
Ford Reports 31% Increase In EV Sales, Driven By Popularity Of Tesla Cybertruck Rival F-150 Lightning

Ford Reports 31% Increase In EV Sales, Driven By Popularity Of Tesla Cybertruck Rival F-150 Lightning

福特電動車銷量增長31%,受特斯拉Cybertruck對手F-150 Lightning的受歡迎程度推動
Benzinga ·  08/02 23:24

Dearborn-based Ford Motor Co (NYSE:F) said on Friday that it sold 31% more EVs in the U.S. last month than last year, thanks to the rising popularity of its EV pickup truck.


What Happened: Ford sold 8,242 electric vehicles in July, marking a 31% growth from the 6,280 units sold in July 2023. However, electric vehicles account for only about 5% of the company's overall vehicle sales in the month.


Model July 2024 Sales July 2023 Sales
Mustang Mach-E 4,592 3,937
F-150 Lightning 2,822 1,552
E-transit 828 791
Total 8,242 6,280
模型 2024 年 7 月銷售額 2023 年 7 月銷售
Mustang Mach-E 4592 3,937
F-150 閃電 2,822 1,552
電子交通 828 791
總計 8,242 6,280

The drive in EV sales during the month was largely driven by an 82% jump in sales for the F-150 Lightning pickup truck, of which the company sold 2,822 units.

本月電動汽車銷量的增長主要是由於 F-150 閃電皮卡車的銷量增長了82%,該公司售出了2822輛。

Ford's other two EV offerings in the U.S.- the Mustang Mach-E SUV and the E-transit van- also saw sales grow from last year by 17% and 5%, respectively.

福特在美國的另外兩款電動汽車——野馬Mach-E SUV和E-Transit麪包車——的銷量也分別比去年增長了17%和5%。

Why It Matters: While the Mustang Mach-E SUV is directly up against EV giant Tesla Inc's Model Y SUV in the mass market electric SUV segment, the F-150 Lightning is up against the company's Cybertruck in the electric pickup segment.

爲何重要:儘管野馬Mach-E SUV在大衆市場電動SUV領域直接與電動汽車巨頭特斯拉公司的Model Y SUV對抗,但在電動皮卡領域,F-150 Lightning卻與該公司的Cybertruck對抗。

Rising Cybertruck sales appear to have no effect on F-150 Lightning sales, which continue to grow this year compared to the same quarters last year. Tesla began delivering its Cybertruck only in November of last year.

Cybertruck銷量的增長似乎對F-150 Lightning的銷量沒有影響,與去年同期相比,今年的銷量繼續增長。特斯拉直到去年11月才開始交付Cybertruck。

In the second quarter, Ford sold 7,902 Lightning trucks, marking a 77% growth from last year despite Tesla delivering 8,755 Cybertrucks in the quarter, as per Kelley Blue Book estimates.


Ford CEO Jim Farley had dismissed concerns about the Cybertruck in June 2023, terming it a "cool high-end product parked in front of a hotel," unlike Ford trucks "made for real people who do real work."

福特首席執行官吉姆·法利在2023年6月駁斥了對Cybertruck的擔憂,稱其爲 “停在酒店門前的酷炫高端產品”,這與福特卡車 “專爲真正從事實際工作的人打造” 不同。

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