
LMC's NewsPassID Ad Network Releases New Solutions to Streamline Local News Advertising Buys

LMC's NewsPassID Ad Network Releases New Solutions to Streamline Local News Advertising Buys

PR Newswire ·  08/06 09:00  · 評級/大行評級

Creates First Local News Taxonomy, Enabling Buyers to Target Highly Valuable Categories Such As Prep Sports, Women's Sports, Local Elections and Local Weather


NEW YORK, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Local Media Consortium (LMC)'s NewsPassID advertising network today announced the release of new solutions for digital advertising buyers creating a more efficient way to reach local audiences with ads placed next to favorable, brand-suitable content. Brands and agencies can now easily buy high-quality local media audiences across more than 5,000 newspaper, radio, TV and online-only news outlets through a single point of contact targeting top categories such as local weather forecasts, local elections, high school and college sports, amongst others. LMC's NewsPassID nationwide audience of 200M unique visitors per month ranks #6 on Comscore, just behind Amazon.

2024年8月6日紐約 /美通社/--本地媒體聯盟(LMC)的NewsPassID廣告網絡今天宣佈推出新的數字廣告買家解決方案,爲廣告買家創造了更高效的方式,將廣告放置在有利的、品牌合適的內容旁邊,以更容易地購買優質的當地媒體觀衆,跨越超過5000家報紙、廣播、電視和僅在線新聞媒體,通過一個聯繫點以定位諸如當地天氣預報、當地選舉、中小學和大學體育等頂級類別。LMC的NewsPassID全美月訪問量2000萬,Comscore排名第六,僅次於亞馬遜。

Effective immediately, NewsPassID is releasing the first local news taxonomy of the categories most relevant to local news audiences, private marketplace (PMP) segmentation for buyers that is aligned with these categories, and local news supply path optimization – the most direct supply path to local journalism at scale.

NewsPassID立即生效,發佈了第一個與當地新聞受衆最相關的分類法,爲與這些類別對齊的買家提供私人市場(PMP)分割,以及當地新聞供應鏈的優化——規模化的最直接供應鏈。LMC的CEO Fran Wills表示:"我們的許多成員一直在努力克服買家對在新聞網站上投放廣告的誤解,這就是我們如此興奮的原因,新的NewsPassID廣告網絡解決方案,特別是本地新聞分類法。" "現在,買家可以更自信地購買本地新聞觀衆,每分錢分配給出版商都是幫助行業向社區提供可信、及時和重要新聞的重要因素。"

"Many of our members have had an uphill battle overcoming buyer misperceptions about running ads on news sites, which is why we are so excited about the possibilities of the new NewsPassID ad network solutions, particularly the local news taxonomy," said Fran Wills, CEO of the LMC. "Now buyers can be more confident in buying local news audiences and every dollar allocated back to publishers is a big deal in helping the industry deliver credible, timely and important journalism to their communities."

"我們的許多成員一直在努力克服買家對在新聞網站上投放廣告的誤解,這就是我們如此興奮的原因,新的NewsPassID廣告網絡解決方案,特別是本地新聞分類法,"LMC的CEO Fran Wills表示。 "現在,買家可以更自信地購買本地新聞觀衆,每分錢分配回出版商,都對幫助行業向社區提供可信、及時和重要新聞起到了重要作用。"

Since NewsPassID launched in 2021, the LMC has been working with Scott Cunningham, initiative lead of NewsPassID and NewsNext and Chair of the Publisher Council at Brand Safety Institute, to build the program, raise awareness and increase participation. Its aim is to provide a more direct connection between advertisers and publishers. NewsPassID optimizes programmatic performance for both advertisers and local media, elevating local media's standing by operating as an agent for publishers in the digital ecosystem and creating a more scalable, privacy-compliant way to directly connect brand marketers, advertising buyers and consumers in communities across North America.

自2021年NewsPassID推出以來,LMC一直與Scott Cunningham合作,他是NewsPassID和NewsNext的主導人物,是安全品牌研究所出版商委員會的主席,並致力於打造這個計劃、提高參與度。NewsPassID的目標是提供廣告商和出版商之間更直接的聯繫。NewsPassID通過在數字生態系統中作爲出版商的代理,提高了廣告商和當地媒體的節目性能,並創建了一種更具可擴展性和隱私合規性的方式,直接連接品牌營銷人員、廣告買家和北美社區的消費者。"在短短几年的時間裏,NewsPassID和NewsNext的倡議已經幫助當地新聞媒體獲得直接貢獻到他們的頭等收入,但這還不夠,需要補償更多被屏蔽的新聞和缺乏透明度的廣告供應鏈,"Cunningham說。"這些新的解決方案,包括在當地新聞出版商之間確定獨特的內容類別,例如定位地方新聞出版商的中學和女子體育,並創建直接節目供應路徑來購買其廣告庫存,使買家能夠購買適合的類別,讓新聞本身處於進攻狀態。NewsPassID已經帶來了相當於新增130名記者的收入,但還有更多工作要做。"

