
NMG Holding Company, Inc. and The Neiman Marcus Group LLC Announce Commencement of Exchange Offer for Outstanding 7.125% Senior Secured Notes Due 2026 and Consent Solicitation

NMG Holding Company, Inc. and The Neiman Marcus Group LLC Announce Commencement of Exchange Offer for Outstanding 7.125% Senior Secured Notes Due 2026 and Consent Solicitation

NMG控股公司和Neiman Marcus集團宣佈啓動交換出售未償還的截至2026年的7.125%優先擔保債券和徵求同意書。
PR Newswire ·  08/13 19:52

NEW YORK, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NMG Holding Company, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and The Neiman Marcus Group LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (together, the "Issuers"), today announced that they have commenced an offer to exchange (the "Exchange Offer") any and all of the Issuers' outstanding 7.125% Senior Secured Notes due 2026 (the "Old Notes") held by Eligible Holders (as defined below) for newly issued 8.500% Senior Secured Notes due 2028 (the "Exchange Notes" and the issuance thereof, the "Exchange Notes Issuance") to be issued by the Issuers and guaranteed by existing and future wholly-owned domestic subsidiaries of the Issuers and cash.

NMG Holding Company, Inc.和The Neiman Marcus Group LLC宣佈已啓動交易所Exchange Offer,擬向符合條件的股東(以下定義)交換所有已發行的7.125%優先擔保到期日爲2026年的Old Notes,以及新發行的8.500%優先擔保到期日爲2028年的Exchange Notes,這些Exchange Notes將由發行人和其現有和未來的全資國內子公司提供擔保,並支付現金。

In addition, the Issuers are soliciting consents ("Consents" and such solicitation the "Consent Solicitation") from Eligible Holders of the Old Notes to adopt certain proposed amendments to the indenture governing the Old Notes, dated as of March 30, 2021 (as amended or supplemented from time to time, the "Old Notes Indenture"), to eliminate substantially all of the restrictive covenants and certain of the default provisions, modify covenants regarding mergers and consolidations, and modify or eliminate certain other provisions, including removing the requirement that the Issuers make an offer to repurchase the Old Notes if the Issuers experience certain change of control transactions, releasing the guarantees provided by the guarantors of the Old Notes and eliminating any requirement to provide guarantees in the future with respect to the Old Notes (collectively, the "Majority Amendments"), as well as releasing the liens on all of the collateral securing the Old Notes and eliminating any requirement to provide collateral in the future with respect to the Old Notes (collectively with the Majority Amendments, the "Proposed Amendments").

此外,發行人還正在向持有Old Notes的符合條件股東(以下定義)徵求同意Consents,以採納有關Old Notes Indenture的某些擬議修改,這些修改旨在消除基本上所有限制性契約、某些違約條件、修改有關合並和合並的契約,並修改或消除某些其他條款,包括刪除要求發行人在發生某些控制交易時回購Old Notes的要求,解除爲Old Notes提供擔保的擔保人提供的擔保以及消除將來爲Old Notes提供擔保的要求(統稱爲Majority Amendments),以及解除擔保Old Notes所擔保的所有財產的留置權並消除未來爲Old Notes提供擔保的要求(與Majority Amendments合稱爲Proposed Amendments)。

The Issuers' obligation to accept for exchange Old Notes validly tendered (and not validly withdrawn) pursuant to the Exchange Offer and related Consent Solicitation is subject to the satisfaction or, if permitted, waiver of certain conditions set forth in the confidential offering memorandum and consent solicitation statement, dated August 13, 2024 (the "Exchange Offering Memorandum").

發行人接受Old Notes並進行交換,需要滿足或豁免Exchange Offering Memorandum規定的某些條件。

Certain Eligible Holders collectively holding a majority of the aggregate principal amount of the Old Notes as of the date of the Exchange Offering Memorandum have expressed their intention to participate in the Exchange Offer. Therefore, the Issuers expect to have the necessary Consents to adopt the Majority Amendments, assuming the consummation of the Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation.

