
Paragon 28 (FNA) Admits Improper Accounting, Shares Fall - Hagens Berman

Paragon 28 (FNA) Admits Improper Accounting, Shares Fall - Hagens Berman

Paragon 28(FNA)承認不當會計,股價下跌 - Hagens Berman
newsfile ·  08/13 18:49

Hagens Berman Encourages FNA Investors with Substantial Losses to Contact the Firm

Hagens Berman鼓勵遭受重大損失的FNA投資者與該公司聯繫

San Francisco, California--(Newsfile Corp. - August 13, 2024) - Hagens Berman urges Paragon 28, Inc. (NYSE: FNA) investors who suffered substantial losses to submit your losses now. The firm also encourages persons with knowledge who may be able to assist in the investigation to contact its attorneys.

加利福尼亞州舊金山--(新聞稿 通訊社。- 2024年8月13日)- Hagens Berman敦促遭受重大損失的Paragon 28, Inc.(紐交所:FNA)投資者立即提交您的損失。該公司還鼓勵具備相關知識以協助調查的人士與律師聯繫。

Contact the Firm Now:

訪問: 立即聯繫

Paragon 28, Inc. (FNA) Investigation:

Paragon 28,Inc.(FNA)調查:

Paragon 28 Inc. suffered a sharp decline in its share price on August 9 after lowering its revenue forecast, announcing layoffs, and replacing its finance chief. The stock plunged 22%, erasing hundreds of millions of dollars of shareholder value.

Paragon 28公司在降低營業收入預測、宣佈裁員並更換財務主管後,股價急劇下跌。股票暴跌22%,抹去了數億美元的股東價值。

The medical device company said it now expects full-year revenue between $249 million and $255 million, down from a previous range of $249 million to $259 million. In an effort to cut costs and preserve cash, Paragon 28 is implementing an operational efficiency strategy that includes laying off approximately 7% of its workforce. The company is also reducing inventory and adjusting executive compensation.

這家醫療器械公司表示,現在預計全年收入在24900萬美元至25500萬美元之間,低於先前的範圍,該範圍爲24900萬美元至25900萬美元。爲了削減成本和保護現金,Paragon 28正在實施一項包括裁員約7%的員工的運營效率策略。該公司還在減少庫存並調整高管的薪酬。

Kristina Wright, who had been serving as interim CFO since April, has been replaced by Chadi Chanine, formerly of Zimmer Biomet Holdings.

自4月以來一直擔任代理首席財務官的Kristina Wright已被齊默巴奧米特控股的Chadi Chanine取代。

The latest developments come as Paragon 28 has revealed accounting irregularities. CFO Stephen Deitsch's abrupt resignation on April 4, 2023 portended problems with the company's financial reporting.

最新的進展表明Paragon 28公司存在會計不規範。CFO Stephen Deitsch在2023年4月4日的突然辭職預示着該公司財務報告存在問題。

On July 30, concerns came to fruition when Paragon 28 announced that its previously reported financial results for 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 were unreliable. The company admitted to material weaknesses in its internal controls and disclosed significant accounting errors. Specifically, Paragon 28 understated its cost of goods sold by 19%, resulting in an overstated operating loss by 22% and net loss by 20%.

7月30日,當Paragon 28宣佈其2023年和2024年第一季度的財務報告原本不可靠時,擔心的事情發生了。該公司承認其內部控制存在實質性問題,並披露了重大的會計錯誤。具體而言,Paragon 28將其營業成本低估了19%,導致其經營虧損增加了22%,淨虧損增加了20%。

The company's stock has fallen over 56% over the past year, raising concerns about its financial health and prompting prominent shareholder rights firm Hagens Berman to commence an investigation into potential violations of U.S. securities laws.

該公司的股價在過去一年中已下跌超過56%,引發了有關其財務狀況的擔憂,並促使着名股東代理律師事務所Hagens Berman展開調查,以確定是否存在違反美國證券法的行爲。

"We're looking into any potential connection between Paragon 28's dismal outlook and past improper accounting," said Reed Kathrein, the Hagens Berman partner leading the firm's investigation.

「我們正在研究Paragon 28股價暴跌的前因後果以及過往不當的會計安排之間的任何潛在聯繫,」領導該公司調查的Hagens Berman合夥人Reed Kathrein表示。

If you invested in Paragon 28 and have substantial losses, or have knowledge that may assist the firm's investigation, submit your losses now »

如果您投資於Paragon 28並遭受巨額損失,或者具有可能協助律所調查的知情信息,請立即提交您的損失賠償 »

If you'd like more information and answers to frequently asked questions about the Paragon 28 investigation, read more »

如果您需要有關Paragon 28調查的更多信息和常見問題的答案,請閱讀更多 »

Whistleblowers: Persons with non-public information regarding Paragon 28 should consider their options to help in the investigation or take advantage of the SEC Whistleblower program. Under the new program, whistleblowers who provide original information may receive rewards totaling up to 30 percent of any successful recovery made by the SEC. For more information, call Reed Kathrein at 844-916-0895 or email

告密者:持有Paragon 28交易非公開信息的人士應考慮採取行動協助調查或利用SEC告密人計劃。根據這個新計劃,提供原始信息的舉報人可能獲得SEC成功追索的賞金,總額最高達到追回金額的30%。欲知更多信息,請致電Reed Kathrein:844-916-0895或發送電子郵件至。

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About Hagens Berman
Hagens Berman is a global plaintiffs' rights complex litigation firm focusing on corporate accountability. The firm is home to a robust practice and represents investors as well as whistleblowers, workers, consumers and others in cases achieving real results for those harmed by corporate negligence and other wrongdoings. Hagens Berman's team has secured more than $2.9 billion in this area of law. More about the firm and its successes can be found at Follow the firm for updates and news at @ClassActionLaw.

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Hagens Berman是一家專注於企業責任的全球原告維權集體訴訟律所。該律所擁有強大的業務實踐,代表投資者、舉報者、工人、消費者及其他在企業過失和其他不當行爲中受到損害的人,爲他們贏得真正的結果。Hagens Berman團隊在這一領域贏得了超過29億的賠償。更多關於該律所及其成功案例的信息可在hbsslaw.com找到。關注律所的更新和資訊請訪問@ClassActionLaw。

Reed Kathrein, 844-916-0895


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