
F3 Expands B1 Shear by 80% With 700m Step-Out Hole

F3 Expands B1 Shear by 80% With 700m Step-Out Hole

newsfile ·  2024/08/13 16:30

Hits 0.71m of Off-Scale (>65,535cps) within 12.0m of Mineralization at JR

在 JR 的 1200 萬礦化範圍內,達到 71萬 OffScale(>65,535cps)

Kelowna, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 13, 2024) - F3 Uranium Corp (TSXV: FUU) (OTCQB: FUUFF) ("F3" or "the Company") is pleased to announce recent JR Zone high grade infill summer drilling highlighted by PLN24-161, which intersected mineralization over 12.0m, including 2.0m of high grade (>10,000cps) also hosting 0.71m of composite off-scale mineralization (>65,535 cps). Drill hole PLN24-163 at JR intersected 0.90m of composite high grade mineralization (>10,000 cps) within 20.5m of mineralization (>300cps). JR Zone infill holes targeted areas of low drill hole density within the high-grade core of the zone. These holes help to improve and define the continuity of grade within the JR Zone.

不列顛哥倫比亞省基洛納--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 8 月 13 日)——F3 鈾業公司(TSXV: FUU)(OTCQB: FUUFF)(「F3」 或 「公司」)欣然宣佈,最近在 JR 區域進行高品位填充夏季鑽探,該鑽探的礦化區超過 1200萬,其中也有 71萬個高品位(>10,000cps)複合超標礦化(>65,535 cps)。PLN24-161在 JR 的 PLN24-163 鑽孔在 2050萬(>300cps)的礦化區內,有 90,000 個複合高品位礦化層(>10,000 cps)相交。JR Zone 填充孔的目標是該區域高等級核心內鑽孔密度較低的區域。這些漏洞有助於改善和定義JR區域內的等級連續性。

F3 engaged Computational Geosciences to provide new geologically constrained inversions of ground loop time domain electromagnetic (GTEM) and direct current (DC) resistivity data already collected on the ground. These parametric models of electric conductivity (see Figure 1) defined a clear extension of the B1 trend which was tested and validated with drillhole PLN24-168, a 700m step-out along strike from PLN24-126, which was the most southeasterly hole along the B1 shear zone previously and 1,300m from its northwest end. Drill hole PLN24-168 intersected a 14.2m strongly prospective and wide clay altered graphitic shear zone approximately 110m below the Athabasca Unconformity in the down-dip direction (see Photo 1). Additionally, the inversion indicated the B1 conductor trend to continue to the southeast an additional 700m to the edge of the survey block resulting in an approximate 80% increase in the total implied strike length of the B1 shear zone to 2.7km.

F3 聘請計算地球科學爲已經在地面收集的地迴路時域電磁 (GTEM) 和直流 (DC) 電阻率數據提供新的地質限制反演。這些電導率參數模型(參見圖 1)定義了 B1 趨勢的明顯延伸,該趨勢已通過鑽孔 PLN24-168 進行了測試和驗證,該鑽孔從 PLN24-126 的走向向處向出了 70000,000,前者是沿着 B1 剪切帶最東南的鑽孔,從其西北端一直延伸到 130000,000。PLN24-168 鑽孔在向下傾方向與前景強且寬大的粘土改變了大約 11000萬的石墨剪切帶相交,該剪切帶位於阿薩巴斯卡不整合度下方約11000萬(見照片 1)。此外,反轉表明,B1導體將繼續向東南延伸,再向勘測區塊邊緣再延伸70000萬,導致B1剪切帶的總隱含走向長度增加了約80%,達到2.7km。

Sam Hartmann, Vice President Exploration, commented:


"PLN24-168 was collared on line 4245S, approximately 1.2 km along strike from the Harrison Fault and PLN24-152 area, opening up an additional 700m of prospective strike from previous drilling. This wildcat hole was collared conservatively, testing the newly defined conductive feature well below the Athabasca Unconformity; an altered and strongly graphitic shear representing the continuation of B1 was intersected as predicted from the conductivity model; it also exhibited elevated radioactivity averaging 200 cps peaking up to 240cps; although that doesn't quite meet our reporting threshold of 300 cps, it adds to the prospectivity and follow-up holes are now being planned for that area. Geochemistry results from this ongoing drill program are being integrated into our models and drill plans as they arrive which is assisting us with targeting with greater confidence."