持有Old Notes中佔老券總額絕大多數的符合條件股東已經表達了參與Exchange Offer的意願。因此,假設完成Exchange Offer和Consent Solicitation,發行人預計擁有所需的Consents來採納Majority Amendments。

The Exchange Offer and the Consent Solicitation will expire at 5:00 P.M., New York City time, on September 11, 2024, unless extended (such time and date as it may be extended, the "Expiration Date"), or earlier terminated. Subject to the satisfaction or, if permitted, waiver of the conditions of the Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation described in the Exchange Offering Memorandum, including the Minimum Participation Condition, the Intercreditor Amendment Condition, the ABL Amendment Condition, the HBC Consent Condition, the Merger Condition and the General Conditions (each, as defined in the Exchange Offering Memorandum), and the tender acceptance procedures described in the Exchange Offering Memorandum: (i) for each $1,000 principal amount of Old Notes validly tendered (and not validly withdrawn) at or prior to 5:00 P.M., New York City time, on August 26, 2024, unless extended (such time and date with respect to the Exchange Offer, as the same may be extended, the "Early Tender Date") and accepted for exchange, Eligible Holders of Old Notes will be eligible to receive an amount equal to $1,000 in principal amount of Exchange Notes and an amount of cash equal to the product of (x) $2.75 million divided by the aggregate principal amount of Old Notes validly tendered (and not validly withdrawn) at or prior to the Early Tender Date and (y) 1,000 (the "Early Exchange Consideration"); and (ii) for each $1,000 principal amount of Old Notes validly tendered after the Early Tender Date but at or prior to the Expiration Time and accepted for exchange, Eligible Holders of Old Notes will be eligible to receive $950 principal amount of Exchange Notes (the "Late Exchange Consideration"). Rights to withdraw tendered Old Notes and revoke Consents terminate at 5:00 P.M. New York City time on August 26, 2024, unless extended (such time and date as it may be extended, the "Withdrawal Deadline"), except for certain limited circumstances where additional withdrawal rights are required by law. Each Eligible Holder that tenders Old Notes into the Exchange Offer will be deemed to have given its Consent to the Proposed Amendments with respect to those tendered Old Notes. No additional consideration will be paid for Consents. The Early Tender Date or the Expiration Date with respect to the Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation can be extended independently of the Withdrawal Deadline for the Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation.

Exchange Offer和Consent Solicitation將於2024年9月11日下午5:00紐約時間到期,除非延長(將其延長的時間和日期稱爲Expiration Date或較早終止)。根據Exchange Offering Memorandum描述的Exchange Offer和Consent Solicitation的條件,包括最低參與條件、Intercreditor Amendment條件、ABL Amendment條件、HBC Consent條件、Merger條件和General Conditions條件(各自在Exchange Offering Memorandum中定義),以及在Exchange Offering Memorandum中描述的招標接受程序,前提是滿足或豁免Exchange Offer和Consent Solicitation的條件:(i)對於在2024年8月26日下午5:00紐約時間之前有效招標(未有效撤回)的每1,000美元Old Notes,符合條件股東將有資格獲得紅利,相當於1,000美元Exchange Notes和現金金額,該現金金額等於(x)2,750,000美元除以在提前交換日之前有效招標(未有效撤回)的Old Notes的總本金(y)1,000的乘積(早期Exchange Consideration);(ii)對於在提前交換日之後但在過期時間前有效招標(未有效撤回)的每1,000美元Old Notes,符合條件的股東將有資格獲得950美元Exchange Notes(晚期Exchange Consideration)。撤回招標的權利和吊銷同意的權利於2024年8月26日下午5:00紐約時間終止,除非法律要求採取某些有限情況下撤回權。將Old Notes招標入Exchange Offer的每個符合條件股東將被視爲已就其招標Old Notes向Proposed Amendments表示同意。不會爲Consents支付任何額外費用。Exchange Offer和Consent Solicitation的提前交換日或過期日可以獨立於Exchange Offer和Consent Solicitation的Withdrawal Deadline進行延長。

Each participating Eligible Holder must validly tender (and not validly withdraw) all of the Old Notes it holds. Partial tenders of Old Notes will not be accepted.

