
PURAGLOBE Announces Appointment of Alois Virag as Chief Executive Officer

PURAGLOBE Announces Appointment of Alois Virag as Chief Executive Officer

PURAGLOBE宣佈任命Alois Virag爲首席執行官。
PR Newswire ·  08/08 09:00

Dr. Virag will lead the Company's global expansion and innovation strategy as CEO


TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PURAGLOBE Holding GmbH (PURAGLOBE), the leading high-volume producer of sustainable Group III/III+ base oils and synthetic motor oils from recycled sources, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Alois Virag as Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Dr. Virag succeeds Andreas Schueppel, who is stepping down after almost 20 years of transformative leadership that established PURAGLOBE as a global leader in the re-refined lubricants space.

佛羅里達州坦帕,2024年8月8日 / PR Newswire / --可持續生產III/III +基礎油和合成機油的高容量領先廠商PURAGLOBE Holding GmbH(PURAGLOBE)自可再生來源,很高興宣佈任命阿洛伊斯·維拉格博士爲首席執行官,立即生效。 Virag博士接替了安德烈亞斯·舒佩爾(Andreas Schueppel),後者在近20年的變革性領導下,使PURAGLOBE成爲再生潤滑油領域的全球領導者。

Dr. Virag brings 35 years of expertise in refining and petrochemicals, having played a pivotal role in scaling innovative technologies and managing major operations across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. His track record includes leading OMV's acquisition of a minority position in ADNOC Refining and the creation of a multi-billion-dollar joint venture. He also spearheaded the development and commercialization of OMV's ReOil technology.


"Dr. Virag will bring his exceptional leadership skills to drive our global expansion into North America and Asia with strategic partners, all while ensuring we maintain our top-tier product quality and operational performance," said Peter Saldarriaga, Managing Director, Ara Partners. "His extensive experience in fostering strong business relationships and achieving significant cost savings will be invaluable as we embark on our next phase of growth."

Ara Partners的總經理彼得·薩爾達里亞加(Peter Saldarriaga)表示:“Virag博士將發揮其卓越的領導才能,帶領我們與戰略合作伙伴一起推動我們的全球擴張進入北美和亞洲,同時確保我們保持一流的產品質量和運營績效。他在促進良好的商業關係和實現顯著的成本節約方面的豐富經驗將在我們迎接下一個成長階段時具有重要價值。

Dr. Virag joins from Nayara Energy, a leading downstream Energy company and the second-largest private integrated refining and marketing company in India, where, as Chief Executive Officer for the past three years, Dr. Virag oversaw operations of a 20 million ton per annum refinery, 6,500 retail outlets, and a comprehensive supply and trading organization. Under his leadership, Nayara significantly increased profitability and achieved vertical integration into petrochemicals.

Virag博士加入自印度領先的下游能源公司和第二大私有綜合煉油和營銷公司Nayara Energy,作爲首席執行官已有三年之久,監督一個2000萬噸/年的煉油廠、6,500個零售店和全面供應和貿易機構的運營。在他的領導下,Nayara大幅提高了盈利能力,並實現了進入石化行業的垂直整合。

"I am thrilled to join PURAGLOBE at this exciting point in the Company's history," said Dr. Virag. "We have a unique opportunity to advance the global commercialization of PURAGLOBE's differentiated HyLube, HyLube SAT and HyRes technology. I look forward to working closely with our talented team as we commercialize our distinct products."

Virag博士表示:「我很高興能在公司歷史上這一令人興奮的點上加入PURAGLOBE。我們有獨特的機會推動PURAGLOBE的HyLube、HyLube SAt和HyRes技術的全球商業化。我期待與我們才華橫溢的團隊密切合作,推廣我們獨特的產品。」

"The Board of Directors would like to thank Andreas for his leadership and 20 years of dedication to PURAGLOBE," continued Saldarriaga. "His efforts have positioned PURAGLOBE as a global leader in re-refined lubricants and a pioneer in innovative technologies."

