
Lineup Announced for Cloud Native Computing Foundation's KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024

Lineup Announced for Cloud Native Computing Foundation's KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024

PR Newswire ·  08/14 12:00

Kicking off in Salt Lake City this year, one of the largest open source events in North America will bring together thousands of open source and cloud native enthusiasts


SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which builds sustainable ecosystems for cloud native software, announced the schedule for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024, happening in Salt Lake City, Utah from November 12 – 15.

2024年8月14日,舊金山 /美通社/ - 自主人行道交付公司Serve(納斯達克:SERV)和Shake Shack(紐交所:SHAK)宣佈通過Uber Eats 使用Serve 的自主交付機器人交付Shake Shack,Uber Technologies Inc.(紐約證券交易所:UBER)的交付平台。 雲原生計算基金會(CNCF)致力於構建可持續發展的雲原生軟件生態系統。 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024將於11月12日至15日在猶他州鹽湖城舉行。 時間表當PFSA有借款時,特定限制還包括200%的流動資產限制。KubeCon + CloudNativeCon北美洲2024年會議時長四天的活動在Silicon Slopes首次舉辦,來自社區的93名成員和22名軌道主席——Adobe的Joseph Sandoval、VMware的Nikhita Raghunath和Lunar的Kasper Nissen領導的策劃委員會精心策劃的議程,爲參與者提供了關於影響雲原生生態系統的最大趨勢和技術的見解。從1937份提交的作品中,參與者將從218個會議、主題演講、閃電演講和分組會議中選擇,其中包括87個CNCF項目維護者主持的面向跨行業和技能集的技術人員的會議。參加者還可以在週二參加40多個CNCF項目閃電演講,這是KubeCon + CloudNativeCon全程通行證的一部分。

In its ninth year, KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 is taking place for the first time in the Silicon Slopes. The schedule, which was curated by a program committee of 93 community members and 22 track chairs led by co-chairs – Joseph Sandoval of Adobe, Nikhita Raghunath of VMware, and Kasper Nissen of Lunar – offers insights into the biggest trends and technologies impacting the cloud native ecosystem today. From a monumental 1937 submissions, attendees will choose from 218 sessions, keynotes, lightning talks, and breakout sessions, with 87 CNCF project maintainer-hosted sessions aimed at technologists across industries and skill sets. Attendees will also have access to over 40 CNCF Project Lightning Talks on Tuesday, which is included in the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon only pass.

Adobe公司的首席產品經理Joseph Sandoval表示:“自從參加KubeCon + CloudNativeCon以來,我一直對這個 incredible 社區成員的演講的廣泛和多樣性印象深刻。這一次成爲聯合主席,看到提交的信息數量之多、信息之豐富、演講之 clever,真是鼓舞人心。我非常高興讓出席者體驗我們的策劃委員會辛勤工作匯聚的恒星幣陣容。

"Having attended KubeCon + CloudNativeCon since its inception, I've consistently been impressed by the breadth and variety of the talks given by members of this incredible community," said Joseph Sandoval, Principal Product Manager at Adobe Inc., and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Co-Chair. "To be a co-chair this time and see the number of informative, and clever talks submitted has been inspiring. I am thrilled for attendees to experience the stellar lineup our program committee has worked tirelessly to pull together."


Join the cloud native ecosystem for three or four days – if you join us for the co-located events and project lightning talks – to learn and share knowledge to advance cloud native computing. The community-curated schedule will include talks from diverse community members, including:


