
Ionic Digital Issues Shareholder Update

Ionic Digital Issues Shareholder Update

PR Newswire ·  08/08 13:00

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ionic Digital Inc., a leading innovator in the bitcoin mining industry (the "Company"), today provided an update to their shareholders regarding various matters related to the Company.

2024年8月8日得克薩斯州奧斯汀市 /美通社/ - 比特幣挖掘行業的頂尖創新者Ionic Digital公司(以下簡稱「公司」)今天就公司相關事宜向股東提供了更新。

Business Update


Ionic Digital is pleased to announce that Building 1 at its Cedarvale facility located in Ward County, Texas is expected to begin energization later this week. This milestone marks a significant step in the Company's expansion strategy, as the total energized load of the site will increase to 90 megawatts (MW) when Building 1's energization is complete.

Ionic Digital很高興宣佈,其位於德克薩斯州沃德縣的Cedarvale設施的1號建築預計將在本週晚些時候開始通電。這個里程碑標誌着公司擴張策略的一個重要步驟,當1號建築的通電完成後,現場總通電負荷將增加到90兆瓦(MW)。

The newly-constructed building is the first of four state-of-the-art 50 MW Bitcoin mining facilities planned for the site. It currently houses 15,552 Bitcoin miners, utilizing a combination of new and relocated machines to optimize performance and efficiency.

這座新建築是計劃建造的四個50 MW最先進的比特幣挖掘設施中的第一個。它目前擁有15552台比特幣礦機,利用新機器和遷移機器的組合來優化性能和效率。

Once fully constructed and operational, the Cedarvale site is expected to house approximately 66,000 miners and be powered by 215 MW of electricity. The remaining three buildings, each identical in size and capacity to Building 1, are scheduled for energization in the coming months. The Cedarvale site will add to the Company's existing capacity of approximately 7 exahash as of July 31, 2024. The Company's mining operations from emergence through July 31 have produced approximately 1,331.47 bitcoin, and as of that date the Company possessed 1,891.68 bitcoin in total.

一旦完全建成並投入運營,Cedarvale工地預計將擁有約66,000台礦工,並由215 MW的電力供應。其餘三棟建築物,大小和容量與1號樓相同,計劃在未來幾個月通電。Cedarvale工地將增加公司截至2024年7月31日約7艾哈希的現有容量。自成立以來,該公司的採礦業務生產出了約1331.47個比特幣,截至該日期,該公司總共擁有1891.68個比特幣。

Leadership Changes


The Company also announced today a significant leadership transition. In July 2024, chief executive officer (CEO) Matt Prusak informed the Company's Board of Directors of his decision not to extend his employment agreement beyond its initial term, which concludes on August 14, 2024. The Board has initiated a comprehensive search for a new CEO and expects to appoint the Company's chief financial officer (CFO), John Penver, as Interim CEO to ensure a smooth transition and maintain operational continuity.

該公司還宣佈了一個重要的領導層過渡。2024年7月,首席執行官(CEO)Matt Prusak通知了公司董事會,他決定不延長他的僱傭協議,該協議將於2024年8月14日結束。董事會已經啓動了全面的CEO搜尋,並預計任命公司的首席財務官(CFO)John Penver爲臨時CEO,以確保平穩的過渡並保持運營的連續性。

Emmanuel Aidoo, Chair of Ionic Digital's Board of Directors, expressed gratitude for Prusak's contributions: "We are grateful for Matt's leadership and the significant progress Ionic Digital has made under his guidance. His strategic vision has positioned us to become a leader in the bitcoin mining sector. As we move forward, we're confident that John Penver's experience as CFO will provide stable leadership during this transition period and keep the Company on its path towards becoming a public entity and a leading bitcoin miner."

Ionic Digital的董事會主席Emmanuel Aidoo表達了對Prusak貢獻的感激之情:「我們感謝Matt的領導和他在Ionic Digital的指引下取得的重要進展。他的戰略願景使我們成爲比特幣挖掘行業的領先者。在我們向前邁進的同時,我們有信心,John Penver擔任CFO的經驗將在這個過渡期間提供穩定的領導,並使該公司繼續朝着成爲一家上市公司和領先的比特幣礦業公司的道路前進。」

Changes to Board of Directors


In June and July 2024, respectively, H. McIntyre (Mac) Gardner (a new Class B Director who replaced Asher Genoot) and Scott N. Flanders (who replaced Max Holmes) joined Emmanuel Aidoo (Chair), Thomas DiFiore, Scott Duffy and Elizabeth LaPuma on Ionic Digital's current six-member Board of Directors. The Board expects a second Class B Director to soon be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board resulting from Steven Price's resignation in July 2024.

