
JAMA Publishes New Study on Proven Effectiveness of Truth Initiative's Text Message Quit Vaping Program Among Teens

JAMA Publishes New Study on Proven Effectiveness of Truth Initiative's Text Message Quit Vaping Program Among Teens

JAMA刊登了一項新的研究,證明Truth Initiative的短信戒菸計劃在青少年中的有效性。
PR Newswire ·  08/07 11:42

First-of-its-kind randomized clinical trial shows teens 35% more likely to quit vaping nicotine with an interactive, tailored text message program


WASHINGTON, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A groundbreaking new study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) demonstrates the effectiveness of an interactive and tailored text message program in helping adolescents quit vaping nicotine. This study is the first published randomized clinical trial of a quit vaping program among teens, filling an important gap in the scientific literature and providing much needed evidence for pediatricians, school administrators, and public health agencies.

2024年8月7日華盛頓 / PRNewswire / - 一項具有開創性的新研究今天在美國醫學協會雜誌(JAMA)上獲得了發表,證明了互動式和定製化的文本信息計劃在幫助青少年戒菸尼古丁方面的有效性。該研究是青少年戒菸計劃中首個公開發表的隨機臨床實驗,填補了科學文獻中的重要空白,爲兒科醫生、學校管理人員和公共衛生機構提供了急需的證據。

Credit Truth Initiative
Truth Initiative徵信分中心

Conducted from October 2021 to October 2023, the study involved 1,503 adolescents ages 13-17 from across the United States who reported past 30-day e-cigarette use and were interested in quitting. Compared to a control group, participants who received the interactive text message program were 35% more likely to report not using nicotine at the 7-month study endpoint. Quit rates were 37.8% in the intervention groups compared to 28% in the control group.


"For many years, healthcare providers, teachers, and parents have been asking how to help teens quit vaping," said Dr. Amanda Graham, Chief Health Officer at Truth Initiative and principal investigator of the study. "Until today, we haven't had data to tell us what works. This study is a critical breakthrough that demonstrates the power of a relatively simple technology in changing behavior. Text messages serve as powerful reminders of an initial commitment to quit and can deliver proven behavior change support right to a young person's phone."

Truth Initiative首席健康官Amanda Graham博士表示:「多年來,醫療保健提供者、教師和家長一直在詢問如何幫助青少年戒菸。直至今日,我們才有數據告訴我們什麼是有效的。這項研究是一項關鍵性突破,證明了一個相對簡單的技術在行爲改變方面的強大作用。文本信息作爲對戒菸初衷的強有力的提醒,可以將被證明的行爲改變支持直接提供給年輕人的手機。」

Importantly, the researchers found strong evidence of the program's effectiveness among key subgroups defined by race, ethnicity, gender, higher levels of nicotine dependence, smoking and other substance use, mental health challenges, and household dysfunction.


These findings are especially important given the recent youth mental health crisis documented by the U.S. Surgeon General. Adolescents in this study were characterized by high severity of past-year problems with depression, sleep, anxiety, trauma, and substance use. In addition, moderate to high levels of nicotine dependence were observed across multiple measures, with more than three-quarters (76.2%) of teens vaping within 30 minutes of waking — a common way to measure addiction.


The text message intervention tested in this study is called This is Quitting, now part of the EX Program from Truth Initiative. Since This is Quitting launched as a text message program in 2019, more than 750,000 young people have enrolled from across the U.S. Grounded in clinical guidelines for treating tobacco dependence, This is Quitting incorporates powerful messages from other young e-cigarette users who have offered their advice about how to quit. Teens and young adults can text DITCHVAPE to 88709 to receive free quit vaping support from the program.

本研究測試的文本信息干預計劃名爲This is Quitting,現已成爲Truth Initiative的EX計劃的一部分。自2019年作爲文本信息計劃推出以來,來自美國各地的超過75萬名年輕人已經加入。This is Quitting基於治療菸草依賴的臨床指南,增加了其他年輕電子煙用戶提供的有關如何戒菸的建議。青少年和年輕人可以通過向88709發送DITCHVAPE來獲得該計劃提供的免費戒菸支持。

There is no safe level of nicotine use among adolescents, and yet e-cigarettes remain the most commonly used tobacco product among young people, according to the CDC. In 2023, more than 2.1 million adolescents reported current e-cigarette use (4.6% of middle school students and 10% of high school students), with many of them doing so frequently, according to the National Youth Tobacco Survey. Interest in quitting vaping also remains high: 67% of 15- to 24-year-old e-cigarette users said they were considering quitting as a New Year's resolution, according to a 2023 Truth Initiative survey.

