
Glytec Recognizes CMS for New Mandatory Hyper- and Hypoglycemia Measures for U.S. Hospitals

Glytec Recognizes CMS for New Mandatory Hyper- and Hypoglycemia Measures for U.S. Hospitals

PR Newswire ·  08/05 10:00

CMS Ground-Breaking Advancement in Diabetes Excellence Supported by Glytec Glucose Management Platform

CMS 在 Glytec 葡萄糖管理平台的支持下,在卓越糖尿病領域取得突破性進展

BOSTON, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Glytec, the only provider of cloud-based insulin management Software as a Service (SaaS) and analytics solutions across the continuum of care, proudly supports CMS's new mandatory reporting requirements aimed at improving hyper- and hypoglycemia measures. This significant step advances diabetes excellence across the United States, particularly benefiting rural and underserved communities, and enhances broader value-based care initiatives.

波士頓,2024年8月5日 /PRNewswire/ — Glytec是唯一一家在整個醫療領域提供基於雲的胰島素管理軟件即服務(SaaS)和分析解決方案的提供商,它自豪地支持CMS旨在改善高血糖和低血糖衡量標準的新強制性報告要求。這一重要舉措促進了美國各地糖尿病的卓越表現,特別是使農村和服務不足的社區受益,並加強了更廣泛的基於價值的醫療計劃。

CMS has noted:

CMS 指出:

"We thank commenters for their support. We agree that modifications to eCQM reporting requirements to include patient safety outcome eCQMs would increase public reporting on quality and safety, thus empowering individuals to make decisions about where to go for care, which is one of our key actions to drive improvements in safety as outlined in the CMS National Quality Strategy."


"We applaud CMS's move to mandate hyper- and hypoglycemia measures. This initiative significantly advances diabetes excellence in the United States, particularly benefiting rural and underserved areas," said Patrick Cua, President and CEO at Glytec. "We anticipate that State Medicaid and Commercial Health Plans will adopt similar measures, and with our 18 years of experience and FDA-cleared solutions, we are ready to assist hospitals and communities in implementing and maintaining these critical diabetes management measures."

“我們讚揚CMS強制採取高血糖和低血糖措施的舉措。Glytec總裁兼首席執行官Patrick Cua表示,該計劃顯著提高了美國在糖尿病領域的卓越表現,尤其使農村和服務不足的地區受益。“我們預計州醫療補助和商業健康計劃將採取類似的措施,憑藉我們18年的經驗和美國食品藥品管理局批准的解決方案,我們已準備好協助醫院和社區實施和維持這些關鍵的糖尿病管理措施。”

The Urgency and Impact for Patients, Hospitals, and Payors


The new CMS mandate is hugely impactful as over one-third of all hospitalized patients require insulin therapy to regulate high blood sugar during their stay.[1] More than 2 million patients each year experience an adverse event in the hospital leading to hypoglycemia, costing the healthcare system over 8 billion dollars. Yet nearly one-third of hospitals have no glucose management metrics, and 59 percent do not have an automated method of pulling data on rates of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.[2].

CMS的新規定具有巨大的影響力,因爲超過三分之一的住院患者在住院期間需要胰島素治療來調節高血糖。[1] 每年有超過200萬名患者在醫院經歷不良事件導致低血糖,使醫療系統損失超過80美元。然而,將近三分之一的醫院沒有血糖管理指標,59%的醫院沒有自動提取高血糖和低血糖率數據的方法。[2]

With reporting requirements beginning on January 1, 2026, there is still time for hospitals to adopt tools and workflows to improve patient safety and eCQM reporting metrics. Importantly, improved metrics also benefit hospitals and payors. Use of Glytec's FDA-cleared Glucommander solution and enhanced analytics have demonstrated a 6-8x Return-On-Investment (ROI) for clients as evidenced by studies showing an average 3.2 days reduction in ICU length of stay,[3] a 99.8 percent reduction in frequency of severe hypoglycemia,[4] a 35-68 percent reduction in readmissions,[5] and annual savings of over 7 million dollars per 600 beds,[3] amongst other independently verified findings.

