
New Data From Fumed Silica Reactor Commissioning Shows Additional Significant Drop in Both Energy Use and Carbon Footprint

New Data From Fumed Silica Reactor Commissioning Shows Additional Significant Drop in Both Energy Use and Carbon Footprint

GlobeNewswire ·  08/15 07:30
  • Up to 92.0% less energy is required to produce fumed silica in one step compared to conventional industry processes
  • Up to 99.9% less CO2 emissions associated with the production process compared to conventional industry processes.
  • 與傳統行業流程相比,在一步中生產煙霧二氧化硅所需的能量可減少高達92.0%。
  • 與傳統行業流程相比,與生產過程相關的CO2排放量可減少高達99.9%。

MONTREAL, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HPQ Silicon Inc. ("HPQ" or the "Company") (TSX-V: HPQ, OTCQB: HPQFF, FRA: O08), a technology company specializing in the green engineering of silica and silicon-based materials is pleased to share new data from recent updated process modelization work. This work was accomplished by technology supplier PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (TSX: PYR, OTCQX: PYRGF, FRA: 8PY) ("PyroGenesis") during the ongoing commissioning of HPQ Silica Polvere Inc. ("HSPI") [1] Fumed Silica Reactor ("FSR") pilot plant.

2024年8月15日,蒙特利爾(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-HPQ納米硅和基於硅的材料技術公司(OTCQB: HPQFF,FRA:O08)很高興分享最新的工藝模擬數據。這項工作是由技術供應商PyroGenesis Canada Inc.(TSX:PYR,OTCQX:PYRGF,FRA:8PY)在HSPI Fumed Silica Reactor(「FSR」)試驗工廠正在進行投產期間完成的。 HPQ Silicon Inc.("HPQ"或"公司")TSX-V: tsxTSX:TSX,OTCQB:HPQFF,FRA:O08),一家專注於綠色化學工程硅和基於硅的材料技術的公司,很高興分享最新的工藝模型更新的數據。該工作是由技術供應商PyroGenesis Canada Inc.(TSX: PYR,OTCQX:PYRGF,FRA: 8PY)(「PyroGenesis」)在正在進行中的HPQ Silica Polvere Inc.(「HSPI」)[1] Fumed Silica Reactor(「FSR」)試驗廠的投產期間完成的。

The new data highlights the commercial and environmental impact advantages of the HSPI Fumed Silica project compared to conventional industry processes.


Reducing Energy Use and Carbon Footprint in Fumed Silica Production


Since the project's inception in July 2021, our working models have consistently been based on the estimate that producing 1 kg of fumed silica at commercial scale using the FSR would require between 10 and 15 kWh [2] of energy experimentally compared to 4-5 kWh theoretically based on the thermal model developed by PyroGenesis. This assumption has been the foundation of our internal technical and economic study, published on January 10th, 2024, which demonstrated the strong commercial potential of the FSR, as well as the update released on June 5th, 2024.

自2021年7月項目開始以來,我們的工作模型一直是基於產生1公斤的商業比例的煙霧二氧化硅需要10至15千瓦時[2] 的實驗室能量,相比之下,理論上的熱模型開發需要4-5千瓦時的能量。

As part of the current commissioning work, data collected from updates to the thermal model now indicate that the energy required to produce 1 kg of fumed silica at commercial scale of at least 1,000 TPY has been reduced to a range of 8 to 12 kWh [3]. This represents an additional 20% reduction in the energy requirements for the FSR project which is due to an optimized thermal efficiency of the process.


The updated model indicates that HSPI FSR technology requires 92% less energy when compared to conventional processes, which typically consume between 100 and 120 kWh per kg of fumed silica produced [4].

更新的模型顯示,與傳統流程相比,HSPI FSR技術所需的能量減少了92%,通常每生產一千克的煙霧二氧化硅需要消耗100至120千瓦時[4]。

The additional 20% reduction in energy requirements significantly enhances the environmental benefits of the FSR project. Since energy consumption and its associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions account for approximately 99% of the carbon footprint of FSR technology, this reduction is crucial. When factoring in the updated model data and considering that energy production in Quebec generates 1.7 grams of CO2 equivalent per kWh, the HPSI FSR technology should now emit only 0.0136 kg of CO2 per kg of fumed silica produced [5].

