
"LEQEMBI" (Lecanemab) Approved for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease in the United Arab Emirates

"LEQEMBI" (Lecanemab) Approved for the Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease in the United Arab Emirates

渤健公司 ·  08/13 00:00

TOKYO and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., August 13, 2024 – Eisai Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Tokyo, CEO: Haruo Naito, "Eisai") and Biogen Inc. (Nasdaq: BIIB, Corporate headquarters: Cambridge, Massachusetts, CEO: Christopher A. Viehbacher, "Biogen") announced today that the Ministry of Health and Prevention in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has approved humanized anti-soluble aggregated amyloid-beta (Aβ) monoclonal antibody "LEQEMBI" (lecanemab) for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Treatment with LEQEMBI should be initiated in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or mild dementia stage of disease (collectively referred to as early AD), the population in which treatment was initiated in clinical trials.

東京和馬薩諸塞州劍橋,2024年8月13日——衛材有限公司(總部:東京,首席執行官:內藤春雄,「衛材」)和百健公司(納斯達克股票代碼:BiiB,公司總部:馬薩諸塞州劍橋,首席執行官:Christopher A. Viehbacher,「Biogen」)今天宣佈,阿拉伯聯合酋長國(阿聯酋)衛生和預防部已批准人源化抗溶性聚合物 loid-β(Aβ)單克隆抗體 「LEQEMBI」(lecanemab)用於治療阿爾茨海默氏病(AD)。對於輕度認知障礙(MCI)或輕度癡呆疾病階段(統稱爲早期 AD)的患者,即臨床試驗中開始治療的人群,應開始使用 LEQEMBI 進行治療。

LEQEMBI selectively binds to soluble Aβ aggregates (protofibrils*), as well as insoluble Aβ aggregates (fibrils) which are a major component of Aβ plaques, thereby reducing both Aβ protofibrils and Aβ plaques in the brain. LEQEMBI is the first approved treatment shown to reduce the rate of disease progression and to slow cognitive and functional decline through this mechanism. LEQEMBI is also approved in the U.S., Japan, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Israel, and is being marketed in the U.S., Japan, and China.

LEQEMBI 選擇性地與可溶性 Aβ 聚集體(原纖維*)以及作爲 Aβ 斑塊主要成分的不溶性 Aβ 聚集體(原纖維)結合,從而減少大腦中的 Aβ 原纖維和 Aβ 斑塊。LEQEMBI 是第一種獲批准的療法,經證實可通過這種機制降低疾病進展速度並減緩認知和功能衰退。LEQEMBI 還在美國、日本、中國、韓國、香港和以色列獲得批准,並在美國、日本和中國銷售。

LEQEMBI's approval is based on the large global Phase 3 Clarity AD study. In the Clarity AD study, LEQEMBI met its primary endpoint and all key secondary endpoints with statistically significant results.1,2 In the UAE, it is reported that 4.09% of those over 60 years old have dementia.3 AD is considered the most common cause of dementia, typically accounting for 60-70% of cases.4

LEQEMBI的批准是基於大規模的全球第三階段Clarity AD研究得出的。在Clarity AD研究中,LEQEMBI達到了其主要終點和所有關鍵次要終點,取得了具有統計學意義的結果。1,2 在阿聯酋,據報道,在60歲以上的人群中,有4.09%的人患有癡呆症。3 AD被認爲是癡呆的最常見病因,通常佔病例的60-70%。4

Eisai serves as the lead of lecanemab development and regulatory submissions globally with both Eisai and Biogen co-commercializing and co-promoting the product and Eisai having final decision-making authority. Biogen will commercialize LEQEMBI in the UAE.


* Protofibrils are believed to contribute to the brain injury that occurs with AD and are considered to be the most toxic form of Aβ, having a primary role in the cognitive decline associated with this progressive, debilitating condition.5 Protofibrils cause injury to neurons in the brain, which in turn, can negatively impact cognitive function via multiple mechanisms, not only increasing the development of insoluble Aβ plaques but also increasing direct damage to brain cell membranes and the connections that transmit signals between nerve cells or nerve cells and other cells. It is believed the reduction of protofibrils may prevent the progression of AD by reducing damage to neurons in the brain and cognitive dysfunction.6

