
Mullen Announces Its Dealer Eco Auto's Expansion and Purchase of 180 Commercial EVs

Mullen Announces Its Dealer Eco Auto's Expansion and Purchase of 180 Commercial EVs

穆倫宣佈其經銷商Eco Auto擴張併購買了180輛商用電動汽車
Mullen Automotive ·  08/08 00:00

Eco to purchase 130 Class 1 EV cargo vans and 50 Class 3 EV trucks over the next 18 months for an estimated value of $7.7 million, with new deliveries beginning in September 2024


Mullen expands its East Coast reach into Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont through Eco Auto

Mullen通過Eco Auto擴大在賓夕法尼亞州、康涅狄格州、羅得島州、新罕布什爾州、緬因州和佛蒙特州的東海岸地區業務範圍

BREA, Calif., August 08, 2024– via InvestorWire – Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN) ("Mullen" or the "Company"), an electric vehicle ("EV") manufacturer, announces today that its Boston area dealer, Eco Auto ("Eco"), a dedicated EV dealer, will expand to cover national fleet opportunities in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont to meet the growing demand for commercial EVs and support the Company's full line of commercial electric vehicles in these regions. Eco's expansion includes the purchase of 180 vehicles over the next 18 months for an estimated value of $7.7 million with new deliveries beginning in September 2024.

2024年8月8日加利福尼亞布里亞(BREA)-InvestorWire-Mullen汽車股份有限公司(納斯達克:MULN)(「Mullen」或「公司」),一家電動汽車(「EV」)製造商,今天宣佈,該公司波士頓地區的經銷商Eco Auto(「Eco」),一家專業的EV經銷商,將擴展至賓夕法尼亞州、康涅狄格州、羅得島州、新罕布什爾州、緬因州和佛蒙特州,以滿足商用EV不斷增長的需求,並在這些地區支持公司的全部商用電動車型。Eco的擴張計劃包括在未來18個月內購買180輛車,預計價值爲770萬美元,新的交付將在2024年9月開始。

Headquartered in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, Eco Auto is a national franchise of automotive dealerships with a core focus of making EVs accessible to all. Eco Auto offers a comprehensive electric vehicle experience for customers by providing affordable EVs, hybrid models, advanced charging stations, and expert EV service in state-of-the-art facilities.

Eco Auto總部位於馬薩諸塞州的Tewksbury,是一家全國性的汽車經銷商特許經營連鎖機構,致力於讓所有人都能購買新能源車。Eco Auto爲客戶提供全面的電動汽車服務,提供價格適中的新能源車、混合動力車型、先進的充電站以及最先進的設施提供專業的電動汽車維修服務。

"Mullen's offerings are unique in the marketplace and they fill a void for businesses of all sizes that are looking for inexpensive, sustainable solutions for their short-distance delivery needs," said Al Salas, Chief Executive Officer of Eco Auto. "We are getting strong market response to the Mullen product line, in line with our corporate growth, and are committed to representing the Mullen EVs."

Eco Auto的首席執行官Al Salas表示:「Mullen的產品是市場上獨一無二的,在尋求低成本、可持續的解決方案來滿足短途配送需求的各個規模的企業中填補了一個空白。我們對Mullen產品系列的市場反應強烈,與公司的發展目標一致,我們致力於代表Mullen新能源車型。」

"Our Commercial EVs are extremely versatile for use across multiple sectors," said David Michery, CEO and chairman for Mullen Automotive. "This order and the expansion of Eco Auto to meet demand demonstrates that Mullen EVs are the preferred choice for fleet operators across the nation seeking sustainable transportation solutions."

Mullen汽車公司的首席執行官兼董事長David Michery表示:「我們的商用新能源車型非常適用於多個行業。這份訂單和Eco Auto的擴張印證了Mullen EV是全美尋找可持續運輸解決方案的企業首選。」

Mullen announced the addition of Eco Auto as its fifth dealer partner in June 2024, focused on the New England area which will now expand to include Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire Maine and Vermont as the Company solidifies its commercial EV footprint across the United States. Mullen's commercial EV lineup includes the Mullen ONE, a Class 1 EV cargo van, and the Mullen THREE, a Class 3 EV cab chassis truck, purpose-built to meet the demands of urban last-mile delivery. Both vehicles are available for sale and in full compliance with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the California Air Resources Board ("CARB") certifications denoting strict adherence to clean air emissions standards.

2024年6月,Mullen宣佈將Eco Auto作爲其第五家經銷商合作伙伴,專注於新英格蘭地區的業務,現在會擴展到賓夕法尼亞州、康涅狄格州、羅德島州、新罕布什爾州、緬因州和佛蒙特州,隨着公司在美國的商業新能源車型佈局逐步完善。Mullen的商用新能源汽車包括Mullen ONE一級新能源貨車和Mullen THREE三級新能源卡車底盤,專爲滿足城市末端配送的需求而設計。這兩款車均可出售,並且符合美國聯邦機動車安全標準、環境保護署以及加利福尼亞空氣資源委員會(「CARB」)認證標準,表明嚴格遵守清潔空氣排放標準。

The Mullen THREE was recently qualified for a $15,000 incentive through the State of Massachusetts MOR-EV program and a $45,000 cash rebate voucher through the California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Program (HVIP). The Mullen ONE is also eligible for a $3,500 MOR-EV incentive in Massachusetts.

