
Evome Medical Technologies Reviews Highlights of Low-CapEx Revenue Growth Plan

Evome Medical Technologies Reviews Highlights of Low-CapEx Revenue Growth Plan

GlobeNewswire ·  08/15 07:30

Posts updated corporate presentation to website


Reminder: Conference call to be held on August 19th to discuss Q2 2024 financial results


SHIRLEY, N.Y., Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evome Medical Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "Evome") (TSXV: EVMT) highlights its low-CapEx plan for growing revenue in an updated corporate presentation now available at .

紐約州Shirley,2024年8月15日(全球新聞發佈)- Evome Medical Technologies Inc.(以下簡稱「公司」或「Evome」)(TSXV:EVMT)在最新的企業介紹文稿中強調了其低資本支出計劃以增加營業收入。詳細內容請查看

The presentation, to be used during investor meetings planned for next month in New York, Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto, highlights recent progress to stabilize the business and generate consistent positive Adjusted EBITDA1, as well as a fresh growth strategy based on leveraging the Biodex brand of its core business, Biodex Medical Systems, Inc. ("Biodex"), and its more than 15,000 customers served over the past 30 years. The revenue strategy features expanding the product portfolio with the addition of novel products, largely sourced from single-product companies that are privately owned and undercapitalized, and are suffering from limited distribution, both domestically and internationally.

該介紹文稿將在下個月在紐約,溫哥華,蒙特利爾和多倫多的投資者會議中使用,重點介紹了穩定業務和產生持續積極調整後的息稅折舊和攤銷前利潤(Adjusted EBITDA1)的最新進展,以及基於利用其核心業務Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.(「Biodex」)及其過去30年服務的超過15,000名客戶進行的全新增長策略。該營收策略重點擴大產品組合,通過增加來自單一產品公司的新產品來實現,這些公司屬於私人所有並資本化不足,並因受到國內外限制分銷的影響而遭受困境。

Growth Plan Highlights


  • Focus on Core Expertise: Prioritize clinical devices, therapeutic modalities and digital applications that complement Biodex's strengths in orthopedic, neurologic and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.
  • Global Distribution Network: Utilize Biodex's extensive network of 52 distributors reaching more than 70 countries to maximize market reach and penetration.
  • Brand Leverage: Capitalize on the Biodex brand, widely recognized as a leader in isokinetic physical therapy, to drive brand trust and product sales.
  • Strategic Acquisitions: Aim to acquire or license one new product per quarter, beginning in Q4 of this year.
  • 專注核心專業知識:優先考慮臨床設備、治療模式和數字應用,以補充Biodex在矯形、神經學和心肺康復方面的優勢。
  • 全球分銷網絡:利用Biodex的51名經銷商分佈在70多個國家,以最大限度地擴大市場覆蓋面和滲透率。
  • 品牌槓桿效應:利用Biodex品牌的知名度,將其視爲同濟大學等物理治療方面的領導者,以推動品牌信任和產品銷售。
  • 戰略收購:旨在從今年第四季度開始,每季度收購或授權一個新產品。

"The Biodex brand and its large customer database are the keys to our success and future growth," said Mike Seckler, CEO. "Our customers demand new and novel devices and services, and they trust our brand and value their long-standing relationships with us. As such, we are well-positioned to make other products available to expand their clinical offering and keep them competitive. At the same time, there are hundreds of small, private companies who are selling a single product with limited U.S. distribution and no international reach. By acquiring or licensing these products, we can brand them as Biodex and make them available to our customers worldwide."

首席執行官邁克·西克勒(Mike Seckler)說:「Biodex品牌和其龐大的客戶數據庫是我們成功和未來增長的關鍵。我們的客戶需要新的新穎設備和服務,他們信任我們的品牌並重視他們與我們的長期關係。因此,我們有條件使其他產品可用以擴大他們的臨床服務,並使他們更具競爭力。同時,有成百上千的小型私人公司在銷售單一產品,且美國分銷和國際擴展有限。通過收購或獲得這些產品的許可,我們可以將它們打造成Biodex品牌,並將它們提供給我們的全球客戶。」

"From a financial perspective, our plan is based on using very limited capital thereby reducing our need for debt or equity financing to grow revenue," he added. "Our plan is to leverage existing relationships and invest in sales and marketing, rather than pursue capital-intensive product development."


