
EQT to Acquire a Majority Stake in Acronis, a Leading Cybersecurity and Data Protection Platform for Managed Service Providers and Corporate IT Departments

EQT to Acquire a Majority Stake in Acronis, a Leading Cybersecurity and Data Protection Platform for Managed Service Providers and Corporate IT Departments

PR Newswire ·  08/07 02:20
  • The partnership between Acronis and EQT, the global investment organization, builds upon a shared growth vision, commitment to accelerating the expansion of its platform, and continued focus on customer service
  • Acronis 與全球投資組織 EqT 之間的合作伙伴關係建立在共同的增長願景、加速平台擴展的承諾以及對客戶服務的持續關注之上

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Acronis (the "Company") and EQT are pleased to announce that the EQT X fund ("EQT") will acquire a majority stake in the Company. The founders, management, and existing investors – including funds and accounts managed by CVC, Springcoast and BlackRock Private Equity Partners – will remain as significant minority shareholders. Acronis is valued in the transaction above the last growth funding round which was completed in 2022.

斯德哥爾摩,2024年8月7日 /PRNewswire/ — Acronis(“公司”)和殷拓欣然宣佈,殷拓X基金(“EQT”)將收購該公司的多數股權。創始人、管理層和現有投資者——包括由CVC、Springcoast和貝萊德私募股權合夥人管理的基金和帳戶——仍將是重要的少數股東。Acronis在這筆交易中的估值高於2022年完成的最後一輪增長融資。

Founded in 2003, Acronis is a leading IT solutions vendor for Managed Service Providers, offering a natively integrated, highly efficient cybersecurity and data protection platform. In a market where data and workloads are growing and businesses increasingly recognize the importance of cybersecurity, Acronis enables customers to outsource IT capabilities while ensuring high standards of data security, integrity and reliability. Through its Managed Service Providers channel, Acronis is well positioned to continue scaling its network rapidly. With 15 offices around the globe and more than 1,700 employees, Acronis' network spans over 150 countries enabling over 20,000 Service Providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.

Acronis 成立於 2003 年,是託管服務提供商的領先的 IT 解決方案供應商,提供原生集成、高效的網絡安全和數據保護平台。在數據和工作負載不斷增長且企業越來越意識到網絡安全重要性的市場中,Acronis 使客戶能夠外包 IT 功能,同時確保高標準的數據安全性、完整性和可靠性。通過其託管服務提供商渠道,Acronis 完全有能力繼續快速擴展其網絡。Acronis 在全球擁有 15 個辦事處和 1,700 多名員工,其網絡遍及 150 多個國家,使 20,000 多家服務提供商能夠保護超過 750,000 家企業。

Johannes Reichel, Partner and Co-Head of Technology within EQT's Private Equity advisory team, said: "Acronis is a strongly positioned cybersecurity and data protection software platform with a clear value proposition to Managed Service Providers. EQT has followed the company's journey for many years and continues to be impressed by its performance and innovative strength. We are very excited to partner with Acronis, the management team and existing investors on its next phase of growth."

殷拓私募股權諮詢團隊合夥人兼技術聯席主管約翰內斯·賴歇爾表示:“Acronis是一個定位強大的網絡安全和數據保護軟件平台,對託管服務提供商有明確的價值主張。EqT 多年來一直關注公司的發展歷程,其表現和創新實力繼續給人留下深刻的印象。我們很高興能與 Acronis、管理團隊和現有投資者合作,共同實現下一階段的增長。”

Ezequiel Steiner, CEO of Acronis, stated: "We are thrilled to have EQT as a major shareholder to support our strategic expansion and share our vision for growth. We would like to thank our existing investors for their support to date and are pleased that many will remain invested as we move forward. But most of all, I'd like to thank the Acronis team for their work in getting us to this stage."

Acronis首席執行官埃澤基爾·施泰納表示:“我們很高興EqT成爲主要股東,以支持我們的戰略擴張並分享我們的增長願景。我們要感謝現有投資者迄今爲止的支持,並很高興隨着我們的前進,許多投資者將繼續投資。但最重要的是,我要感謝 Acronis 團隊爲使我們進入這個階段所做的工作。”

Commenting on Acronis' product suite, Phil Goodwin, research vice president of IDC, said: "Data protection is foundational to cybersecurity, and the two are increasingly tightly integrated. Acronis' architecture of integrated data protection, cybersecurity, and remote management in a single, customizable platform enables MSPs and corporate IT departments to establish robust cyber preparedness for their business with simplicity and reliability."

IDC研究副總裁菲爾·古德溫在評論Acronis的產品套件時說:“數據保護是網絡安全的基礎,兩者之間的融合越來越緊密。Acronis 將數據保護、網絡安全和遠程管理集成在一個可定製的平台中的架構使 MSP 和企業 IT 部門能夠簡單而可靠地爲其業務建立強大的網絡防範能力。”

The completion of this transaction is pending customary regulatory approvals and is anticipated to take place in Q1-Q2 2025. EQT was advised by Milbank (Legal) and Bär & Karrer (Legal).

該交易的完成尚待監管機構的慣例批准,預計將在 Q1-Q2 2025 年完成。殷拓由米爾班克(法律)和貝爾開勒(法律)提供諮詢。

With this transaction, EQT X is expected to be 40 – 45 percent invested (including closed and/or signed investments, announced public offers, if applicable, and less any expected syndication).

通過此次交易,EqT X的投資預計將達到40%至45%(包括已完成和/或簽署的投資、已宣佈的公開發行(如果適用),以及減去任何預期的銀團資產)。

EQT international enquiries: Finn McLaughlan, EQT, [email protected]
EQT DACH enquiries: Isabel Henninger, Kekst CNC, [email protected]
Acronis enquiries: Katya Turtseva, Acronis, [email protected]

殷拓國際查詢:芬恩·麥克勞倫,EqT,[email protected]
EqT DACH 查詢:伊莎貝爾·亨寧格,Kekst CNC,[email protected]
Acronis 查詢:卡佳·圖爾採娃,Acronis,[email protected]

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