
Conifex Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

Conifex Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results

GlobeNewswire ·  08/13 16:05

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Conifex Timber Inc. ("Conifex", "we" or "us") (TSX: CFF) today reported results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024. EBITDA* was negative $7.1 million for the quarter compared to EBITDA of negative $0.5 million in the first quarter of 2024 and negative $8.7 million in the second quarter of 2024. Net loss was $9.7 million or $0.24 per share for the quarter versus net loss of $4.5 million or $0.11 per share in the previous quarter and negative $9.2 million or $0.23 per share for the year-earlier quarter.

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年8月13日(全球新聞通訊社)—— Conifex Timber Inc.(「Conifex」,「我們」或「我們」)(TSX:CFF)今天報告了2024年6月30日結束的第二季度的業績。本季度EBITDA *爲負710萬美元,而2024年第一季度爲負50萬美元,2024年第二季度爲負870萬美元。本季度淨虧損爲970萬美元,每股虧損爲0.24美元,而上一季度爲淨虧損450萬美元或每股虧損0.11美元,去年同期爲負920萬美元或每股虧損0.23美元。

Selected Financial Highlights


The following table summarizes our selected financial information for the comparative periods. The financial information reflects results of operations from our Mackenzie sawmill and power plant.


Selected Financial Information
(Unaudited, in millions of dollars, except share and
exchange rate information)
Lumber – Conifex produced 25.0 29.5 18.8
Lumber – wholesale 0.0 0.0 1.0
By-products and other 2.3 3.0 2.7
Bioenergy 4.5 8.2 4.8
31.8 40.7 27.2
Operating income (loss) (9.6) (7.1) (11.0)
(7.1) (0.5) (8.7)
Net income (loss) (9.7) (4.5) (9.2)
Basic earnings (loss) per share (0.24) (0.11) (0.23)
Diluted earnings per share (0.22) - -
Shares outstanding – weighted average (millions) 40.4 40.4 39.8
Reconciliation of EBITDA to net income (loss)
Net income (loss) (9.7) (4.5) (9.2)
Add: Finance costs 2.8 1.3 1.3
Amortization 2.5 3.2 2.4
Deferred income tax expense (recovery) (2.7) (0.5) (3.2)
EBITDA (1) (7.1) (0.5) (8.7)
木材 - Conifex生產 25.0 29.5 18.8
木材 - 批發 0.0 0.0 1.0
副產品和其他 2.3 3.0 2.7
生物能源。 4.5 8.2 4.8
31.8 40.7 27.2
業務利潤(虧損) (9.6) (7.1) (11.0)
(7.1) (0.5) (8.7)
淨利潤(虧損) (9.7) (4.5) (9.2)
基本每股收益(虧損) (0.24) (0.11) (0.23)
攤薄每股收益 (0.22) - -
加權平均股份(百萬股) 40.4 40.4 39.8
淨利潤(損失) (9.7) (4.5) (9.2)
加:財務成本 2.8 1.3 1.3
   攤銷 2.5 公司將按照計劃所規定的條件出售和發行普通股。這些普通股已獲得授權並將在全額支付所規定的代價的情況下發行,且按照計劃中的規定獎勵。作爲開曼群島法律規定,只有在其已被納入成員(股東)登記冊時,股份才被認爲已發行。 2.4
   遞延所得稅費用(收回) (2.7) (0.5) (3.2)
息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(1) (7.1) (0.5) (8.7)

* In this release, reference is made to "EBITDA". EBITDA represents earnings before finance costs, taxes, depreciation and amortization. We disclose EBITDA as it is a measure used by analysts and by our management to evaluate our performance. As EBITDA is not a generally accepted earnings measure under IFRS and does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS, it may not be comparable to EBITDA calculated by other companies. In addition, EBITDA is not a substitute for net earnings or cash flow, as determined in accordance with IFRS, and therefore readers should consider those measures in evaluating our performance.

