
The Pan-Mass Challenge Cycles Beyond $1 Billion in Lifetime Fundraising for Cancer Research in 45 Years

The Pan-Mass Challenge Cycles Beyond $1 Billion in Lifetime Fundraising for Cancer Research in 45 Years

PR Newswire ·  08/03 07:18

World's Single Most Successful Athletic Fundraiser Aims to Raise Unprecedented $75 million in 2024


BOSTON, August 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On Saturday, August 3, and Sunday, August 4, the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) will bring together thousands of cyclists and volunteers from around the world with a goal of raising $75 million during its milestone 45th ride. This year, the PMC crossed $1 billion in lifetime fundraising for cancer research and treatment for its sole beneficiary, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

美國波士頓,2024年8月3日 /美通社/ - 在8月3日星期六和8月4日星期天,泛美騎行挑戰賽(Pan-Mass Challenge,簡稱PMC)將匯聚來自世界各地的數千名騎行者和志願者,旨在在第45屆里程碑活動中籌集7,500萬美元。今年,PMC實現了10億美元的癌症研究和治療籌款里程碑,唯一受益機構是達納 -法伯癌症研究所。

This weekend, 6,800 riders from around the globe will cycle between 25 and 211 miles across Massachusetts during the milestone 45th Pan-Mass Challenge. In July, the organization crossed $1 billion in lifetime fundraising for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Photo Credit: John Deputy
今年週末,來自世界各地的6,800名騎行者將在泛美騎行挑戰賽的45屆里程碑活動中在馬薩諸塞州騎行25到211英里。今年7月份,該組織籌集的達納-法伯癌症研究所的生時獻愛款超過10億美元。照片來源:John Deputy

When the PMC was founded in 1980, there were fewer than five million cancer survivors in the United States. Today, that number is more than 18 million—and growing. As Dana-Farber's largest single contributor—accounting for 62 percent of its Jimmy Fund's annual revenue—PMC funding has enabled the Institute to drive change in how cancer is researched and treated. The PMC's "fingerprints" can be found in every research breakthrough and all areas of care, from immunotherapy to cancer care equity efforts. PMC funding assists with many innovative programs including Dana-Farber's ongoing work to treat pediatric brain cancer that led to recent FDA approval of tovorafenib (now known as OJEMDA). The drug targets for pediatric low-grade glioma in patients six months and older. Many of the drug's early clinical trials were funded directly by PMC riders who had family members with pediatric brain cancer.

1980年,PMC成立時,美國癌症倖存者不到500萬人。如今,這個數字已經超過了1800萬並在不斷增長。作爲達納-法伯最大的單一貢獻者,慈善騎行籌集的資金佔該機構Jimmy Fund當前年度營業收入的62%,幫助該機構推動了癌症研究和治療方式的變革。PMC的“指紋”可以在每一項研究突破和所有照顧領域中找到,從免疫療法到癌症醫療公平計劃。PMC籌款支持許多創新項目,包括達納-法伯對兒童腦癌的持續治療工作,爲該癌症治療開發了新藥tovorafenib(現已知名爲OJEMDA),目標是患者年齡在6個月及以上的低級別膠質瘤。該藥物的許多早期臨床試驗是由PMC騎行者直接資助的,他們的家人患有兒童腦癌。

For the 18th consecutive year, the PMC will donate 100 percent of every rider-raised dollar directly to Dana-Farber to support trailblazing innovations like this that save lives and advance the standards of care in the fight against cancer.


"This is a momentous year for the PMC and our community—from our cyclists to our volunteers, donors and sponsors," said Billy Starr, founder and executive director of the PMC and a Dana-Farber trustee. "While I knew in 1980 that I had created something special, I couldn't have predicted the PMC would turn into the fundraising behemoth it is today. As I saddle up for my 45th ride, I am immensely grateful for each and every individual who has contributed to this $1 billion fundraising achievement and who will help us kick start fundraising towards our next billion."


PMC 2024 will bring together 6,800 riders from 10 countries and 45 states and territories, including many who ride in honor of someone close to them who has been affected by cancer. In addition, 3,500 volunteers will support the event across the rides' 16 one- and two-day routes throughout Massachusetts. The routes range from 25 to 211 miles and accommodate all levels of cycling and fundraising ability. At the cornerstone of the PMC community are the more than 1,100 riders and volunteers who are cancer survivors and current patients, considered Living Proof of the PMC's mission, and the progress made through fundraising for cancer research and care.


"For over four and a half decades, PMC funding has played an integral and impactful role in our researchers' and doctors' abilities to innovate and discover new ways to treat cancer," said Laurie H. Glimcher, MD, president and chief executive officer of Dana-Farber. "The energy and excitement each PMC Weekend brings is unmatched—I'm looking forward to cheering on the PMC community, including 160 Dana-Farber colleagues who are riding and volunteering, as we celebrate crossing $1 billion raised together."