"In just a few short years, the NewsPassID and NewsNext initiatives have helped local news outlets earn revenue that directly contributes to their top line, but there's more work to be done to compensate for the increased blocking of news and lack of transparency in the advertising supply chain," said Cunningham. "These new solutions, including identifying unique content categories such as High School Sports and Women's Sports across local news publishers, and building direct programmatic supply paths to their advertising inventory allow buyers to buy suitable categories and enable journalism itself to play offense. NewsPassID has already netted revenue equivalent to hiring 130 more journalists, with much work still ahead."


Highlighted in a blog post by Cunningham, the following is an overview of NewsPassID's new solutions:

LMC本地新聞分類法——以前在廣告供應鏈中不可用,LMC分類法是當地新聞情境定位的基礎。它爲買家提供了定位當地觀衆的新機會,在信任的本地出版品牌上定位高參與度內容。本地新聞分類法使買家能夠使用手術刀來購買合適的垂直類別,例如女子體育、天氣和地方和全國政治等品牌合適垂直類別。 請閱讀Skydio的最新博客文章。 NewsPassID PMP細分——品牌和廣告商現在可以與NewsPassID建立自定義的私人市場(PMP交易),包括NPID的本地新聞網絡上的顯示、視頻、本地感知和CTV庫存。每個協議都是獨一無二的,用戶可以根據地理位置和其他受衆部分自定義活動。參與媒體公司的例子包括TEGNA、Tribune、LA Times、CoxMediaGroup、Gray、E.W. Scripps、Graham Media、Nexstar、Media News Group、Lee Enterprises等。

  • LMC Local News Taxonomy – Not previously available in the advertising supply chain, the LMC taxonomy is a foundation for local news contextual targeting. It provides buyers with new opportunities to target local audiences that consume highly engaging content on trusted local publishing brands. The local news taxonomy makes it possible for buyers to use a scalpel to buy against brand suitable verticals like women's sports, weather, and local and national politics.
    At launch, the top 10 categories identified by the LMC as highly valuable include: 1) high school sports, 2) weather/climate, 3) women's sports, 4) local politics/elections, 5) national politics/presidential race, 6) NFL sports, 7) college sports, 8) health/wellness, 9) back to school and 10) travel/tourism.. Subsequent categories will be released over the next year.
  • NewsPassID PMP Segmentation – Brands and advertisers can now set up custom private marketplaces (PMP deals) with NewsPassID that include display, video, native and CTV inventory across NPID's local news network. While each deal is unique, users have the ability to customize campaigns based on geography and other audience segments. Examples of participating media companies are TEGNA, Tribune, LA Times, CoxMediaGroup, Gray, E.W. Scripps, Graham Media, Nexstar, Media News Group, Lee Enterprises, and more.
  • Local News Supply Path Optimization - Partnerships to Create Efficiencies for Advertisers and Publishers – The latest NewsPassID release includes solutions from partnerships with digital technology providers such as Hashtag Labs, and Comscore, Microsoft Advertising Curate. These partnerships carve a brand new efficient path to local news advertising for Brands and Buyers. A key goal is to make advertiser investments more efficient and discoverable, so a higher percent of ad investment goes directly towards the publisher, with fewer intermediaries, more controllable margins and more transparent reporting which advertisers covet. The LMC will continue to expand their partnerships based on agency and advertiser demand.
  • 當地新聞供應路徑優化——與數字技術提供商的合作關係,例如Hashtag Labs、、Comscore和微軟廣告策劃等合作,這些合作關係爲品牌和買家創造了全新高效的當地新聞廣告路徑。其目標之一就是使廣告商的投資更加高效和可發現,使更高比例的廣告投資直接用於出版商,減少中間商,控制更多比例,並提供更透明的報告(廣告商所追求的)。LMC將根據廣告和廣告商的需求繼續擴大其合作伙伴關係。
    發佈時,LMC確定的前十個極其有價值的類別爲: 1)中小學體育、2)天氣/氣候、3)女子體育、4)地方政治/選舉、5)國家政治/總統選舉、6)NFL體育、7)大學體育、8)健康/健康、9)回歸學校和10)旅遊/旅遊業。隨後的類別將在接下來的一年內發佈。
  • NewsPassID PMP細分——品牌和廣告商現在可以與NewsPassID建立自定義私人市場(PMP協議),包括NPID的本地新聞網絡上的顯示、視頻、本地感知和CTV庫存。雖然每個協議都是獨一無二的,但是用戶可以根據地理位置和其他受衆段自定義活動。參與媒體公司的例子包括TEGNA、Tribune、LA Times、CoxMediaGroup、Gray、E.W. Scripps、Graham Media、Nexstar、Media News Group、Lee Enterprises等。
  • 當地新聞供應路徑優化——與數字技術提供商的合作關係,例如Hashtag Labs、、Comscore和微軟廣告策劃等合作,這些合作關係爲品牌和買家創造了全新高效的當地新聞廣告路徑。其目標之一就是使廣告商的投資更加高效和可發現,使更高比例的廣告投資直接用於出版商,減少中間商,控制更多比例,並提供更透明的報告(廣告商所追求的)。LMC將根據廣告和廣告商的需求繼續擴大其合作伙伴關係。