能源消耗及其相關的溫室氣體(GHG)排放佔FSR技術碳足跡約99%,因此這種降低至關重要。考慮到更新的模型數據和鑑於魁北克省的能源生產每產生一千瓦時產生1.7克CO2當量,因此HPSI FSR技術現在每生產一公斤的煙霧二氧化硅只需排放0.0136公斤CO2[5]。

This represents a potential reduction of up to 99.9% in the carbon footprint compared to conventional fumed silica production processes, which typically produce between 8 to 17 kg of CO2 per kg of fumed silica produced. [4]


"In mature industries like fumed silica production, improvements are typically incremental and modest in scale," said Bernard Tourillon, President & CEO of HPQ Silicon and HPQ Silicon Polvere. "However, with the introduction of our FSR technology, we are poised to disrupt the market by enhancing efficiency and reducing costs, potentially altering the competitive landscape for fumed silica manufacturing."

HPQ Silicon和HPQ Silicon Polvere的總裁兼首席執行官Bernard Tourillon表示:「在成熟的行業中,如煙霧二氧化硅生產,改進通常是逐漸的和規模比較溫和的。然而,隨着我們的FSR技術的引入,我們有可能通過提高效率和降低成本來顛覆市場,從而可能改變煙霧二氧化硅製造的競爭格局。」

Understanding the significant CO2 Reduction Potential of HSPI FSR in Key Markets

了解HSPI FSR在主要市場中的CO2減排潛力。

With an annual consumption of approximately 24,000 tonnes of fumed silica in Canada [6], adopting the HSPI FSR process could result in significant reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 191,500 to 379,000 tonnes per year [7]. Similarly, in European countries, where 92,000 tonnes are consumed yearly [6], this process could cut emissions by approximately 734,000 to 1,453,600 tonnes annually [8].

加拿大每年約消耗24,000噸煙霧二氧化硅[6],採用HSPI FSR工藝可能導致CO2排放量約爲191,500至379,000噸/年[7]的大幅減少。同樣,在歐洲國家每年約消耗92,000噸兩氧化硅[6],該工藝可每年將排放降低約734,000至1,453,600噸[8],相當於每年從路上移走大約45,477至345,817輛汽車[9]。

This is equivalent to removing between approximately 45,477 to 345,817 cars from the road annually [9].


Updated Table Highlighting HSPI Disruptive Advantages


"The transformative potential of our FSR technology, with its ability to dramatically reduce energy consumption and emissions, is strong," added Mr. Tourillon. "However, we believe that its impact will be more truly recognized once the pilot plant starts producing fumed silica materials, setting a new standard for sustainability in the industry."