隨着報告要求從2026年1月1日開始,醫院仍有時間採用工具和工作流程來改善患者安全和eCQM報告指標。重要的是,指標的改善也使醫院和付款人受益。使用Glytec經美國食品藥品管理局批准的Glucommander解決方案和增強的分析表明,客戶的投資回報率(ROI)是6-8倍,研究表明,重症監護病房的住院時間平均縮短了3.2天,[3] 嚴重低血糖的發生頻率降低了99.8%,[4] 再入院人數減少了35-68%,[5] 每600張牀位每年可節省超過700萬美元,[3] 其他經獨立驗證的發現。

Our Commitment to Diabetes Excellence


Glytec's proven track record, validated by over 100 patents and over 100 publications, positions us as the first and only FDA-cleared insulin management software in the market managing patients across the continuum of care from hospitalization to home. We are committed to providing comprehensive support to hospitals and communities, ensuring the successful implementation and continuous maintenance of diabetes management systems. Our solutions are designed to adapt to new drugs and scenarios, ensuring ongoing efficacy and safety. Visit Advocacy | Glytec for more information, and learn more about new CMS mandatory reporting requirements at FY 2025 IPPS Proposed Rule.

Glytec 良好的往績記錄經過 100 多項專利和 100 多份出版物的驗證,使我們成爲市場上第一個、也是唯一一款通過 FDA 批准的胰島素管理軟件,在從住院到家庭的整個護理過程中管理患者。我們致力於爲醫院和社區提供全面支持,確保糖尿病管理系統的成功實施和持續維護。我們的解決方案旨在適應新藥和新方案,確保持續的療效和安全性。訪問倡導 | Glytec 了解更多信息,並在 2025 財年 IPPS 擬議規則中了解有關新的 CMS 強制性報告要求的更多信息。

Let's work together to ensure health equity and improve diabetes outcomes.


About Glytec
Glytec's industry-leading SaaS platform, trusted by 350+ hospitals, empowers collaborative diabetes management and insulin dosing, improving patient outcomes, reducing length of stay, and streamlining workflows while delivering a 6-8x ROI. The first-ever FDA-cleared cloud-based insulin management software is EMR-integrated, easy to set up, and validated by over 100 patents and over 100 publications. The Glytec Glucommander solution, with clinical decision support, workflow alerts, patient monitoring, at-risk patient identification, and AI-driven analytics, is supported by a mission-driven team dedicated to helping healthcare leaders, clinicians, and patients promote health equity and improve diabetes outcomes from hospital to home. We are on a mission. Join us.

關於 Glytec
Glytec 業界領先的 SaaS 平台深受 350 多家醫院的信賴,支持協作式糖尿病管理和胰島素給藥,改善患者預後,縮短住院時間,簡化工作流程,同時實現 6-8 倍的投資回報率。首款經美國食品藥品管理局批准的基於雲的胰島素管理軟件集成了EMR,易於設置,並通過了 100 多項專利和 100 多份出版物的驗證。Glytec Glucommander 解決方案具有臨床決策支持、工作流程警報、患者監測、高危患者識別和人工智能驅動的分析,由一個任務驅動的團隊提供支持,該團隊致力於幫助醫療保健領導者、臨床醫生和患者促進健康公平並改善從醫院到家庭的糖尿病預後。我們肩負着使命。加入我們。

For more information, follow us on LinkedIn, or visit .

欲了解更多信息,請在 LinkedIn 上關注我們,或訪問 。



  1. Umpierrez, et al. J of Clin Endo & Met. 87, no. 3 (March 2002): 978–82.
  2. Cook, et al. End Pract. 16, no. 2 (March 2010): 219-30.
  3. Newsom, et al., "Safely Converting From Sliding Scale..." ADA Sci Sessions. (Jun 2017). [Link]
  4. Rabinovich, et al., J of Diab Sci & Tech, 12, no. 1 (2018): 47–52.
  5. Mumpower, et al., "Relationship Between Glycemic Control Using eGMS..." Ann Diab Tech Mtg. (Nov 2016). [Link]
  1. Umpierrez 等人遠藤臨床醫學雜誌 87,第 3 號(2002 年 3 月):978—82。
  2. 庫克等結束第 16 號第 2 號契約(2010 年 3 月):219-30。
  3. Newsom 等人,“安全地從滑動比例轉換...”ADA 科學會議。(2017 年 6 月)。 [鏈接]
  4. 拉比諾維奇等人,戴鉑科學與技術雜誌,12,第 1 號(2018):47—52。
  5. Mumpower 等人,“使用 EGM 控制血糖之間的關係...”Ann Diab Tech Mtg.(2016 年 11 月)。[鏈接]


來源 Glytec

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