Prior to joining Evome, Mr. Seckler served as VP of Global Marketing at Ferring Pharmaceuticals, a multibillion-dollar company, where he led revenue growth and international distribution and was responsible for evaluating potential mergers, acquisitions and business development initiatives.


Conference Call


As a reminder, the Company will hold a conference call on Monday, August 19, 2024, at 2:00 PM Eastern time (11:00 AM Pacific time). The call will be hosted by Mike Seckler, CEO, and Gordon Bean, CFO. Please register via the link below to attend.

提醒:公司將於2024年8月19日星期一美國東部時間下午2:00(太平洋時間上午11:00)召開電話會議。該會議由首席執行官Mike Seckler和首席財務官Gordon Bean主持。請通過下面的鏈接註冊參加。

Date: Monday, August 19, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern time (11:00 AM Pacific time)
Link for attendees to register:


About Evome


Evome Medical Technologies Inc. (TSXV: EVMT) specializes in human performance and rehabilitative solutions achieved through strategic acquisitions and leveraging the intellectual properties of specialized companies under its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Evome's goal is to create a large, broad-based medical device company with global reach. For more information visit .

Evome Medical Technologies Incorporated(TSXV:EVMT)專注於通過戰略收購和利用其全資子公司的專業公司的知識產權實現人類表現和恢復性解決方案。Evome的目標是創建一個具有全球影響力的大型廣泛醫療設備公司。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Biodex is a leader in innovative rehabilitation solutions, recognized for its advanced product line serving orthopedic, sports medicine and neurorehabilitation needs. Renowned for its precision and durability, Biodex offers advanced equipment such as balance and mobility systems, isokinetic testing devices and comprehensive upper extremity rehabilitation tools. With a presence in over 70 countries and partnerships with 52 distributors, Biodex continues to drive advancements in patient care through a strong commitment to research, education and technology integration.


For Additional Information:


Mike Seckler ‎
Chief Executive Officer‎

Mike Seckler

For Media and Investor Relations:


Alyssa Barry
Principal and Co-Founder
1 (833) 947-5227

Alyssa Barry

Additional Information


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the ‎policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this ‎release.‎

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(以下稱爲TSX Venture Exchange政策定義的那個術語)對本發佈內容的充分性或準確性不承擔任何責任。

There can be no assurance that any acquisitions (including the proposed acquisitions disclosed herein) ‎will be completed or the sale price or timing of any acquisition. Completion of any transaction will be ‎subject to, amongst other things, negotiation and execution of definitive agreements, and applicable ‎director, shareholder and regulatory approvals.‎


