
ACA Marketing Celebrates Inclusion in the Inc. 5000 List as One of America's Fastest-Growing Companies Ranked 579th Nationwide and 46th in Advertising

ACA Marketing Celebrates Inclusion in the Inc. 5000 List as One of America's Fastest-Growing Companies Ranked 579th Nationwide and 46th in Advertising

PR Newswire ·  08/14 07:00

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ACA Marketing, a trailblazer in the advertising industry, proudly announces its inclusion in the prestigious Inc. 5000 list for 2024, securing the 579th spot nationwide, 46th in California, and 36th in Los Angeles. This recognition marks a significant achievement for the Latino-owned company, distinguishing it as one of the fastest-growing private companies in America.

ACA Marketing,作爲廣告行業的開拓者,自豪地宣佈其在2024年獲得了著名的Inc.5000榜單的入選,位列全國第579位,在加利福尼亞州排名第46,在洛杉磯排名第36。這一認可標誌着這家拉丁裔公司的重大成就,將其與美國最快增長的私人公司之一區分開來。

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ACA Marketing Celebrates Inclusion in the Inc. 5000 List as One of America's Fastest-Growing Companies

ACA Marketing慶祝獲得Inc.5000名單入選,成爲美國增長最快的公司之一

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Founded with a vision to revolutionize the advertising landscape, Latino and female-owned ACA Marketing has quickly become a leader in the industry, particularly by tapping into the explosive growth of Latin music and the dynamic world of digital outdoor advertising. The company's innovative strategies and deep understanding of diverse cultural markets have propelled its rapid growth and success both in the U.S. and globally.

以革新廣告行業爲願景的拉丁女性企業ACA Marketing在行業內迅速崛起,尤其是通過進入拉丁音樂的爆炸性增長和數字戶外廣告的動態世界。公司創新的策略和對多元文化市場的深入了解推動了其在美國和全球的迅速增長和成功。

"We are incredibly honored to be recognized by Inc. 5000," said Sean Valadez, ACA Marketing COO. "This milestone is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team, and it underscores the impact that Latino-owned businesses can have in driving the future of the advertising industry. We are excited to continue our journey of delivering unparalleled value to our clients and expanding our reach within the growing Latin music and digital advertising sectors."

ACA Marketing的首席運營官Sean Valadez表示:"我們非常榮幸能夠被Inc. 5000認可。這個里程碑是我們整個團隊辛勤工作和執着的證明,它強調了拉丁裔企業在推動廣告行業未來中所能發揮的影響力。我們很高興繼續我們的旅程,在不斷擴大我們在拉丁音樂和數字廣告領域的影響力的同時,爲我們的客戶提供無與倫比的價值。"

As the advertising industry evolves, ACA Marketing remains committed to pioneering new approaches that resonate with diverse audiences. The company's unique blend of cultural insight and cutting-edge technology has positioned it at the forefront of industry trends, making it a key player in the market.

隨着廣告行業的演變,ACA Marketing仍致力於開創能夠引起不同觀衆共鳴的新方式。該公司獨特的文化洞察力和前沿技術的結合將其定位在行業趨勢的前沿,使其成爲市場的關鍵參與者。

ACA Marketing's inclusion in the Inc. 5000 list highlights its impressive growth and serves as an inspiration to other minority-owned businesses striving to make their mark. With this achievement, ACA Marketing is set to continue its upward trajectory, shaping the future of advertising in the U.S. and beyond.

ACA Marketing在Inc.5000清單中的入選突顯了其的卓越增長,也爲其他旨在展示自我、追求卓越的少數族裔企業提供了樂觀榜樣。藉助這一成就,ACA Marketing將繼續其向上的發展軌跡,塑造美國乃至世界的廣告未來。

About ACA Marketing:
Founded in 1999 by veteran Latin music marketing pioneer Ayelet Corona, ACA Marketing connects brands with Latin artists and the rapidly growing Latino youth market, creating new opportunities in experiential marketing, sponsorships, concert promotion, and guerrilla marketing. Since joining the company in 2007, COO Sean Valadez has expanded its services to focus on national and international out-of-home (OOH) advertising, growing its offerings across Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. ACA Marketing's clients include Warner Music Latina, Universal Music Latin Entertainment, Sony Music Latin, Virgin Music Latin, Live Nation, and FonoVisa. For more information, visit

關於ACA Marketing:
ACA Marketing由資深拉丁音樂市場營銷先驅Ayelet Corona於1999年創立,將品牌與拉丁藝人和快速增長的拉丁裔青年市場聯繫起來,開創了體驗營銷、贊助、音樂會促銷和遊擊市場營銷等方面的新機遇。自2007年加入公司以來,首席運營官Sean Valadez擴大了其服務範圍,專注於國內外戶外廣告,將其業務推廣到歐洲、亞洲、非洲和大洋洲。ACA Marketing的客戶包括華納音樂拉丁、環球音樂拉丁娛樂、索尼音樂拉丁、維京音樂拉丁、現場音樂和FonoVisa。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

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