Ara Partners的董事會繼續表示感謝安德烈亞斯(Andreas)對PURAGLOBE的領導和20年的貢獻。Saldarriaga繼續說:「他的努力使PURAGLOBE成爲再生潤滑油領域的全球領導者,以及創新技術的開創者。」.

Andreas Schueppel reflected, "Leading PURAGLOBE over the past two decades has been an honor. I am extremely proud of our accomplishments and the foundational work we've done to ensure PURAGLOBE's long-term prosperity. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the entire PURAGLOBE team and look forward to supporting Dr. Virag during this transition."

安德烈亞斯·舒佩爾(Andreas Schueppel)表示:「在過去的兩十年中領導PURAGLOBE一直是一項榮譽。我爲我們的成就感到非常自豪,以及我們爲確保PURAGLOBE的長期繁榮所做的基礎性工作。我向整個PURAGLOBE團隊致以衷心的感謝,並期待在這個過程中支持Virag博士。」

PURAGLOBE is a portfolio company of Ara Partners, a global private equity firm that is decarbonizing the industrial economy, and Junction Capital Partners.

PURAGLOBE是Ara Partners的投資組合公司,Ara Partners是一家全球私人股權公司,正在對工業經濟進行脫碳,Junction Capital Partners是其財務收益的管理人。

PURAGLOBE was founded in 1995 upon a commitment to innovate and promote sustainability within the oil industry and beyond. As the only high-volume producer of sustainable Group III/III+ base oils and synthetic motor oils from recycled sources, we work alongside traditional, virgin oil enterprises, like Shell, to help extend our natural oil resources. We supply advanced, sustainable base oils and blending services for motor oils, EV fluids, and lubricants. PURAGLOBE combines American ingenuity with German engineering to mitigate CO2 emissions and enable sustainable, circular economies from facilities in Tampa, Florida and Elsteraue, Germany.

PURAGLOBE成立於1995年,致力於在石油行業和其他領域創新和促進可持續發展。作爲唯一的可持續Group III/III+基礎油和合成機油的高容量生產廠商,我們與像Shell這樣的傳統原油企業一起工作,幫助擴展我們的天然油資源。我們爲機油、電動汽車液體和潤滑劑提供先進的、可持續的基礎油和混合服務。PURAGLOBE將美國的洞察力與德國的工程技術結合起來,以減少二氧化碳排放並實現可持續、循環經濟,並在佛羅里達州坦帕和德國的艾爾斯特勞經營。

About Ara Partners
Ara Partners is a global private equity and infrastructure investment firm focused on industrial decarbonization. Founded in 2017, Ara Partners seeks to build and scale companies with significant decarbonization impact across the industrial and manufacturing, chemicals and materials, energy efficiency and green fuels, and food and agriculture sectors. The company operates from offices in Houston, Boston, Washington, D.C., and Dublin. Ara Partners closed its third private equity fund in December 2023 with over $2.8 billion in new capital commitments. As of December 31, 2023, Ara Partners had approximately $6.2 billion of assets under management.

關於Ara Partners
Ara Partners是一家全球私人股權和基礎設施投資公司,專注於工業脫碳。Ara Partners成立於2017年,旨在構建和擴大具有重要脫碳影響的公司,包括工業和製造業、化學品和材料、能源效率和綠色燃料、食品和農業等領域。該公司在休斯頓、波士頓、華盛頓特區和都柏林設有辦事處。 Ara Partners於2023年12月關閉了第三個私募股權基金,新資本承諾超過28億美元。截至2023年12月31日,Ara Partners管理着約62億美元的資產。

For more information about Ara Partners, please visit .

有關Ara Partners的更多信息,請訪問。

About Junction Capital Partners
Junction is a specialty investment fund focused on industrial growth opportunities. Founded in 2017, Junction is based in Houston and manages a committed capital fund as well as direct investments from institutional LPs.

關於Junction Capital Partners

Media Contacts
Scott Bisang / Jack Kelleher
Collected Strategies
[email protected]

Scott Bisang / Jack Kelleher
[email protected]



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