
Avicanna Announces Changes of Auditors

Avicanna Announces Changes of Auditors

GlobeNewswire ·  08/02 17:30

TORONTO, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avicanna Inc. ("Avicanna" or the "Company) (TSX: AVCN) (OTCQX: AVCNF) (FSE: 0NN) a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacturing, and commercialization of plant-derived cannabinoid-based products announces a change of auditors from Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP ("Former Auditor") to Ramirez Jimenez International CPAs ("Successor Auditor") effective August 2, 2024 until the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.

2024年8月2日,加拿大生物製藥公司Avicanna Inc. ("Avicanna"或"公司") (TSX: AVCN) (OTCQX: AVCNF) (FSE: 0NN) 宣佈,自2024年8月2日起,核數師已由Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP ("前核數師") 更換爲Ramirez Jimenez International CPAs ("繼任核數師"),直至公司下次股東年度大會。公司致力於開發、製造、商業化植物源性大麻素製品。

There have been no reservations or modified opinions contained in the Former Auditor's reports on any of the Company's audited financial statements; and, there are no reportable events including disagreements, consultations, or unresolved issues as defined in National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations ("NI 51-102") (Part 4.11) between the Company and the Former Auditor, during the period that the Former Auditor acted as the Company's auditor. In accordance with NI 51-102, the Notice of Change of Auditors, together with the required letters from the Former Auditor and the Successor Auditor, have been reviewed by the audit committee and board of directors and filed on SEDAR+ ().

前核數師在公司審計財務報表的任何審計報告中均未包含任何保留意見或修改意見;在前核數師擔任公司核數師的期間,公司與前核數師之間沒有報告事件,包括分歧,諮詢或未解決的問題,如《國家法規51-102—持續性披露義務》(NI 51-102) (第4.11部分) 所定義。根據NI 51-102的規定,更換核數師的通知連同前核數師和繼任核數師所需的信函已經由審計委員會和董事會審查並在SEDAR+()上進行了備案。

About Avicanna Inc.

關於Avicanna Inc。

Avicanna is a commercial-stage international biopharmaceutical company focused on the advancement and commercialization of cannabinoid-based products and formulations for the global medical and pharmaceutical market segments. Avicanna has an established scientific platform including R&D and clinical development leading to the commercialization of more than thirty proprietary, evidence-based finished products and supporting four commercial stage business pillars.

Avicanna是一家專注於爲全球醫療和製藥市場推進和商業化基於大麻二酚類產品和製劑的國際商業化階段的生物製藥公司。 Avicanna擁有一個成熟的科學平台,包括研發和臨床開發,導致商業化超過30種專有的、基於證據的成品和支持四個商業化階段的業務支柱。