* 原纖維被認爲會導致 AD 發生的腦損傷,被認爲是 Aβ 毒性最大的形式,在與這種漸進的、使人衰弱的疾病相關的認知能力下降中起着主要作用。5 原纖維會導致大腦神經元受傷,這反過來會通過多種機制對認知功能產生負面影響,不僅會增加不溶性 Aβ 斑塊的發育,還會增加對大腦的直接損傷細胞膜以及在神經細胞或神經細胞之間傳遞信號的連接,以及其他細胞。據信,原纖維的減少可以減少對大腦神經元的損傷和認知功能障礙,從而阻止 AD 的進展。6


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Notes to Editors


  1. About lecanemab (LEQEMBI)
  1. 關於 lecanemab (LEQEMBI)

Lecanemab is the result of a strategic research alliance between Eisai and BioArctic. It is a humanized immunoglobulin gamma 1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody directed against aggregated soluble (protofibril) and insoluble forms of amyloid-beta (Aβ).

Lecanemab是衛材與BioArctic之間戰略研究聯盟的結果。它是一種人源化免疫球蛋白 gamma 1 (IgG1) 單克隆抗體,針對聚集的可溶性(原纖維)和不溶性形式的β澱粉樣蛋白(Aβ)。

LEQEMBI's FDA approval was based on Phase 3 data from Eisai's, global Clarity AD clinical trial, in which it met its primary endpoint and all key secondary endpoints with statistically significant results.1,2 The primary endpoint was the global cognitive and functional scale, Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB). In the Clarity AD clinical trial, treatment with LEQEMBI reduced clinical decline on CDR-SB by 27% at 18 months compared to placebo. The mean CDR-SB score at baseline was approximately 3.2 in both groups. The adjusted least-squares mean change from baseline at 18 months was 1.21 with LEQEMBI and 1.66 with placebo (difference, −0.45; 95% confidence interval [CI], −0.67 to −0.23; P<0.001). In addition, the secondary endpoint from the AD Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living Scale for Mild Cognitive Impairment (ADCS-MCI-ADL), which measures information provided by people caring for patients with AD, noted a statistically significant benefit of 37% compared to placebo. The adjusted mean change from baseline at 18 months in the ADCS-MCI-ADL score was −3.5 in the LEQEMBI group and −5.5 in the placebo group (difference, 2.0; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.8; P<0.001). The ADCS MCI-ADL assesses the ability of patients to function independently, including being able to dress, feed themselves and participate in community activities. The most common adverse events (>10%) in the LEQEMBI group were infusion reactions, ARIA-H (combined cerebral microhemorrhages, cerebral macrohemorrhages, and superficial siderosis), ARIA-E (edema/effusion), headache, and fall.

LEQEMBI的FDA批准基於衛材全球Clarity AD臨床試驗的3期數據,在該試驗中,它達到了其主要終點和所有關鍵次要終點,並取得了具有統計學意義的結果。1,2 主要終點是全球認知和功能量表,即臨床癡呆評級方框總和(CDR-SB)。在Clarity AD臨床試驗中,與安慰劑相比,使用LEQEMBI進行治療使CDR-SB在18個月時的臨床下降減少了27%。兩組在基線時的平均CDR-SB分數約爲3.2。調整後的18個月時與基線相比的最小二乘均值變化爲1.21,安慰劑的調整後最小二乘均值變化爲1.66(差異,−0.45;95% 置信區間 [CI],−0.67至−0.23;P 10%)是輸液反應、ARIA-H(合併腦微出血、腦大出血和淺表鐵血癥)、ARIA-E(水腫/積液)、頭痛和跌倒。

LEQEMBI is approved in the U.S., Japan, China, South Korea, Hong Kong and Israel for the treatment of MCI due to AD and mild AD dementia. Eisai has also submitted applications for approval of LEQEMBI in 11 countries and regions. A supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) for intravenous maintenance dosing was submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in March 2024, which was accepted in June 2024. The rolling submission of a Biologics License Application (BLA) for maintenance dosing of a subcutaneous injection formulation, which is being developed to enhance convenience for patients, was initiated in the U.S. under Fast Track status in May 2024.

LEQEMBI 已在美國、日本、中國、韓國、香港和以色列獲准用於治療 AD 和輕度 AD 癡呆引起的 MCI。衛材還在11個國家和地區提交了LEQEMBI的批准申請。2024年3月,向美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)提交了靜脈維持劑量的補充生物製劑許可申請(sBLa),該申請於2024年6月獲得接受。2024年5月,美國開始滾動提交皮下注射製劑維持劑量的生物製劑許可證申請(BLA),該申請旨在提高患者的便利性,該申請的開發是爲了提高患者的便利性。

Since July 2020 the Phase 3 clinical study (AHEAD 3-45) for individuals with preclinical AD, meaning they are clinically normal and have intermediate or elevated levels of amyloid in their brains, is ongoing. AHEAD 3-45 is conducted as a public-private partnership between the Alzheimer's Clinical Trial Consortium that provides the infrastructure for academic clinical trials in AD and related dementias in the U.S, funded by the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, Eisai and Biogen. Since January 2022, the Tau NexGen clinical study for Dominantly Inherited AD (DIAD), that is conducted by Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU), led by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, is ongoing and includes lecanemab as the backbone anti-amyloid therapy.