根據CDC的數據,青少年吸尼古丁沒有安全使用水平,而電子煙仍是青少年中最常使用的菸草產品。2023年,超過210萬名青少年報告當前使用電子煙(中學生佔4.6%,高中生佔10%),並且其中許多人頻繁使用,這是基於全國青少年菸草調查的數據。對於戒菸的興趣也仍然很高:根據2023年Truth Initiative的一項調查,67%的15至24歲的電子煙使用者表示他們在考慮新年的決心中戒菸。

"We also did not see evidence that teens who quit vaping transitioned to smoking," added Graham. "Additional analyses requested by the JAMA editorial team focused on use of combustible tobacco products since there is often a concern about transition between vaping and smoking. Even though This is Quitting does not explicitly address smoking, it was effective in reducing dual use (smoking and vaping) and keeping teens in this study from starting to smoke."

Graham補充說:「我們也沒有看到證據表明戒菸的青少年會轉向吸菸。JAMA編輯團隊要求進行的附加分析主要關注可燃性菸草產品的使用,因爲通常會擔心電子煙和吸菸之間的轉換問題。儘管This is Quitting並未明確解決吸菸問題,但它在減少雙重使用(吸菸和吸電子煙)方面非常有效,並且可以阻止這項研究的青少年開始吸菸。」

This study builds on the findings of an earlier randomized clinical trial of This is Quitting conducted among roughly 2,600 young adults ages 18 to 24. Taken together, the studies provide strong evidence that an interactive, tailored text message program can help teens and their older peers break free from nicotine addiction.

本研究是對18至24歲年輕成人進行的先前This is Quitting隨機臨床試驗的發現進行補充,兩者結合提供了有力的證據,表明採用互動式、定製的文本信息計劃可以幫助青少年及其年長的同齡人擺脫尼古丁成癮的困擾。

For more information about Truth Initiative, please visit For more information about This is Quitting and the EX Program please visit

有關Truth Initiative的更多信息,請訪問。有關This is Quitting 和EX計劃的更多信息,請訪問。

The clinical trial was conducted by Truth Initiative with oversight from Advarra Institutional Review Board. All branding was removed in the trial to eliminate potential bias. Participants were recruited via social media ads. All participants received incentivized text message assessments regarding e-cigarette use and abstinence at 14 days post-randomization and monthly thereafter through 6 months. All participants were compensated $5 via digital card per response (7 assessments total, maximum $35). These assessments were designed solely to maximize retention; they were not analyzed as outcomes.

此臨床試驗由Truth Initiative進行,並由Advarra機構審查委員會監督。爲了消除潛在偏見,所有品牌標識都經過消除。參與者通過社交媒體廣告進行招募。所有參與者均在隨機分組後14天和此後每月通過文本信息答覆關於電子煙使用和戒菸的問題,並獲得五美元的數碼卡作爲報酬(共七個評估,最多35美元)。這些評估僅旨在最大化保留;它們未被分析爲結果。

This trial was funded by Truth Initiative.

本次試驗由Truth Initiative資助。

About Truth Initiative
Truth Initiative is a national nonprofit public health organization committed to a future free from lifelong addiction, fostering healthier lives and a more resilient nation. Our mission is to prevent youth and young adult nicotine addiction and empower quitting for all. Through our evidence-based, market-leading cessation EX Program and the nationally recognized truth public education campaign, we are leading the fight against youth and young adult tobacco use, which threatens to put a new generation at risk of nicotine addiction. Our first-of-its-kind text message quit vaping program, This Is Quitting, has enrolled over 750,000 young people across the country, and our youth e-cigarette prevention curriculum, Vaping: Know the truth, is currently implemented in over 9,000 schools nationwide, reaching a total of over one million students thus far. Our rigorous scientific research and policy studies, community and youth engagement programs supporting populations at high risk of using tobacco, and innovation in tobacco dependence treatment continue to contribute to ending one of the most critical public health battles of our time. Based in Washington, D.C., our organization was established and funded through the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement between attorneys general from 46 states, five U.S. territories, and the tobacco industry. To learn more, visit

關於Truth Initiative
Truth Initiative是一家全國性的非營利性公共衛生組織,致力於未來實現從終身成癮中解放出來,促進更健康的生活和更強韌的國家。我們的使命是預防青少年和年輕成人吸尼古丁,爲他們提供戒菸的支持。通過我們基於證據的、市場領先的戒菸EX計劃和 nationally recognized truth公共教育運動,我們正在領導抗擊青少年和年輕成人的菸草使用,這威脅到將新一代置於尼古丁成癮的風險之中。我們首個自己的文本信息戒菸計劃This Is Quitting已經有超過75萬年輕人在全國各地加入,而由我們開發的用於青少年防止電子煙的課程「電子煙:認清真相」目前已經被應用於全國9000多所學校,在深受歡迎的情況下覆蓋了超過一百萬名學生。我們嚴格的科學研究和政策研究、社區和青年參與項目,支持高風險人群使用菸草和菸草依賴性治療的創新,爲結束我們時代最重要的公共衛生之戰做出了貢獻。我們的組織總部位於華盛頓特區,是由46個州、5個美國領土和菸草行業之間的1998年大賠償協議成立和資助的。要了解更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Truth Initiative

資料來源:Truth Initiative

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