
Max Resource Issues an Update on the Purchase of the Floralia DSO Iron Ore Property in Brazil

Max Resource Issues an Update on the Purchase of the Floralia DSO Iron Ore Property in Brazil

Max Resource發佈有關在巴西購買Floralia DSO鐵礦石產權的更新。
newsfile ·  08/06 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 6, 2024) - Florália MAX RESOURCE CORP. (TSXV: MAX) (OTC Pink: MXROF) (FSE: M1D2) ("Max" or the "Company") has secured a 30-day extension on the option to purchase of 100% of the Florália DSO Iron Ore Property ("Florália Property" or "Property") located 120-km east of the city Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil (refer to Figures 1 to 3 and Summary of the Transaction).

Colombia東北部的麥克莫蘭銅金資源公司(TSXV: MAX)(OTC Pink: MXROF)(FSE: M1D2)宣佈已獲得了購買Florália DSO鐵礦石物業的100%股權的期權延長令(「Florália Property」或「物業」)的延期,該物業位於巴西米納斯吉拉斯州Belo Horizonte市以東120公里處(參見圖1至3和交易摘要);需在30天內完成購買。

On June 5, 2024, the Company received conditional approval from the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") for the Transaction. Final acceptance of the Transaction is conditional upon satisfying the filing requirements outlined in Policy 5.3 of the TSXV Finance Manual.

2024年6月5日,公司收到了多倫多證券交易所風險投資交易所(「 TSXV」)的有條件批准。交易的最終接受取決於滿足TSXV Finance Manual第5.3條中概述的申報要求的條件。

In accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") the Company has filed an independent Technical Report entitled "Florália Project", District of Florália, Municipality of Santa Barbara, Minas Gerais, Brazil by Qualified Person ("QP") Warren D. Robb, P.Geo. (BC) with an effective date of May 29, 2024. The Technical Report is available for review on SEDAR+ () and on the Company's website ().

根據43-101國家規定,公司已提交了一份獨立的《Florália Project》技術報告,該報告由資深人員(BC)禾倫·D·羅布(Warren D. Robb)P.Geo編寫,於2024年5月29日生效。該技術報告可在SEDAR+()和公司的網站上查閱。

The 613ha Florália Property is situated within the eastern portion of the Iron Quadrangle in Brazil, which hosts some of the largest iron mines in the world.

613公頃的Florália Property位於巴西的Iron Quadrangle的東部,該地區擁有全球一些最大的鐵礦。

Channel sampling through the excavated pit exposure was completed in 2023, forty-one channel samples were collected over a 151m accumulated length. This resulted in the definition of a geological target estimated at 2,971,233 m3 to 4,496,333 m3 or 8,052,041 tons to 12,184,160 tons using a density of 2.71 g/cm3 at an average grade of 58% Fe with a 6% LOI.

2023年完成了通過挖掘坑曝露的渠道採樣,收集了41個渠道樣品,累計長度爲15100萬米。根據58%鐵平均品位和6%LOI,使用2.71 g/cm³的密度,定義了一個地質目標,估計範圍是2,971,233 m³至4,496,333 m³或8,052,041噸至12,184,160噸。

Max cautions investors the potential quantity and grade of the iron ore is conceptual in nature, and further cautions there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and Max is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.

Max提醒投資者,礦石數量和品位的潛在估算性質是概念性質的,進一步警告,由於未進行足夠的勘探定義礦產資源,因此Max無法確定進一步的勘探是否會導致目標被界定爲礦產資源。Florália Property 方案資料是由Jaguar Mining Inc提供的,但該文檔沒有日期。

The source of the exploration information on the Florália Property is "Depósito Florália Oportunidade para minerrio de ferro by Jaguar Mining Inc." The document is undated.

Florália Property的勘探信息來源於「Depósito Florália Oportunidade para minerrio de ferro by Jaguar Mining Inc。」該文件沒有日期。

Planned exploration in 2024 consists of geophysical and structural mapping programs, followed by drilling.


Figure 1: Florália Property, major iron ore mines, steel mills, railways, haul roads and mining services.

圖1: Florália Property,主要鐵礦山、鋼鐵廠、鐵路、運輸道路和礦業服務。

Figure 2. Florália Mineral Claim.

圖2.Florália Mineral Claim。

Figure 3. Florália "Historic Mining Pit".