自2020年7月以來,針對臨床前AD患者的3期臨床研究(AHEAD 3-45)仍在進行中,這意味着他們的臨床正常,大腦中的澱粉樣蛋白水平處於中等或較高水平。AHEAD 3-45是阿爾茨海默氏症臨床試驗聯盟的公私合作項目,該聯盟爲美國的AD和相關癡呆的學術臨床試驗提供基礎設施,該聯盟由美國國立衛生研究院下屬的國家老齡化研究所、衛材和Biogen資助。自2022年1月以來,由聖路易斯華盛頓大學醫學院領導的顯性遺傳性阿爾茨海默氏症網絡試驗小組(DIAN-TU)開展的Tau NexGen臨床研究正在進行中,並將樂卡那單抗作爲主要的抗澱粉樣蛋白療法。

  1. About the Collaboration between Eisai and Biogen for AD
  1. 關於衛材與百健在廣告領域的合作

Eisai and Biogen have been collaborating on the joint development and commercialization of AD treatments since 2014. Eisai serves as the lead of lecanemab development and regulatory submissions globally with Eisai and Biogen co-commercializing and co-promoting the product and Eisai having final decision-making authority.


  1. About the Collaboration between Eisai and BioArctic for AD
  1. 關於衛材與BioArctic在AD方面的合作

Since 2005, Eisai and BioArctic have had a long-term collaboration regarding the development and commercialization of AD treatments. Eisai obtained the global rights to study, develop, manufacture and market lecanemab for the treatment of AD pursuant to an agreement with BioArctic in December 2007. The development and commercialization agreement on the antibody lecanemab back-up was signed in May 2015.


  1. About Eisai Co., Ltd.
  1. 關於衛材株式會社

Eisai's Corporate Concept is "to give first thought to patients and people in the daily living domain, and to increase the benefits that health care provides." Under this Concept (also known as human health care (hhc) Concept), we aim to effectively achieve social good in the form of relieving anxiety over health and reducing health disparities. With a global network of R&D facilities, manufacturing sites and marketing subsidiaries, we strive to create and deliver innovative products to target diseases with high unmet medical needs, with a particular focus in our strategic areas of Neurology and Oncology.

衛材的企業理念是 「在日常生活領域首先考慮患者和人們,並增加醫療保健提供的好處。」根據這一概念(也稱爲人類醫療保健(hhc)概念),我們的目標是以緩解對健康的焦慮和縮小健康差距的形式有效實現社會公益。憑藉由研發設施、製造基地和營銷子公司組成的全球網絡,我們努力創造和交付針對醫療需求未得到滿足的疾病的創新產品,特別關注我們的神經病學和腫瘤學戰略領域。

In addition, we demonstrate our commitment to the elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), which is a target (3.3) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by working on various activities together with global partners.


For more information about Eisai, please visit (for global headquarters: Eisai. Co., Ltd.), (for U.S. headquarters: Eisai, Inc.) or (for Europe, Middle East, Africa, Russia, Australia and New Zealand headquarters: Eisai Europe Ltd.), and connect with us on X (global and U.S), LinkedIn (for global, U.S. and EMEA) and Facebook (global).


  1. About Biogen
  1. 關於 Biogen

Founded in 1978, Biogen is a leading biotechnology company that pioneers innovative science to deliver new medicines to transform patients' lives and to create value for shareholders and our communities. We apply deep understanding of human biology and leverage different modalities to advance first-in-class treatments or therapies that deliver superior outcomes. Our approach is to take bold risks, balanced with return on investment to deliver long-term growth.


