
FTI Consulting Expands Global Construction, Projects & Assets Practice With Two Senior Hires

FTI Consulting Expands Global Construction, Projects & Assets Practice With Two Senior Hires

FTI咨詢 ·  08/13 00:00

WASHINGTON, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FTI Consulting, Inc. (NYSE: FCN) today announced the expansion of its global Construction, Projects & Assets practice with the appointments of Thomas Thompson as a Senior Managing Director in Houston and Stuart McIvor as a Managing Director in Dubai.

2024年8月13日,華盛頓(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——FTI Consulting公司(NYSE: FCN)今天宣佈,在休斯敦任命Thomas Thompson爲高級總經理,在迪拜任命Stuart McIvor爲總經理,擴展其全球建築、項目和資產業務。

Mr. Thompson has more than three decades of experience in the construction and engineering industries, executing large-scale projects and programs globally. His experience includes project management advisory, operational cost estimating, program scheduling, contract negotiations and execution planning. In his role at FTI Consulting, he will help organizations manage project-related risks, define execution strategies, create project recovery plans and resolve challenges that arise throughout the delivery lifecycle, including expert testimony in formal dispute resolution.

湯姆先生在建築和工程行業擁有三十多年的經驗,在全球範圍內執行大型項目和方案。其經驗包括項目管理諮詢、運營成本估算、計劃編制、合同談判和執行計劃等。在FTI Consulting的職責中,他將幫助組織管理與項目相關的風險,定義執行策略,創建項目恢復計劃並解決在交付生命週期中出現的挑戰,包括對正式糾紛解決的專業證言。

"We are committed to building a global team of experts to drive value for our clients across all aspects of the construction industry, as the sector faces evolving risks and increasing pressure to boost profit," said Garrett Fultz, Global Leader of the Construction, Projects & Assets practice within the Forensic and Litigation Consulting segment at FTI Consulting. "The experience that Tom and Stuart bring to our practice is a reflection of the investment we've been making to provide our clients with deep, on-the-ground expertise wherever they do business."

「我們致力於建立一個全球專家團隊,推動建築行業所有方面的價值增長,因爲該行業面臨着不斷變化的風險和不斷增加的盈利壓力。」 FTI Consulting諮詢司法和訴訟諮詢業務部門建築、項目和資產業務全球領袖Garrett Fultz表示。「湯姆和斯圖爾特帶來的經驗反映了我們一直在進行的投資,提供爲客戶提供深入,實地的專業知識,無論他們在何處開展業務。」

Prior to joining FTI Consulting, Mr. Thompson was a Managing Director at Ankura, where he focused on contract and risk management, analysis and controls. He has extensive experience in major refining, liquefied natural gas, infrastructure, chemical, and onshore and offshore oil and gas projects.

在加入FTI Consulting之前,湯姆先生是Ankura的總經理,專注於合同和風險管理、分析和控制。他在主要的煉油、液化天然氣、基礎設施、化學和陸上和海上油氣項目方面擁有豐富的經驗。

Commenting on his appointment, Mr. Thompson said, "The environment for construction projects is growing increasingly complex around the world, and businesses need tailored solutions to fit their unique goals. I look forward to joining my colleagues at FTI Consulting to bring data-driven solutions to address our clients' most critical challenges."

談到他的任命,湯姆先生表示,「全球建築項目的環境正在變得越來越複雜,企業需要量身定製的解決方案以適應其獨特的目標。我期待着加入FTI Consulting的同事們,爲解決客戶最關鍵的挑戰提供數據驅動的解決方案。」

Mr. McIvor has nearly two decades of experience providing expert services in the construction and engineering industries, specializing in forensic delay analysis, dispute resolution, claims management and planning services on major projects across the UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions. He has served as an expert witness and delivered testimony under cross-examination, providing objective conclusions relied upon during arbitration.


At FTI Consulting, Mr. McIvor will support clients with expert testimony and assist them with navigating construction and engineering delays, program preparation and time and risk assessments. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. McIvor was a Director and the Head of Delay in the Middle East for Capital Consulting International.

