
GMG's Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery: Progress Update and Next Steps Toward Commercialisation

GMG's Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery: Progress Update and Next Steps Toward Commercialisation

GMG的石墨烯鋁離子電池: 進展更新及走向商業化的下一步
newsfile ·  08/06 08:00

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 6, 2024) - Graphene Manufacturing Group Ltd. (TSXV: GMG) ("GMG" or the "Company") is pleased to provide the latest progress update on its Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery technology ("G+AI Battery") being developed by GMG and the University of Queensland ("UQ").

澳大利亞昆士蘭州布里斯班--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年8月6日)——石墨烯製造集團有限公司(TSXV:GMG)(「GMG」 或 「公司」)很高興提供GMG和昆士蘭大學(「UQ」)正在開發的石墨烯鋁離子電池技術(「G+AI電池」)的最新進展。

Notably, this update includes information about GMG's G+AI Battery regarding:


  • Electrochemistry Optimisation
  • 1000 mAh Battery Cell Capacity Reached (Previously)
  • Battery Technology Readiness Level
  • Next Steps Toward Commercialisation and Market Applications
  • Next Generation Battery Performance
  • Important Milestones for GMG's Graphene Aluminium Ion Battery Development
  • 電化學優化
  • 已達到 1000 mAh 電池容量(以前)
  • 電池技術就緒級別
  • 邁向商業化和市場應用的下一步
  • 下一代電池性能
  • GMG 石墨烯鋁離子電池開發的重要里程碑

Electrochemistry Optimisation


The Company is currently optimising the G+AI Battery pouch cell electrochemistry - which is a standard battery development process step (please see Battery Technology Readiness Level section below).


The Company has developed significant knowledge regarding the electrochemistry of the pouch cells since achieving the targeted 1 Ah cell capacity in February 2024.

自2024年2月實現目標1 Ah電池容量以來,該公司已經積累了有關袋裝電池電化學的豐富知識。

The challenges that the G+AI Battery are showing through this phase of its maturation are very similar to other battery chemistries that have been developed into mass production - including Lithium-Ion batteries.


The performance of the pouch cells will be communicated upon successfully producing a repeatable and 3rd party tested 1000 mAh+ battery pouch cell.

在成功生產出可重複且經過第三方測試的 1000 mAh 以上的軟包電池後,將對軟包電池的性能進行溝通。

The Company is confident it can meet its overall timeline on the battery cell roadmap as seen in Figure 1 as previously communicated.

該公司相信,如先前所示的圖 1 所示,它能夠完成電池路線圖的總體時間表。

Figure 1: Battery Cell Roadmap

圖 1:電池路線圖

There are five steps in this optimisation process which the Company completes once per week in what it calls a "Sprint" as seen in Figure 2.

該優化過程分爲五個步驟,公司每週以所謂的 「衝刺」 方式完成一次,如圖 2 所示。

Figure 2: Optimisation Weekly Sprint Process

圖 2:優化每週衝刺流程

  1. Make Cell
  1. 製作細胞

The major components of the G+AI Battery are:
Cathode: Graphene, binder and solvent (water or another solution) layered on a metal foil cathode substrate.
Anode: Aluminium foil
Electrolyte: Aluminium Chloride and ionic fluid (Urea or another solution)
Separator: Separator

G+AI 電池的主要組件是:

These are assembled in a standard step by step process - which is documented in the Company's operation manual of procedures for the Battery Development Process.


There are many different variations that can be trialed in a cell design which can include, but are not limited to, the following:


- Processing of the graphene
- Type of Cathode Solvent
- Type of Cathode Binder
- Cathode thickness
- Various Ionic Fluids in the Electrolyte
- Various mixes of Electrolyte components
- Types of Separators (different materials, suppliers and thicknesses)
- Various Cathode preparation variations
- Various Cell Assembly process variations
- Charging and Discharging algorithms (including charging voltage, current and time)
- Formation Processes


Typically, 5 of each battery design is made which ensures a statistical depth to the testing.


