


PR Newswire ·  08/07 17:00

THE WOODLANDS, Texas, Aug. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TETRA Technologies, Inc. ("TETRA" or the "Company") (NYSE: TTI) today released on its investor relations website an S-K 1300 Bromine Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS") containing positive results including certain financial information on the development of TETRA's Arkansas bromine assets in the Evergreen Unit based on engineering studies, reservoir analysis, certain cost and revenue assumptions, plus quotes received on major components received or completed to date. The Technical Report Summary ("TRS") was prepared to update the previously reported resources presented by RESPEC Company, LLC ("RESPEC") and incorporates the results of the definitive feasibility study, including bromine reserve determinations.

2024年8月7日得克薩斯伍德蘭市 /美通社/--特特拉科技公司("特特拉"或"公司") (NYSE: TTI) 今天發佈了一份S-k 1300溴 確定性可行性研究("DFS"),其中包括基於工程研究、儲層分析、某些成本和收益假設以及迄今爲止收到的主要成分或組件的報價的肯定結果和某些財務信息,涉及了特特拉在永青單元阿肯色州溴資產的發展情況。此技術報告摘要("TRS")是爲了更新RESPEC公司提供的資源, RESPEC公司與公司一起介紹。

TETRA currently sources elemental bromine from a combination of long-term supply agreements and open-market purchases. TETRA uses this third-party sourced elemental bromine to manufacture at its West Memphis, Arkansas facility, offshore completion fluids for the oil and gas industry and ultra-high purity zinc bromide (TETRA PureFlow) utilized in battery electrolytes for long-duration energy storage ("LDES"). TETRA's facility uses proprietary processes for reacting elemental bromine with various other raw materials and refining the resultant brominated products. Development of its Arkansas bromine assets will allow TETRA to become vertically integrated (referred to herein as the "Vertically Integrated Production Case") for its future elemental bromine requirements and is expected to allow TETRA to phase out third-party purchases of elemental bromine over time.

目前,特特拉通過長期供應協議和公開市場購買的組合,獲取元素溴。 特特拉使用這些第三方來源的元素溴,在其位於阿肯色州西梅菲斯的設施中,製造離岸油氣行業的完井液和超高純度鋅溴(TETRA PureFlow), 用於用於長期儲能電池的電解液。特特拉的工廠採用專有的工藝,使元素溴與其他原材料反應,然後提煉產生的溴化產物。發展其阿肯色州溴資產將使特特拉成爲垂直整合生產案例,並可根據需要逐步淘汰元素溴的第三方採購。

The highlights of the DFS report are as follows:


  • Vertically Integrated Production Case Net Present Value ("NPV"), at a 10% discount rate, of $710 million and is based on the current bromine business plus the proposed investment in this bromine project allowing TETRA to phase out third-party sourced elemental bromine. This case compares to TETRA's current bromine business with third-party purchases of elemental bromine of NPV $337 million ("Third-Party Bromine Purchase Only Case"), also at a 10% discount rate. This project is projected to create an incremental NPV of $374 million.(1)
  • Internal Rate of Return ("IRR") of 62% for the Vertically Integrated Production Case. (1)
  • 744 ktons of measured and indicated bromine resources have been upgraded to proven and probable reserves. In addition to proven and probable reserves, the Evergreen Unit is estimated to contain an additional 158 ktons of measured and indicated resources and 541 ktons of inferred resources of bromine.
  • 40-year projected operating life. Proven and probable bromine reserves of 744 ktons plus measured and indicated bromine resources of 158 ktons support at least 40 years of operations based on reservoir studies completed by TETRA's advisors and consultants. (1)
  • Phase I plant processing is expected to have a capacity of 75 million lbs of bromine per year. The project economics reflect initial production volumes of only 48 million pounds of elemental bromine per year, increasing the volumes currently being sourced by TETRA under long-term contract by over 50%.
  • Post Final Investment Decision ("FID") capital expenditures of $270 million assumes that 35% of the upstream capital expenditures are absorbed by TETRA's partner in the Evergreen Brine Unit and does not assume a lithium project is constructed at the same time as the bromine project. If the lithium project is constructed, certain upstream, common and shared capital expenditures have the potential to be allocated to the lithium project, materially improving the overall economics of the bromine project. Costs incurred prior to FID are not reflected in these economics as they are viewed as sunk costs.
  • The increased volumes and enhanced margins from TETRA moving from a Third-Party Bromine Purchase Only Case to a Vertically Integrated Production Case are expected to position TETRA to increase revenue from bromine-related product by between $200 million to $250 million when the bromine plant is in full production. Adjusted EBITDA is expected to increase by between $90 million to $115 million as a result of the higher sales volumes for the offshore oil and gas sector, long-duration energy battery storage, and the lower production costs of those products from being vertically integrated when compared against third-party purchases of elemental bromine.(1) Once a FID is made, plant construction is expected to be approximately 24 months.
  • Payback of post-FID capital expenditures is expected to be 5.7 years reflecting the higher volumes available to TETRA from insourcing all its elemental bromine requirements at costs lower than what the Company is procuring today.(1)
  • TETRA's approximately $400 million of United States tax loss carryforward are expected to be utilized for this project and are reflected in the economics.
  • TETRA is expected to fund this project from borrowing under credit facilities currently available to the Company, which includes a $75 million delayed draw facility, and from cash flow from the existing business. The timing of this project will be aligned to ensure the base business free cash flow is available to the Company. TETRA intends to maintain a net leverage target of less than 2.5 times adjusted EBITDA on a trailing twelve-month basis.
  • 在10%折現率下,垂直一體化生產案例的淨現值(「NPV」)爲71000萬美元,並基於目前的溴業務和投資特特拉的溴項目的財務信息,以便特特拉逐步淘汰第三方購買的元素溴。該案例與特特拉目前通過第三方購買元素溴的溴業務相比的NPV爲33700萬美元("僅第三方溴購買案例"),同樣在10%的折現率下。該項目預計將帶來增量NPV達37400萬美元。(1)
  • 垂直一體化生產案例的內部收益率(「IRR」)爲62%。(1)
  • 已將744 k噸衡量和指示的溴資源升級爲已證實和概率儲備。除已證實和概率儲備外,永青單元還估計包含158 k噸溴的衡量和指示的資源以及541 k噸推斷資源。
  • 40年的預計運營壽命。特特拉的顧問和顧問師完成了儲層研究,證明了744 k噸的已證實和概率溴儲備以及158 k噸衡量和指示溴資源,支持至少40年的運營。(1)
  • 第一階段工廠處理預計具備7500萬磅溴/年的處理能力。項目經濟反映了每年僅有4800萬磅元素溴的初始生產量,使得特特拉從長期合同下以逾50%的比例增加溴商的體積。
  • 投資決策後的資本支出爲27000萬美元,假定35%的上游資本支出由特特拉的永青溴單元合作方吸收,並且不假定在溴項目和鋰項目將同時建設。如果建造鋰項目,則某些上游,常見和共享資本支出有可能被分配給鋰項目,從而顯著改善溴項目的整體經濟效益。投資決策之前的成本不反映在這些經濟狀況中,因爲它們被視爲沉沒成本。
  • 從僅第三方購買溴案例到垂直一體化生產案例的增加量和提高的利潤預計將使特特拉在溴相關產品方面的收入增加約2億至2.5億美元,當該溴工廠投產滿負荷時,調整後的EBITDA預計將因離岸油氣部門和長期儲備能源儲存產生更高的銷售卷數以及與第三方購買元素溴相比垂直整合產生更低的生產成本,而增加9000萬至11500萬美元。(1) 投資決策後,工廠建設預計需要約24個月。
  • 投資決策後的資本支出回收預計爲5.7年,反映了特特拉從以低於公司目前採購成本的成本率內部化其所有元素溴要求的更高可用量。(1)
  • 特特拉約40000萬美元的稅收虧損帶來的收益預計將用於此項目,並反映在這些經濟狀況中。
  • 特特拉預計將通過公司目前可用的信貸工具(包括7500萬美元的延遲套現工具)的借款以及現有業務的現金流來資助此項目。項目的時間安排將與公司的基礎業務自由現金流保持一致。特特拉打算維持每十二個月的調整EBITDA的資產負債比小於2.5倍的淨槓桿率。