*在本發佈中,提及「 EBITDA」。 EBITDA代表財務成本、稅、折舊和攤銷前收益。我們披露EBITDA是因爲分析師和管理層用它來評估我們的業績。由於EBITDA不是IFRS下一般公認的收益措施,也沒有IFRS規定的標準化含義,因此它可能與其他公司計算的EBITDA不可比較。此外,EBITDA不能代替按照IFRS確定的淨收益或現金流量,因此讀者應該考慮這些指標來評估我們的業績。

Selected Operating Information


Production – WSPF lumber (MMfbm)(2) 34.0 44.5 32.5
Shipments – WSPF lumber (MMfbm)(2) 38.5 44.5 31.1
Shipments – wholesale lumber (MMfbm)(2) 0.0 0.0 1.1
Electricity production (GWh) 38.0 56.0 43.5
Average exchange rate – $/US$(3) 0.731 0.741 0.745
Average WSPF 2x4 #2 & Btr lumber price (US$)(4) $386 $446 $363
Average WSPF 2x4 #2 & Btr lumber price ($)(5) $528 $601 $487
產量 - WSPF木材(MMfbm)(2) 34.0 44.5 32.5%的員工被淘汰。2023年,公司繼續重組組織並減少其總體員工數。公司預計所有剩餘的現金離職費用都將在一年內完成。
出貨量 - WSPF木材(MMfbm)(2) 38.5 44.5 31.1
出貨量 - 批發木材(MMfbm)(2) 0.0 0.0 1.1
電力生產(GWh) 38.0 56.0 43.5
平均匯率 - $ / US $(3) 0.731 0.741 0.745
2x4 #2&Btr木材平均價格(美元)(4) $386 $446 $363
2x4 #2&Btr木材平均價格($)(5) $528 $601 487美元

(1) Conifex's EBITDA calculation represents earnings before finance costs, taxes, depreciation and amortization.


(2) MMfbm represents million board feet.


(3) Bank of Canada, .


(4) Random Lengths Publications Inc.

(4)Random Lengths Publications Inc.。

(5) Average SPF 2x4 #2 & Btr lumber prices (US$) divided by average exchange rate.

2x4 #2&Btr木材平均價格(美元)除以平均匯率。

Summary of Second Quarter 2024 Results


Consolidated Net Earnings
During the second quarter of 2024, we incurred a net loss of $9.7 million or $0.24 per share compared to a net loss of $4.5 million or $0.11 per share in the previous quarter and net loss of $9.2 million or $0.23 per share in the second quarter of 2023.


Lumber Operations


Our lumber production in the second quarter of 2024 totalled approximately 34 million board feet, representing operating rates of approximately 57% of annualized capacity. Second quarter production was negatively impacted by a scheduled two-week curtailment at the end the quarter, as well as intermittent periods of reduced shifting capacity, reflecting the wet May and June months which negatively impacted log deliveries. Lumber production of 44.5 million board feet of lumber in the previous quarter reflected more operating days due to stronger lumber pricing and more robust log inventories to support increased operating capacity. Lumber production in the second quarter of 2023 was 32.5 million board feet or approximately 54% of annualized capacity, primarily due to a 4-week production curtailment combined with lower throughput.


Shipments of Conifex-produced lumber totaled 38.5 million board feet in the second quarter of 2024, representing a decrease of 13% from the 44.5 million board feet shipped in the previous quarter due to less operating days and an increase of 24% from the 31.1 million board feet of lumber shipped in the second quarter of 2023 due to more operating days.


Our wholesale lumber shipments dropped to nil in the first and second quarters of 2024 relative to approximately 1.1 million board feet in the second quarter of 2023, as we did not engage in wholesale lumber sales after the fourth quarter of 2023.


Revenues from lumber products were $25.0 million in the second quarter of 2024 representing a decrease of 15% from the previous quarter and an increase of 33% from the second quarter of 2023. Compared to the previous quarter, lower shipment volumes due to a reduced operating configuration and lower mill net realizations on lower lumber market prices contributed to the lower revenue. The revenue increase in the current quarter over the same period in the prior year was largely a result of higher shipment volumes and higher mill net realizations.


Cost of goods sold in the second quarter of 2024 decreased by 14% from the previous quarter and increased by 8% from the second quarter of 2023. The decrease in cost of goods sold from the prior quarter was mainly due to decreased shipment volumes, and the increase in cost of goods sold from the second quarter of 2023 from increased shipments. Unit manufacturing costs in the second quarter of 2024 increased in comparison to the previous quarter as a result of a lower mill production to scale costs over and decreased in comparison to the second quarter of 2023 as a result of lower log costs slightly offset by higher conversion costs. We recorded inventory valuation reserves of $0.7 million in the second quarter of 2024 compared to $1.1 million in the first quarter of 2024 and $0.7 million in second quarter of 2023. Inventory valuation reserves decreased in comparison to the previous quarter primarily due to a decrease in total inventory volume.