圖3.Florália Historic Mining Pit。

Summary of the Transaction


The letter of intent announced by the Company on May 16, 2024, outlines the principal terms for an Asset Purchase Agreement ("APA") between Max, Jaguar and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jaguar (together with Jaguar, the "Jaguar Entities") to purchase Florália Mineral Right n° 832.022/2018 ("Mineral Right"). The parties continue to negotiate the terms of the APA. The Jaguar Entities and Max are arms length parties and, as a result of the transaction, no new insiders or control person will be created. There are no finder's fees or commissions payable in connection with the Transaction. Max has paid a USD $100,000 non-refundable deposit.

公司於2024年5月16日公佈的意向書概述了Max,Jaguar及Jaguar的全資子公司之間簽署資產購買協議("APA)的主要條款,以購買Florália Mineral Right n°832.022 / 2018("Mineral Right")。交易各方繼續商談APA的條款。 Jaguar實體和Max是獨立方,並且由於交易,不會產生新的內部人員或控制人員。交易不支付發現者費或佣金。Max已支付100,000美元的不可退款定金。

Remaining cash payments:


  • • USD $200,000 within five business days following the effective date of the APA.

  • • USD $300,000 within five business days of Max transferring the Mineral Right to wholly owned subsidiary of Max incorporated in Brazil.

  • • USD $200,000 within five business following the date of 6 months from effective date of the APA.

  • • USD $200,000 within five business following the date of 12 months from effective date of the APA.

  • 最終的APA生效後的五個工作日內,將支付美元$ 200,000。

  • Max將Ferro-Max Brazil公司的礦權轉讓給Max全資子公司後,五個工作日內,支付美元$ 300,000。

  • APA生效之後的六個月內的五個工作日內,將支付美元$ 200,000。

  • APA生效之後的十二個月內的五個工作日內,將支付美元$ 200,000。

Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project


The Sierra Azul Project comprises three continuous districts spanning 120-km, NNE/SSW direction. This region provides access to major infrastructure, including Cerrejón, the largest coal mine in South America, held by global miner Glencore. Max's twenty concessions collectively span over 188-km2 (refer to Figure 4).

西耶拉阿蘇爾項目由三個連續區組成,總長度爲120公里,呈NNE/SSW方向。這個地區可以獲得包括由全球礦業公司Glencore持有的南美最大的煤礦Cerrejón在內的主要基礎設施。Max的20個許可權總面積達188 km²(參見圖4)。

Earn-In Agreement with Freeport-McMoRan Exploration

與Freeport-McMoRan Exploration簽署挖掘權協議

On May 13, 2024, the Company reported that it entered into an Earn-In Agreement ("EIA") with Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation ("Freeport"), a wholly owned-affiliate of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (NYSE: FCX) relating to Max's wholly owned Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project (formerly known as the Cesar Copper-Silver Project) in northeastern Colombia. The Company and Freeport are arm's length.

2024年5月13日,該公司報告稱,已與Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation(「Freeport」)簽訂了Earn-In協議(「EIA」),該公司是Freeport-McMoRan Inc.(紐交所:FCX)。與Max的全資子公司Sierra Azul 銅銀項目(原名爲Cesar Copper-Silver Project)位於哥倫比亞東北部的相關事項。公司和Freeport不相互關聯。

Under the terms of the EIA, Freeport has been granted a two-stage option to acquire up to an 80% ownership interest in the Sierra Azul Project by funding cumulative expenditures of C$50 million and making cash payments to Max of C$1.55 million.

根據EIA的條款,Freeport已獲得兩個階段的選擇權,通過資助累積支出5000萬加元和向Max支付155萬加元現金,可收購Sierra Azul Project長達80%的所有權利。 如果Freeport在五年內在西耶拉阿蘇爾項目中資助了C$2000萬的勘探承諾並向Max支付了C$80萬的分期付款,就可以獲得最初的51%的權益。在這一階段,Max將繼續擔任西耶拉阿蘇爾銅銀項目的運營商。一旦Freeport獲得了它最初的51%權益,Freeport可以再通過在西耶拉阿蘇爾項目中資助了C$3000萬的勘探承諾並向Max支付了總額爲C$75萬的分期付款來使其權益增加至80%。

To earn an initial 51% interest, Freeport is required to fund C$20 million of exploration commitments at Sierra Azul over five years and make staged payments to Max totalling C$0.8 million. Max will remain the operator of Sierra Azul during this initial stage. Once Freeport earns its initial 51% interest, Freeport can increase its interest to 80% by funding a further C$30 million in exploration commitments at Sierra Azul over five years and making staged payments totalling C$0.75 million.

