
Ranhill 2Q Profit Halved To RM6 Million From Lower Contribution From Units

Ranhill 2Q Profit Halved To RM6 Million From Lower Contribution From Units

Business Today ·  08/14 09:21

Ranhill Utilities Berhad releasd its financial results for the second quarter ended 30 June 2024 reporting a revenue of RM561.4 million contributing to a year-to-date revenue of RM1.1 billion in 1HFY24.

Ranhill Utilities Berhad公佈2024年6月30日結束的第二季度業績,營業收入爲561.4百萬馬幣,爲2024年上半年累計營業收入110億馬幣做出貢獻。

This represents a decrease from RM593.7 million and RM1,113.7 million recorded in the corresponding quarter and year-to-date period in 2023. The profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent for Q2FY24 stood at RM6.5 million, with a cumulative profit of RM16.9 million for 1HFY24. This is a decline as compared to RM12.1 million for Q2FY23 and RM23.2 million for 1HFY23.


The decrease in revenue for the quarter it said was primarily driven by lower revenue recognition on the Bidor Solar project amounting to RM53.2 million and reduced revenue by Ranhill Worley Sdn Bhd of RM18.9 million. However, it noted this was partially offset by a revenue increase of RM43.9 million recorded by Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd. The decrease in PAT of the quarter is mainly due to an RM8.0 million reversal of profits previously recognised in connection with Ranhill Worley's detailed design engineering services for the P-82 floating production, storage, and offloading vessel for a Brazilian oil & gas producer.

季度營業收入下降主要是由於Bidor Solar項目營收減少,共計532百萬馬幣,以及Ranhill Worley Sdn Bhd減少營收1.89億馬幣。然而,它指出,Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd錄得了4.39億馬幣的營收增長,部分抵消了這些負面影響。季度PAt下降主要是由於面向巴西石油和天然氣生產商的P-82浮式生產、儲存和卸油設施的Ranhill Worley詳細設計工程服務先前確認的利潤逆轉800萬馬幣。

Segmentally, the Water segment contributed the most to the Group's revenue, recording a revenue of RM664.9 million in 1HFY24, an increase of 12.4% compared to RM591.3 million in 1HFY23, driven by higher recognition of water revenue contributed by RanhillSAJ. However, PAT for this segment decreased slightly to RM68.1 million from RM69.7 million in the preceding corresponding period, due to higher amortization on services concession assets by RanhillSAJ. The Power segment posted a revenue of RM126.3 million in 1HFY24, a decrease of 4.8% from RM132.6 million in the preceding corresponding period, mainly due to lower recognition of capacity payments and derecognition of revenue related to failure dispatch incidents by Ranhill Sabah Energy II. Consequently, PAT for this segment fell to RM27.0 million from RM30.6 million in the preceding corresponding period.

分部門而言,水務部門對集團營業收入的貢獻最大,2024年上半年的營業收入爲664.9百萬馬幣,較2023年上半年的591.3百萬馬幣增長了12.4%,主要是由於RanhillSAJ貢獻的水收入認定增加。然而,該部門Q2FY24的PAt略有下降,從上一對應期的697百萬馬幣下降至681百萬馬幣,這是由於RanhillSAJ的服務特許權資產上攤費用增加。電力部門在上半年錄得1.263億馬幣營收,較上一對應期的1.326億馬幣下降了4.8%,主要是由於Sabah Energy II的容量支付減少和與失利調度相關的營收取消。因此,此部門的PAt從上一對應期的306百萬馬幣下降至270百萬馬幣。

The Consultancy and Services segment saw a decline in revenue of 14.7% to RM332.6 million from RM389.8 million in 1HFY23, largely due to lower revenue from Ranhill Bersekutu Sdn Bhd ("RBSB") as the construction phase of the EPCC project in Bidor concluded. This segment's PAT also decreased to RM17.4 million from RM22.3 million, impacted by estimated losses on project P82, which were partially offset by foreign exchange gains at Ranhill Worley.

諮詢與服務部門的營業收入從2023年的3.8998億馬幣下降了14.7%至3.326億馬幣,這主要是由於Bidor的EPCC項目建設階段結束後,Ranhill Bersekutu Sdn Bhd的營收下降。此部門PAt也從上一對應期的223百萬馬幣下降至174百萬馬幣,這受到項目P82估計虧損的影響,但部分被Ranhill Worley的外匯收益抵消。

Looking ahead, the Group said it remains optimistic about the prospects in its Water, Power, and Consultancy and Services segments. In the Water segment, local demand is expected to grow in Johor, spurred by various economic projects and a recent tariff hike. Internationally, Ranhill is exploring expansion opportunities in China and Thailand, and has resubmitted feasibility studies for a significant water project in Indonesia.


Despite the challenges faced in 1HFY24, the group said it remains focused on delivering sustainable growth and creating value for its shareholders. The Group's diversified portfolio and strategic initiatives across its core segments are expected to drive future growth.


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