We expensed countervailing ("CV") and anti-dumping ("AD") duty deposits of $1.1 million in the second quarter of 2024, $1.4 million in the previous quarter and $1.0 in the second quarter of 2023. The duty deposits were based on a combined rate of 8.05%. The export taxes during the second quarter of 2024 were lower than the previous quarter due to a decrease in overall shipped volume and lumber prices, while the proportion of volume shipped into the US remained relatively unchanged.


Bioenergy Operations


Our Power Plant sold 38.0 GWh of electricity under our EPA with BC Hydro in the second quarter of 2024 representing approximately 70% of targeted operating rates. Our Power Plant sold 56.0 in the first quarter of 2024 and 43.5 GWh of electricity in the second quarter of 2023. Production in the second quarter of 2024 was lower than in the first quarter of 2024 because of a three-week extension to the planned annual shutdown relative to the annual shutdown executed in 2023. The extension was a result of found work that was identified during the regular planned outage.

我們的電廠在2024年第二季度在BC Hydro的EPA下售出了38.0 GWh的電力,約佔目標運營率的70%。我們的電廠在2024年第一季度售出了56.0 GWh的電力,在20123年第二季度售出了43.5 GWh的電力。2024年第二季度的生產量低於2023年執行的年度停機期的計劃延期了3個星期,而延期是由於在常規計劃停機期間發現的待處理工作引起的。

Electricity production contributed revenues of $4.5 million in the second quarter of 2024, $8.2 million in the previous quarter and $4.8 million in the second quarter of 2023. Lower production and seasonally lower rates per MWh in the second quarter of 2024 relative to the first quarter of 2024 resulted in lower revenues.


Selling, General and Administrative Costs


Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") costs decreased between the second quarter and first quarter of 2024 and decreased between the second quarter of 2024 and the second quarter of 2023. SG&A costs were $1.9 million in the second quarter of 2024, $2.6 million in the previous quarter and $3.3 million in the second quarter of 2023. The decrease in SG&A costs relative to the previous quarter was largely due to a decrease in outstanding share based compensation, and the decrease in SG&A costs relative to the second quarter of 2023 was due to decrease in outstanding share based compensation and a reduction in overhead costs.

2024年第二季度與第一季度以及2023年第二季度相比,銷售、一般及行政費用(「SG&aAmp;」)成本有所下降。2024年第二季度SG & A成本爲$190萬,上一季度爲$260萬,2023年第二季度爲$330萬。SG和A成本相對於上一季度的下降主要是由於未履行的股份報酬減少,而相對於2023年第二季度的SG&aAmp;成本下降是由於未履行的股份報酬減少和經常性開支的降低。

Finance Costs and Accretion


Finance costs and accretion totaled $2.8 million in the second quarter of 2024, $1.3 million in the previous quarter and $1.3 million in the second quarter of 2023. The increase in finance costs quarter over quarter and year over year were primarily due to costs associated with the repayment and retirement of the Wells Fargo Facility.


Other Income


We recognized minimal other income in the second quarter of 2024 and in the comparative quarter of 2023. In the first quarter of 2024, we recognized $3.0 million in other income for insurance proceeds from the loss of our Osilinka logging camp. Insurance proceeds were received in the second quarter of 2024.

我們在2024年第二季度和2023年的比較季度中僅確認了最少的其他收益。在2024年第一季度,我們確認了$300萬的其他收益,用於支付我們的Osilinka logging camp的保險賠償。保險理賠在2024年第二季度收到。

Foreign Exchange Translation Gain or Loss


The foreign exchange translation gain or loss recorded for each period on our statement of net income results from the revaluation of US dollar-denominated cash and working capital balances to reflect the change in the value of the Canadian dollar relative to the value of the US dollar. US dollar-denominated monetary assets and liabilities are translated using the period end rate.


The US dollar averaged US$0.731 for each Canadian dollar during the second quarter of 2024, a level which represented a modest weakening of the Canadian dollar over the previous quarter.


The foreign exchange translation impacts arising from the variability in exchange rates at each measurement period on cash and working capital balances resulted in a nominal foreign exchange translation gain in the second quarter of 2024, compared to a foreign exchange translation gain of $0.3 million in the previous quarter and a loss of $0.3 million in the second quarter of 2023.


