
Youtube Shorts Reaches 1 Trillion Views In India, Says CEO Neal Mohan

Youtube Shorts Reaches 1 Trillion Views In India, Says CEO Neal Mohan

Youtube Shorts在印度達到了1萬億的觀看次數,據首席執行官Neal Mohan表示。
Benzinga ·  08/08 02:59

This story was originally published on the Benzinga India portal

這個故事最初發表在 Benzinga India 門戶網站上

YouTube Shorts, Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) answer to TikTok, has hit a 1 lakh crore (1 trillion) view mark in India.

谷歌(納斯達克股票代碼:GOOG)(納斯達克股票代碼:GOOG)對抖音的回應YouTube Shorts在印度的瀏覽量已達到10萬億(1萬英鎊)大關。

What Happened: The announcement was made by Neal Mohan, CEO of YouTube, at the YouTube Brandcast event held in New Delhi.

發生了什麼:YouTube首席執行官尼爾·莫漢在新德里舉行的YouTube Brandcast活動上宣佈了這一消息。

Mohan underscored the flourishing creator community in India, with over 11,000 channels boasting more than a million subscribers each, as per a PTI report. YouTube Shorts, which was first launched in India, has since enjoyed immense popularity, he added.


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YouTube's popularity isn't confined to mobile devices; it has also emerged as the most streamed service on Connected TVs in India. "YouTube is number one in reach and watchtime in India. We just passed a huge milestone. Shorts, which we first launched in India, now has trillions of views here," Mohan stated.

YouTube的受歡迎程度不僅限於移動設備;它也已成爲印度聯網電視上直播次數最多的服務。“YouTube在印度的覆蓋面和觀看時間方面排名第一。我們剛剛跨越了一個重要的里程碑。我們最初在印度推出的短片現在在這裏有數萬億的瀏覽量,” 莫漢說。

Cricket videos continue to be extremely popular on the platform, racking up over 50 billion views in the past year. Mohan also highlighted the growing popularity of creators, using the example of Prajakta Koli, whose journey on YouTube led to a starring role in a Netflix series and a Bollywood debut.

板球視頻在該平台上仍然非常受歡迎,在過去的一年中獲得了超過500次觀看。莫漢還以Prajakta Koli爲例強調了創作者越來越受歡迎,他在YouTube上的旅程促成了Netflix系列的主角和寶萊塢的處女作。

Disclaimer: This article was written with the help of artificial intelligence and reviewed by Benzinga editors.


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