  1. Test Cell Performance
  1. 測試單元性能

Once the Cell Performance is measured (on the charging/discharging stacks) there are certain performance parameters that are observed which include, but are not limited to, the following:


- Capacity (mAh)
- Nominal Voltage (Volts)
- Number of Charging and Discharging Cycles (number)
- Physical expansion or contraction of the cell
- Physical changes to the cell

-容量 (mAh)

This data is then recorded and linked to the cell design and assembly process used to make the cell.


  1. Compare Cell Performance
  1. 比較電池性能

The objective of this step is to understand what design and cell assembly parameters, in an isolated test, have a repeatable causal change in cell performance.


Each Sprint usually focuses on a single variable in design or cell assembly - an example of a 3-week Sprint program is seen in Figure 3.

每個 Sprint 通常側重於設計或單元組裝中的單個變量——圖 3 中顯示了爲期 3 周的 Sprint 計劃的示例。

Figure 3: Sprint Program Example

圖 3:Sprint 計劃示例

  1. Review Optimisation Options
  1. 查看優化選項

Upon reviewing optimisation options for the next Sprint, there are many parameters to consider. Often one design parameter of the cell or assembly process will positively improve one cell performance outcome but have a negative impact on another. As the Company optimises various performance outcomes of the battery cell - some of which are shown in Figure 4 - the Company needs to consider the various potential trade-offs on other performance outcomes.

在審查下一個Sprint的優化選項時,有許多參數需要考慮。通常,電池或組裝過程中的一個設計參數會積極改善一個電池的性能結果,但會對另一個電池的性能產生負面影響。隨着公司優化電池的各種性能結果(其中一些結果如圖 4 所示),公司需要考慮在其他性能結果上權衡各種潛在的利弊。

Figure 4: Battery Optimisation Process

圖 4:電池優化流程

  1. Propose Next Cell Design (repeat Step 1 again)
  1. 提出下一個單元格設計(再次重複步驟 1)

Once the Company has selected the design of the Cell parameters, it needs to test for optimisation. This involves repeating step 1 until a final design or variable is chosen.

一旦公司選擇了電池參數的設計,就需要進行測試以進行優化。這包括重複步驟 1,直到選擇最終設計或變量爲止。

1000 mAh Battery Cell Capacity Reached

已達到 1000 mAh 電池容量

The Company previously announced on the 6th February 2024 it produced multiple battery pouch cells with over 1000 mAh (1 Ah) capacity, as seen in Figure 5. This was a major milestone achieved to demonstrate scalability from coin cells to pouch cells, and represented the next milestone in the battery's development, following the announcement of 500 mAh capacity in September 2023.

該公司此前曾在2024年2月6日宣佈,它生產了多個容量超過1000 mAh(1 Ah)的電池袋,如圖 5 所示。這是爲證明從紐扣電池到軟包電池的可擴展性而實現的一個重要里程碑,也是繼2023年9月宣佈500 mAh容量之後電池開發的下一個里程碑。

Figure 5: Typical G+AI Pouch Cell Prototype

圖 5:典型的 G+AI 軟包電池原型

Please see typical charging and discharging curve of the GMG's Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery 1000 mAh cell in Figure 6 showing a nominal voltage of 1.7 volts.

請參閱圖 6 中 GMG 石墨烯鋁離子電池 1000 mAh 電池的典型充放電曲線,顯示標稱電壓爲 1.7 伏。

Figure 6: Typical Charging and Discharging Curves

圖 6:典型的充放電曲線

At the same time, GMG is reviewing a potential investment for the procurement and installation of an automated pouch cell battery pilot plant in its Richlands Australia Facility. The Pilot Plant will enable the Company to produce pouch cells for potential customers to test in battery packs for different applications. Following the successful start-up of the Pilot Plant and successful customer trials, GMG expects to pursue large scale commercial production, as seen in Figure 7.