Income Tax


We recorded income tax recovery of $2.7 million in the second quarter of 2024, $0.5 million in the previous quarter and $3.2 million in the second quarter of 2023. The increase in recovery in the second quarter of 2024 relative to the first quarter of 2024 is due to an increase in the net loss from the previous quarter, and the decrease in recovery in the second quarter of 2024 relative to the second quarter of 2023 is due to a decrease in the net loss.


Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities on our balance sheet and the amounts used for income tax purposes. As at June 30, 2024, we have recognized deferred income tax assets of $6.7 million.


Financial Position and Liquidity


Overall debt was $73.8 million at June 30, 2024 compared to $61.7 million at March 31, 2024 and $65.9 million at June 30, 2023. The increase in overall debt between the second and first quarter was driven by the closing of the PenderFund Term Loan in June with total allowable borrowings of $25 million with $22.5 million drawn, offset by the repayment of the outstanding amount on the Wells Fargo Facility in the amount of $10.6 million, combined with payments against our Power Term Loan and monthly lease payments. Our Power Term Loan, which is largely non-recourse to our lumber operations, represents a substantial portion of our outstanding long term debt. At June 30, 2024, we had $48.5 million outstanding on our Power Term Loan, while our remaining long term debt consisting of leases, was $2.2 million.

2024年6月30日,總債務爲7380萬美元,而2024年3月31日和2023年6月30日則分別爲6170萬美元和6590萬美元。第二季度的總債務增加是由於6月份完成PenderFund期貸款,允許總借款爲2500萬美元,已取出2250萬美元,抵消了償還威爾斯法房地產貸款1050萬美元的未償還金額,並與我們的Power Term Loan和月租金付款相結合。我們的Power Term Loan在很大程度上不屬於我們的木材業務,佔我們未償還長期債務的相當一部分。截至2024年6月30日,我們的Power Term Loan未償還金額爲4850萬美元,而其餘的長期負債包括租約,爲220萬美元。

At June 30, 2024, after repaying the Wells Fargo Facility, we had available liquidity of $13.4 million comprised of unrestricted cash of $10.9 million and $2.5 million available under the PenderFund Term Loan. This is an increase from our available liquidity of $10.2 million as at March 30, 2024 and a decrease from our available liquidity of $18.1 million as at June 30, 2023. The change in liquidity in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the second quarter of 2023 is due primarily to the elimination of the Wells Fargo Facility of $25 million. Having re-commenced operations at our sawmill following a shutdown at the end of June, we anticipate a corresponding increase to our working capital needs for inventory build-up.


Like other Canadian lumber producers, we were required to begin depositing cash on account of softwood lumber duties imposed by the US government in April 2017. Cumulative duties of US$36.2 million paid by us, net of sales of the right to certain refunds, since the inception of the trade dispute remain held in trust by the US pending administrative reviews and the conclusion of all appeals of US decisions. We expect future cash flows will continue to be adversely impacted by the CV and AD duty deposits to the extent additional costs on US destined shipments are not mitigated by higher lumber prices.




As we are well into the third quarter of 2024, we believe that the bottom of lumber prices are behind us with the continued announcements of production curtailments from other lumber producers. We continue to responsibly evaluate our operating configuration in the sawmill to optimize working capital requirements with cashflows. With the length of our supply chain in the waterborne transport, northern region of the Mackenzie TSA we are closely managing our log inventories with the potential strike from our rail transportation providers.

我們認爲,隨着其他木材生產商宣佈生產減產,2024年第三季度的最低木材價格已經過去。我們繼續負責評估鋸木廠的運營配置,以優化運營資本需求和現金流。由於我們在Mackenzie TSA的水上運輸鏈的長度,我們正在密切管理我們的原木庫存,以防止運輸供應商罷工。

Looking ahead to the back half of 2024 and into 2025, we agree with analysts' estimates calling for benchmark lumber prices to continue to improve. We expect an improved supply/demand balance in favour of lumber producers. The demand side is anticipated to benefit from some moderation in interest rates, a key driver of residential construction activity and lumber prices. The supply side is expected to continue to reflect supply contractions in the interior region of B.C. In the northern interior region of B.C., where we operate, trailing 12-month lumber production has retreated by one-third, from 4.5 billion board feet early in 2021 to 3.0 billion board feet currently.


At our Mackenzie Mill, we are capturing benefits from our ongoing transition to a green log diet. In May 2023, the Chief Forester ruled that the remaining dead pine stands in the Mackenzie TSA have lost their commercial value as sawlogs. Transitioning to a greener log diet has a direct correlation with improved sawmill performance, higher grade outturns, and stronger selling price realizations. We also expect to continue to benefit from lower stumpage charges through the remainder of 2024 relative to the 2023 fiscal year. We are expecting our third quarter EBITDA will improve sightly from second quarter, and fourth quarter EBITDA to be much improved over the third quarter.