「PLN24-168 被封鎖在 4245S 號線上,沿着哈里森斷層和 PLN24-152 地區的走向大約 1.2 千米,這爲之前的鑽探開闢了額外的 70000,000 萬次潛在衝擊。這個野貓洞是保守地設置的,測試了新定義的導電特徵,遠低於阿薩巴斯卡不整合度;正如電導率模型預測的那樣,相交了代表B1延續的經過改變的強石墨剪切力;它還表現出平均爲200cps的放射性升高,峯值最高可達240cps;儘管這還沒有完全達到我們報告的300cps的閾值,但它增加了前景,目前正在規劃後續鑽孔對於那個區域。這項正在進行的鑽探計劃的地球化學結果將在模型和鑽探計劃到來時整合到我們的模型和鑽探計劃中,這有助於我們更有信心地瞄準。」

Summer 2024 JR Zone Handheld Spectrometer Highlights:

2024 年夏季 JR Zone 手持式光譜儀亮點:

PLN24-161 (line 035S):

PLN24-161(第 035S 行):

  • 12.0m interval with mineralization from 205.0m to 217.0m, including
    • 0.71m composite off-scale radioactivity (> 65,535 cps) between 208.2m and 209.25m
  • 1200萬間隔,礦化範圍從20500萬到21700萬,包括
    • 介於 20820萬和 20925萬之間 71萬(> 65,535 cps)的複合離標放射性(> 65,535 cps)

PLN24-163 (line 095S):

PLN24-163(第 095S 行):

  • 20.5m interval of mineralization between 197.0m to 217.5m, including
  • 2050萬 1970萬至21750萬之間的礦化間隔,包括

0.90m composite high-grade mineralization (> 10,000 cps) between 205.25 m and 206.5m

90萬 20525萬到 206.5 米之間的複合高品位礦化(> 10,000 cps)

Summer 2024 Exploration Handheld Spectrometer Highlights:

2024 年夏季探索手持式光譜儀亮點:

PLN24-167 (line 3450S): B1 Exploration

PLN24-167(3450S 行):B1 探索

  • 0.5m mineralized interval from 453.5m to 454.0m
  • 50萬礦化區間從 45350萬到 454.0m

Table 1. Drill Hole Summary and Handheld Spectrometer Results

表 1.鑽孔摘要和手持式光譜儀結果

Collar Information * Hand-held Spectrometer Results On Mineralized Drillcore (>300 cps / >0.5m minimum) Athabasca Unconformity Depth (m) Total Drillhole Depth (m)
Hole ID Section Line Easting Northing Elevation Az Dip From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Max CPS
PLN24-161 035S 587791.0 6410763.9 546.4 -80.3 57.0 205.00 205.50 0.50 460 179.8 269
205.50 206.00 0.50 <300
206.00 206.50 0.50 450
206.50 207.00 0.50 1500
207.00 207.50 0.50 3800
207.50 208.00 0.50 50600
208.00 208.20 0.20 44000
208.20 208.50 0.30 >65535
208.50 208.66 0.16 >65535
208.66 208.80 0.14 62700
208.80 208.90 0.10 >65535
208.90 209.00 0.10 56700
209.00 209.10 0.10 53700
209.10 209.25 0.15 >65535
209.25 209.50 0.25 52200
209.50 210.00 0.50 8800
210.00 210.50 0.50 3900
210.50 211.00 0.50 1800
211.00 211.50 0.50 910
211.50 212.00 0.50 1800
212.00 212.50 0.50 6500
212.50 213.00 0.50 4200
213.00 213.50 0.50 980
213.50 214.00 0.50 960
214.00 214.50 0.50 9100
214.50 215.00 0.50 4600
215.00 215.50 0.50 4300
215.50 216.00 0.50 15900
216.00 216.50 0.50 1200
216.50 217.00 0.50 950
PLN24-162 2850S 589301.3 6408383.6 538.0 -67.9 54.5 426.50 427.00 0.50 340 184.0 521
PLN24-163 095S 587813.1 6410709.8 546.9 -78.5 52.4 194.00 194.50 0.50 310 181.33 305
197.00 197.50 0.50 760
197.50 198.00 0.50 <300
198.00 198.50 0.50 400
198.50 199.00 0.50 640
199.00 199.50 0.50 580
199.50 200.00 0.50 3700
200.00 200.50 0.50 1200
200.50 201.00 0.50 540
201.00 201.50 0.50 580
201.50 202.00 0.50 300
202.00 202.50 0.50 410
202.50 203.00 0.50 690
203.00 203.50 0.50 710
203.50 204.00 0.50 1100
204.00 204.50 0.50 4800
204.50 205.00 0.50 3200
205.00 205.25 0.25 5700
205.25 205.50 0.25 21100
205.50 206.00 0.50 19000
206.00 206.35 0.35 5400
206.35 206.50 0.15 11500
206.50 207.00 0.50 4700
207.00 207.50 0.50 400
207.50 208.00 0.50 2800
208.00 208.50 0.50 2600
208.50 209.00 0.50 1200
209.00 209.50 0.50 970
209.50 210.00 0.50 950
210.00 212.00 2.00 <300
212.00 212.50 0.50 580
212.50 214.00 1.50 <300
214.00 214.50 0.50 810
214.50 215.50 1.00 <300
215.50 216.00 0.50 590
216.00 216.50 0.50 500
216.50 217.00 0.50 640
217.00 217.50 0.50 420
PLN24-164 2880S 589259.5 6408356.8 538.2 -65.3 68.9 A1 MSZ Exploration; no radioactivity >300 cps 187.52 551
PLN24-165 3195S 589613.8 6408183.7 535.0 -72.4 55.0 B1 MSZ Exploration; no radioactivity >300 cps 347.18 526
PLN24-166 735S 587974.1 6410035.3 555.2 -60.4 54.9 A1 MSZ Exploration; no radioactivity >300 cps 182.33 512
PLN24-167 3450S 589969.9 6408137.0 534.4 -74.2 51.5 453.50 454.00 0.50 310 336.7 512
PLN24-168 4245S 590177.6 6407291.5 542.3 -70.3 55.3 B1 MSZ Exploration; no radioactivity >300 cps 365.08 557
項圈信息 * 礦化鑽芯上的手持式光譜儀結果(>300 cps/>0.5m 最低) 阿薩巴斯卡不合格深度 (m) 鑽孔總深度 (m)
洞 ID 分區線 向東 北方 海拔 Az 從 (m) 到 (m) 間隔 (m) 最大CPS
PLN24-161 035S 587791.0 6410763.9 546.4 -80.3 57.0 205.00 205.50 0.50 460 179.8 269
205.50 206.00 0.50
206.00 206.50 0.50 450
206.50 207.00 0.50 1500
207.00 207.50 0.50 3800
207.50 208.00 0.50 50600
208.00 208.20 0.20 44000
208.20 208.50 0.30 >65535
208.50 208.66 0.16 >65535
208.66 208.80 0.14 62700
208.80 208.90 0.10 >65535
208.90 209.00 0.10 56700
209.00 209.10 0.10 53700
209.10 209.25 0.15 >65535
209.25 209.50 0.25 52200
209.50 210.00 0.50 8800
210.00 210.50 0.50 3900
210.50 211.00 0.50 1800
211.00 211.50 0.50 910
211.50 212.00 0.50 1800
212.00 212.50 0.50 6500
212.50 213.00 0.50 4200
213.00 213.50 0.50 980
213.50 214.00 0.50 960
214.00 214.50 0.50 9100
214.50 215.00 0.50 4600
215.00 215.50 0.50 4300
215.50 216.00 0.50 15900
216.00 216.50 0.50 1200
216.50 217.00 0.50 950
PLN24-162 2850S 589301.3 6408383.6 538.0 -67.9 54.5 426.50 427.00 0.50 340 184.0 521
PLN24-163 095 587813.1 6410709.8 546.9 -78.5 52.4 194.00 194.50 0.50 310 181.33 305
197.00 197.50 0.50 760
197.50 198.00 0.50
198.00 198.50 0.50 400
198.50 199.00 0.50 640
199.00 199.50 0.50 580
199.50 200.00 0.50 3700
200.00 200.50 0.50 1200
200.50 201.00 0.50 540
201.00 201.50 0.50 580
201.50 202.00 0.50 300
202.00 202.50 0.50 410
202.50 203.00 0.50 690
203.00 203.50 0.50 710
203.50 204.00 0.50 1100
204.00 204.50 0.50 4800
204.50 205.00 0.50 3200
205.00 205.25 0.25 5700
205.25 205.50 0.25 21100
205.50 206.00 0.50 19000
206.00 206.35 0.35 5400
206.35 206.50 0.15 11500
206.50 207.00 0.50 4700
207.00 207.50 0.50 400
207.50 208.00 0.50 2800
208.00 208.50 0.50 2600
208.50 209.00 0.50 1200
209.00 209.50 0.50 970
209.50 210.00 0.50 950
210.00 212.00 2.00
212.00 212.50 0.50 580
212.50 214.00 1.50
214.00 214.50 0.50 810
214.50 215.50 1.00
215.50 216.00 0.50 590
216.00 216.50 0.50 500
216.50 217.00 0.50 640
217.00 217.50 0.50 420
PLN24-164 2880S 589259.5 6408356.8 538.2 -65.3 68.9 A1 MSZ 探索;無放射性 >300 cps 187.52 551
PLN24-165 3195 589613.8 6408183.7 535.0 -72.4 55.0 B1 MSZ 探索;無放射性 >300 cps 347.18 526
PLN24-166 735 587974.1 6410035.3 555.2 -60.4 54.9 A1 MSZ 探索;無放射性 >300 cps 182.33 512
PLN24-167 3450 589969.9 6408137.0 534.4 -74.2 51.5 453.50 454.00 0.50 310 336.7 512
PLN24-168 4245 590177.6 6407291.5 542.3 -70.3 55.3 B1 MSZ 探索;無放射性 >300 cps 365.08 557