  • Medical Cannabis formulary (RHO Phyto): The formulary offers a diverse range of proprietary products including oral, sublingual, topical, and transdermal deliveries with varying ratios of cannabinoids, supported by ongoing patient, and medical community education. RHO Phyto is an established leading medical brand in Canada currently available nationwide to patients across several medical channels and continues to expand into new international markets.
  • Medical cannabis care platform ( is a medical cannabis care platform formed with the aim to better serve medical cannabis patients' needs and enhance the patient journey. is operated by Northern Green Canada Inc. and features a diverse portfolio of products and bilingual pharmacist-led patient support programs. also provides specialty services to distinct patient groups such as veterans and collaborates with public and private payers for adjudication and reimbursement. provides educational resources to the medical community to facilitate the incorporation of medical cannabis into health care regimens.
  • Pharmaceutical products (Trunerox) and pipeline: Leveraging Avicanna's scientific platform, vertical integration, and real-world evidence, Avicanna has developed a pipeline of proprietary, indication-specific pharmaceutical products that are in various stages of clinical development and commercialization. These cannabinoid-based drug candidates aim to address unmet medical needs in the areas of dermatology, chronic pain, and various neurological disorders. Avicanna's first indication-specific pharmaceutical drug, Trunerox, was approved Q1 2024 by the Health Authority of Colombia INVIMA as an adjuvant treatment for seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome in Colombia. Trunerox has not been approved as a drug in Canada by Health Canada.
  • Active pharmaceutical ingredients (Aureus Santa Marta): Active pharmaceutical ingredients ("API") supplied by the Company's majority owned subsidiary Santa Marta Golden Hemp SAS ("SMGH") is a commercial-stage business dedicated to providing a various forms high-quality CBD, THC and CBG to the Company's international partners for use in the development and production of food, cosmetics, medical, and pharmaceutical products. The business unit also forms part of the Company's supply chain and is a source of reliable input products for its consumer retail, medical cannabis, and pharmaceutical products for globally.
  • 醫用大麻製劑(RHO Phyto):該製劑提供多種專有產品,包括口服、舌下、局部和經皮遞送,具有不同的大麻二酚比例,並得到持續的患者、醫療界的支持和教育。 RHO Phyto是加拿大的一個成熟的領先醫療品牌,目前在加拿大全國範圍內向幾個醫學渠道的患者提供服務,並不斷擴展至新的國際市場。
  • 醫用大麻護理平台(是一個醫用大麻護理平台,旨在更好地服務醫用大麻患者的需求並增強患者的旅程。 MyMedi.ca由Northern Green Canada Inc.運營,並提供多種產品和雙語藥劑師主導的患者支持計劃。 MyMedi.ca還爲不同的患者群體提供專業服務,例如退伍軍人,並與公共和私人付款方進行合作以進行裁決和報銷。 MyMedi.ca向醫療界提供教育資源,以促進將醫用大麻納入醫療保健方案中。
  • 藥品產品(Trunerox)和管道:利用Avicanna的科學平台、垂直整合和真實世界證據,Avicanna開發了一系列專有疾病特異性的藥物產品,處於臨床開發和商業化的不同階段。這些基於大麻素的藥物候選品旨在解決皮膚科、慢性疼痛和各種神經系統疾病領域的未滿足醫療需求。Avicanna的第一款疾病特異性藥物Trunerox於2024年第一季度獲得哥倫比亞INVIMA衛生當局批准,作爲Lennox-Gastaut綜合症和Dravet綜合症相關癲癇的輔助治療。Trunerox尚未得到加拿大衛生部的批准。
  • 活性藥物成分(Aureus Santa Marta):公司的大部分控股子公司Santa Marta Golden Hemp SAS("SMGH")提供的活性藥物成分("API") 是一家商業階段企業,致力於爲公司的國際合作夥伴提供不同形式的高質量CBD、THC和CBG,用於食品、化妝品、醫藥和製藥產品的開發和生產。該業務部門也是公司供應鏈的一部分,併爲其消費者零售業務、醫用大麻和全球製藥產品提供可靠的輸入產品。

SOURCE Avicanna Inc.
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For more information about Avicanna, visit our website, contact Ivana Maric by email at or follow us on social media on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

我們的網站,通過電子郵件聯繫Ivana Maric,地址爲,或在社交媒體上關注我們,請通過info@avicanna.com電子郵件聯繫Ivana Maric,或在社交媒體上關注我們LinkedIn, 推特, Facebook,Instagram.

The Company posts updates through videos from the Company YouTube channel.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information and Statements
This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information contained in this news release may be identified using words such as, "may", "would", "could", "will", "likely", "expect", "anticipate", "believe, "intend", "plan", "forecast", "project", "estimate", "outlook" and other similar expressions. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by these statements. Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Such risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to current and future market conditions, including the market price of the common shares of the Company, and the risk factors set out in the Company's annual information form dated April 1, 2024 filed with the Canadian securities regulators and available under the Company's profile on SEDAR at . The statements in this news release are made as of the date of this release. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法律的“前瞻性信息”。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息可以通過使用“可能”、“會”、“可以”、“將會”、“有可能”、“期望”、“預期”、“相信”、“打算”、“計劃”、“預測”、“項目”、“估計”、“前景”和其他類似的表述來識別。雖然公司相信對此類前瞻性信息所依據的期望和假設是合理的,但不應過分依賴前瞻性信息,因爲公司不能保證其證明是正確的。實際結果和發展可能與這些聲明所考慮的情況有所不同。前瞻性信息面臨各種風險和不確定性,可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性信息中所預示的結果有所不同。此類風險包括但不限於當前和未來的市場條件,包括公司的普通股票市場價格,以及列於公司在 SEDAR 上的檔案下,於2024年4月1日的公司年度信息表中列出的風險因素。本新聞稿中的聲明是以此發佈日期爲基準。公司否認任何意圖或義務更新任何前瞻性信息,除非適用證券法律另有規定。

声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息