
Earnings Call Summary | INTERFOR CORP(IFSPF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | INTERFOR CORP(IFSPF.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | INTERFOR corp(IFSPF.US) 2024年Q2業績會
moomoo AI ·  08/09 14:05  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Interfor Corporation (IFSPF) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Interfor recorded an adjusted EBITDA loss of $17 million this quarter with total revenue of $771 million, reflecting a 5% quarter-over-quarter decrease.

  • The company managed a net loss of $76 million due to the persistent weakness in the lumber market.

  • Significant focus on cost efficiencies resulted in the production costs per unit of lumber sold reducing by 2% quarter-over-quarter.

  • Notable cash flow from operations, largely due to the effective management of log and lumber inventories and asset sales, including the former sawmill in Philomath, Oregon, sustained the financial position.

  • Interfor本季度調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤虧損爲1700萬美元,總收入爲7.71億美元,同比下降5%。

  • 由於木材市場持續疲軟,該公司淨虧損7600萬美元。

  • 對成本效率的高度關注導致每單位木材的生產成本同比下降了2%。

  • 大量的運營現金流維持了財務狀況,這主要是由於對原木和木材庫存的有效管理以及資產出售,包括位於俄勒岡州菲洛馬斯的鋸木廠。

Business Progress:


  • In response to industry challenges, Interfor plans to curtail several low margin mills, curtailments equivalent to approximately 15% of their production volume or around 280 million to 350 million board feet.

  • Interfor anticipates further adjustments and efficiency enhancements in operations in alignment with market conditions.

  • 爲了應對行業挑戰,Interfor計劃削減幾家低利潤率的工廠,削減相當於其產量的大約15%或約28000萬至35000萬板英尺的削減。

  • Interfor預計,根據市場狀況,將進一步調整運營並提高效率。



  • The anticipated collection of tax refunds totaling approximately $59 million and further proceeds from the sale of coastal BC forest tenures, with estimated total proceeds of about $70 million.

  • 預計獲得的退稅總額約爲5,900萬美元,以及出售不列顛哥倫比亞省沿海森林使用權的額外收益,估計總收益約爲7,000萬美元。



  • The lumber industry faces continued market weakness, with Interfor expecting more supply reductions.

  • The softwood lumber duties on Canadian producers are set to increase significantly, which might increase market uncertainty and influence production decisions.

  • 木材行業面臨持續的市場疲軟,Interfor預計供應將進一步減少。

  • 加拿大生產商的軟木木材關稅將大幅增加,這可能會增加市場的不確定性並影響生產決策。

More details: INTERFOR CORP IR

更多詳情:INTERFOR CORP 投資者關係

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