Handheld spectrometer composite parameters:
1: Minimum Thickness of 0.5m
2: CPS Cut-Off of 300 counts per second
3: Maximum Internal Dilution of 2.

1:最小厚度爲 0.5m
2:CPS 截止值爲每秒 300 個計數
3:最大內部稀釋量爲 2.0 米

Natural gamma radiation in the drill core that is reported in this news release was measured in counts per second (cps) using a handheld Radiation Solutions RS-125 scintillometer. The Company considers greater than 300 cps on the handheld spectrometer as anomalous, >10,000 cps as high grade and greater than 65,535 cps as off-scale. The reader is cautioned that scintillometer readings are not directly or uniformly related to uranium grades of the rock sample measured and should be used only as a preliminary indication of the presence of radioactive materials.

本新聞稿中報道的鑽芯中的自然伽瑪輻射是使用手持式 Radiation Solutions RS-125 閃爍儀以每秒計數 (cps) 測量的。該公司認爲,手持式光譜儀上超過300cps是異常的,超過10,000cps是高等級,超過65,535cps是超標的。請讀者注意,閃爍儀讀數與所測岩石樣品的鈾等級沒有直接或統一的關係,只能作爲放射性物質存在的初步指示。

All depth measurements reported are down-hole and true thickness are yet to be determined.


About Patterson Lake North:


The Company's 4,078-hectare 100% owned Patterson Lake North property (PLN) is located just within the south-western edge of the Athabasca Basin in proximity to Fission Uranium's Triple R and NexGen Energy's Arrow high-grade world class uranium deposits which is poised to become the next major area of development for new uranium operations in northern Saskatchewan. PLN is accessed by Provincial Highway 955, which transects the property, and the new JR Zone uranium discovery is located 23km northwest of Fission Uranium's Triple R deposit.

