
Clario Joins Forces With Mobilise-D to Advance Digital Mobility Outcomes in Clinical Trials

Clario Joins Forces With Mobilise-D to Advance Digital Mobility Outcomes in Clinical Trials

PR Newswire ·  08/13 09:00

Clario integrates Mobilise-D's algorithms into Clario's Opal wearable sensor system to enable real-world mobility assessments that generate accurate and reliable Digital Mobility Outcomes (DMOs) for enhancing patient outcomes.


  • Clario, a long-standing member of the Mobilise-D consortium, provided essential technology and expertise for the e-clinical outcome assessments (eCOA) data capture during both the technical and clinical validation studies that developed the Mobilise-D algorithms.
  • The validated Mobilise-D algorithms integrate into Clario's Opal wearable sensor system, allowing the capture of precise movement measurements in the patients' daily lives to deliver objective, reliable, accurate, and sensitive Digital Mobility Outcomes (DMOs).
  • This collaboration enhances clinical outcomes, notably in neuroscience, by pairing reliable digital mobility performance measurements with e-clinical outcome assessments (eCOAs) for a holistic quality-of-life evaluation.
  • Clario是Mobilise-D聯盟的長期成員,爲技術和臨床驗證研究中的eCOA數據捕獲提供了必要的技術和專業知識,爲Mobilise-D算法的開發提供了支持。
  • 已驗證的Mobilise-D算法集成到Clario的Opal可穿戴傳感器系統中,允許捕捉患者日常生活中的精確的運動測量數據,以提供客觀、可靠、準確、敏感的數字行動能力(DMOs)。
  • 此項合作通過爲數字行動能力(DMOs)捕獲數據的e-clinical outcome assessments(eCOAs)與可靠的數字行動性能測量相結合,使臨床效果得到增強,特別是在神經科學方面。

PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Clario, a leading provider of technologies and endpoint data solutions for clinical trials, today announced the enhancement of its digital capture of patient mobility data through the Mobilise-D consortium partnership. This collaboration integrates the recently validated Mobilise-D Digital Mobility Outcomes (DMOs) with Clario's Opal wearable sensor system, allowing clinicians to measure the way patients move in their daily life versus a single timepoint when they visit a clinic. DMOs deliver multiple advantages over conventional clinical scales when capturing information about human movement — they are more objective, reliable, accurate, and sensitive.

2024年8月13日,美國費城/PRNewswire/-- Clario是臨床試驗技術和終點數據解決方案的領先提供商,今天宣佈通過Mobilise-D聯盟合作伙伴關係提高了其對患者移動數據的數字捕獲。此次合作將最新驗證的Mobilise-D數字行動能力(DMOs)與Clario的Opal可穿戴傳感器系統相結合,使臨床醫生能夠測量患者日常生活中的運動方式而不是在就診時一次性測量,與傳統的臨床評分相比,DMOs在捕捉有關人類運動的信息時具有多重優勢,更客觀、可靠、準確、敏感。

As a member of the Mobilise-D consortium, Clario provided essential technology and expertise for the e-clinical outcome assessments (eCOA) data capture, during both the technical and clinical validation studies that developed the algorithms. Leveraging this experience, Clario offers advanced solutions that integrate the validated Mobilise-D algorithms with its wearable sensors to assess mobility performance and deliver DMOs.


"It has been a privilege to contribute to the Mobilise-D consortium and advance digital mobility data for use in clinical trials," said Kristen Sowalsky, Ph.D., D.C., VP, Product Management and Scientific Affairs, Precision Motion at Clario. "These developments are integral for demonstrating real-world patient outcomes, particularly in neuroscience where mobility insights outside of clinical settings are essential to assess treatment efficacy and quality-of-life."

