
S&P Global Market Intelligence Quarterly Report Finds Value of Global M&A Transactions Increased Nearly 12% Year-Over-Year in H1

S&P Global Market Intelligence Quarterly Report Finds Value of Global M&A Transactions Increased Nearly 12% Year-Over-Year in H1

PR Newswire ·  08/08 08:00

NEW YORK, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite global M&A deal volumes remaining lackluster, the total value of global M&A has jumped year-over-year in the first half of 2024, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence's newly released Q2 2024 Global M&A and Equity Offerings Report. The total value of transactions increased 11.7% to $1.221 trillion through the first half of 2024 compared to the first half of 2023, but the number of deals was down 12.9% to 19,415 over the same time period.

根據S&P Global Market Intelligence新發布的2024年第二季度全球併購與股權發行報告顯示,儘管全球併購交易量仍然不足,但全球併購總價值在2024年上半年同比大幅提高。與2023年上半年相比,交易總價值在2024年上半年增加了11.7%,達到12.21萬億美元,但交易數量比同期下降了12.9%至19,415宗。

The activity shows that M&A has yet to fully recover from the slowdown in activity that started in 2022 with the rate-hiking cycle, but dealmakers are willing to pursue large transactions. In the second quarter of this year, a pickup in $10 billion-plus M&A announcements outside the U.S. helped ensure that the total value of global deals recorded its third straight quarter of year-over-year growth.


"A handful of large transactions served as a bright spot for M&A and IPO activity in the second quarter; while the overall number of transactions remains lackluster, the bigger deals are helping bring some growth to the overall value of transactions," said Joe Mantone, lead author of the report at S&P Global Market Intelligence. "Clarity around the political landscape and sustained rate-cutting cycle would certainly create optimism for M&A and IPOs heading into 2025."

S&P Global Market Intelligence的報告作者之一喬·曼託恩表示:「在第二季度,幾筆大規模交易成爲M&A和IPO活動的亮點。儘管整體交易數量較少,但更大規模的交易有助於爲交易總價值帶來一些增長。政治環境的明晰以及持續的減息週期無疑會爲進入2025年的M&A和IPO帶來樂觀情緒。」

Key highlights from the Q2 2024 Global M&A and Equity Offerings Report include:


  • The number of global M&A transactions has fallen below 10,000 three times in the last four quarters after having done only once since 2020.
  • Large transactions helped boost the total value of Europe M&A announcements by 65.4% quarter-over-quarter and 25.4% year-over-year in the second quarter to $182.87 billion.
  • The 616 global IPOs in the first half of 2024 was lower than the 674 transactions in the first half of 2023 and the 819 transactions in the first half of 2022.
  • 自2020年以來,全球M&A交易量在過去四個季度中有三次跌破10,000筆,而在2022年之前僅有一次。
  • 大交易有助於推動歐洲併購公告總價值在第二季度同比增長25.4%至1828.7億美元,並且環比增長了65.4%。
  • 2024年上半年全球共進行了616宗IPO,低於2023年上半年的674宗和2022年上半年的819宗。

The quarterly report provides an overview of global M&A and equity issuance trends, offering insights into the sectors and geographies that are seeing the most activity. It also focuses on deals with the highest valuations and strategies larger players pursue that underscore trends occurring throughout an industry. S&P Global Market Intelligence has produced the quarterly, global M&A and equity offering report since the first quarter of 2018.

該季度報告概述了全球併購和股權發行趨勢,提供了對觀察到最多活動的行業板塊和地域的深刻見解。此外,該報告還關注了具有最高估值的交易以及大型參與者所追求的戰略,這些戰略突出了整個行業中出現的趨勢。自2018年第一季度以來,S&P Global Market Intelligence一直在製作季度全球併購和股權報告。

To request a copy of the Q2 2024 Global M&A and Equity Offerings Report, please contact [email protected].

如需獲取2024年第二季度全球併購與股權發佈報告,請聯繫[email protected]。

S&P Global Market Intelligence's opinions, quotes, and credit-related and other analyses are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact or recommendation to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or to make any investment decisions, and do not address the suitability of any security.

S&P Global Market Intelligence的意見、引用、與信用相關的和其他分析都是表達意見而不是陳述事實或建議購買、持有或出售任何證券或作出任何投資決策,並且不涉及任何證券的適用性。

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Media Contact
Kate Smith
S&P Global Market Intelligence
+1 781 301 9311
[email protected] or [email protected]

Kate Smith
[email protected]或[email protected]
+1 781 301 9311
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SOURCE S&P Global Market Intelligence

來源 S&P 全球市場情報

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