Because this investment is expected to enable TETRA to vertically integrate its elemental bromine supply, the following benefits to TETRA are anticipated:


  • Enhanced Margins: TETRA expects to eventually replace the purchase of elemental bromine from third party suppliers with lower cost insourced elemental bromine as a result of the investment in this project. The volatility of open market elemental bromine purchases are also expected to be reduced from the prices TETRA pays third parties, allowing TETRA to bid for long-term contracts with greater certainty of input costs. Increased production volumes manufactured through TETRA's West Memphis plant allows for greater utilization and better plant costs absorption.
  • Provide Higher Volumes of Cost-Effective Bromine: In recent years, TETRA has had to purchase more elemental bromine at spot-market prices because the volumes available from TETRA's long-term supply agreement have not been sufficient to meet overall demand for a growing offshore oil and gas market. This increase in offshore deepwater demand combined with an expected growth in demand for TETRA PureFlow ultra-high purity zinc bromide-based electrolyte will exceed TETRA's currently available third-party supply volumes. This project is expected to allow TETRA to meet those requirements.
  • 增加邊際利潤:特特拉預計最終用低成本的內部元素溴替代從第三方供應商購買元素溴,這將是該項目投資的結果。 開放市場元素溴的波動性也有望從特特拉支付第三方的價格中降低,這將使特特拉能夠出價更長期的合同,以更大程度地確定成本。通過特特拉位於西梅菲斯的工廠製造的提高產量還可以實現更好的利用和更好的工廠成本吸收。
  • 提供成本效益更高的溴量:近年來,特特拉不得不根據現貨市場價格購買更多的元素溴,因爲特特拉的長期供應協議中可用的體積已經不足以滿足不斷增長的離岸油氣市場的總需求。 此增加的深水離岸需求加上預計的對TETRA純流超高純度鋅溴電解液的需求增長將超過特特拉目前可用的第三方供應量。該項目預計將使特特拉滿足這些要求。

TETRA Bromine Products Business


TETRA has long used elemental bromine as part of its high-value completion fluids business, primarily in offshore applications and especially in deepwater where TETRA estimates that approximately 70% of the Gulf of Mexico development wells use elemental bromine-based fluids for well completions. The offshore and deepwater markets continue to show signs of expansion and in 2024 the Company is expected to again exceed the elemental bromine volumes available under its long-term supply agreement. TETRA has been supplementing its elemental bromine supply agreement with open-market spot purchases at costs higher than its current long-term supply agreement. The demand in 2024 and beyond is expected to exceed prior year levels assuming relatively constant commodity prices reflecting the strong growth in the deepwater offshore markets.

特特拉長期以來一直將元素溴作爲其高價值的完井液業務的一部分,主要用於離岸應用程序,特別是在深水應用程序中,特特拉估計墨西哥灣開發井約70%使用基於元素溴的液體。s 離岸和深水市場繼續出現擴張跡象,預計公司在2024年再次超過其長期供應協議下的元素溴量。特特拉正在通過以超過當前長期供應協議的價格從開放市場購買現貨來補充其元素溴供應協議。假定相對恒定的商品價格,2024年及以後的需求預計將超過以前的年份水平,反映深水化離岸市場的強勁增長。

In addition to the traditional oil and gas bromide fluids market, in 2021 TETRA announced the introduction of a ultra-high purity zinc bromide TETRA PureFlow fluids ("PureFlow") for use as a key component to the full electrolyte needed to enable long-duration energy storage. TETRA has qualified sales of PureFlow with three zinc bromide-based electrolyte long-duration energy storage companies based on their evaluation of the product and to date has delivered commercial orders to Eos Energy Enterprises with an additional customer expected in 2025. The combined existing and potential demand for elemental bromine-based products from a recovering offshore market and an emerging long-duration energy storage market represents significant growth opportunities for the Company.