在2024年6月和7月,H. McIntyre(Mac)Gardner(代替Asher Genoot成爲新的b類董事)和Scott N. Flanders(代替Max Holmes)分別加入了Ionic Digital當前的六名董事會成員Emmanuel Aidoo(主席)、Thomas DiFiore、Scott Duffy和Elizabeth LaPuma。董事會希望很快任命第二個b類董事來填補由Steven Price在2024年7月辭職所引起的董事會空缺。

Mr. Gardner retired in 2008 from Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. as the Head of Americas Region and Global Bank Group, Global Private Client. He has been a member of the board of Spirit Airlines, Inc. since 2010 and chairman of that board since 2013. Mr. Gardner has served on the boards of several other companies including Brilliant Light Power, an alternative energy venture company,

Gardner在2008年從Merrill Lynch&Co.,Inc.退休,曾任美洲區和全球銀行集團、全球私人客戶的負責人。自2010年以來,他一直是Spirit Airlines,Inc.董事會成員,自2013年起擔任該董事會主席。Gardner還曾擔任多家公司的董事,包括新型能源創業公司Brilliant Light Power、有機PCB製造商Isola Group以及曾經公開交易的技術金融解決方案公司Blucora,他還在許多他服務的董事會上擔任了審計、薪酬和提名和治理委員會主席。

Isola Group, a laminated PCB manufacturer, and Blucora, Inc., a formerly publicly traded technology-enabled financial solutions company, and has chaired the audit, compensation and nominating and governance committees on many of the boards on which he has served.

Scott Flanders是一位經驗豐富的行業高管,在媒體、娛樂和技術領域擁有廣泛的經驗。他是兩家公開上市公司FTHm和DMS的董事長。Flanders曾任職於幾家知名公司的CEO,包括Playboy Enterprises、Freedom Communications和Columbia House。他還曾擔任Macmillan Publishers的總裁(1986年至1998年)。除了擁有法律學位,Flanders還是一位註冊會計師(CPA)。

Scott Flanders is a seasoned executive with extensive experience in media, entertainment, and technology industries. He is an experienced independent director and currently serves as Chairman of two publicly listed companies: FTHM and DMS. Flanders is the former CEO and board member of eHealth, Inc., a position he held since May 2016. Prior to this, Flanders held CEO positions at several prominent companies, including Playboy Enterprises, Freedom Communications, and Columbia House. He also served as president of Macmillan Publishers from 1986 to 1998. Adding to his diverse skill set, Flanders is both an attorney and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

審計更新: 2024年5月,RSm US LLP(「RSM」)告知公司由於RSM做出了撤離加密貨幣行業企業所有審計業務的戰略決策,無法繼續擔任公司的核數師。RSM的決定不是由於在會計準則、慣例、財務報表披露或審計範圍或程序方面與公司存在任何分歧。RSM在公司提交的SEC報告中的財務報表中沒有包含任何負面意見或意見放棄,也沒有修改關於不確定性、審計範圍或會計原則的限定性聲明或修改。 該公司已經取得了在評估潛在替代審計公司方面的重大進展,正在努力最終選擇和聘請新的核數師。爲了使公司能夠在其SEC報告中包含所需的財務報表,這些財務報表必須由認證的核數師進行審核。因此,缺少核數師的臨時現象阻止了該公司更新其SEC報告,進而延遲了Ionic Digital成爲上市公司的努力。一旦聘請了新的核數師,該公司將迅速制定備受審查的財務報表,並制定未來提交SEC所需的財務報告,以完成上市公司的進程。此外,該公司已經通過更新託管服務協議與Hut 8合作,其中取消了流動性期限條款。

Auditor Update

關於Ionic Digital: Ionic Digital是北美最新的最佳比特幣礦工和新興的能源變現創新者。Ionic擁有遍佈北美的設施,並期望具有向比特幣網絡部署高達12.7艾哈希的能力。有關更多信息,請訪問ionicdigital.com並在X上關注我們@IonicDigital。

In May 2024, RSM US LLP ("RSM") informed the Company that it would not be able to continue serving as the Company's auditor due to a strategic decision by RSM to disengage from all audit engagements with companies in the cryptocurrency sector. RSM's decision was not a result of any disagreements with the Company on accounting principles, practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure. RSM's reports on the financial statements contained in the Company's SEC filings do not contain any adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion, nor were qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles.


The Company has made substantial progress in evaluating potential replacement auditing firms and is working diligently toward final selection and engagement of a new auditor. In order for the Company to include the required financial statements in its SEC filings, those financial statements must be reviewed by a certified auditor. Thus, the temporary absence of an auditor has prevented the Company from being able to update its SEC filings, which in turn has delayed Ionic Digital's efforts to become a public reporting company. Once a new auditor is engaged, the Company will work expeditiously to prepare the reviewed financial statements required to make future SEC filings needed to complete the process of becoming a public company. Additionally, the Company amended its managed services agreement with Hut 8 which, among other things, removed the liquidity deadline provision.


About Ionic Digital


Ionic Digital is North America's newest best-in-class bitcoin miner and emerging innovator in energy monetization. With facilities across North America, Ionic expects to have the ability to deploy up to 12.7 exahash to the Bitcoin Network. For more information, visit and follow us on X at @IonicDigital.


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SOURCE Ionic Digital

資料來源:Ionic Digital

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