


PR Newswire ·  08/08 11:11

DALLAS, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hunt Energy Network, L.L.C, today announced it has received a funding commitment of $250 million from Manulife Investment Management. Manulife Investment Management's commitment was sourced from Manulife Infrastructure Fund III and its affiliates (collectively "Manulife"). With this funding, Hunt Energy Network will develop and operate dispatchable power resources in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT).

達拉斯,2024年8月8日 /美通社/ -- Hunt Energy Network有限責任公司 今天宣佈獲得了25000萬美元的融資承諾,來自宏利投資管理。宏利投資管理的承諾來自宏利基礎設施基金III和其關聯方(集合「宏利」)。有了這筆融資,Hunt Energy Network將在德克薩斯州電力可靠性委員會(ERCOT)開發和運行可調度電力資源。

This new commitment is wholly distinct from Manulife's March 2021 commitment of $225 million to form HEN Infrastructure, L.L.C., a separate venture with Hunt Energy Network to develop and operate a portfolio of distribution level energy storage assets in ERCOT. As of today, this venture has developed 270 megawatts (MW) of energy storage currently operational in ERCOT and another 80 MW under development with a targeted completion date of early 2025.

這一新的承諾與宏利2021年3月承諾的22500萬美元,組建HEN基礎設施有限責任公司是完全不同的,後者是與Hunt Energy Network合作,開發和運營ERCOT的配電級別儲能資產組合。截至今日,該合作已在ERCOT開發了270兆瓦(MW)的儲能電力,另有80兆瓦正在開發建設,並定於2025年初完成。

"Over the past three years, our partnership with Manulife let us build a resilient network of dispatchable, distributed storage all across Texas," said Pat Wood, chief executive officer of Hunt Energy Network. "Now, we can continue that work as well as move into other opportunities to reliably serve customers in ERCOT."

「在過去的三年中,我們與宏利的合作讓我們在德克薩斯州建立了一條有彈性的、分佈式的存儲網絡,」Hunt Energy Network首席執行官Pat Wood表示。「現在,我們既可以繼續這項工作,又可以開發其他機會,爲ERCOT的客戶提供可靠的服務。」

Backed by Manulife's commitment, Hunt Energy Network plans to develop additional energy storage projects and new thermal peaking generation facilities throughout ERCOT. These thermal peaking units would have significant on-site fuel storage, ensuring the ability to reliably operate during critical times, such as extreme weather events. Also, these generators would be able to run on a variety of fuel types. Unlike generators that rely solely on natural gas, these generators would not be dependent on the operational status of natural gas supply and delivery.

在宏利的支持下,Hunt Energy Network計劃在ERCOT開發其他儲能項目和新的峯值熱電發電設施。這些峯值熱電機組將擁有重要的現場燃料儲存,確保在關鍵時刻,如極端天氣事件時,具備可靠運行能力。此外,這些發電機還能夠運行多種燃料類型。與僅依賴天然氣的發電機不同,這些發電機不會依賴燃氣供應和送貨的運行狀態。

Hunt Energy Network will also focus on helping commercial customers fully utilize backup generation at their facilities to provide resiliency for the customer and participation in the ERCOT market when the generation is not serving the customer. Using its 24/7 operations desk and TraDER optimization platform, Hunt Energy Network can provide opportunities for commercial and industrial customers to receive full resilient back up power while also providing much needed resources to the ERCOT grid.

Hunt Energy Network還將專注於幫助商業客戶充分利用其設施備用發電能力,爲客戶提供彈性,並在該發電不爲客戶服務時參與ERCOT市場。利用其24/7經營操作檯和TraDER優化平台,Hunt Energy Network可以爲商業和工業客戶提供完全的彈性備用電力,同時爲ERCOT電網提供急需的資源。

"We recognize the importance that dispatchable generation brings to the electricity customers of Texas by providing reliable power when needed most," said Recep Kendircioglu, Global Head of Infrastructure, Manulife Investment Management. "Continuing our long-standing partnership with Hunt Energy will support the grid and allows us to drive innovation with a market leader in ERCOT."

「我們認識到可調度發電對德克薩斯的電力客戶提供可靠的功率最爲重要,」宏利投資管理基礎設施全球負責人Recep Kendircioglu表示。「與Hunt Energy長期合作將支持電網,並使我們能夠與ERCOT市場領導者一起推動創新。」

"Hunt Energy Network is building Texas' first network of distributed resources, which will include batteries, peaking power, and customer onsite generation to help Texas meet its explosive demand growth. Our goal is to provide the resiliency ERCOT needs to keep supplying affordable, clean, and reliable power to Texans," said Hunter Hunt, CEO of Hunt Energy, L.L.C., the parent company of Hunt Energy Network. "Hunt's relationship with Manulife goes back decades, and we are thrilled to continue and expand that relationship in making Hunt Energy Network the partner of choice for grid operators and customers."

「Hunt Energy Network正在建立德克薩斯的第一個分佈式資源網絡,包括電池、峯值發電和客戶現場發電,以幫助德克薩斯應對爆炸性的需求增長。我們的目標是爲ERCOT提供彈性,以確保向德克薩斯人提供負擔得起、清潔、可靠的電力,」作爲Hunt Energy有限責任公司的母公司,Hunt Energy Network首席執行官Hunter Hunt表示。「Hunt與宏利的關係可以追溯幾十年,我們很高興能夠繼續並擴大這一關係,使Hunt Energy Network成爲電網運營商和客戶的首選合作伙伴。」

About Hunt Energy Network

關於Hunt Energy Network

Hunt Energy Network is a Dallas-based developer and operator of dispatchable energy resources. The company utilizes its TraDER platform to site distributed energy resources, integrate those resources into competitive markets, and operate those resources as optimized portfolios. It is part of a larger privately-owned group of companies managed by the Ray L. Hunt family that engages in oil and gas exploration, refining, power, real estate, ranching and private equity investments. For more information, visit .

Hunt Energy Network是一家總部位於達拉斯的可調度能源資源開發商和運營商。該公司利用其TraDER平台,定位分佈式能源資源,並將這些資源整合到競爭性市場中,並將這些資源作爲優化組合運營。它是由Ray L. Hunt家族管理的一大私營公司集團的一部分,該公司從事石油和天然氣勘探、精煉、電力、房地產、牧場和私募股權投資。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Manulife Investment Management


Manulife Investment Management is the brand for the global wealth and asset management segment of Manulife Financial Corporation. Our mission is to make decisions easier and lives better by empowering investors for a better tomorrow. Serving more than 19 million individuals, institutions, and retirement plan members, we believe our global reach, complementary businesses, and the strength of our parent company position us to help investors capitalize on today's emerging global trends. We provide our clients access to public and private investment solutions across equities, fixed income, multi-asset, alternative, and sustainability-linked strategies, such as natural capital, to help them make more informed financial decisions and achieve their investment objectives. Not all offerings are available in all jurisdictions. For additional information, please visit


Hunt Energy Network Media Contact
Paul Schulze, 214-978-8534, [email protected]

Hunt Energy Network媒體聯繫人
Paul Schulze,214-978-8534,[email protected]

Manulife IM Media Contact
Elizabeth Bartlett, 857-210-2286, [email protected]

Elizabeth Bartlett,857-210-2286,[email protected]

SOURCE Hunt Energy Network


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