
Juicy Juice Partners With Dancer and The Movement Club Founder Lindsay Arnold and KABOOM! to Help Families Find Time for Outdoor Fun Amid Busy Back-to-School Season

Juicy Juice Partners With Dancer and The Movement Club Founder Lindsay Arnold and KABOOM! to Help Families Find Time for Outdoor Fun Amid Busy Back-to-School Season

Juicy Juice與舞者及運動俱樂部創始人lindsay arnold以及KABOOM!合作,在繁忙的返校季節爲家庭找到戶外娛樂時間
PR Newswire ·  08/13 09:33

Families can take the Juicy Juice "Pledge to Play Outside" for a chance to win a backyard playset and a year's worth of Juicy Juice 100% Juice

家庭可以參加Juicy Juice「戶外遊戲諾言」,有機會贏得後院遊樂設施和一年的Juicy Juice 100%果汁。

STAMFORD, Conn., Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Navigating the flurry of activity that comes with the back-to-school season is a major juggling act for parents. With kids back in school, it also inevitably means more time is spent indoors and potentially on screens. Studies show that when kids spend more time outside, they're happier1. That's why Juicy Juice is unveiling its Pledge to Play Outside, with easy steps to get kids outdoors from professional dancer, outdoor enthusiast and mom Lindsay Arnold. By taking the pledge, families will have an opportunity to win a brand-new backyard playset and a year's supply of Juicy Juice 100% Juice. Juicy Juice is also partnering with KABOOM! to help ensure more kids have access to the benefits of outdoor play.

康涅狄格州斯坦福,2024年8月13日 /美通社/——應對迎接新學年的繁忙季節是家長們的一項重要工作。孩子們回到學校,也意味着更多的時間會花在室內,潛在地在屏幕前。研究表明,當孩子們花更多的時間在戶外時,他們會更快樂。這就是爲什麼 Juicy Juice 推出了 「戶外遊戲諾言」,並提供了易於操作的步驟,幫助孩子們願意出門並得到戶外的樂趣。這個活動由專業舞蹈家、戶外愛好者和媽媽Lindsay Arnold發起。通過採取諾言,家庭將有機會贏得全新的後院遊樂設施,以及一年的Juicy Juice 100%果汁供應。Juicy Juice還與 KABOOM! 合作,以幫助更多的孩子們獲得戶外遊戲的益處。

Professional dancer, outdoor enthusiast and mom Lindsay Arnold helps launch the Juicy Juice Pledge to Play Outside to help families get outdoors during the busy back-to-school season.
專業舞蹈家、戶外愛好者和母親Lindsay Arnold幫助推出Juicy Juice戶外遊戲諾言,幫助家庭在繁忙的開學季節裏享受戶外活動。
Juicy Juice Launches Pledge to Play Outside to Help Families Find Time for Outdoor Fun Amid Busy Back-to-School Season.
Juicy Juice推出「戶外遊戲諾言」,幫助家庭在繁忙的開學季節裏找到時間進行戶外娛樂。

"My daughter is entering pre-K this year and our schedules are about to become a whirlwind with school pick-up and drop-off, balancing extra-curriculars, and my demanding work schedule," said Lindsay Arnold. "Even though it feels like we're always on-the-go, I try to remind myself that we live in a beautiful place, and we need to slow down and get outdoors. Fresh air does wonders for a family reset! Plus, with Juicy Juice 100% Juice, we can give the kids a refreshing drink that they love to sip on while exploring nature together!"

「我的女兒今年開始學前教育,我們的日程快要變得更緊湊了,要接孩子、接送孩子、平衡課外活動和我的忙碌工作時間,」Lindsay Arnold說:「即使感覺自己總是匆忙,我也試圖提醒自己我們生活在一個美麗的地方,我們需要放慢腳步並走出去呼吸新鮮空氣,這對家庭的重置大有裨益!此外,有了Juicy Juice 100%果汁,孩子們可以在一起探索大自然時品嚐到他們喜歡的一款清爽飲料!」

"We want to support parents, helping them find time for outdoor play with their kids during this especially busy time of year," said Ilene Bergenfeld, Chief Marketing Officer at Harvest Hill Beverage Company. "Parents trust Juicy Juice 100% Juice because it's made with real fruit and has no sugar added, no artificial sweeteners, no high fructose corn syrup and 100% Vitamin C in every serving – it's simple: just like getting outside. We're so thrilled to be partnering with Lindsay to share this message and her tips and to be supporting KABOOM! in increasing access to outdoor play."

「我們希望支持家長,幫助他們在這個特別繁忙的時期找到與孩子戶外玩耍的時間,」Harvest Hill Beverage Company首席營銷官伊琳·伯根費爾德說:「家長信任Juicy Juice 100%果汁,因爲它是用真正的水果製成的,沒有添加糖分、人工甜eners、高果糖玉米糖漿,每份含有100%的維生素C——就像外出一樣簡單。我們非常高興與Lindsay合作分享這個信息和她的小貼士,並支持KABOOM!增加戶外遊戲的可及性。」

Lindsay Arnold has partnered with Juicy Juice 100% Juice to share simple tips for getting families to spend more time outside together, from family bike rides and farmers markets to bringing snack time outside. "One of my favorite things to do as a family is our bike rides," said Arnold. "When the weather is nice after school, we'll take the girls out for a bike ride in our neighborhood. I'll never get over how beautiful Utah is – I try to teach the girls to appreciate the nature around us and we always have fun spotting new things on our rides. It's a great opportunity to get the kids outside one last time before our bedtime routine begins and it allows us to spend more quality time together."