Mullen THREE最近獲得了馬薩諸塞州MOR-EV計劃15000美元的激勵,並獲得加利福尼亞混合動力和零排放卡車貨車券激勵計劃(HVIP)的45000美元現金折扣券。同時,Mullen ONE在馬薩諸塞州也有資格獲得3500美元的MOR-EV激勵。

Eco Auto Expands East Coast Reach into Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont

Eco Auto擴大了對賓夕法尼亞州、康涅狄格州、羅斯島州、新罕布什爾州、緬因州和佛蒙特州東海岸地區的覆蓋

Eco is Mullen's authorized commercial EV dealer based outside Boston, MA.


About Mullen


Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) is a Southern California-based automotive company building the next generation of commercial electric vehicles ("EVs") with two United States-based vehicle plants located in Tunica, Mississippi, (120,000 square feet) and Mishawaka, Indiana (650,000 square feet). In August 2023, Mullen began commercial vehicle production in Tunica. In September 2023, Mullen received IRS approval for federal EV tax credits on its commercial vehicles with a Qualified Manufacturer designation that offers eligible customers up to $7,500 per vehicle. As of January 2024, both the Mullen ONE, a Class 1 EV cargo van, and Mullen THREE, a Class 3 EV cab chassis truck, are California Air Resource Board ("CARB") and EPA certified and available for sale in the U.S. Recently, CARB issued HVIP approval on the Mullen THREE, a Class 3 EV truck, providing up to a $45,000 cash voucher at time of vehicle purchase. The Company has also recently expanded its commercial dealer network with the addition of Pritchard EV, National Auto Fleet Group, Ziegler Truck Group, Range Truck Group and Eco Auto, providing sales and service coverage in key Midwest, West Coast and Pacific Northwest and New England markets. The Company also recently announced Foreign Trade Zone ("FTZ") status approval for its Tunica, Mississippi, commercial vehicle manufacturing center. FTZ approval provides a number of benefits, including deferment of duties owed and elimination of duties on exported vehicles.

Mullen汽車股份有限公司(納斯達克:MULN)是一家總部位於南加利福尼亞的汽車公司,在密西西比州圖尼卡(120,000平方英尺)和印第安納州米舍瓦卡(650,000平方英尺)設有兩家美國車輛製造廠。2023年8月,Mullen開始在圖尼卡進行商用車輛生產。2023年9月,Mullen獲得了對其商用車輛的IRS批准,以合格製造商的身份,爲合格客戶提供每輛車多達7500美元的聯邦EV稅收抵免。截至2024年1月,Mullen ONE一級新能源貨車和Mullen THREE三級新能源卡車底盤已經取得了美國環保署和加利福尼亞空氣資源委員會(「CARB」)的認證,並可在美國銷售。近期,CARB爲Mullen THREE三級新能源卡車底盤也頒發了HVIP認證,爲在車輛購買時提供多達45000美元的現金券。該公司最近還宣佈了擴大其商用經銷網絡的計劃,增加了Pritchard EV,National Auto Fleet Group,Ziegler Truck Group,Range Truck Group和Eco Auto,爲中西部、西海岸、太平洋西北和新英格蘭市場提供銷售和服務覆蓋。該公司最近還宣佈了其圖尼卡,密西西比,商用車輛製造中心獲得的自由貿易地區(「FTZ」)地位獲得了批准。FTZ批准提供了許多好處,包括延遲繳納關稅和出口車輛關稅的減免。

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Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any statements contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed forward-looking statements. Words such as "continue," "will," "may," "could," "should," "expect," "expected," "plans," "intend," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements, many of which are generally outside the control of Mullen and are difficult to predict. Examples of such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the timing of fulfilment and delivery of the Eco Auto purchase order; whether Eco Auto will be successful in selling the purchased vehicles; and the duration of and amount applicable to Federal and State incentive programs for electric vehicles. Additional examples of such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: (i) ability (or inability) to obtain additional financing in sufficient amounts or on acceptable terms when needed; (ii) ability to maintain existing, and secure additional, contracts with manufacturers, parts and other service providers relating to its business; (iii) ability to successfully expand in existing markets and enter new markets; (iv) ability to successfully manage and integrate any acquisitions of businesses, solutions or technologies; (v) unanticipated operating costs, transaction costs and actual or contingent liabilities; (vi) the ability to attract and retain qualified employees and key personnel; (vii) adverse effects of increased competition on Mullen's business; (viii) changes in government licensing and regulation that may adversely affect Mullen's business; (ix) the risk that changes in consumer behavior could adversely affect Mullen's business; (x) ability to protect intellectual property; and (xi) local, industry and general business and economic conditions. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements can be found in the most recent annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K filed by Mullen with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mullen anticipates that subsequent events and developments may cause its plans, intentions and expectations to change. Mullen assumes no obligation, and it specifically disclaims any intention or obligation, to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by law. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made and should not be relied upon as representing Mullen's plans and expectations as of any subsequent date.


Mullen Automotive, Inc.
+1 (714) 613-1900

Mullen Automotive, Inc.
+1 (714) 613-1900

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