同時,GMG正在審查一項潛在投資,用於在其澳大利亞里奇蘭茲工廠採購和安裝自動軟包電池試點工廠。試點工廠將使公司能夠生產軟包電池,供潛在客戶在電池組中測試不同應用。在試點工廠成功啓動和客戶試用成功之後,GMG 預計將進行大規模商業化生產,如圖 7 所示。

Figure 7: Pouch Cell Scale Up Process

圖 7:軟包電池放大流程

Battery Technology Readiness Level


The battery technology readiness level ("BTRL") of the Graphene Aluminium-Ion technology remains at Level 4 (see Figure 8). GMG is currently optimizing electrochemical behaviour for pouch cells via ongoing laboratory experimentation. If GMG invests, constructs and commissions a Pilot Plant it is anticipated that the battery technology will progress to BTRL 7 and 8 since the equipment and process needed to make the Graphene Aluminium-Ion batteries is the same as those employed to make Lithium Ion Batteries.

石墨烯鋁離子技術的電池技術就緒級別(「BTRL」)保持在4級(見圖8)。GMG目前正在通過正在進行的實驗室實驗來優化袋裝電池的電化學行爲。如果GMG投資、建造和委託試點工廠,預計電池技術將發展到BTRL 7和8,因爲製造石墨烯鋁離子電池所需的設備和工藝與用於製造鋰離子電池的設備和工藝相同。

Figure 8: Battery Technology Readiness Level

圖 8:電池技術就緒級別

Source: "The Battery Component Readiness Level (BC-RL) Framework: A technology-specific development framework", Matthew Greenwood et al

來源:「電池組件準備水平(BC-RL)框架:特定技術的開發框架」,Matthew Greenwood等人

Next Steps Toward Commercialisation & Market Applications


The Company continues to see a broad range of applications for a completed GMG Graphene Aluminium Ion Battery - utilising its ultra-high power-density and nominal energy density characteristics. Along with Rio Tinto, a range of global companies have confidentially expressed their interest in working with GMG in the following vertical sectors:


Next Generation Battery Performance


GMG's next generation Graphene Aluminium-Ion Battery performance data (as tested and calculated on coin cells), as compared to the most commonly available lithium-ion batteries, is shown below in Figure 9, with a list of its beneficial characteristics.


The performance of the pouch cells will be communicated upon successfully producing a repeatable and fully 3rd party tested 1000 mAh+ battery pouch cell.

在成功生產出可重複且經過全面第三方測試的 1000 mAh+ 軟包電池後,將對軟包電池的性能進行溝通。

Figure 9: Graphene Aluminium Ion Battery Comparative Performance Data (for coin cells)

圖 9:石墨烯鋁離子電池比較性能數據(硬幣電池)

Pouch cell performance data could be significantly different and will be published once 1000 mAh+ capacity pouch cells are developed and tested.

軟包電池的性能數據可能存在顯著差異,將在開發和測試 1000 mAh 以上容量的袋裝電池後發佈。

*University of Queensland validated GMG testing data based on industry standard estimate methodology from coin cells using a reducing factor of 2.3.
#CATL 3.7V 65Ah NCM Lithium Battery Cell - LiFePO4 Battery ( on 29/09/22 7
$ CATL 3.2V 150Ah LiFePO4 Battery Cell - LiFePO4 Battery ( on 29/09/22

#CATL 3.7V 65Ah ncM 鋰電池芯——LifePO4 電池 ( 於 22 年 9 月 29 日上線 7
22 年 9 月 29 日的 CATL 3.2V 150Ah LifePO4 電池——LifePO4 電池 (

Important Milestones for the Battery's Development:


Important milestones for GMG's Graphene Aluminium Ion Battery Development:

GMG 石墨烯鋁離子電池開發的重要里程碑:

Month Important Milestones in the Development of the Graphene Aluminium Ion Battery
May 2020 GMG and UQ wins Australian Research Council grant for Graphene battery development
Apr 2021 The University of Queensland and GMG kick off coin cell battery development project
May 2021 Graphene aluminium-ion battery performance data - Energy Density and Power Density
Jun 2021 Graphene aluminium-ion battery performance data - Cycle Life
Jun 2021 Significant potential battery customer market response to launch of battery
Jul 2021 Investment decision for coin cell battery development centre
Oct 2021 Construction starts for coin cell battery development centre
Oct 2021 Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions and GMG sign Letter of Intent
Dec 2021 Commencement coin cell battery development centre
Dec 2021 Initial coin cell batteries sent for customer feedback
Mar 2022 Initial factory acceptance testing of semi-automated prototype battery cell assembly equipment
Mar 2022 Wood Engineering and GMG Sign a Letter of Intent
May 2022 Rio Tinto and GMG sign Letter of Intent
Jun 2022 Commissioning of Pouch Cell Equipment
Jun 2022 Bob Galyen former chief technology officer of CATL joins GMG technical advisory committee.
Aug 2022 Investment decision for Phase 1 modular Graphene Production Plant
Oct 2022 Significant battery performance, cell and graphene production improvements
Dec 2022 Investment of $600k Battery Development Centre
Feb 2023 Australian Government Approval (AICIS) for production and sale of batteries.
May 2023 Battery Joint Development Agreement with Rio Tinto signed
May 2023 Battery Technology Readiness Level (BRTL) 2-3 reached
May 2023 Decision to switch to develop Pouch Cells (instead of Coin Cells)
Jul 2023 Bob Galyen former chief technology officer of CATL joins GMG board of Directors
Sep 2023 Battery Pouch Cell Prototypes Multilayered Auto-Stacker Demonstration
Sep 2023 Reaching 500 mAh capacity battery
Sep 2023 Battery Technology Readiness Level (BRTL) 4 reached
Nov 2023 Rio Tinto and GMG Partnership Video Launched
Dec 2023 Commissioning of modular Graphene Production Plant
Feb 2024 1000 mAh Capacity Reached
Mar 2024 Graphene Manufacturing Group Secures AU$2 million Funding Grant from Queensland Government for Battery Pilot Plant
2020 年 5 月 GMG 和 UQ 獲得澳大利亞研究委員會的石墨烯電池開發資助
2021 年 4 月 昆士蘭大學和GMG啓動硬幣電池開發項目
2021 年 5 月 石墨烯鋁離子電池性能數據-能量密度和功率密度
2021 年 6 月 石墨烯鋁離子電池性能數據-循環壽命
2021 年 6 月 潛在電池客戶市場對電池上市的重大反應
2021 年 7 月 硬幣電池開發中心的投資決定
2021 年 10 月 紐扣電池開發中心開工建設
2021 年 10 月 博世澳大利亞製造解決方案和GMG簽署意向書
2021 年 12 月 開工硬幣電池開發中心
2021 年 12 月 最初的硬幣電池已發送以徵求客戶反饋
2022年3月 半自動原型電池組裝設備的初始出廠驗收測試
2022年3月 Wood Engineering 和 GMG 簽署了意向書
2022 年 5 月 力拓和GMG簽署意向書
2022 年 6 月 軟包電池設備的調試
2022 年 6 月 CATL前首席技術官鮑勃·加林加入GMG技術諮詢委員會。
2022年8月 第一期模塊化石墨烯生產廠的投資決定
2022 年 10 月 顯著的電池性能、電池和石墨烯產量改進
2022 年 12 月 投資60萬美元的電池開發中心
2023 年 2 月 澳大利亞政府批准(AICIS),用於生產和銷售電池。
2023 年 5 月 與力拓簽署電池聯合開發協議
2023 年 5 月 電池技術準備水平 (BRTL) 2-3 已達到
2023 年 5 月 決定改爲開發袋裝電池(而不是硬幣電池)
2023 年 7 月 CATL 前首席技術官 Bob Galyen 加入 GMG 董事會
2023 年 9 月 電池袋電池原型多層自動堆疊機演示
2023 年 9 月 電池容量達到 500 mAh
2023 年 9 月 已達到電池技術就緒級別 (BRTL) 4
2023 年 11 月 力拓和GMG合作視頻發佈
2023 年 12 月 模塊化石墨烯生產工廠的調試
2024 年 2 月 容量已達 1000 mAh
2024 年 3 月 石墨烯製造集團獲得昆士蘭州政府爲電池試點工廠提供200萬澳元的資助

About GMG

關於 GMG

GMG is a clean-technology company which seeks to offer energy saving and energy storage solutions, enabled by graphene, including that manufactured in-house via a proprietary production process.