除了傳統的油氣緻密流體市場之外,在2021年,特特拉還宣佈推出基於超高純度的鋅溴TETRA PureFlow流體("PureFlow"),用作組成完整電解液於以實現長期能量儲存。特特拉以其產品的評估取得了三個鋅溴基電解質長時間儲存公司的銷售資格,而且迄今爲止,特特拉已向Eos Energy Enterprises提供商業訂單,並有望在2025年爲另一客戶提供服務。來自不斷增長的離岸市場和新興的長期能量儲存市場的元素溴產品的預期總需求,代表了公司的重要增長機會。

(1)The economics discussed in this release are based on a number of key assumptions, which are further discussed in the DFS. Please read the DFS and the assumptions discussed therein for further information. Such assumptions are based on information known to RESPEC and TETRA as of the date of the DFS, are subject to change and actual results may differ materially from the economics and assumptions presented in the DFS.


S-K 1300 Definitive Feasibility Study

S-k 1300可行性研究報告

TETRA has published on its web site a report titled "S-K 1300 Technical Report Summary for TETRA Technologies, Inc. Bromine Brine Definitive Feasibility Study for the TETRA Evergreen Brine Unit in Arkansas, United States". The study has been prepared, reviewed and certified by RESPEC, subject to the qualifications contained in the report. The S-K 1300 Definitive Feasibility Study can be located on TETRA's web site:

TETRA已在其網站上發佈了一份名爲「美國阿肯色州TETRA Evergreen Brine單元溴鹽可行性研究的S-k 1300技術報告摘要」的報告。該研究已由RESPEC編制、審查和認證,並受報告中所含資格條件的限制。S-k 1300可行性研究報告可以在TETRA的網站上找到:

There is no certainty that the economics contained in the S-K 1300 Definitive Feasibility Study will be realized. These economics are preliminary in nature and include proven and probable reserves. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves have not demonstrated economic viability. Additional technical work and/or production history will be required to convert remaining measured and indicated mineral resources to reserves.

S-k 1300可行性研究中包含的經濟情況無法確定是否能夠實現。這些經濟情況是初步的,包括已驗證和概率儲量。未經經濟驗證的礦產資源可能無法表明其經濟可行性。需要進行額外的技術工作和/或生產歷史,以將其餘的測量和指示的礦產資源轉化爲儲量。

Company Overview


TETRA Technologies, Inc. is an energy services and solutions company focused on developing environmentally conscious services and solutions that help make people's lives better. With operations on six continents, the Company's portfolio consists of Energy Services, Industrial Chemicals, and Lithium Ventures. In addition to providing products and services to the oil and gas industry and calcium chloride for diverse applications, TETRA is expanding into the low-carbon energy market with chemistry expertise, key mineral acreage, and global infrastructure, helping to meet the demand for sustainable energy in the twenty-first century. Visit the Company's website at for more information.

TETRA Technologies,Inc.是一家專注於發展環保服務和解決方案以幫助改善人們生活的能源服務和解決方案公司。該公司在六大洲開展業務,其產品組合包括能源服務、工業化學品和鋰資產。除向石油和天然氣行業提供產品和服務以及提供用於各種應用的氯化鈣外,TETRA還通過化學專業知識、重要礦產權益和全球貨幣基礎設施,在拓展低碳能源市場方面,幫助滿足21世紀可持續能源需求。欲了解更多信息,請訪問該公司的網站。