"四十五年來,PMC資助在我們的研究人員和醫生能夠開展創新並發現癌症治療新方法的能力中起着重要而有影響力的作用,"達納 - 法伯癌症研究所總裁兼首席執行官Laurie H. Glimcher說道。 "每個PMC週末帶來的能量和激情是無與倫比的,我期待着爲PMC社區加油打氣,包括有160名達納 - 法伯同事參加騎行和志願服務,共同慶祝籌集超過10億美元的成果。"

The PMC is co-presented by the Red Sox Foundation and M&T Bank. To make a financial contribution to a rider from your town, visit , or call (800) WE-CYCLE. Connect with #PMC2024 on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn.

PMC由紅襪基金會和M&t Bank共同呈現。要爲您所在城鎮的騎手進行經濟捐助,請訪問或致電(800)WE-CYCLE。關注Facebook、X、Instagram和LinkedIn上的#PMC2024。

About the Pan-Mass Challenge
The Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) is a bike-a-thon that today raises more money for charity than any other single athletic fundraising event in the world. The PMC was founded in 1980 by Billy Starr, who remains the event's executive director, an annual cyclist, and a fundraiser. The PMC has since raised $972 million for adult and pediatric patient care and cancer research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through the Jimmy Fund. The event donates 100 percent of every rider-raised dollar directly to the cause, generating 62 percent of the Jimmy Fund's annual revenue as Dana-Farber's single largest contributor. The PMC has successfully melded support from committed cyclists, volunteers, corporate sponsors, and individual contributors, all of which are essential to the PMC's goal and model: to attain maximum fundraising efficiency while increasing its annual gift. The PMC's hope and aspiration is to provide Dana-Farber's doctors and researchers with the necessary resources to discover cures for all cancers. For more information on the Pan-Mass Challenge, visit .

泛美騎行挑戰賽(Pan-Mass Challenge,簡稱PMC)是一個自行車馬拉松,如今爲全球單一最大的慈善籌款活動籌集了更多的慈善善款。PMC由Billy Starr於1980年創立,他仍然是該活動的執行主任,年度車手和籌款人。PMC自1980年以來已經爲Dana-Farber Cancer Institute通過Jimmy Fund籌集了9720萬美元,爲成年人和兒童患者的護理和癌症研究提供了幫助。該活動直接將騎手籌集的每一美元善款100%捐贈給該機構,作爲Dana-Farber最大的單一貢獻者,爲Jimmy Fund當前年度營業收入的62%做出貢獻。PMC成功地融合了忠誠的騎手、志願者、企業贊助商和個人捐贈者的支持,所有這些都對PMC的目標和模式至關重要:在提高年度禮物的同時實現最大的籌款效率。PMC的希望和願望是爲Dana-Farber的醫生和研究人員提供必要的資源,以發現治療所有癌症的方法。有關泛美騎行挑戰賽(Pan-Mass Challenge)的更多信息,請訪問。
泛美騎行挑戰賽(Pan-Mass Challenge,簡稱PMC)是今天爲慈善事業籌集更多資金的自行車馬拉松比賽,世界單一最大的慈善籌款活動。PMC由Billy Starr於1980年創立,他仍然是該活動的執行主任,籌款人和年度騎手。PMC自1980年以來已經爲Dana-Farber Cancer Institute通過Jimmy Fund籌集了9720萬美元,爲成年人和兒童患者的護理和癌症研究提供支持。該活動直接將騎手籌集的每一美元善款100%捐贈給該機構,作爲Dana-Farber最大的單一貢獻者,爲Jimmy Fund當前年度營業收入的62%做出貢獻。PMC成功地融合了忠誠的騎手、志願者、企業贊助商和個人捐贈者的支持,這些都對PMC的目標和模式至關重要:在提高年度禮物的同時實現最大的籌款效率。

About Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is one of the world's leading centers of cancer research and treatment. Dana-Farber's mission is to reduce the burden of cancer through scientific inquiry, clinical care, education, community engagement, and advocacy. Dana-Farber is a federally designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School. We provide the latest treatments in cancer for adults through Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center and for children through Dana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center. Dana-Farber is the only hospital nationwide with a top 5 U.S. News & World Report Best Cancer Hospital ranking in both adult and pediatric care. As a global leader in oncology, Dana-Farber is dedicated to a unique and equal balance between cancer research and care, translating the results of discovery into new treatments for patients locally and around the world, offering more than 1,100 clinical trials.

關於丹納 - 法伯癌症研究所
達納法伯癌症研究所是世界上領先的癌症研究和治療中心之一。達納 - 法伯的使命是通過科學研究、臨床護理、教育、社區參與和倡導來減輕癌症的負擔。達納 - 法伯是聯邦指定的綜合癌症中心,是哈佛醫學院的教學附屬醫院。我們通過Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center爲成年人提供最新的癌症治療,爲兒童提供Dana-Farber/Boston兒童癌症和血液疾病中心的治療。達納 - 法伯是全國唯一在成人和兒科護理的美國新聞與世界報道最佳癌症醫院排名中均處於前五名的醫院。作爲腫瘤領域的全球領袖,達納 - 法伯致力於癌症研究和護理之間的獨特平衡,將發現的結果轉化爲全球患者的新療法,提供超過1,100項臨床試驗。

Media Contact:
Taylor Sheehan
[email protected]

Taylor Sheehan
[email protected]

SOURCE Pan-Mass Challenge


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