2024年7月30日,該公司宣佈了其位於哥倫比亞東北部的西耶拉阿蘇爾銅銀項目的2024年勘探計劃。 該計劃撥出的經費爲420萬美元,並由在2024年5月13日所宣佈的Earn-In協議中的 Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation(「Freeport」)資助。

On July 30, 2024, the Company announced the 2024 exploration program for its Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project located in northeastern Colombia. The program, with an approved expenditure of USD $4.2 million, will be funded by Freeport-McMoRan Exploration Corporation ("Freeport"), as per an earn-in agreement announced on May 13th, 2024.


The US$4.2 million exploration program is underway. There are two main objectives for the 2024 exploration program:

貝街對公司全資擁有的西耶拉阿蘇爾項目的19個礦業權覆蓋的19個採礦許可權和覆蓋公司擁有的西耶拉阿蘇爾項目的796 km²的31個礦業權申請持有3%的基礎淨冶煉所得權益。在2023年11月21日,Max獲得了TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

  • Conduct systematic regional exploration over the entire Sierra Azul Project Area (>1,300 sq-km).
  • Define priority targets for drilling.
  • 對Sierra Azul項目區域(> 1300平方公里)進行系統區域勘探。
  • 確定鑽探的優先目標。

Buyout of Royalties


On November 7, 2023, Max executed a Share Exchange Agreement pursuant to acquiring all the issued and outstanding shares of Bay Street Mineral Corp. ("Bay Street") an arms length Canadian Corporation in exchange for 14,000,000 common shares in the capital of Max.

2023年11月7日,Max根據股份交換協議收購了Bay Street Mineral Corp.(「Bay Street」)的全部已發行和流通股。 Bay Street是加拿大的一家獨立公司,以1400萬Max普通股的資本金作爲補償。

Bay Street held an underlying 3% net smelter royalty over 19 mining concessions covering 184-km2 and 31 mining concession applications covering 796-km2 of the Company's wholly owned Sierra Azul Project. On November 21, 2023, Max obtained TSX Venture Exchange approval.

Am District

AM District


Starting in the far north of the Jurassic basin, classic stacked red bed outcrops with extensive lateral continuity have been rock sampled over 15-km of strike. Highlight values of 34.4% copper and 305 g/t silver have been documented in the sedimentary red bed sequences. The Company confirmed that stratiform mineralization continues at depth with two scout drill holes completed in 2023 (Max News Release dated April 4, 2023). In addition, Colombian field crews continue to discover and sample new mineralized outcrops identified AM-1 through AM 14 targets (Max News Release dated May 25, 2023, and Max News Release dated June 22, 2023).

從侏羅紀盆地的極北開始,經過15公里的走向,經典的層狀紅層露頭具有廣泛的橫向連續性。沉積的紅層連續中探明有34.4% 的銅和305克/噸的白銀高光值。公司證實層狀礦化繼續在深處存在,並於2023年完成了兩個偵察鑽孔(Max資訊公告於2023年4月4日發佈)。此外,哥倫比亞現場工作人員繼續發現和採樣新的礦化露頭,命名爲Am-1到Am 14靶區(Max資訊公告於2023年5月25日和Max資訊公告於2023年6月22日) 。

Conejo District


Located approximately 30-km south from the AM District. It is characterized by structurally controlled mineralization, hosted in intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks. Mineralized outcrops have been discovered over 3.7-km at the primary target area. Surface samples averaged 4.9% copper (with a 2% cut-off). No drilling has been conducted to date.


URU District


Located approximately 60-km south from the AM District. Max has identified 12 targets URU-1 through to URU-12. The mineralization of the URU District is hosted in intermediate volcanic rocks and is structurally controlled. At URU-C, a 9.0m of 7.0% copper and 115 g/t silver surface discovery was confirmed at depth by drill hole URU-12, which intersected 10.6m of 3.4% copper and 48 g/t silver. At the URU-CE target, 750m to the east, 19.0m of 1.3% copper discovered in outcrop was confirmed by drill hole URU-9, which intersected a broad zone of copper oxide returning 33.0m of 0.3% copper from 4.0m, including 16.5m of 0.5% copper (Max News Release date January 24, 2023).