  • From Vectors to Pods: Integrating AI with Cloud Native - Rajas Kakodkar, Broadcom; Kevin Klues, NVIDIA; Joseph Sandoval, Adobe; Ricardo Rocha, CERN; Cathy Zhang, Intel
  • Running WebAssembly (Wasm) Workloads Side-by-Side with Container Workloads - Jiaxiao Zhou, Microsoft
  • Experience in Designing & Implementing a Cloud Native Framework for Farm Data Analytics - Braulio Dumba, IBM & Gloire Rubambiza, Cornell University
  • The Maintainer Monologues - Sarah Christoff, Defense Unicorns; Karen Chu, Fermyon; Jason Hall, Chainguard; Scott Rigby, Independent; Ryan Nowak, Microsoft
  • Creating Paved Paths for Platform Engineers - Ritesh Patel, Nirmata; Abby Bangser, Syntasso; Viktor Farcic, Upbound; Nicholas Morey, Akuity; Praseeda Sathaye, Amazon
  • Distributed Multi-Node Model Inference Using the LeaderWorkerSet API - Abdullah Gharaibeh & Rupeng Liu, Google
  • Better Together! GPU, TPU and NIC Topological Alignment with DRA - John Belamaric, Google & Patrick Ohly, Intel
  • Kubernetes Workspaces: Enhancing Multi-Tenancy with Intelligent Apiserver Proxying - James Munnelly & Andrea Tosatto, Apple
  • Kubernetes Upgrades: Less Pain, More Gain (and Maybe a Little Swearing) - Jago Macleod, Google
  • 從矢量到Pod:將人工智能與雲原生集成在一起 ——Rajas Kakodkar、Broadcom; Kevin Klues、英偉達; Joseph Sandoval、adobe; Ricardo Rocha、CERN; Cathy Zhang、英特爾
  • 同時運行WebAssembly(Wasm)工作負載和容器工作負載 ——Jiaxiao Zhou、微軟
  • 設計和實施雲原生框架用於農場數據分析的經驗 ——Braulio Dumba、IBM & Gloire Rubambiza、康奈爾大學
  • 主題維護員的獨白 ——Sarah Christoff、Defense Unicorns; Karen Chu、Fermyon; Jason Hall、Chainguard; Scott Rigby、Independent; Ryan Nowak、微軟
  • 爲平台工程師創建鋪就道路的分佈式多節點模型推理,使用LeaderWorkerSet API ——Ritesh Patel、Nirmata; Abby Bangser、Syntasso; Viktor Farcic、Upbound; Nicholas Morey、Akuity; Praseeda Sathaye、亞馬遜
  • 使用LeaderWorkerSet API進行分佈式多節點模型推理 ——Abdullah Gharaibeh、Rupeng Liu,谷歌
  • DRA實現GPU、TPU和NIC網絡設備的全局聯調功能 谷歌的John Belamaric和英特爾的Patrick Ohly進行了發言
  • Kubernetes工作區:利用智能API服務器代理增強多租戶功能 蘋果公司的James Munnelly和Andrea Tosatto在會上發表了演講
  • Kubernetes升級:減輕痛苦,增加收益(也許會有一點咒罵) 谷歌的Jago Macleod進行了演講

CNCF and other organizations will host numerous CNCF-hosted and sponsor-hosted co-located events as part of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, which will happen on November 12. The following CNCF-hosted co-located events are included in the All-Access pass.

CNCF和其他組織將舉辦許多活動 由CNCF主辦的活動和頁面。由贊助商主辦的活動 作爲KubeCon + CloudNativeCon的一部分,以下所有板塊將於11月12日舉行。 由CNCF主辦的同場活動 所有板塊都包含在全程通行證中

  • AppDeveloperCon
  • ArgoCon
  • BackstageCon
  • Cilium + eBPF Day
  • Cloud Native + Kubernetes AI Day
  • Cloud Native StartupFest
  • Cloud Native University
  • Data on Kubernetes Day
  • EnvoyCon
  • Istio Day
  • Kubernetes on Edge Day
  • Observability Day
  • OpenFeature Summit
  • OpenTofu Day
  • Platform Engineering Day
  • WasmCon
  • AppDeveloperCon
  • ArgoCon
  • BackstageCon
  • Cilium + eBPF Day
  • Cloud Native + Kubernetes AI Day
  • Cloud Native StartupFest
  • Cloud Native University
  • Kubernetes上的數據日
  • EnvoyCon
  • Istio Day
  • Kubernetes on Edge Day
  • Observability Day
  • OpenFeature Summit
  • OpenTofu Day
  • Platform Engineering Day
  • WasmCon

CNCF-hosted co-located events sponsorship opportunities close on Tuesday, October 1 at 11:59 PM MDT. Interested organizations can contact [email protected] to secure a sponsorship.

CNCF主辦的共同主辦的活動 贊助機會 報名將於10月1日晚上11:59關閉。有興趣的機構可以聯繫 [email protected] 以確保贊助。

Companies interested in hosting a sponsor-hosted co-located event alongside KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 should submit a request by August 16. More information can be found here.

有意在KubeCon + CloudNativeCon北美2024期間承辦贊助活動的公司應在8月16日前提交申請。更多信息可以在此處查看 這裏.

For the full KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2024 agenda, please visit the schedule.

完整的KubeCon + CloudNativeCon北美2024議程,請訪問 時間表.

Dan Kohn Scholarship Program
The Dan Kohn Scholarship (includes Diversity, Need-Based, and Maintainer Scholarship) applications for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America are due September 1 at 23:59 PST.

