
Polymetals Unveils Lucrative Endeavor Mine Plan

Polymetals Unveils Lucrative Endeavor Mine Plan

sharecafe ·  08/05 19:43

Last Thursday, August 1, Polymetals Resources (ASX:POL) announced that it had completed the purchase of the Endeavor silver-lead-zinc mine near Cobar, in western NSW. On Monday, it revealed that it hadn't been standing still, unveiling mining plans that had obviously been put together in the knowledge that the deal would go through.

上週四8月1日,Polymetals Resources (ASX:POL) 宣佈完成收購位於新南威爾士州西部庫巴附近的 Endeavor 銀鉛鋅礦。週一,該公司公佈了開採計劃,顯然是在知道交易完成之後制定的。

Polymetals said its mine plan was "significantly improved" to exploit the silver-lead-zinc resources at the Endeavour mine, with the aim of starting mining in the first half of 2025.

Polymetals表示,其採礦計劃“得到了顯着改進”,以利用 Endeavour 礦的銀-鉛-鋅資源,旨在在2025年上半年開始採礦。

Costing around $28 million to $30 million, with a payback period of just 14 months, the company aims to begin production in the first half of 2025, following the finalisation of a $30 million debt facility.


The plan forecasts production over 10 years of a total of 260,000 tonnes of zinc, 10.6 million ounces of silver, and 90,000 tonnes of lead.


The plan has a pre-tax net present value (NPV) of $414 million and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 345%. It anticipates a pre-tax free cash flow of $609 million, generating an annual EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation) of $89 million in the first five years.


The company said the plan "demonstrates that the project will generate outstanding financial returns and create substantial value for Polymetals shareholders and the Cobar Region; with significant increases in Ore Reserves, Mine Production, Free Cashflow, Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) compared to the MRS."


Polymetals' executive chair Dave Sproule said the results of the mine restart were impressive.

Polymetals的執行主席Dave Sproule表示,該礦場重啓的結果是令人印象深刻的。

"In addition to this great value, we are also moving to test several ideas to unlock contained gold and silver from the existing stored tailings using hydrometallurgical techniques, and we are actively engaged in exploration to expand the mineral resource of the deposit to extend mine life.

“除了這個巨大的價值,我們還將採用水冶冶金技術測試幾個想法,以從現有的尾砂中提取含有金銀的物質,並積極參與勘探以擴大礦牀的 mineral 資源以延長採礦壽命。

"The quality of the Endeavor mine asset, our Cobar Basin operational familiarity, the significant remaining metal endowment, and enormous exploration potential, provide a platform for substantive and long-term returns for our shareholders and the region."

“Endeavor 礦牀質量高、我們對庫巴盆地的操作熟悉、剩餘的金屬資源豐厚、探礦潛力巨大,爲我們的股東和該地區提供了實質性和長期的回報平台。”

Polymetals says it has already commenced critical path site refurbishment activities, including upgrades to underground infrastructure. It is also actively exploring near-mine areas, with further drilling at the Carpark prospect underway.

Polymetals表示,已經開始關鍵道路現場翻新活動,包括升級地下基礎設施。公司還積極地探索礦區附近的區域,目前在 Carpark 山坡進行了進一步的鑽探。

This mine plan is linked to the deal the company did with nearby Metals Acquisition Corp (MAC) which owns the Cobar copper operation.

這個採礦計劃與公司與附近的 Metals Acquisition Corp (MAC) 所做的交易相關,後者擁有 Cobar 銅礦業務。

As part of that deal, MAC invested in the $6.2 million issue run by Poly to help with the funding of the development. MAC invested in the issue to keep its shareholding to 4.3% for a total investment in Poly of $5 million. The two companies have entered into an agreement to treat high-grade ore at the Endeavor mine, and Poly will provide MAC with access to water offtake for use at the CSA mine at Cobar.

作爲交易的一部分,MAC 在 Poly 進行的620萬美元發行中投資,以幫助開發資金。 MAC 投資該發行以保持其股權爲4.3%,在 Poly 總投資5,000,000美元的情況下。兩家公司已經簽訂了一份協議,以處理 Endeavor 礦山的高品位礦石,並且 Poly 將向 MAC 提供水資源,供其在 Cobar 的 CSA 礦山使用。

The issue was done at 28 cents, and the shares ended at that level in the miserable day on the market, tucking away a gain of 8% on a day that saw the ASX lose 3.7%.

這個發行價格爲28美分,股票在市場垂涎的日子裏保持在這個水平,當天ASX指數下跌3.7%,Poly 股票賺了8%。

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