該公司佔地4,078公頃的100%擁有的帕特森湖北部房產(PLN)位於阿薩巴斯卡盆地的西南邊緣,靠近裂變鈾的Triple R和NexGen Energy的Arrow高品位世界級鈾礦牀,這些礦牀有望成爲薩斯喀徹溫省北部新鈾業務的下一個主要開發領域。PLN可通過橫穿該物業的955號省道進入,而新的JR區鈾礦發現位於裂變鈾的Triple R礦牀西北23公里處。

Qualified Person:


The technical information in this news release has been prepare in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101 and approved on behalf of the company by Raymond Ashley, P.Geo., President & COO of F3 Uranium Corp, a Qualified Person. Mr. Ashley has verified the data disclosed.

本新聞稿中的技術信息是根據National Instrument 43-101中規定的加拿大監管要求編制的,並由合格人員F3 Uranium Corp總裁兼首席運營官Raymond Ashley代表公司批准。阿什利先生已經核實了披露的數據。

About F3 Uranium Corp.:

關於 F3 鈾公司:

F3 Uranium is a uranium project generator and exploration company, focusing on projects in the Athabasca Basin, home to some of the world's largest high grade uranium discovery. F3 Uranium currently has 20 projects in the Athabasca Basin. Several of F3's projects are near large uranium discoveries including Triple R, Arrow and Hurricane. F3 has announced a transaction pursuant to which it will transfer 17 of its prospective uranium exploration properties to F4 in exchange for common shares of F4 which will be distributed to F3 shareholders on the basis of one F4 Share for every common share of F3 held; the F4 shares will then be rolled back at a rate of 10 to 1. F3 will retain the PLN Project consisting of the PLN, Misto and Broach properties. The Broach property incorporates the PW property which it obtained from CanAlaska as the result of a property swap.

F3 Uranium是一家鈾項目發電商和勘探公司,專注於阿薩巴斯卡盆地的項目,該盆地是世界上一些最大的高品位鈾發現地。F3 Uranium目前在阿薩巴斯卡盆地有20個項目。F3的幾個項目接近大型鈾的發現,包括Triple R、Arrow和Hurricane。F3宣佈了一項交易,根據該交易,它將向F4轉讓其17處潛在的鈾勘探地產,以換取F4的普通股,該普通股將按F3每持有一股普通股分配給F3股東;F4股票隨後將以10比1的比率回滾。F3將保留由PLN、Misto和Broach物業組成的PLN項目。Broach的房產包含了其通過房地產互換從Canalaska獲得的PW財產。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements that are not historical facts, including without limitation, statements regarding future estimates, plans, programs, forecasts, projections, objectives, assumptions, expectations or beliefs of future performance, including statements regarding the suitability of the Properties for mining exploration, future payments, issuance of shares and work commitment funds, entry into of a definitive option agreement respecting the Properties, are "forward-looking statements." These forward-looking statements reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company based on information currently available to it. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those detailed from time to time in filings made by the Company with securities regulatory authorities, which may cause actual outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的某些前瞻性陳述。所有非歷史事實的陳述,包括但不限於關於未來估計、計劃、預測、預測、目標、假設、預期或對未來業績的看法的陳述,包括關於該物業是否適合採礦勘探、未來付款、發行股票和工作承諾資金、簽訂有關房產的最終期權協議的陳述,均爲 「前瞻性陳述」。根據公司目前掌握的信息,這些前瞻性陳述反映了公司管理層的期望或信念。前瞻性陳述存在許多風險和不確定性,包括公司不時向證券監管機構提交的文件中詳細說明的風險和不確定性,這可能會導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述中討論的結果存在重大差異。應仔細考慮這些因素,並提醒讀者不要過分依賴此類前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述和信息自發布之日起作出,除非適用的證券法有要求,否則公司沒有義務公開更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述或信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

The TSX Venture Exchange and the Canadian Securities Exchange have not reviewed, approved or disapproved the contents of this press release, and do not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


F3 Uranium Corp.
750-1620 Dickson Avenue
Kelowna, BC V1Y9Y2

F3 鈾公司
750-1620 迪克森大道
不列顛哥倫比亞省基洛納 V1Y9Y2

Contact Information
Investor Relations
Telephone: 778 484 8030

電話:778 484 8030

"Dev Randhawa"
Dev Randhawa, CEO

「Dev Randhawa」
首席執行官 Dev Randhawa

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