GMG has developed a proprietary production process to decompose natural gas (i.e. methane) into its elements, carbon (as graphene), hydrogen and some residual hydrocarbon gases. This process produces high quality, low cost, scalable, 'tuneable' and low/no contaminant graphene suitable for use in clean-technology and other applications. The Company's present focus is to de-risk and develop commercial scale-up capabilities, and secure market applications.

GMG開發了一種專有的生產工藝,可以將天然氣(即甲烷)分解爲其元素、碳(如石墨烯)、氫氣和一些殘留的碳氫化合物氣體。該工藝可生產高質量、低成本、可擴展、「可調」 和低/無污染的石墨烯,適用於清潔技術和其他應用。該公司目前的重點是降低風險,開發商業擴展能力,保護市場應用程序。

In the energy savings segment, GMG has focused on graphene enhanced heating, ventilation and air conditioning ("HVAC-R") coating (or energy-saving paint), lubricants and fluids. In the energy storage segment, GMG and the University of Queensland are working collaboratively with financial support from the Australian Government to progress R&D and commercialization of graphene aluminium-ion batteries ("G+AI Batteries").


GMG's 4 critical business objectives are:

GMG 的 4 個關鍵業務目標是:

  1. Produce Graphene and improve/scale cell production processes
  2. Build Revenue from Energy Savings Products
  3. Develop Next-Generation Battery
  4. Develop Supply Chain, Partners & Project Execution Capability
  1. 生產石墨烯並改進/擴大電池生產流程
  2. 通過節能產品增加收入
  3. 開發下一代電池
  4. 發展供應鏈、合作伙伴和項目執行能力

For further information please contact:


  • Craig Nicol, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director of the Company at, +61 415 445 223
  • Leo Karabelas at Focus Communications Investor Relations,, +1 647 689 6041
  • 公司首席執行官兼董事總經理克雷格·尼科爾,電話,+61 415 445 223
  • Focus Communications 投資者關係部的里奧·卡拉貝拉斯,,+1 647 689 6041

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends", "expects" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or will "potentially" or "likely" occur. This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding the development of the Company's pouch cell battery, that the Company will obtain repeatable third party testing of a 1000 mAh+ battery pouch cell, the timing of gathering third party laboratory battery testing data, that the Company will review the investment decision to procure and install an automated pouch cell battery pilot plant in its Richlands Australia facility and the potential to pursue large scale commercial production if the pilot plant and customer trials are successful, the timing of customer testing for an 1000 mAh pouch cell, that the Company will optimize electrochemical behaviour for pouch cells via ongoing laboratory experimentation, the ability of a pilot plant to help progress the Graphene Aluminium-Ion technology along the BTRL, the Company's ability to meet its overall timeline on the battery cell roadmap, and the potential applications for the G+AI Battery.