Lindsay Arnold與Juicy Juice 100%果汁合作,分享讓家庭更多地在戶外共度時光的簡單小貼士,比如騎車和參觀農貿市場,並可以把小吃帶到自然界。Arnold說:「作爲一家人,我最喜歡做的事情之一就是騎車。天氣好的時候,放學後,我們會帶着女兒在我們的社區騎車。我永遠不會忘記猶他州的美麗景色——我試圖教女兒們欣賞我們周圍的自然景觀,我們總是樂於尋找騎車途中的新事物。這是一個很好的機會,在我們開始睡前的日常規律之前,讓孩子們最後一次走出戶外,並能讓我們有更多的質量時間在一起。」

Parents can sign the Juicy Juice Pledge to Play Outside at August 13- September 13, 2024, and be automatically entered to win a brand-new outdoor playset. For more about Juicy Juice 100% Juice, and recipe and activity ideas, visit and follow us on Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.

家長可以在JuicyJuicePlayOutside.com上籤署Juicy Juice戶外遊戲諾言,在2024年8月13日至9月13日之間進行,將自動有機會贏得全新的戶外遊樂設施。有關Juicy Juice 100%果汁、食譜和活動想法的更多信息,請訪問 JuicyJuice.com和我們一起Facebook, TikTokInstagram.

About Harvest Hill Beverage Company
Part of Connecticut-based Harvest Hill Beverage Company, Juicy Juice is a leading 100 percent kids' juice brand in the U.S. Juicy Juice products are available in single-serve and multi-serve formats to the retail and foodservice channels. For complete nutrition facts, recipe and activity ideas, and other helpful information, visit

關於 Harvest Hill Beverage Company
Juicy Juice是美國領先的100%兒童果汁品牌,隸屬於哈維斯希爾飲料公司。Juicy Juice產品以單人份和多人份的形式在零售和食品服務渠道中銷售。有關完整的營養事實、食譜和活動想法以及其他有用的信息,請訪問

About Lindsay Arnold
From her full-time role on Dancing With The Stars to sharing her life with her husband, Sam, her daughters, Sage and June, Lindsay lets her followers in on inspirational and family-focused moments in Utah and beyond. She shares about her daily life, travels, motherhood, approach to wellness, parenting and, of course, the occasional dance. She was a Top 4 contestant on So You Think You Can Dance but is now best known for being a Professional Dancer and Choreographer on Dancing with the Stars. Lindsay also founded The Movement Club, an on-demand fitness program, created to help people find enjoyment in movement and confidence within themselves. For more information, visit or follow Lindsay on Instagram and TikTok.

Lindsay Arnold
Lindsay Arnold除了在《舞動奇蹟》中的全職工作外,還與丈夫Sam和兩個女兒Sage和June分享他們在猶他州和其他地方的生活故事。她分享有關她的日常生活、旅行、母親身份、健康生活方式、育兒的靈感和家庭關注的時刻,當然,還有偶爾的舞蹈。她曾是《So You Think You Can Dance》的前四名選手,但現在因爲在《舞動奇蹟》中的職業舞蹈家和編舞家而更爲人所熟知。Lindsay還創建了The Movement Club,這是一個按需健身計劃,旨在幫助人們在運動中找到樂趣和信心。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或者關注lindsay Instagram和頁面。TikTok.

KABOOM! is the national nonprofit committed to ending playspace inequity – the reality that quality places to play are not available to every child, especially in communities of color. Since 1996, KABOOM! has partnered with kids and communities to create or transform 17,000+ playspaces and ensure that nearly 12 million kids have equitable access to the crucial benefits and opportunities that playspaces offer. In 2022, KABOOM! launched the 25 in 5 Initiative to End Playspace Inequity, the $250 million plan to accelerate its mission in 25 high-priority locations over five years. Learn more at and join the conversation at,, and LinkedIn.

KABOOM! 是全國性非營利組織,致力於結束遊戲場地不平等現象——也就是說,每個孩子都沒有機會享有優質遊戲場所,特別是在有色人種社區。自1996年以來,KABOOM! 已經與兒童和社區合作,創建或改造了17000個以上的遊戲場所,確保近1200萬兒童能夠平等獲得遊戲場所所提供的重要好處和機會。2022年,KABOOM! 推出了25 in 5計劃,以結束遊戲場地不平等,這是一個2500萬美元的計劃,旨在在五年內在25個重點地區加快其使命的推進。了解更多信息,請訪問,並加入、、和LinkedIn的討論。

1 Child Mind Institute. (2023).


SOURCE Juicy Juice

來源:Juicy Juice

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