在FTI Consulting,麥克沃先生將爲客戶提供專家證言,並協助他們應對施工和工程延遲、計劃編制以及時間和風險評估。在加入該公司之前,麥克沃先生是Capital Consulting International中東的延誤負責人和董事。

"Our clients are fielding a growing number of construction-related disputes and facing uncertainty as they work to deliver large-scale projects," said Joe Slavis, a Senior Managing Director and Head of North America Construction, Projects & Assets at FTI Consulting. "The addition of Tom and Stuart strengthens the breadth of capabilities we provide to ensure our clients have support throughout the asset lifecycle."

北美建築、項目和資產總監Joe Slavis表示:「我們的客戶正在處理越來越多的與建築有關的糾紛,並在努力交付大型項目時面臨着不確定性。湯姆和斯圖爾特的加入加強了我們提供廣泛能力的能力,以確保我們的客戶在資產的整個生命週期中得到支持。」

The appointments of Mr. Thompson and Mr. McIvor are the latest in the expansion of FTI Consulting's global Construction, Projects & Assets practice, including the recent hirings of Senior Managing Director Greg Parker and Managing Director Alex McBride in the United States, Managing Director John Wright in Bogotá, Colombia, Managing Directors Matt Hanson and James Sitter in the United Kingdom, and the launch of the Construction, Projects & Assets practice in Sweden with the arrival of Managing Director Kaj Möller.

湯普森先生和麥克沃先生的任命是FTI Consulting全球建築、項目和資產業務的擴張的最新例子,包括最近在美國聘請的高級總經理Greg Parker和總經理Alex McBride,在波哥大聘請的總經理John Wright,在英國聘請的總經理Matt Hanson和James Sitter,以及在瑞典成立的建築、項目和資產業務,由總經理卡伊·莫勒(Kaj Möller)負責。

About the Construction, Projects & Assets practice
Construction projects, the resulting assets and their operation are inherently complex and prone to risk. At the same time, digital transformation, increased regulatory requirements, supply chain disruptions and skilled labor shortages have left companies under increasing pressure to maximize profitability. Through first-hand experience and industry knowledge, FTI Consulting's internationally recognized experts support clients across the asset lifecycle, providing a wide array of advisory services to address the technical, commercial and legal challenges facing today's built environment.

關於建築、項目和資產業務 建築項目、其資產及其運營天然複雜,也容易面臨風險。同時,數字化轉型、增加的監管要求、供應鏈中斷和熟練工人短缺使公司面臨着越來越大的壓力,以最大程度地提高盈利能力。通過第一手的經驗和行業知識,FTI Consulting的國際公認的專家支持客戶在資產的整個生命週期中,提供廣泛的諮詢服務,以應對今天建築環境中面臨的技術、商業和法律挑戰。
建築、項目和資產業務 建築、項目及其運營是天然複雜且容易面面臨風險的。同時,數字化轉型、增加的監管要求、供應鏈中斷和熟練工人短缺使公司面臨着越來越大的壓力,以最大程度地提高盈利能力。通過第一手的經驗和行業知識,FTI Consulting的國際公認的專家支持客戶在資產的整個生命週期中,提供廣泛的諮詢服務,以應對今天建築環境中面臨的技術、商業和法律挑戰。

About FTI Consulting
FTI Consulting, Inc. is a global business advisory firm dedicated to helping organizations manage change, mitigate risk and resolve disputes: financial, legal, operational, political & regulatory, reputational and transactional. With more than 8,000 employees located in 33 countries and territories, FTI Consulting professionals work closely with clients to anticipate, illuminate and overcome complex business challenges and make the most of opportunities. The Company generated $3.49 billion in revenues during fiscal year 2023. In certain jurisdictions, FTI Consulting's services are provided through distinct legal entities that are separately capitalized and independently managed. More information can be found at .

關於 FTI Consulting FTI Consulting, Inc. 是一家全球性商業諮詢公司,致力於幫助組織管理變革、降低風險並解決爭端——金融、法律、業務、政治和監管、聲譽和交易等方面的爭端。FTI Consulting在33個國家和地區擁有超過8,000名員工,專業人員與客戶密切合作,預測、闡明和克服複雜的業務挑戰並抓住機遇。該公司在2023財年創收34.9億美元。在某些司法管轄區,FTI Consulting的服務是通過分開資本結構和獨立管理的法律實體提供的。欲了解更多信息,敬請訪問。

FTI Consulting, Inc.
555 12th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004

555 12th Street NW
Washington,DC 20004

Investor Contact:
Mollie Hawkes


Media Contact:
Samantha Ford

Samantha Ford


Source: FTI Consulting, Inc.


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