本新聞稿包括某些陳述和信息,這些陳述和信息可能構成適用的加拿大證券法所指的前瞻性信息。前瞻性陳述與未來事件或未來業績有關,反映了公司管理層對未來事件的期望或信念。通常,前瞻性陳述和信息可以通過使用諸如 「打算」、「期望」 或 「預期」 等前瞻性術語來識別,或者某些行爲、事件或結果 「可能」、「應該」、「將來」 或 「可能」 發生 「可能」 發生的詞語和短語或陳述的變體。這些信息和這些陳述(此處稱爲 「前瞻性陳述」)不是歷史事實,是截至本新聞稿發佈之日作出的,包括但不限於有關公司軟包電池開發的聲明、公司將獲得對1000 mAh+袋裝電池的可重複第三方測試、收集第三方實驗室電池測試數據的時機的聲明,以及公司將審查採購和安裝該電池的投資決定的聲明位於裏奇蘭茲的自動軟包電池試點工廠澳大利亞的工廠,以及如果試點工廠和客戶試驗成功,則有可能進行大規模商業化生產;客戶測試1000 mAh軟包電池的時機;公司將通過正在進行的實驗室實驗優化袋裝電池的電化學行爲;試點工廠幫助沿着BTRL推進石墨烯鋁離子技術的能力;該公司在電池路線圖上實現總體時間表的能力;以及G+的潛在應用人工智能電池。

Such forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions of management, including, without limitation, assumptions that the Company will obtain repeatable third party testing of a 1000 mAh+ battery pouch cell, that the Company will review the investment decision to procure and install an automated pouch cell battery pilot plant in its Richlands Australia facility, that the Company may move to large scale commercial production if the pilot plant and customer trials are successful, that the Company will be able to optimize the electrochemical behaviour of the pouch cell through laboratory experimentation, that a pilot plant will assist in progressing its Graphene Aluminium-Ion technology along the BTRL, and that the Company will be able to meet its overall timeline on the battery cell roadmap. Additionally, forward-looking information involves a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements of GMG to be materially different from any future plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, without limitation: that the Company will not be able to obtain repeatable third party testing of a 1000 mAh+ battery pouch cell, that the Company will choose not to proceed with a pilot plant, that the Company will not proceed to customer testing and laboratory testing on the expected timeline or at all, that the Company will not pursue large scale commercial production even if the pilot plant and customer trials are successful, that the construction of a pilot plant will not help advance the Graphene Aluminium-Ion technology along the BTRL, that the Company will not be able to optimize the electrochemical behaviour of the pouch cell through laboratory experimentation or at all, the Company will not be able to meet its overall timeline on the battery cell roadmap, risks relating to the extent and duration of the conflict in Eastern Europe and its impact on global markets, the volatility of global capital markets, political instability, the failure of the Company to obtain regulatory approvals, attract and retain skilled personnel, unexpected development and production challenges, unanticipated costs and the risk factors set out under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's annual information form dated October 12, 2023 available for review on the Company's profile at .

此類前瞻性陳述基於管理層的許多假設,包括但不限於以下假設:公司將對1000 mAh以上的電池袋裝電池進行可重複的第三方測試;公司將審查在其澳大利亞里奇蘭茲工廠採購和安裝自動軟包電池試點工廠的投資決定;如果試點工廠和客戶試驗成功,公司將能夠優化電氣化學行爲通過實驗室實驗,試點工廠將協助其在BTRL沿線推進其石墨烯鋁離子技術,並且該公司將能夠按照電池路線圖完成其總體時間表。此外,前瞻性信息涉及各種已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致GMG的實際計劃、意圖、活動、結果、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的任何未來計劃、意圖、活動、結果、業績或成就存在重大差異。此類風險包括但不限於:公司將無法對1000 mAh以上的電池袋裝電池進行可重複的第三方測試,公司將選擇不進行試點工廠,公司不會按預期的時間表進行客戶測試和實驗室測試,或者根本不進行客戶測試和實驗室測試,即使試點工廠和客戶試用成功,公司也不會進行大規模商業生產,試點工廠的建設無助於推進 BTRL 沿線的石墨烯鋁離子技術,該公司將無法通過實驗室實驗優化袋裝電池的電化學特性,或者根本無法完成電池路線圖的總體時間表、與東歐衝突範圍和持續時間相關的風險及其對全球市場的影響、全球資本市場的波動、政治不穩定、公司未能獲得監管部門的批准、吸引和留住熟練人員、意想不到的開發和生產挑戰,意想不到的成本以及公司2023年10月12日的年度信息表中 「風險因素」 標題下列出的風險因素,可在公司簡介中查看,網址爲。

Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.


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