Clario的Precision Motion副總裁、產品管理和科學事務博士Kristen Sowalsky表示:「能爲Mobilise-D聯盟做出貢獻並推動數字移動數據在臨床試驗中的應用是一種榮幸。這些進展對於展示現實世界的患者康復效果尤爲重要,尤其是在神經科學領域,移動性洞見對於在臨床環境外評估治療療效和生活質量至關重要。」

Clario is implementing these algorithms in a study with multiple sclerosis (MS) patients to establish the technical equivalence of its Precision Motion wearable device, Opal. In addition, Clario can provide the mobility performance data from wearable sensors along with e-clinical outcome assessments (eCOA), enhancing clinical outcomes. This, alongside Clario's offerings in medical imaging, cardiac, and respiratory endpoints, meets a broad scope of clinical trial solutions addressing diverse needs.

Clario正在一項多發性硬化(MS)患者的研究中實施這些算法,以建立其Precision Motion可穿戴設備Opal的技術等價性。此外,Clario可以提供可穿戴傳感器測量的移動性能數據以及eCOA,從而增強臨床結果。結合Clario在醫學成像、心臟和呼吸終點的提供,涵蓋了各種臨床試驗解決方案,滿足了不同的需求。

Lynn Rochester, Ph.D., Professor of Human Movement Science at the Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University in the United Kingdom co-led the Mobilise-D consortium. On the Clario partnership, Dr. Rochester said, "Working with Clario has been instrumental in our clinical studies to validate our DMO algorithms and ensuring their quality in clinical settings. Their expertise in data capture and analysis will contribute significantly to the success of our work, and we are excited about the future applications of this technology."

英國紐卡斯爾大學Translational and Clinical Research Institute人類運動科學教授Lynn Rochester博士共同領導了Mobilise-D聯盟。關於與Clario的合作,Rochester博士表示:「與Clario合作對於我們驗證DMO算法和確保其在臨床環境中的質量至關重要。他們在數據捕獲和分析方面的專業知識將對我們的工作的成功產生重要貢獻,我們對該技術未來的應用充滿期待。」

To learn more about Clario and its wearable sensor technologies, please visit


About Clario


Clario is a leading healthcare research and technology company that generates high quality clinical evidence for our pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device partners. We offer comprehensive evidence generation solutions that combine eCOA, cardiac solutions, medical imaging, precision motion, and respiratory endpoints.


Since our founding more than 50 years ago, Clario has delivered deep scientific expertise and broad endpoint technologies to help transform lives around the world. Our endpoint data solutions have supported clinical trials over 26,000 times in more than 100 countries. Our global team of science, technology, and operational experts have supported over 60% of all FDA drug approvals since 2019.


For more information, go to or follow us on LinkedIn.


About IMI Mobilise-D

關於IMI Mobilise-D

Mobilise-D () is a consortium funded under the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative comprised of experts from 22 academic institutions, 12 industry partners from pharmaceutical, technology, and clinical research organisations, and people with diverse health conditions and mobility impairments. The primary objective of Mobilise-D was to develop a novel method to accurately and reliability assess change in one's mobility in the real-world environment using digital technologies, including a single body worn device. The project focused on conditions which affect mobility, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, hip fracture recovery, and congestive heart failure. It has delivered a systematic approach to real-world mobility assessment that is standardised, validated and free. The Mobilise-D results will help to improve accurate assessment of daily life mobility in clinical trials and patient treatment, thereby contributing to improved and more personalised care.

Mobilise-D (是一個由來自22個學術機構、12個製藥、技術和臨床研究組織的行業合作伙伴以及健康狀況和行動能力多樣的人組成的歐盟創新藥物倡議聯盟。 Mobilise-D最主要的目標是利用數字技術(包括單一的穿戴式設備)開發一種新的方法,準確可靠地評估現實世界環境下的行動能力變化。該項目關注影響行動能力的狀況,包括慢性阻塞性肺疾病、帕金森病、多發性硬化症、髖部骨折康復和充血性心力衰竭等。Mobilise-D提供了一種經過系統標準化、驗證並且免費的現實世界移動性評估方法。Mobilise-D的結果將有助於改進臨床試驗和患者治療中對日常生活行動能力的準確評估,從而爲改善和更個性化的護理做出貢獻。

Media Contact:
David Malley
Director of Brand, Content Strategy, and Communications
[email protected]

David Malley
品牌、內容策略和通信總監David Malley
[email protected]



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