"We've been part of NewsPassID since its inception in 2022 and seen it produce significant value for advertisers and publishers alike," said Chris Fehrmann, TEGNA's VP of Digital Products and LMC Board Director. "The recent launch of NewsPassID PMP and Local News Taxonomy will provide a more streamlined, direct way for advertisers to reach quality local audiences and inventory at scale, more cost effectively.

"自2022年NewsPassID推出以來,我們一直是其中的一員,看到它爲廣告商和出版商創造了顯著的價值。最近推出的NewsPassID PMP和Local News Taxonomy將爲廣告商提供更加流暢、直接的方式,以更具成本效益地覆蓋大規模的優質當地受衆和庫存。"LMC數字產品副總裁、LMC董事Chris Fehrmann表示。

For more information, including how to access the NewsPassID ad network or request inventory availability and rates is available at .

有關更多信息,包括如何訪問NewsPassID廣告網絡或請求庫存可用性和費率,請訪問。 .

About the Local Media Consortium
The Local Media Consortium delivers more than $50M in annual economic value through digital partnerships and strategic initiatives on behalf of more than 150 local media companies in top markets across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, and includes more than 5,000 newspaper, radio, TV and online-only news outlets. By harnessing the combined volume and scale of its members, the LMC reduces costs and increases revenue with technology and service providers like Google, Meta, Monster, and others. The aggregated LMC audience footprint spans 200 million unique monthly visitors, and its member companies serve more than nine billion pageviews to consumers. More information is available at .

Local Media Consortium
本地媒體聯盟通過與美國、加拿大和波多黎各等地150多家頂級市場的150多家本地媒體公司的數字合作伙伴關係和戰略舉措,提供超過5000萬美元的年度經濟價值,包括超過5000家報紙、廣播、電視和僅在線新聞媒體。LMC通過利用其成員的綜合數量和規模,減少成本,並與谷歌、Meta、Monster和其他技術和服務提供商合作,增加收入。LMC的聚合受衆足跡跨越2000萬獨特月度訪問者,其成員公司爲消費者提供了超過90億的頁面瀏覽量。更多信息請訪問。 .

About Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham is the author of the Defining Brand Safety series and Chair of the Publisher Council at Brand Safety Institute, Founder of the IAB Tech Lab, principal technology and program Founder of the Trustworthy Accountability Group, former President of Media News Group Interactive and was a pioneer in the development of and many other digital publishing and ad technology platforms and products. His work involves steering the global digital advertising and news publishing industry towards economic sustainability, best user experience practices, hygiene and standards. He can be reached at [email protected] of Cunningham.Tech Consulting.

關於Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham是定義品牌安全系列的作者,是安全品牌研究所出版商委員會的主席,IAb Tech Lab的創始人、主要技術和節目創始人,可靠度責任組織的前任主席,在USATODAY.com和許多其他數字出版和廣告技術平台和產品的開發中都是先驅。他的工作涉及引領全球數字廣告和新聞出版行業走向經濟可持續性、最佳的用戶體驗實踐、衛生和標準。他能在 。 [email protected] Cunningham.Tech Consulting的站點上找到。

Media contacts:
Christina Gillham, [email protected]
Kristin Brocoff, [email protected]

Christina Gillham, [email protected]
克里斯汀·布洛科夫, [email protected]



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