算標準之前計算的。 CNML進行的歷史鑽探和化驗結果以當時的勘探實踐方式進行了報告。作爲歷史礦產資源基礎的CNML的金剛石鑽探井根據湖岸和地形特徵並可以合理地定位在地圖上,並且這些金剛石鑽探井的日誌以及1965年有聲望的化驗實驗室Technical Laboratory Services的化驗證書均可在公共文件中進行查閱。相對稀疏的鑽探交錯的縱向剖面評估顯示出 礦化連續性和報告的噸位和品位估計是合理的。但是,對歷史化驗鑽孔結果以及編制歷史估算所使用的假設、參數和方法沒有進行獨立驗證。自這些系列報告以來,資源定義、術語和報告標準已發生重大變化。這個估計被認爲是歷史性質的,一個QP並沒有做足夠的工作來獨立驗證化驗鑽芯結果並評估這些資源作爲當前資源。因此,公司將估計視爲歷史性質的。

b. disclosures regarding certain exploration information were not supported by data verifications required by sections 3.2 and 3.3 of NI 43-101; accordingly, the Company restates this information to include the following:

b. 關於特定勘探信息的披露未獲得NI 43-101第3.2和3.3節所需的數據驗證的支持;因此,公司將此信息重述以包括以下內容:

"All sample results are considered historical and are from samples that were not collected by the Company. The QP has not done sufficient work to validate the assay drill core results, nor to verify sample collection methods, analyses, or QA/QC information for these samples."

"所有樣本結果均被視爲歷史性質,而且不是由公司收集的樣本。公司QP沒有做足夠的工作來驗證化驗鑽探核心的結果,也沒有驗證這些樣本的收集方法、分析或QA /QC信息"。

c. concerning disclosures relating to the Crawford deposit nearby to the Chrome Puddy project, the Company notes that such disclosures relate solely to the Crawford deposit, in which the Company does not hold an interest, and that there can be no assurance that the Company will obtain similar information or results from the Chrome Puddy project nor is the Company implying that it will obtain similar results on the Chrome Puddy project;

c. 關於Chrome Puddy項目附近的Crawford存款的披露,公司注意到這些披露僅涉及Crawford存款,該公司不持有權益,並且無法保證該公司將從Chrome Puddy項目獲得類似信息或結果,也沒有暗示該公司將在其自己的項目上獲得類似結果。

i. concerning drilling target information, the Company notes that such information did not contain the supporting disclosures required by Section 2.3(2) of NI 43-101, accordingly, the Company re-states this information as follows:

i. 關於鑽探目標信息的披露,公司注意到此類信息不包含第2.3(2)節所需的支持披露,因此,公司將此信息重述如下:

"Based on historically reported mineralized drill holes over a 1.9 km strike length the Company has an exploration target estimated at 25 to 50 Mt at a grade of 0.25% to 0.30% Ni which it will endeavour to validate and refine by upcoming surface exploration and airborne geophysical surveys. However, the Company notes that the potential quantity and grade of the exploration target is conceptual in nature, and that there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and that it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.";

"基於在1.9公里的走向範圍內歷史上報告的礦產化鑽孔,公司估計勘探目標爲每噸25到50 Mt,品位爲0.25%至0.30%的Ni,並將通過即將進行的地表勘探和空中地球物理勘查進行驗證和完善。 但是,公司指出,勘探目標的潛在數量和品位是概念性的,並且由於確定礦產資源的勘探不充分,不確定是否進行進一步勘探將使目標被定義爲礦產資源。";

ii. concerning the "Sample Results" disclosed, the Company provides verifications pursuant to Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of NI-43-101 as follows:

ii. 關於"樣本結果"的披露,公司根據NI-43-101的第3.2節和3.3節提供驗證如下:

"All sample results are considered historical and were not collected by the Company. The QP has not done sufficient work to independently validate the assay drill core results, nor to verify the sample data."


iii. With respect to the Company's disclosures contained in its presentations, website and news releases relating to adjacent and regional projects, the Company clarifies that such disclosures relate solely to adjacent and regional projects in which the Company does not hold an interest, and that there can be no assurance that the Company will obtain similar information or results from its own projects regardless of proximity, nor is the Company implying that it will obtain similar results on its own projects.

iii. 關於公司在其演示、網站和新聞發佈中所披露的有關毗鄰和區域項目的信息,公司澄清這些披露僅涉及公司不持有權益的毗鄰和區域項目,並且無法保證該公司將即使在靠近的區域上也能從自己的項目上獲得類似信息或結果,也沒有意味着該公司將在其自己的項目上獲得類似的結果。

The Company has removed the above-mentioned investor presentations and technical disclosures from its website, and notes that investors should not rely upon the information which the Company is retracting by way of this news release.


In addition, the Company notes disclosures contained in the Chrome Puddy Report are not compliant with NI 43-101 and should not be relied upon unless and until such disclosures are supported in compliance with NI 43-101 by an updated report. The Company intends to file a new technical report relating to its Chrome Puddy project by August 8, 2024.

此外,公司注意到Chrome Puddy報告中的披露不符合NI 43-101的規定,除非該等披露符合NI 43-101的規定並由更新的報告支持,否則不應依賴該等披露。該公司計劃在2024年8月8日之前提交有關其Chrome Puddy項目的新技術報告。

Michael Dufresne, M.Sc., P. Geol, P. Geo, is an independent qualified person as defined under NI 43-101 who supervised the preparation of and approves the scientific and technical content of this news release.

Michael Dufresne萬.Sc.,P. Geol,P. Geo,是根據NI 43-101定義的獨立合格人員,他監督了本新聞發佈的準備工作,並批准了其科學技術內容。

About Green Bridge Metals
Green Bridge Metals Corporation (formerly Mich Resources Ltd.) is a Canadian based exploration company focused on acquiring 'battery metal' rich mineral assets and the development of the South Contact Zone (the "Property") along the basal contact of the Duluth Intrusion, north of Duluth, Minnesota.

關於Green Bridge Metals
Green Bridge Metals Corporation(前身爲Mich Resources Ltd.)是一家加拿大公司,專注於收購富含"電池金屬"的礦產資產和發展Duluth Intrusion南緣地帶("ほ區域型"財產),該財產位於明尼蘇達州北部Duluth以北。


代表Green Bridge Metals

"David Suda"
President and Chief Executive Officer

“David Suda”

For more information, please contact:
David Suda
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 604.928-3101

David Suda

Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements and information herein, including all statements that are not historical facts, may contain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to future exploration work on the properties of the Company and upcoming surface exploration and airborne geophysical surveys and potential results therefrom. Although management of the Company believe that the assumptions made and the expectations represented by such statements or information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements or information herein will prove to be accurate. Forward-looking statements and information by their nature are based on assumptions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange (the "CSE") nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Green Bridge Metals Corporation

來源:Green Bridge Metals 公司

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