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expects" "believes", "estimates", "may", "would", "could", ‎‎"should", "potential", ‎‎‎‎‎"will", "seek", "intend", "plan", and "anticipate", and similar expressions as they relate ‎‎‎‎to the Company, including the entirety of the Company's growth plan and its potential results. All ‎statements ‎other than statements of ‎historical fact may be forward-looking‎ information. Such statements reflect the Company's current views and intentions with respect to future ‎events, and current information available to the Company, and are subject to certain risks, ‎uncertainties and assumptions, including: the Company successfully identifying sellers and negotiating and closing transactions in an effort to acquire or license products at a certain pace per quarter. The Company cautions that the forward-looking statements contained herein are qualified by important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected by such statements. Such factors include but are not limited to the ‎‎general business and ‎‎economic ‎conditions in the regions in ‎which the Company operates; the ability of the Company to execute on key ‎‎priorities, ‎including the successful completion of acquisitions, business‎ retention, and‎‎ strategic plans and to‎‎ attract, develop ‎and retain key executives; difficulty integrating newly acquired businesses; ‎‎ongoing or new disruptions in the supply chain, the extent and scope of such supply chain disruptions, and the timing or extent of the resolution or improvement of such disruptions; the ability to‎‎‎ implement business strategies and pursue business opportunities; ‎‎disruptions in or attacks (including ‎cyber-attacks) on the Company's information technology, internet, network access or other ‎‎voice or data ‎communications systems or services; the evolution of various types of fraud or other ‎‎‎criminal behavior to which ‎ the Company is exposed; the failure of third parties to comply with their obligations to ‎‎ the Company or its ‎affiliates; the‎ impact of new and changes to, or application of, current laws and regulations; ‎granting of permits and licenses in a highly regulated business; the ‎overall difficult ‎‎‎‎‎litigation environment, including in the United States; increased competition; changes in foreign currency rates; ‎increased ‎‎‎‎funding ‎costs and market volatility due to market illiquidity and competition for funding; the ‎availability of funds ‎‎‎‎and resources to pursue operations; critical ‎accounting estimates and changes to accounting standards, policies,‎‎‎‎ and methods used by the Company; the occurrence of natural and unnatural‎‎ catastrophic ‎events ‎and claims ‎‎‎‎resulting from such events; as well as those risk factors discussed or ‎referred to ‎in the ‎Company's disclosure ‎documents filed with United States Securities and Exchange Commission ‎and ‎available at ‎, and with ‎the securities regulatory authorities in certain provinces of Canada and ‎‎available at ‎. Should any ‎factor affect the Company in an unexpected manner, or should ‎‎assumptions underlying ‎the forward-looking ‎information prove incorrect, the actual results or events may differ ‎‎materially from the results ‎or events predicted. ‎Any such forward-looking information is expressly qualified in its ‎‎entirety by this cautionary ‎statement. Moreover, ‎the Company does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or ‎‎completeness of such ‎forward-looking ‎information. The forward-looking information included in this press release ‎‎is made as of the ‎date of this press ‎release and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise ‎‎any forward-‎looking information, ‎other than as required by applicable law‎.


This press release refers to "Adjusted EBITDA" which is a non-GAAP and non-IFRS financial ‎measure ‎that does ‎not have a standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP or IFRS. The ‎Company's presentation ‎of this financial ‎measure may not be comparable to similarly titled ‎measures used by other ‎companies. This non-GAAP financial measure assists the Company's ‎management in comparing its ‎operating performance over time because certain items may ‎obscure underlying business trends and ‎make comparisons of long-term performance difficult, ‎as they are of a nature and/or size that occur ‎with inconsistent frequency or relate to discrete ‎acquisition plans that are fundamentally different ‎from the ongoing operating plans of the ‎Company. The Company's management also believes that ‎presenting this measure allows ‎investors to view the Company's performance using the same ‎measures that the Company ‎uses in evaluating its financial and business performance and trends.‎ "Adjusted EBITDA" is defined as net loss excluding interest expense, provision for income ‎taxes, ‎depreciation of property and equipment, amortization of right-of-use asset, amortization ‎of intangible ‎asset, foreign exchange (loss) gain, other income, provision for impairment, ‎change in fair value of ‎contingent consideration, transaction costs, gain/loss on sale of business and stock-based ‎‎compensation.‎

本新聞稿提到的「調整後的EBITDA」是一項非GAAP和非IFRS財務指標,不具有GAAP或IFRS規定的標準意義。公司介紹的這個財務衡量標準可能與其他公司使用的同類指標不可比較。此非GAAP財務指標可幫助公司管理層比較公司的經營績效,因爲某些項目可能會掩蓋基本業務趨勢,使得長期績效的比較困難,因爲這些項目的性質和/或規模具有不一致的頻率或與基本的不同收購計劃直接相關的性質。公司管理層還認爲,提供此衡量標準允許投資者使用與公司用於評估其財務和業務績效及趨勢的相同衡量標準來看待公司的績效。 「調整後的EBITDA」定義爲淨虧損,不包括利息支出,所得稅賠付,固定資產折舊,經營租賃固定資產攤銷,無形資產攤銷,匯兌(損失)收益,其他收入,計提減值,應計負債的公允價值變動,交易成本,出售業務的收益/損失和股票補償。

1 Non-GAAP financial measure or ratio. See "Additional Information" below.‎

1. 非GAAP財務指標或比率,請參見下文「其他信息」。

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