在我們的Mackenzie Mill,我們正在從持續過渡到綠色原木日食中受益。2023年5月,首席林務官裁定,Mackenzie TSA剩餘的死松樹林已失去了鋸材的商業價值。轉向更綠色的原木飲食與鋸材廠績效的提高、更高級別的產出和更強的銷售價格實現直接相關。我們還預計,在2024年剩餘時間裏,我們將繼續受低撫稅費的好處,相比2023財年。我們預計第三季度的EBITDA將略有改善,並且第四季度的EBITDA將比第三季度有更大的改善。

Conference Call


We have scheduled a conference call on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 2:00 PM Pacific time / 5:00 PM Eastern time to discuss the second quarter 2024 financial and operating results. To participate in the call, please dial toll free 1-800-806-5484 and enter the participant passcode 7803003#. The call will also be available on instant replay access until October 4, 2024 by calling 1-800-408-3053 and entering the participant passcode 2888896#.


Our management's discussion and analysis and financial statements for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 are available under our profile on SEDAR+.

我們的管理討論和分析和2024年6月30日財務報表可在我們的SEDAR +資料上找到。

For further information, please contact:


Trevor Pruden
Chief Financial Officer
(604) 216-2949

Trevor Pruden
(604) 216-2949

About Conifex Timber Inc.

關於Conifex Timber Inc.

Conifex and its subsidiaries' primary business currently includes timber harvesting, reforestation, forest management, sawmilling logs into lumber and wood chips, and value added lumber finishing and distribution. Conifex's lumber products are sold in the United States, Canadian and Japanese markets. Conifex also produces bioenergy at its power generation facility at Mackenzie, B.C.


Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this news release may constitute "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements are statements that address or discuss activities, events or developments that Conifex expects or anticipates may occur in the future. When used in this news release, words such as "estimates", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "projects", "will", "believes", "intends" "should", "could", "may" and other similar terminology are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements reflect the current expectations and beliefs of Conifex's management. Because forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, actual results, performance or achievements of Conifex or the industry may be materially different from those implied by such forward-looking statements. Examples of such forward-looking information that may be contained in this news release include statements regarding: the realization of expected benefits of completed, current and any contemplated capital projects and the expected timing and budgets for such projects, including the build-out of any high-performance computing or data center operations; the growth and future prospects of our business; our expectations regarding our results of operations and performance; our planned operating format and expected operating rates; our perception of the industries or markets in which we operate and anticipated trends in such markets and in the countries in which we do business; fluctuations in stumpage rates; our ability to supply our manufacturing operations with wood fibre and our expected cost of wood fibre; our expectation for market volatility associated with, among other things, the softwood lumber dispute with the US; potential negative impacts of duties or other protective measures on our products, such as antidumping duties or countervailing duties on softwood lumber; continued positive relations with Indigenous groups; the development of a longer-term capital plan and the expected benefits therefrom; demand and prices for our products; our ability to develop new revenue streams; our expectations about discussions with United Steelworkers concerning renewal of the collective labour agreement; the outcome of any actual or potential litigation; the availability and use of credit facilities or proceeds therefrom; future capital expenditures; expectations regarding our liquidity levels; and our expectations for US dollar benchmark prices. Material factors or assumptions that were applied in drawing a conclusion or making an estimate set out in the forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, our future debt levels; that we will complete our projects in the expected timeframes and as budgeted; that we will effectively market our products; that capital expenditure levels will be consistent with those estimated by our management; our ability to obtain and maintain required governmental and community approvals; the impact of changing government regulations and shifting political climates; that the US housing market will continue to improve; that transportation services by third party providers will continue uninterrupted; our ability to ship our products in a timely manner; that there will be no additional unforeseen disruptions affecting the operation of our Mackenzie power plant and that we will be able to continue to deliver power therefrom; our ability to obtain financing on acceptable terms, or at all; that interest and foreign exchange rates will not vary materially from current levels; the general health of the capital markets and the lumber industry; and the general stability of the economic environments within the countries in which we operate or do business. Forward-looking statements involve significant uncertainties, should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be an accurate indication of whether or not such results will be achieved. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: those relating to potential disruptions to production and delivery, including as a result of equipment failures, labour issues, the complex integration of processes and equipment and other similar factors; labour relations; failure to meet regulatory requirements; changes in the market; potential downturns in economic conditions; fluctuations in the price and supply of required materials, including log costs; fluctuations in the market price for products sold; foreign exchange fluctuations; trade restrictions or import duties imposed by foreign governments; availability of financing (as necessary); and other risk factors detailed in our 2023 annual information form dated March 31, 2024 and our management's discussion and analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023 and the quarter ended March 31, 2024 available on SEDAR+ at and other filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. These risks, as well as others, could cause actual results and events to vary significantly. Accordingly, readers should exercise caution in relying upon forward-looking statements and Conifex undertakes no obligation to publicly revise them to reflect subsequent events or circumstances, except as required by applicable securities laws.