每個參與的符合條件股東必須有效地招標(未有效撤回)其持有的所有Old Notes。不接受Old Notes的部分招標。

The Old Notes will only be accepted for exchange by the Issuers in minimum principal amounts of $2,000 and integral multiples of $1,000 thereafter. The Issuers will not accept any tender of Old Notes that would result in the issuance of less than $2,000 principal amount of Exchange Notes. The Exchange Notes will only be issued in minimum principal amounts of $2,000 and integral multiples of $1.00 in excess thereof. If, under the terms of the Exchange Offer, a tendering holder is entitled to receive Exchange Notes in a principal amount that is not an integral multiple of $1.00, the Issuers will round downward such principal amount of Exchange Notes to the nearest integral multiple of $1.00. This rounded amount will be the principal amount of Exchange Notes that Eligible Holders will receive, and no additional cash will be paid in lieu of any principal amount of Exchange Notes not received as a result of rounding down.

只有以最小本金數2,000美元及其以後的整數倍的Old Notes才會被髮行人接受進行交換。發行人將不接受任何會導致發行額小於2,000美元的Old Notes的招標。Exchange Notes只能以2,000美元及其以後整數倍的最小本金數發行。如果按Exchange Offer的條款,投標持有人有權獲得不是1.00美元的整數倍的Exchange Notes的本金金額,則發行人將向下舍入此類Exchange Notes的本金金額至最接近1.00美元的整數倍。這個舍入的金額將是符合條件的股東將獲得的Exchange Notes的本金金額,任何本金金額未因向下舍入而未受到的Exchange Notes將不支付任何額外現金。

The following table sets forth the Early Exchange Consideration and Late Exchange Consideration to be offered to Eligible Holders of the Old Notes in the Exchange Offer:

下表列出了Exchange Offer提供給Old Notes符合條件股東的早期Exchange Consideration和晚期Exchange Consideration:

Title of Series of
Old Notes


Principal Amount

Early Exchange Consideration, if
validly tendered and not validly
withdrawn at or prior to the Early
Tender Date(2)

Late Exchange Consideration, if validly
tendered after the Early Tender Date and
at or prior to the Expiration Date(2)

7.125% Senior Secured Notes due 2026

144A: 62929R AC2 / US62929RAC25
Reg S: U7360R AB2 / USU7360RAB25


$1,000 in principal amount of
Exchange Notes and at least $2.50 in

$950 principal amount of Exchange Notes



Citigroup Global Markets Inc.



7.125%優先擔保到期日爲2026年的Old Notes

144A:62929R AC2/US62929RAC25 Reg S:U7360R AB2/USU7360RAB25
早期Exchange Consideration和晚期Exchange Consideration


$950元的Exchange Notes本金數量



No representation is made as to the correctness or accuracy of the CUSIP numbers or ISINs listed in this press release, the Exchange Offering Memorandum or printed on the Old Notes. Such CUSIP numbers and ISINs are provided solely for the convenience of the holders of Old Notes.


For each $1,000 principal amount of Old Notes validly tendered and accepted for exchange, the Issuers will pay accrued and unpaid interest in addition to the Early Exchange Consideration or Late Exchange Consideration, as applicable, to, but excluding, the settlement date for the Exchange Offer (the "Settlement Date"). Interest on the Exchange Notes will accrue from the Settlement Date. No consideration will be paid for Consents in the Consent Solicitation. The Early Exchange Consideration and the Late Exchange Consideration, as applicable, will be paid on the Settlement Date.


