
Earnings Call Summary | AuthID(AUID.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | AuthID(AUID.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | AuthID(AUID.US) 2024財年第二季度業績會
moomoo AI ·  08/11 04:52  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the AuthID Inc. (AUID) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是AuthID Inc. (AUID) 2024年第二季度業績會簡報:

Financial Performance:


  • AuthID reported a Q2 2024 total revenue of $0.28 million, a substantial increase from $0.04 million in the previous year.

  • The company experienced a net loss of $3.3 million for the quarter, which includes noncash charges of $0.8 million.

  • Operating expenses were $3.6 million for Q2 2024, compared to $2.8 million in the same period last year.

  • The Remaining Performance Obligation (RPO) is $4.24 million, indicating expected future revenues from signed contracts.

  • AuthID報告2024年第二季度的總營業收入爲28萬美元,大幅增長自上一年的4萬美元。

  • 該公司本季度淨虧損爲330萬美元,其中包括80萬美元的非現金費用。

  • 2024年第二季度的營業費用爲360萬美元,相比去年同期的280萬美元有所增長。

  • 剩餘履約義務(RPO)爲424萬美元,表明預期從簽訂合同中得到的未來收入。

Business Progress:


  • AuthID is focusing on enhancing its biometric authentication platform, particularly in speed, accuracy, and privacy.

  • The company has strengthened its sales strategy through new partnerships and an increased emphasis on addressing large enterprise needs, known as the FAT 100.

  • Technological innovations introduced include biometric authentication that involves no biometric data storage, enhancing privacy and security.

  • AuthID has successfully signed agreements to go live with a North American gaming customer and a cannabis e-commerce platform.

  • The company highlighted its plans to enhance its biometric accuracy, reaching an accuracy of one in a billion, vastly improving over previous capabilities.

  • AuthID正專注於提高其生物識別認證平台的速度、準確性和隱私性。

  • 該公司通過新的合作伙伴和加強關注大型企業需求的FAt 100,加強了其銷售策略。

  • 引入的技術創新包括不涉及生物識別數據存儲的生物識別身份驗證,加強了隱私和安全性。

  • AuthID已成功與一家北美遊戲客戶和一家大麻電子商務平台簽訂協議,即將上線。

  • 該公司強調了提高其生物識別準確性的計劃,達到十億分之一的準確性,遠優於以往的能力。



  • The virtual expansion of sales through partner networks, offering direct access to new customer verticals.

  • Introduction of advanced biometric technology capturing growing market needs in cybersecurity, promising increased adoption and sales.

  • 通過合作伙伴網絡的虛擬擴張,提供直接訪問新的客戶垂直領域。

  • 引入先進的生物識別技術,通過滿足網絡安全不斷增長的市場需求,有望提高採用率和銷售額。



  • The ongoing development demands by large enterprise customers (FAT 100) could overstress resources and necessitate careful balance in investments and operational capacity management.

  • The rapid evolution of malicious AI-driven attacks poses a continuous challenge for maintaining leading-edge competitive technology.

  • 大型企業客戶(FAt 100)對持續的開發需求可能會超負荷,需要在投資和運營能力管理方面進行謹慎的平衡。

  • 惡意人工智能驅動攻擊的快速演變對於保持領先的競爭技術構成了持續的挑戰。

More details: authID IR

詳情請參閱authID IR。

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