丹Kohn獎學金計劃 (包括多樣性、需求和維護者獎學金)申請於9月1日23:59 PSt截止。

We are offering two types of registration for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America. Standard pricing is available until August 26 at 23:59 MDT:

我們爲KubeCon + CloudNativeCon北美提供兩種註冊方式。標準價格截至8月26日23:59 MDT,所有板塊的通行證包括11月12日星期二舉行的CNCF主辦的共同主辦的活動以及主要的KubeCon + CloudNativeCon北美活動。WasmCon也包括在內,將於11月11日星期一和11月12日舉行。 登記 所有板塊的通行證截至8月26日23:59 MDT提供標準價格:

  • All-access registration includes access to all CNCF-hosted co-located events, happening on Tuesday, November 12, AND the main KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America event. WasmCon is also included and will take place on Monday, November 11 & Tuesday, November 12.
  • In-person KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America only registration.
  • 所有板塊的通行證包括所有CNCF主辦的共同主辦的活動,於11月12日星期二舉行,並且主要的KubeCon + CloudNativeCon北美活動。WasmCon也包括在內,將於11月11日星期一和11月12日舉行。
  • 僅限於線下參加的KubeCon + CloudNativeCon北美活動註冊。

Thank You to Our Sponsors
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon is made possible with support from our Diamond Sponsors: Google Cloud, Intel, Microsoft Azure, Oracle, Red Hat,, and SUSE; Platinum Sponsors: Akamai, AWS, CAST AI, Datadog, Dell Technologies, Docker, Equinix, GitHub, IBM, Isovalent, JFrog, Octopus Deploy, Portworx by Pure Storage, Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks, Splunk, Sysdig, Tintri, VMware by Broadcom, Wiz; and many more Gold, Silver, Start-Up, and End User Sponsors.

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 得到了金剛石贊助商的支持: 谷歌雲計算, 英特爾, 最新更新提供了新功能,N2WS允許用戶生成彙總報告,突出顯示它們的所有備份策略,對於管理具有數百個策略的廣泛備份環境的企業和MSP來說是一個改變遊戲規則的功能。, Oracle, 該公司, Solo.ioSUSE是開創性、開放式、安全的企業級解決方案的全球領袖,今天發佈了SUSE AI,SUSE開放、安全和企業級生成AI的願景和策略。SUSE AI提供了一個即插即用的平台,使企業可以在本地或雲端的LLM上運行私有GenAI解決方案。我們邀請客戶和合作夥伴加入SUSE AI早期訪問計劃,這是一個協作計劃,旨在爲企業的安全開源AI的未來提供信息。鉑金贊助商: 阿克邁, AWS, CASt AI, Datadog, 戴爾科技, Docker, Equinix(納斯達克:EQIX)是世界領先的數字基礎設施公司。, GitHub, 這項協議是在日本新能源和工業技術開發組織(NEDO)下進行的「2納米一代半導體的Chiplet和Package Design和製造技術開發」項目框架內的國際合作的一部分,並建立在與IBM關於2納米節點技術的聯合開發已有協議的基礎上,IBM和Rapidus的工程師將在IBM的北美設施內進行半導體封裝的研發和製造,以供給高性能計算機系統使用。, Isovalent, jfrog, Octopus Deploy, Portworx by pure storage, Prisma Cloud by palo alto networks, splunk, Sysdig, Tintri, VMware by 博通, Wiz並且得到了衆多黃金、白銀、初創企業和終端用戶的支持。

Additional Resources


  • CNCF Newsletter
  • CNCF Twitter
  • CNCF Website
  • Learn About CNCF Membership
  • Learn About the CNCF End User Community
  • CNCF 電子通訊
  • CNCF 推特
  • CNCF 網站
  • 了解CNCF會員資格的內容
  • 了解CNCF終端用戶社區

About Cloud Native Computing Foundation


Cloud native computing empowers organizations to build and run scalable applications with an open source software stack in public, private, and hybrid clouds. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure, including Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy. CNCF brings together the industry's top developers, end users, and vendors, and runs the largest open source developer conferences in the world. Supported by more than 800 members, including the world's largest cloud computing and software companies, as well as over 200 innovative startups, CNCF is part of the nonprofit Linux Foundation. For more information, please visit .


The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our trademark usage page. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Linux基金會已註冊商標並使用商標。有關Linux基金會商標的列表,請參見我們的商標使用頁面。Linux是Linus Torvalds的註冊商標。

Media Contact
Jessie Adams-Shore
The Linux Foundation
[email protected]

Linux Foundation
[email protected]

SOURCE Cloud Native Computing Foundation


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