For each $1,000 principal amount of Old Notes validly tendered (and not validly withdrawn) at or prior to the Early Tender Date and accepted for exchange, Eligible Holders of Old Notes will be eligible to receive an amount equal to $1,000 principal amount of Exchange Notes and an amount of cash equal to the product of (x) $2.75 million divided by the aggregate principal amount of Old Notes validly tendered (and not validly withdrawn) at or prior to the Early Tender Date and (y) 1,000. The cash portion of the Early Exchange Consideration depicted in the table above is illustrative only and assumes that all Old Notes are validly tendered (and not validly withdrawn) at or prior to the Early Tender Date and that such Old Notes are accepted for exchange. The Early Exchange Consideration will be impacted on a pro rata basis by participation levels in the Exchange Offer at or prior to the Early Tender Date. In no event will the cash portion of the Early Exchange Consideration exceed $2.75 million in the aggregate.






合格持有人不得未交付相關同意書而投標其舊票據, 並且舊票據的合格持有人不得在撤回期限之後從兌換交易中退出,也不得從同意徵集中撤銷相關同意書,須遵守適用法律。

Eligible Holders may not tender their Old Notes without delivering the related Consents, and Eligible Holders of Old Notes may not deliver Consents without tendering the related Old Notes. Old Notes may not be withdrawn from the Exchange Offer and the related Consents may not be revoked from the Consent Solicitation after the Withdrawal Deadline, subject to applicable law.


The consummation of each of the Exchange Offer, the Consent Solicitation and the Exchange Notes Issuance is subject to, and conditioned upon, the satisfaction or, if permitted, waiver by the Issuers of, the Minimum Participation Condition, the Intercreditor Amendment Condition, the ABL Amendment Condition, the HBC Consent Condition, the Merger Condition and the General Conditions. Subject to applicable law, the Issuers may amend, extend, terminate or withdraw the Exchange Offer and/or Consent Solicitation without amending, extending, terminating or withdrawing the other, at any time and for any reason, including if any of the conditions set forth under "Conditions of the Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation" in the Exchange Offering Memorandum with respect to the Exchange Offer are not satisfied as determined by the Issuers in their sole discretion.

兌換票據及其發售未在美國證券交易委員會根據證券法(經修正)或任何州或外國證券法下注冊。兌換交易或同意徵集只向舊票據的持有人提出,並且僅向( a )合理地被認爲是依據上述證券法第144A條規定依賴於資格的機構買方或( b )非美國人,在美國以外的交易中,依據上述證券法規的制度S的證券發行給上述持有人(這些持有人被稱爲「合格持有人」)。只有合格持有人被授權接收或查閱兌換求購備忘錄,或參與兌換求購。可通過交換代理在線程序通過交換代理獲得有關兌換交易和同意徵集的所有文件的副本,交換代理將進行資格確認。兌換交易不會有交換求購信託書。

The Exchange Notes and the offering thereof have not been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or any state or foreign securities laws. The Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation will only be made, and the Exchange Notes are only being offered and issued, to holders of Old Notes that are (a) reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers in reliance on Rule 144A promulgated under the Securities Act or (b) non-U.S. persons, in transactions outside the United States, in reliance on Regulation S under the Securities Act (such holders, the "Eligible Holders"). Only Eligible Holders are authorized to receive or review the Exchange Offering Memorandum or to participate in the Exchange Offer. Copies of all the documents relating to the Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation may be obtained from the Exchange Agent, subject to confirmation of eligibility through online procedures established by the Exchange Agent, available at: . There will be no letter of transmittal for the Exchange Offer.


Eligible Holders of the Old Notes are urged to carefully read the entire Exchange Offering Memorandum, including the information presented under "Risk Factors" and "Forward-Looking Statements" before making any decision with respect to the Exchange Notes Issuance, the Exchange Offer or the Consent Solicitation. None of the Issuers, their subsidiaries, the Exchange Agent, the Dealer Managers (as defined in the Exchange Offering Memorandum), the applicable trustees under the indentures governing the Old Notes and the Exchange Notes, the applicable collateral agents under the indentures governing the Old Notes and the Exchange Notes, or any of their respective affiliates, makes any recommendation as to whether holders of Old Notes should participate in the Exchange Notes Issuance, tender their Old Notes pursuant to the Exchange Offer or deliver Consents pursuant to the Consent Solicitation. Each Eligible Holder must make its own decision as to whether to participate in the Exchange Notes Issuance and whether to tender its Old Notes and to deliver Consents and, if so, the principal amount of Old Notes as to which action is to be taken.

