
Mastercard Unusual Options Activity

Mastercard Unusual Options Activity

Benzinga ·  2024/08/05 15:15

Deep-pocketed investors have adopted a bearish approach towards Mastercard (NYSE:MA), and it's something market players shouldn't ignore. Our tracking of public options records at Benzinga unveiled this significant move today. The identity of these investors remains unknown, but such a substantial move in MA usually suggests something big is about to happen.


We gleaned this information from our observations today when Benzinga's options scanner highlighted 8 extraordinary options activities for Mastercard. This level of activity is out of the ordinary.


The general mood among these heavyweight investors is divided, with 25% leaning bullish and 37% bearish. Among these notable options, 3 are puts, totaling $148,600, and 5 are calls, amounting to $433,081.


Projected Price Targets


Based on the trading activity, it appears that the significant investors are aiming for a price territory stretching from $400.0 to $460.0 for Mastercard over the recent three months.


Volume & Open Interest Development

成交量和持倉量的評估是期權交易中的一個關鍵步驟。這些指標揭示了阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Gr Hldgs)特定執行價格期權的流動性和投資者興趣。下面的數據可視化了在過去30天內,阿里巴巴集團(Alibaba Gr Hldgs)在執行價格在74.0美元到120.0美元區間內的看漲看跌期權中,成交量和持倉量的波動情況。

Looking at the volume and open interest is a powerful move while trading options. This data can help you track the liquidity and interest for Mastercard's options for a given strike price. Below, we can observe the evolution of the volume and open interest of calls and puts, respectively, for all of Mastercard's whale trades within a strike price range from $400.0 to $460.0 in the last 30 days.


Mastercard 30-Day Option Volume & Interest Snapshot



Largest Options Trades Observed:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
MA CALL SWEEP BEARISH 08/16/24 $7.0 $6.4 $6.4 $460.00 $256.1K 682 413
MA PUT SWEEP BULLISH 09/20/24 $8.15 $7.35 $7.35 $425.00 $80.8K 272 6
MA CALL SWEEP NEUTRAL 03/21/25 $80.0 $75.0 $77.5 $400.00 $54.2K 18 14
MA CALL TRADE NEUTRAL 03/21/25 $86.5 $66.85 $74.85 $400.00 $52.3K 18 14
MA CALL TRADE NEUTRAL 06/20/25 $48.8 $40.0 $44.55 $460.00 $44.5K 483 10
標的 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 到期日 賣盤 買盤 價格 執行價格 總交易價格 未平倉合約數量 成交量
馬薩諸塞州 看漲 SWEEP 看淡 08/16/24 $7.0 6.4美元 6.4美元 $460.00 256.1千美元 682 413
馬薩諸塞州 看跌 SWEEP 看好 09/20/24 $8.15 $7.35 $7.35 $425.00 $80.8K 272 6
馬薩諸塞州 看漲 SWEEP 中立 03/21/25 $80.0 $75.0 77.5美元 $400.00 $54.2千美元 18 14
馬薩諸塞州 看漲 交易 中立 03/21/25 $86.5 66.85美元 74.85美元 $400.00 $52.3K 18 14
馬薩諸塞州 看漲 交易 中立 06/20/25 48.8美元 $40.0 $44.55 $460.00 $44.5K 483 10

About Mastercard

關於Mastercard Mastercard是一家支付業務領域的全球科技公司。 我們的使命是使用安全的數據和網絡、夥伴關係和激情,連接並推動一個惠及每個人、無處不在的包容性數字經濟,使交易變得安全、簡單、智能和可訪問。 我們的創新和解決方案幫助個人、金融機構、政府和企業實現其最大的潛力。 跨越210多個國家和地區的聯繫,我們正在建設一個可持續的世界,爲所有人釋放無價的可能性。

Mastercard is the second-largest payment processor in the world, having processed close to over $9 trillion in volume during 2023. Mastercard operates in over 200 countries and processes transactions in over 150 currencies.


In light of the recent options history for Mastercard, it's now appropriate to focus on the company itself. We aim to explore its current performance.


Current Position of Mastercard


  • Trading volume stands at 1,030,244, with MA's price down by -3.03%, positioned at $448.03.
  • RSI indicators show the stock to be is currently neutral between overbought and oversold.
  • Earnings announcement expected in 80 days.
  • 交易量爲1,030,244,MA的價格下跌3.03%,位於448.03美元。
  • RSI指標顯示該股票目前處於超買和超賣之間的中立狀態。
  • 預計80天后公佈收益報告。

What Analysts Are Saying About Mastercard


In the last month, 5 experts released ratings on this stock with an average target price of $515.8.


  • An analyst from TD Cowen persists with their Buy rating on Mastercard, maintaining a target price of $533.
  • An analyst from B of A Securities has revised its rating downward to Neutral, adjusting the price target to $480.
  • Maintaining their stance, an analyst from RBC Capital continues to hold a Outperform rating for Mastercard, targeting a price of $526.
  • An analyst from JP Morgan persists with their Overweight rating on Mastercard, maintaining a target price of $500.
  • Consistent in their evaluation, an analyst from Susquehanna keeps a Positive rating on Mastercard with a target price of $540.
  • TD Cowen的分析師堅持對Mastercard的買入評級,維持目標價533美元。
  • b of A Securities的分析師將評級下調至中立,並將價格目標調整爲480美元。
  • RBC Capital的分析師繼續保持對Mastercard的跑贏大盤評級,目標價爲526美元。
  • JP Morgan的分析師繼續堅持給萬事達超配評級,保持500美元的目標價。
  • Susquehanna的分析師堅持對Mastercard的積極評價,目標價爲540美元。

Options are a riskier asset compared to just trading the stock, but they have higher profit potential. Serious options traders manage this risk by educating themselves daily, scaling in and out of trades, following more than one indicator, and following the markets closely.


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