
New Creative Employee Survey Reveals Over 56% of Full-Timers Are Looking to Leave Their Jobs Within the Next Year; Despite Industry Instability

New Creative Employee Survey Reveals Over 56% of Full-Timers Are Looking to Leave Their Jobs Within the Next Year; Despite Industry Instability

Fiverr International ·  08/06 00:00

Working Not Working is calling on creative companies to prioritize their people as a competitive advantage

Working Not Working呼籲有創意的公司將人員優先考慮作爲競爭優勢。

NEW YORK, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Working Not Working Inc., a Fiverr company (NYSE: FVRR) and the leading platform for creative talent discovery, released the top findings from its first ever (un)Happiness Survey to better understand how creatives are really feeling about their jobs at a time when the industry is focused on adopting new technologies and optimizing literally everything except their people. The report, which features survey responses from nearly 1,000 full-time creative professionals across the Working Not Working network, highlights a startling lack of employer investment in the key areas that matter to employees: opportunities, company culture, professional development, perceived value, and flexibility. As a result, over half of the creative workforce is now looking to exit their full-time positions within the next year, with over 40% of those surveyed intending to do so in the next six months.

2024年8月6日,全球新聞社——今天, Working Not Working Inc.,Fiverr公司(NYSE:FVRR)旗下的領先創意人才發掘平台,發佈了其首份「(不)幸福調查」報告,以更好地了解創意從業人員對於其工作的真實感受,特別是在行業專注於採用新技術並優化幾乎所有事物的當下。此報告收集了覆蓋Working Not Working網絡下近1,000名全職創意專業人員的問卷調查結果,突顯出僱主在對員工最爲重要的若干領域進行投資方面存在驚人的不足:機會、公司文化、專業發展、感知價值和靈活性。結果,超過一半的創意工作者正在計劃在下一年內辭去全職工作,其中超過40%的調查對象打算在未來6個月內這樣做。Fiverr旗下的知名平台——創意人才發現領域的領先平台(NYSE: FVRR)發佈了其首個最新研究的具體結果。 這些發現還與Forrester的研究結果相呼應,Forrester的研究結果詳細介紹了企業界正在發生的員工體驗衰退危機,而各機構則在削減對於工作、多元包容、員工健康計劃等方面的投資和資源。Working Not Working的調查突顯出員工的痛點問題(通常被認爲是孤立的問題)已經疊加在一起,從而驅使創意工作者即使在不確定時期也在尋求新的機會。其中一些最令人驚訝的結果包括: 所有年齡、性別和工作地點的全職員工都有一種介於漠不關心和痛苦之間的感受:75%的人報告了負面的幸福感受,情緒層次涵蓋了「很糟」到「非常糟」;這種不幸感和被低估的感覺以一個令人擔憂的速度影響着員工的留存率,56%的受訪者表示他們打算在未來一年內離開當前的全職職位;84%的受訪者報告了對於僱主的負面個人價值感受,而驚人的97%的員工感到領導只是模糊地表達了對於他們職業發展方向的看法。

"There was such an awakening of workers rethinking their life priorities and purpose post-COVID – especially in the creative industry. So I've been shocked at how quickly companies ignored those revelations to force fit their workforce into misaligned company objectives," said Working Not Working Co-founder & CEO Justin Gignac. "We initially sent this out as the Happiness Survey, but the results quickly dictated we rename it. In a time when our humanity and creativity should be doubled down on as a key differentiator, too many businesses that rely on creativity have left their employees feeling like cogs: burned out, underutilized, and underappreciated. The solution is obvious: employees want to feel seen, valued and understood. They want opportunities that align with their passions. They want to make great work with a company and colleagues they believe in. And they want to be treated like humans, not headcount."


The findings follow research from Forrester that details the ongoing Employee Experience Recession crisis across the corporate world, with organizations slashing investments and resources on jobs, DEIB programs, and employee wellness initiatives. Working Not Working's survey highlights how employee pain points – often dismissed as isolated issues – have now compounded in a way that's driving creatives to seek out new opportunities, even during times of uncertainty. Some of the most surprising results include:

企業們有機會扭轉員工的情緒和生產力,方法不限於加薪,還包括致力於公司文化:根據數據,更堅定、更更新的對於關鍵的公司驅動因素的承諾可以將員工任期增加超過9個月;提高薪資可以將員工留任時間延長0.8個月,並增加項目機會超過2.5個月;工作時間和工作地點上的靈活性可以將員工留任時間增加超過3個月。 Forrester的研究結果 DEI(多元包容感、平等和包容感)

Full-time employees of all ages, genders, and working locations are feeling somewhere between indifferent to miserable:


  • 75% reported negative happiness levels, with emotions ranging from "meh" to "miserable";
  • These feelings of unhappiness and being undervalued are impacting employee retention at a concerning rate, 56% of respondents indicated they intended to leave their current full-time position within 1 year;
  • 84% of respondents reported a negative personal value perception of their current place of employment while a startling 97% of employees feel there is a lack of clarity from leadership on their career growth
  • 75%的人報告了負面的幸福感受,情緒層次涵蓋了「很糟」到「非常糟」;
  • 這種不幸感和被低估的感覺以一個令人擔憂的速度影響着員工的留存率,56%的受訪者表示他們打算在未來一年內離開當前的全職職位;
  • 84%的受訪者報告了對於僱主的負面個人價值感受,而驚人的97%的員工感到領導只是模糊地表達了對於他們職業發展方向的看法。

Employees are taking matters into their own hands and seeking alternative employment opportunities outside of work hours:


  • Over 65% of respondents are currently working as freelancers outside of their full-time employer;
  • More than half of respondents cite that their current employer does not know of their freelance work and that they have no intention of telling them
  • 超過65%的受訪者正在擔任他們全職僱主以外的自由職業者;
  • 超過一半的受訪者表示,他們當前的僱主並不知道他們的自由職業工作並且他們沒有意向告知僱主。

Companies have the opportunity to turn their employee sentiment and productivity around – not just with salaries but with commitments to company culture:


  • According to the data, stronger and renewed commitments to key corporate drivers can increase employee tenure by over 9 months;
  • Increased salaries can extend employee tenure by .8 months and increased access to project opportunities by over 2.5 months;
  • Flexibility in working hours and workplace location can increase employee retention by over 3 months;
  • Investments into team structure equates to over a month of added tenure, strong and applicable corporate values contribute nearly 2.5 months
  • 根據數據,更堅定、更更新的對於關鍵的公司驅動因素的承諾可以將員工任期增加超過9個月;
  • 提高薪資可以將員工留任時間延長0.8個月,並增加項目機會超過2.5個月;
  • 工作時間和工作地點上的靈活性可以將員工留任時間增加超過3個月;
  • 團隊架構的投資相當於增加了一個多月的任期,強大而適用的企業價值觀貢獻了近2.5個月的時間。

To learn more about Working Not Working's (un)Happiness Survey, you can visit to access a full breakdown of the report's findings. Similarly, to join the movement to tackle the growing challenges faced by employees, visit NTRNL a new product that helps organizations unlock the passions of their talent in order to ignite productivity, foster growth and belonging, and drive retention internally.

要了解更多關於Working Not Working的(不)幸福調查,請訪問 獲取報告發現的完整細節。同樣,要加入應對員工面臨的日益增長的挑戰的行動,請訪問 NTRNL,這是一款新產品,可以幫助組織釋放自己的人才激發生產力,促進成長和歸屬感,推動內部人員保持留存。

About Working Not Working
Working Not Working, a Fiverr company, helps the world's most innovative brands discover, hire, and retain top-tier creative talent. The company's mission is to build the future of creative opportunity. Companies like Apple, Google, Wieden+Kennedy, Airbnb, Roblox, COLLINS, IKEA, and Pinterest trust the platform. Learn more at

關於Working Not Working
Working Not Working,一家Fiverr公司,幫助全球最具創新性的品牌發現、僱傭和留住頂級創意人才。該公司的使命是構建創意機會的未來。像蘋果、Google、Wieden+Kennedy、Airbnb、Roblox、COLLINS、宜家和Pinterest這樣的公司信任該平台。了解更多信息請訪問

About Fiverr
Fiverr's mission is to change how the world works together. We exist to democratize access to talent and to provide talent with access to opportunities so anyone can grow their business, brand, or dreams. From small businesses to Fortune 500, around 4 million customers worldwide worked with freelance talent on Fiverr in the past year, ensuring their workforces remain flexible, adaptive, and agile. With Fiverr Business Solutions, large companies can find the right talent and tools tailored to their needs to help them thrive and grow. On Fiverr, you can find over 700 skill categories, ranging from AI to programming and 3D design, digital marketing to content creation, and from video animation to architecture.

Fiverr的使命是改變世界並共同工作。我們的存在是爲了讓人們平等獲得人才,併爲人才提供機會,以便任何人都能發展自己的業務、品牌或夢想。從小型企業到財富500強,在過去一年中,全球約400萬客戶通過Fiverr與自由職業者合作,確保他們的勞動力保持靈活、適應和敏捷。通過Fiverr Business Solutions,大型企業可以找到適合其需求的正確人才和工具,幫助他們蓬勃發展。在Fiverr上,您可以找到超過700個技能類別,從人工智能到編程和3D設計,數字營銷到內容創作,從視頻動畫到建築。

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