D.F. King & Co., Inc.已被任命爲兌換代理(「兌換代理」)和信息代理,負責兌換求購和同意徵集。有關兌換求購和同意徵集的問題可根據兌換求購備忘錄背面的接觸方式,向交易管理人或兌換代理提出。

D.F. King & Co., Inc. has been appointed as the exchange agent (the "Exchange Agent") and information agent for the Exchange Offer and Consent Solicitation. Questions concerning the Exchange Offer and the Consent Solicitation may be directed to the Dealer Managers or the Exchange Agent, in accordance with the contact details shown on the back cover of the Exchange Offering Memorandum.

關於發行人:發行人是NMG Parent LLC的子公司,NMG Parent LLC是美國領先的多品牌奢侈品零售商Neiman Marcus和Bergdorf Goodman的母公司。該公司成功地通過爲客戶、品牌合作伙伴、社區和員工開創奢侈品關係業務爲生,並通過革新奢侈品體驗,使自己轉型爲盈利的奢侈品企業。其獨特的商業模式以綜合零售、專家精選的商品組合和銷售輔助方法爲基礎。公司的歸屬感文化,由約10000名員工驅動,慶祝形成其集合實力的個人才華。

About the Issuers


The Issuers are subsidiaries of NMG Parent LLC, the parent company of leading U.S. multi-brand luxury retailers Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman. The company successfully transformed itself into a profitable luxury relationship business by Revolutionizing Luxury Experiences for customers, brand partners, communities, and associates. Its differentiated business model is anchored around integrated retail, an expertly curated product assortment, and a sales-assisted approach. The company's culture of Belonging, powered by its approximately 10,000 associates, celebrates the individual talents that form its collective strength.


No Offer or Solicitation


This press release is not intended to and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities or the solicitation of any vote, consent or approval in any jurisdiction in connection with the Exchange Notes Issuance, the Exchange Offer and the Consent Solicitation, or otherwise, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. In particular, this communication is not an offer of securities for sale into the United States. No offer of securities shall be made in the United States absent registration under the Securities Act or pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, such registration requirements.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements made herein may be deemed "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, including any statements regarding the consummation of the Exchange Offer and the Consent Solicitation. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements. In many cases, forward-looking statements can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may," "plan," "predict," "expect," "estimate," "intend," "would," "will," "could," "should," "anticipate," "believe," "project" or "continue" or the negative thereof or other similar expressions. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release reflect our views as of the date of this press release and are based on our expectations and beliefs concerning future events, as well as currently available data as of the date of this press release. While we believe there is a reasonable basis for our forward-looking statements, they involve a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and changes in circumstances that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ significantly from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement, including, but not limited to, the adverse impact of failing to consummate the Exchange Offer and the Consent Solicitation and the risk that an insufficient number of Eligible Holders participate in the Exchange Offer and tender their Old Notes. Therefore, these statements are not guarantees of future events, results, performance or achievements and you should not rely on them.


All forward-looking statements included in this press release are based on information available to the Issuers as of the date on which such statements were made and the Issuers assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that occur after such statements are made, except as required by law.


For questions concerning the Exchange Offer and the Consent Solicitation, please visit or contact the Exchange Agent via email at [email protected], with a reference to "NMG" in the subject line, or by phone at (212) 269-5550 (banks and brokers) or (800) 848-3051 (toll-free).

如有關於交易所要約和徵集同意書的問題,請訪問網站或通過[email protected]與交易所代理聯繫,主題中註明「NMG」,或致電(212) 269-5550 (銀行和經紀人)或(800) 848-3051 (免費電話)。

SOURCE Neiman Marcus Group

Neiman Marcus Group來源

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