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements

關於前瞻性聲明的警示:本發佈中的前瞻性陳述和公司代表不時發表的某些口頭陳述包含根據《證券法》第27A條(經修正)(「證券法」)和《證券交易法》第21E條(經修正)(「交易法」)創建的各種前瞻性陳述,這些陳述受到該條款所創建的「安全港」的限制。前瞻性陳述基於我們的管理層的信念和假設,以及我們的管理層目前可用的信息。除歷史事實陳述外,所有其他陳述均「用於上述目的的前瞻性陳述」。在有些情況下,您可以通過使用諸如「可能」,「將」,「應該」,「可以」,「會」,「計劃」,「預期」,「期望」,「信任」, 「估計」,「項目」,「預測」,「潛在」和類似的表達式來識別前瞻性陳述,旨在識別前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述包括,但不限於,2024年的指引以及關於公司意圖和預期有關收入、現金水平、能力和乘客需求、額外融資、資本支出、運營成本和費用、稅收、招聘和解僱、飛機交付、利益攸關方、涉及PRATT&WHITNEY的neo發動機可用性問題的談判和和解、解決未償債務、供應商和政府支持問題的意圖和期望。此類前瞻性陳述受到風險、不確定性和其他重要因素的影響,這些重要因素可能導致實際結果和某些事件的時間與其實際結果有所不同,這些前瞻性陳述被視爲暗示或保證其未來結果的未來結果。包括我們行業中競爭環境、我們低成本運營的能力以及全球經濟狀況的影響,其中包括經濟週期或低迷對客戶旅行行爲的影響和其他因素,如該公司在證券交易委員會的文件中所述,其中包括在公司的年報10-k中討論的「風險因素」下面詳細討論的因素。爲截至2023年12月31日的財政年度的12個月期間,其被補充在該公司的4月5月份提交給證券交易委員會的10-Q表中。此外,這些前瞻性陳述只在本發佈日期有效。除法律要求外,我們沒有責任更新任何前瞻性陳述以反映此類陳述發佈後的事件或情況。目前我們不知道的風險或不確定性,我們目前認爲的不重要或可能適用於任何公司,還可能嚴重影響我們的業務、財務狀況或未來業績。有關某些因素的其他信息包含在該公司的證券交易委員會文件中,包括但不限於該公司的年報10-k表、季度性10-q表和現行10-k表中詳細討論的因素。

This news release includes certain statements that are deemed to be forward-looking statements. Generally, the use of words such as "may," "see," "expectation," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "projects," "anticipate," "believe," "assume," "could," "should," "plans," "targets" or similar expressions that convey the uncertainty of future events, activities, expectations or outcomes identify forward-looking statements that the Company intends to be included within the safe harbor protections provided by the federal securities laws. These forward-looking statements include statements concerning measured, indicated and inferred mineral resource estimates and proven and probable reserve estimates, the potential extraction of bromine and lithium from the leased acreage, the economic viability thereof, the demand for such resources, the volumes to be produced and the timing and costs of such activities, the assumptions contained in the Definitive Feasibility Study, the ability to obtain the required capital to develop the project, economic and operating conditions that are outside of our control, including statements concerning demand for our products in the oil and gas industry; potential revenue associated with prospective long duration energy storage projects; the ability and timing necessary to obtain an initial economic assessment regarding our bromine and lithium acreage; the ability to obtain contractual consents in certain circumstances; projections concerning the Company's business activities, financial guidance, capital expenditures, profitability, estimated revenues, estimated adjusted EBITDA, and statements regarding the Company's beliefs, expectations, plans, goals, future events and performance, and other statements that are not purely historical. With respect to the Company's disclosures of measured, indicated and inferred mineral resources, uncertainty exists regarding whether such resources will ever be economically developed. Investors are cautioned that mineral resources do not have a demonstrated economic value and further exploration may not result in the estimation of a mineral reserve. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that all or any part of our resources can be economically or legally commercialized. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by the Company, input received from outside expertized service providers, as well as its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Such statements are subject to a myriad of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance or results and that actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Some of the factors that could affect actual results are described in the section titled "Risk Factors" contained in the Company's Annual Reports on Form 10-K, as well as other risks identified from time to time in its reports on Form 10-Q and Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


SOURCE TETRA Technologies, Inc.

SOURCE TETRA Technologies,Inc.

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