[1] A wholly owned subsidiary of HPQ Silicon Inc. when technology supplier PyroGenesis announced its intention to exercise its option to acquire a 50% stake in HSPI in May 2024.
[2] Preliminary energy consumption estimate made by PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (January 2024)
[3] Updated energy consumption estimate made by PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (August 2024)
[4] Frischknecht, Rolf, et al. "Life cycle inventories and life cycle assessment of photovoltaic systems." International Energy Agency (IEA) PVPS Task 12 (2020).
[5] The 0.0136 Kg eq of CO2 per Kg of Fumed Silica was calculated using Government of Canada data that indicate that in Quebec on average 1.7 g of CO2 are generated eq per KWh. and multiplying that number by 8.
[6] Sales data per regions from MarketsandMarkets 2017 "fumed silica market – global forecast to 2022".
[7] The 191,500 number is derived by X 24,000 @ (8-0.0136) while the number 379,000 is derived by X 24,000 @ (17-1.2).
[8] The 734,000 number is derived by X 92,000 @ (8-0.0136) while the number 1,453,600 is derived by X 92,000 @ (17-1.2).
[9] USA EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator
[10] The 1 Kg eq of CO2 per Kg of Fumed Silica was calculated using Government of Canada data that indicate that in Canada on average 100 g of CO2 are generated eq per KWh., and multiplying that number by 10
[11] The 2.5 Kg eq of CO2 per Kg of Fumed Silica was calculated using Government of Canada data that indicate that in the rest of Canada, 150 g of CO2 are generated eq per KWh., and multiplying that number by 15
[12] The 0.0204 Kg eq of CO2 per Kg of Fumed Silica was calculated using Government of Canada data that indicate that in Quebec on average 1.7 g of CO2 are generated eq per KWh., and multiplying that number by 12.
[13] Government of Canada
[14] The Wall Street Journal article, April 18, 2023, "World's First Carbon Import Tax Approved by EU Lawmakers"
[15] Cai, H., Wang, X., Kelly, J. C., & Wang, M. (2021). Building Life-Cycle Analysis with the GREET Building Module: Methodology, Data, and Case Studies (No. ANL/ESD-21/13). Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (USA).
[16] Average EBITDA margins of 20% are derived from two sources, with Link #1 leading to Source #1 and Link #2 leading to Source #2 (Specialty Additives division).
[17] Management has calculated the EBITDA margins for the Fumed Silica Reactor (FSR) based on data derived from third party sources and publicly available information. These figures will be updated upon completion of the pilot testing phase. The 16% range in HSPI EBITDA margins considers estimated selling prices of the material produced and estimated costs (worst case and best case) associated with producing a Kg of Fumed Silica with the FSR
[1] 在科技供應商PyroGenesis宣佈有意收購HSPI50%股權時,它是HPQ Silicon Inc.的全資子公司。
[2] PyroGenesis Canada Inc.(2024年1月)提出的初步能源消耗估計。
[3] PyroGenesis Canada Inc.(2024年8月)更新的能源消耗估計。
n。 Frischknecht,Rolf等人。 2020年國際能源署(IEA)PVPS 12號任務的光伏系統生命週期清單和生命週期評估。
[5] 使用加拿大政府的數據計算出每千克煙霧二氧化硅對等的0.0136千克二氧化碳排放。數據顯示魁北克每千瓦時平均排放1.7克二氧化碳,將這個數字乘以8。
[6] MarketsandMarkets 2017 年的區域銷售數據燃料幣市場 - 全球預測到2022年".
[7] 191,500這個數字是乘以24,000 @ (8-0.0136)而來,而數字379,000則是乘以24,000 @ (17-1.2)而來。
[8] 734,000這個數字是乘以92,000 @ (8-0.0136)而來,而數字1,453,600則是乘以92,000 @ (17-1.2)而來。
[9] 美國環境保護署溫室氣體當量計算器
[10] 使用加拿大政府的數據計算出每千克煙霧二氧化硅對等的1千克二氧化碳排放。數據顯示加拿大平均每千瓦時排放100克二氧化碳,將這個數字乘以10。
[11] 使用加拿大政府的數據計算出每千克煙霧二氧化硅對等的2.5千克二氧化碳排放。數據顯示在加拿大其他地區,平均每千瓦時排放150克二氧化碳,將這個數字乘以15。
[12] 使用加拿大政府的數據計算出每千克煙霧二氧化硅對等的0.0204千克二氧化碳排放。數據顯示魁北克每千瓦時平均排放1.7克二氧化碳,將這個數字乘以12。
[13] 加拿大政府
[14] 2023年4月18日《華爾街日報》的文章,「歐盟立法者批准全球首個碳進口稅」
[15] Cai, H., Wang, X., Kelly, J. C., & Wang. (2021). GREEt建築模塊建築壽命週期分析:方法、數據和案例研究(編號 ANL/ESD-21/13)。ANL國家實驗室。伊利諾伊州阿崗,IL (美國)。
[16] 20%的平均EBITDA利潤率來自兩個來源,鏈接#1指向來源#1,鏈接#2指向來源#2(Specialty Additives division)。
[17] 管理層根據第三方來源和公開的信息計算出煙霧二氧化硅反應器(FSR)的EBITDA利潤率。這些數字將在試驗測試階段完成後更新。HSPI的EBITDA利潤率區間爲16%,考慮到生產一千克煙霧二氧化硅的銷售價格和與使用FSR生產一千克煙霧二氧化硅相關的成本(最壞和最好情況)估算而得。

Cautionary Statements


HSPI management plans to update and further validate the energy and carbon footprint projections as more data is collected during the ongoing pilot plant phase.


About HPQ


HPQ Silicon Inc. (TSX-V: HPQ) is a Quebec-based TSX Venture Exchange Tier 1 Industrial Issuer.

HPQ Silicon Inc. (tsx-V: HPQ1,196,421,162是一家總部位於魁北克的TSX創業板一級工業發行人。

HPQ is developing, with the support of world-class technology partners PyroGenesis Canada Inc. and NOVACIUM SAS, new green processes crucial to make the critical materials needed to reach net zero emissions.