Qualified Person


The Company's disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release was reviewed and approved by Tim Henneberry, P.Geo. (British Columbia), a member of Max's advisory board, who serves as a qualified person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中公司披露的技術或科學性質的信息已經由Max顧問委員會成員、符合《加拿大證券法43-101條例》定義下合格人員的P.Geo. (British Columbia)的Tim Henneberry審核並批准。

Figure 4: Location and Scale of the Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project, NE Colombia

圖4:Sierra Azul銅銀項目的位置及規模,哥倫比亞東北部

About Max Resource Corp.

關於Max Resource Corp.

Max Resource Corp. (TSXV: MAX) is a mineral exploration company advancing the newly discovered district-scale Sierra Azul Copper-Silver Project. The wholly owned Sierra Azul project sits along the Colombian portion of the world's largest producing copper belt (Andean belt), with world-class infrastructure and the presence of global majors (Glencore and Chevron).

Max Resource Corp.(TSXV:MAX)是一家礦產勘探公司,正在推進新發現的區域規模的Sierra Azul銅銀項目。全資擁有的Sierra Azul項目位於全球最大的銅生產帶(安第斯帶)的哥倫比亞地區,具有世界級的基礎設施和全球主要公司(Glencore和Chevron)的存在。

Subject to TSX Venture approval, Max has announced plans to purchase 100% of the Florália Hematite DSO (benchmark 58 to 62% Fe) property, located within the Iron Quadrangle in Brazil. Channel sampling of excavated mining pits in 2023 resulted in the definition of a geological target estimated at 8,052,041 tonnes to 12,184,160 tonnes using a density of 2.71 g/cm3 at an average grade of 58% Fe.

經TSX Venture批准,Max宣佈計劃購買位於巴西鐵嶺內的100%的Florália Hematite DSO(基準58至62%Fe)物業。通過2023年開鑿採礦坑道的渠道採樣,確定了一個地質靶區,估計爲8052041噸至12184160噸,使用2.71克/立方厘米的密度和平均58%Fe的品位。

Max cautions investors the potential quantity and grade of the iron ore is conceptual in nature, and further cautions there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and Max is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.


For more information visit:


For additional information contact:
Tim McNulty E: T: (604) 290-8100
Rahim Lakha E.
Brett Matich T: (604) 484 1230

Tim McNulty 電子郵件 電話:(604)290-8100
Rahim Lakha 電子郵件
Brett Matich 電話:(604)484 1230

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

Except for statements of historic fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities law.

本新聞稿除歷史事實陳述外,還包含有關"前瞻性信息"的某些內容,該信息屬於適用證券法律下的前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息經常以"計劃","預期","項目","打算","相信","預測"和其他類似的詞或表示某些事件或情況"可能"或"將"發生的陳述爲特色。前瞻性陳述基於陳述發表的意見和估計,並且受到各種風險和不確定性以及其他可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性陳述所預期的不同的因素的影響,包括但不限於延遲或不確定性的監管批准,包括TSXV的批准。前瞻性信息中存在不確定性,包括超出公司控制範圍的因素。不保證Max Resources Corp.商業化計劃將根據本新聞稿中描述的條款或時間表生效。

Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to the APA, receipt of the TSXV's final approval, the completion of the Transaction, the Company's planned exploration programs, the Florália Property, and the Company's strategy and plans. There are uncertainties inherent in forward-looking information, including factors beyond the Company's control. There are no assurances that the commercialization plans for Max Resources Corp. described in this news release will come into effect on the terms or time frame described herein.

前瞻性的信息常被用諸如「計劃」,「期望」,「項目」,「目的」,「相信」,「預計」,「估計」等類似的字眼所表示,或者是那些某些事件或情況「可能」或「將要」發生的聲明。前瞻性聲明是基於述表聲明的日期的意見和估計,受到各種風險和不確定性以及其他因素的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際事件或結果與前瞻性聲明中預期的不同,包括但不限於APA,接收TSXV的最終批准,完成交易,公司的計劃勘探項目,Florália 物業以及公司的策略和計劃。前瞻性信息固有的不確定性,包括超出公司控制範圍的因素。本新聞稿中描述的Max Resources Corp.的商業化計劃不確保符合本新聞稿所述條款或時間框架。

The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change except as required by law. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties that could affect financial results is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at .


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