該新聞稿中的某些聲明可能構成"前瞻性聲明"。前瞻性聲明是涉及到Conifex預計或期望未來可能發生的活動、事件或發展的聲明或討論。在本新聞稿中使用"估計"、"預計"、"計劃"、"預計"、"項目"、"將"、"相信"、"打算"、"應該"、"可能"和其他類似的術語,是爲了識別這些前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明反映了Conifex管理層的當前預期和信念。由於前瞻性聲明涉及到已知和未知的風險、不確定因素和其他因素,Conifex或該行業的實際結果、表現或業績可能與此類前瞻性聲明所暗示的差異很大。可能包含在本新聞稿中的此類前瞻性信息的示例包括關於:已完成、正在進行和未來進行的資本項目預期收益的具體實現及其預期的時間和預算,包括任何高性能計算或數據中心業務的建設;我們的業務增長和未來發展前景;我們對我們的業績和表現的期望;我們計劃的業務形式和預期的運營率;我們對我們經營的行業或市場的看法以及在我們從事業務的國家中的預期市場趨勢;木材採伐費率的波動;我們供應制造業務所需的木材纖維以及我們預期的木材纖維成本;我們對與美國軟木爭端等內容有關的市場波動的預期;孩提木材等我們產品的關稅或其他保護措施的潛在負面影響;與原住民團體的持續積極關係;長期資本計劃的開發及預期的收益;我們產品的需求和價格;我們開發新收入流的能力;我們對有關與United Steelworkers討論集體勞動協議續訂的討論的期望;任何實際或潛在訴訟的結果;貸款工具或貸款的可用性和使用;未來的資本支出;我們流動性水平的預期;以及我們對美元基準價格的預期。制定前瞻性聲明所應用的重要因素或假設可能包括但不限於我們未來的債務水平;我們將在預期的時間內完成我們的項目,並按照我們的管理層預估的預算完成;我們將有效地營銷我們的產品;資本支出水平將與我們管理層預估的一致;我們能夠獲得和維持所需的政府和社區批准;政府監管變化和政治環境變化的影響;美國住房市場將繼續改善;第三方提供商的運輸服務將繼續不間斷;我們能夠及時運輸我們的產品;我們的造紙廠運營不受任何附加的預見不到的干擾,我們將能夠繼續從中提供電力;我們能夠獲得可接受的融資或一般融資;利率和外匯匯率不會及其變化;資本市場和木材行業的總體健康狀況;以及我們運營或從事業務的國家內部經濟環境的整體穩定性。前瞻性聲明涉及的不確定因素很多,不應被視爲保證未來業績或結果,也不一定是這樣的結果是否會得到實現的準確指示。許多因素可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明所述結果有很大的不同,包括但不限於:與生產和交付的潛在中斷有關,包括由於設備故障、勞動問題、複雜的工藝和設備的複雜整合和其他類似因素引起的中斷;勞資關係;未能滿足監管要求;市場變化;經濟狀況可能出現下滑;所需材料的價格和供應可能的波動,包括原木成本;出售產品的市場價格的波動;外匯匯率的波動;外國政府施加的貿易限制或進口關稅;可獲得融資(必要時);以及我們2023年3月31日的年度信息表和我們的管理討論與分析,詳見SEDAR+的2023年年度信息表和截至2023年12月31日和2024年3月31日季度結束的管理討論與分析以及加拿大證券監管當局的其他申報。這些風險以及其他風險可能導致實際結果和事件發生顯著變化。因此,讀者應該謹慎地依靠前瞻性聲明,Conifex不承擔公開修訂這些聲明以反映隨後的事件或情況的義務,除非適用證券法有要求。

声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息