HPQ正在與世界一流的技術合作夥伴PyroGenesis Canada Inc.和NOVACIUM SAS一起開發新的綠色工藝,以製造達到淨零排放所需的關鍵材料。

HPQ activities are centred around the following four (4) pillars:


1) Becoming a green low-cost (Capex and Opex) manufacturer of Fumed Silica using the FUMED SILICA REACTOR, a proprietary technology owned by HPQ Silica Polvere Inc being developed for HSPI by PyroGenesis.
2) Becoming a producer of silicon-based anode materials for battery applications with the assistance of NOVACIUM SAS.
3) HPQ SILICON affiliate NOVACIUM SAS is developing a low carbon, chemical base on demand and high-pressure autonomous hydrogen production system.
4) Becoming a zero CO2 low-cost (Capex and Opex) producer of High Purity Silicon (2N+ to 4N) using our PUREVAPTM "Quartz Reduction Reactors" (QRR), a proprietary technology owned by HPQ being developed for HPQ by PyroGenesis.
1) LG CNS的新一代「PerfecTwin ERP Edition」幫助企業客戶從SAP ECC遷移到SAP S/4HANA,在支持普通的SAP S/4HANA升級的同時,以近乎零缺陷率啓動。 使用PyroGenesis爲HSPI開發的專有技術「FUMED SILICA REACTOR」,將成爲一家綠色低成本(資本支出和營運支出)的煙霧二氧化硅製造商。
2) 此解決方案還可以自動收集特定時間段的海量真實交易數據以進行重複驗證,以確保成功啓動SAP S/4HANA。而發現缺陷的手動流程可能需要相當長的時間,而且在執行重複驗證方面有其侷限性,因爲它是公司關鍵業務系統的中央樞紐。 「PerfecTwin ERP Edition」不僅可以解決這個問題,還可以驗證與ERP系統相互連接的關鍵業務系統是否完全正常運行。 HPQ SILICON的附屬公司NOVACIUM SAS正在開發一種低碳、基於需求和高壓的自主氫氣生產系統。
3) HPQ SILICON附屬企業NOVACIUm SAS正在開發低碳、化學羰基基礎上的、需求化和高壓自主氫氣生產系統。
4) 利用我們由PyroGenesis開發的具有專有權的純化長長石還原反應器 (PUREVAP™"Quartz Reduction Reactors") 技術,成爲一家零 CO2 低成本 (Capex 和 Opex) 高純度硅 (2N+ 到 4N) 生產商 。

For more information, please visit HPQ Silicon web site.

要獲取更多信息,請訪問HPQ Silicon網站。

About PyroGenesis Canada Inc.

關於PyroGenesis Canada Inc.

PyroGenesis Canada Inc., a high-tech company, is a leader in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and are economically attractive alternatives to conventional "dirty" processes. PyroGenesis has created proprietary, patented, and advanced plasma technologies that are being vetted and adopted by multiple multibillion dollar industry leaders in three massive markets: iron ore pelletization, aluminum, waste management, and additive manufacturing. With a team of experienced engineers, scientists and technicians working out of its Montreal office, and its 3,800 m2 and 2,940 m2 R&D and manufacturing facilities, PyroGenesis maintains its competitive advantage by remaining at the forefront of technology development and commercialization. The operations are ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D certified, having been ISO certified since 1997. For more information, please visit:

PyroGenesis Canada Inc.是一家高科技公司,致力於設計、開發、製造和推廣先進的等離子工藝和可持續解決方案,降低溫室氣體排放(GHG)並提供經濟上有吸引力的替代傳統「髒」工藝的解決方案。PyroGenesis創建了獨有的、專利的、先進的等離子技術,並被多個市值數十億美元的行業領袖所採納和採用,主要集中於三個市場:鐵礦球團化、鋁、廢物管理和添加劑製造。PyroGenesis擁有一支經驗豐富的工程師、科學家和技術人員組成的團隊,他們工作在蒙特利爾的辦公室,擁有3800平方米和2940平方米的研發和製造設施。PyroGenesis通過始終處於技術開發和商業化的前沿,在競爭中保持其優勢。操作通過認證,符合ISO 9001:2015和AS9100D認證標準,自1997年以來一直完全符合ISO認證標準。有關更多信息,請訪問:



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Source: HPQ Silicon Inc.
For further information contact:
Bernard J. Tourillon, Chairman, President, and CEO Tel +1 (514) 846-3271
Patrick Levasseur, Director Tel: +1 (514) 262-9239

Bernard J. Tourillon,董事長,總裁,首席執行官電話 +1(514)846-3271
Patrick Levasseur,董事電話:+1(514)262-9239

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