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This news release contains forward-looking statements, about the potential clinical effects of lecanemab; the potential benefits, safety and efficacy of lecanemab; potential regulatory discussions, submissions and approvals and the timing thereof; the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; the anticipated benefits and potential of Biogen's collaboration arrangements with Eisai; the potential of Biogen's commercial business and pipeline programs, including lecanemab; and risks and uncertainties associated with drug development and commercialization. These statements may be identified by words such as "aim," "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intend," "may," "plan," "possible," "potential," "will," "would" and other words and terms of similar meaning. Drug development and commercialization involve a high degree of risk, and only a small number of research and development programs result in commercialization of a product. Results in early-stage clinical studies may not be indicative of full results or results from later stage or larger scale clinical studies and do not ensure regulatory approval. You should not place undue reliance on these statements.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,內容涉及lecanemab的潛在臨床作用;lecanemab的潛在益處、安全性和有效性;潛在的監管討論、提交和批准及其時機;阿爾茨海默氏病的治療;Biogen與衛材合作安排的預期收益和潛力;包括lecanemab在內的Biogen商業業務和管道計劃的潛力;以及與藥物開發和商業化相關的風險和不確定性。這些陳述可以用 「目標」、「預測」、「相信」、「可以」、「估計」、「期望」、「預測」、「打算」、「可能」、「計劃」、「可能」、「潛在」、「將」、「將」 等詞語以及其他具有類似含義的詞語和術語來識別。藥物開發和商業化涉及高風險,只有少數研發計劃能實現產品的商業化。早期臨床研究的結果可能並不表示全部結果或後期或更大規模臨床研究的結果,也不能確保監管部門的批准。您不應過分依賴這些陳述。

These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in such statements, including without limitation unexpected concerns that may arise from additional data, analysis or results obtained during clinical studies; the occurrence of adverse safety events; risks of unexpected costs or delays; the risk of other unexpected hurdles; regulatory submissions may take longer or be more difficult to complete than expected; regulatory authorities may require additional information or further studies, or may fail or refuse to approve or may delay approval of Biogen's drug candidates, including lecanemab; actual timing and content of submissions to and decisions made by the regulatory authorities regarding lecanemab; uncertainty of success in the development and potential commercialization of lecanemab; failure to protect and enforce Biogen's data, intellectual property and other proprietary rights and uncertainties relating to intellectual property claims and challenges; product liability claims; and third party collaboration risks, results of operations and financial condition. The foregoing sets forth many, but not all, of the factors that could cause actual results to differ from Biogen's expectations in any forward-looking statement. Investors should consider this cautionary statement as well as the risk factors identified in Biogen's most recent annual or quarterly report and in other reports Biogen has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These statements speak only as of the date of this news release. Biogen does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements.




  1. Eisai presents full results of lecanemab Phase 3 confirmatory Clarity AD study for early Alzheimer's disease at Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) conference. Available at:
  2. van Dyck, H., et al. Lecanemab in Early Alzheimer's Disease. New England Journal of Medicine. 2023;388:9-21. .
  3. Qassem T., et al, Prevalence and economic burden of dementia in the Arab world. BJPsych Open. 2023 Jul; 9(4): e126.
  4. World Health Organization. Dementia Fact Sheet. March 2023. Available at: .
  5. Amin L, Harris DA. Aβ receptors specifically recognize molecular features displayed by fibril ends and neurotoxic oligomers. Nat Commun. 2021;12:3451. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23507-z
  6. Ono K, Tsuji M. Protofibrils of Amyloid-β are Important Targets of a Disease-Modifying Approach for Alzheimer's Disease. Int J Mol Sci. 2020;21(3):952. doi: 10.3390/ijms21030952. PMID: 32023927; PMCID: PMC7037706.
  1. 衛材在阿爾茨海默氏病臨床試驗(CTAD)會議上公佈了lecanemab針對早期阿爾茨海默氏病的3期確認性Clarity AD研究的全部結果。可在以下網址獲得:
  2. 範戴克,H.,等。早期阿爾茨海默氏病中的Lecanemab。新英格蘭醫學雜誌。2023;388:9-21。
  3. Qassem t. 等人,《阿拉伯世界癡呆症的患病率和經濟負擔》。bjpsych 公開賽。2023 年 7 月;9 (4):e126。
  4. 世界衛生組織。癡呆情況說明書。2023 年 3 月。可在以下網址獲得:。
  5. Amin L,Harris DA。Aβ 受體可特異性識別纖維末端和神經毒性低聚物所表現出的分子特徵。Nat Commun. 2021; 12:3451. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-23507-z
  6. Ono K、Tsuji M. β澱粉樣蛋白的原纖維是阿爾茨海默氏病的疾病改善方法的重要靶標。Int J Mol Sci. 2020; 21 (3): 952. doi: 10.3390/ijms21030952。PMID:32023927;PMCID:PMC7037706。
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