
Great Wall Launches Tank 300 Off-road SUV in Malaysia

Great Wall Launches Tank 300 Off-road SUV in Malaysia

長城推出在馬來西亞的Tank 300越野SUV
CnEVPost ·  08/05 03:54

The Tank 300 was recently launched in Malaysia and is Great Wall Motor's first luxury off-road SUV there.

Tank 300最近在馬來西亞推出,是長城汽車在馬來西亞推出的首款豪華越野SUV。

(Image credit: Great Wall Motor)

Great Wall Motor's premium brand, Tank, has launched the Tank 300 SUV (sport utility vehicle) in Malaysia as it continues to build on its expansion into the Southeast Asian market.

長城汽車旗下的高端品牌Tank已在馬來西亞推出了Tank 300 SUV(運動型多功能車),繼續在向東南亞市場擴張的基礎上再接再厲。

The Tank 300 was recently launched in Malaysia and is Great Wall Motor's first luxury off-road SUV there, the Chinese carmaker said on August 3.

這家中國汽車製造商8月3日表示,Tank 300最近在馬來西亞推出,是長城汽車在馬來西亞推出的首款豪華越野SUV。

The Tank 300 available in Malaysia is a right-hand drive version with a starting price of 250,000 ringgit ($56,500). Vehicles for use in mainland China are left-hand drive versions.

在馬來西亞上市的Tank 300是右手驅動版本,起價爲25萬令吉(合56,500美元)。在中國大陸使用的車輛是左手駕駛版本。

The model is powered by a 2.0 L displacement engine capable of producing 220 hp.

該模型由能夠產生 220 馬力的 2.0 升排量發動機提供動力。

The Tank 300 is currently offered in three versions in China, with a starting price of RMB 199,800 ($27,980), RMB 216,800 and RMB 226,800 respectively.


Great Wall Motor will also launch its first CKD (Completely Knocked Down) program in the ASEAN region in Malaysia, the company said.


The Chinese automaker completed the signing of a vehicle assembly partnership with Malaysian firm EP Manufacturing Berhad (EPMB) in January this year, and planned to start producing its vehicles locally this year.

這家中國汽車製造商於今年1月完成了與馬來西亞公司EP Manufacturing Berhad(EPMB)的汽車裝配合作夥伴關係的簽約,並計劃今年開始在當地生產汽車。

The partnership would be based on a CKD model, and Great Wall Motor's vehicles will be locally produced in Malaysia, bringing more choices to local customers, it said in January.


Great Wall Motor was one of the first Chinese automakers to start exploring overseas markets, opening its first showroom in Malaysia in late 2022 and starting deliveries of its Ora-branded electric vehicle, the Good Cat.

長城汽車是最早開始開拓海外市場的中國汽車製造商之一,於2022年底在馬來西亞開設了首個展廳,並開始交付其Ora品牌的電動汽車萬億eGood Cat。

Tank is Great Wall Motor's brand targeting the premium SUV market, with earlier models on sale being the Tank 300 and Tank 500, both of which were initially only available in versions powered entirely by internal combustion engines in China.

Tank是長城汽車的品牌,目標是高端SUV市場,早期在售的車型是Tank 300和Tank 500,兩者最初僅在中國提供完全由內燃機提供動力的版本。

The Tank brand has pushed forward with its electrification transition, launching hybrid models over the past few years, including the Tank 300 Hi4-T, Tank 400 Hi4-T, Tank 500 Hi4-T and Tank 700 Hi4-T.

坦克品牌推進了電氣化轉型,在過去幾年中推出了混合動力車型,包括坦克300 Hi4-t、Tank 400 Hi4-T、Tank 500 Hi4-T、Tank 500 Hi4-t和Tank 700 Hi4-T。

In the January-July period, the Tank brand sold 134,720 vehicles, up 87.59 percent year-on-year, contributing 20.7 percent of Great Wall Motor's sales of 650,954 vehicles in the same period, according to data compiled by CnEVPost.


Great Wall Motor sold 239,685 vehicles in overseas markets in January-July, contributing 36.82 percent of all sales.


($1 = MYR 4.425, $1 = RMB 7.1397)

(1 美元 = 4.425 馬幣,1 美元 = 7.1397 元人民幣)

Great Wall Motor delays target of 1 million annual overseas sales from 2025 to 2030


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