
Kraken Energy Provides Corporate Update

Kraken Energy Provides Corporate Update

newsfile ·  08/15 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 15, 2024) - Kraken Energy Corp. (CSE: UUSA) (OTCQB: UUSAF) (FSE: F2C) (the "Company" or "Kraken") is pleased to announce that, in partnership with optioned partner Atomic Minerals Corporation ("Atomic Minerals") (TSXV: ATOM), it has completed their application for submission to the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") for drilling permits for up to fifteen holes at the Harts Point Uranium Property ("Harts Point" or the "Property") in San Juan County, Utah.

Newsfile Corp. -2024年8月15日-加拿大卑詩省溫哥華 - 宙斯能源公司(CSE:UUSA)(OTCQB:UUSAF)(FSE:F2C)("公司"或"宙斯")很高興宣佈,其與期權合作伙伴Atomic Minerals Corporation("Atomic Minerals") (TSXV: ATOM) 成爲合作方,完成文件申請,向美國土地管理局("BLM")提交擬在猶他州聖胡安縣的Harts Point鈾礦產權("Harts Point"或"Property")進行最多15個鑽孔的鑽探許可證。

"With confirmation of radiometric anomalies over significant widths on our maiden drilling program at Harts Point, we are excited to continue moving forward on the property at our earliest opportunity," stated CEO Matthew Schwab. "We are excited to move forward jointly with the expertise of the team at Atomic Minerals, and while the rest of 2024 will be focused on Kraken's flagship Apex property in Nevada, we aim to be permitted and prepared to move forward again with Harts Point in early 2025."

「在Harts Point進行的首個鑽探項目證實了放射性異常的存在,我們很高興有最早的機會繼續加緊開發該礦權,」首席執行官Matthew Schwab說道。「我們很高興能與Atomic Minerals團隊一起推動 Hodges Point 項目的進行。雖然2024年大部分精力將放在宙斯在內華達州的主力項目Apex上,但我們仍希望在2025年初獲得許可並準備好繼續開發Hodges Point。」

The planned drilling program aims to explore and evaluate the potential uranium mineralization within the favorable uranium bearing sandstone units of the Chinle Formation at Harts Point, building on a previous successful Phase I drilling campaign. This collaboration with Atomic Minerals underscores both companies' commitment to advancing exploration and development projects in this promising region.

計劃的鑽探項目旨在探索和評估猶他州 Harts Point 地區 Chinle Formation 有利的鈾砂岩層內的鈾礦化潛力,建立在先前成功的一期鑽探活動基礎上。這與Atomic Minerals的合作凸顯了兩家公司推動該有前景的地區勘探和開發項目的承諾。

Harts Point Property Highlights:

Harts Point物業亮點:

  • World class uranium jurisdiction: located in the center of the Colorado Plateau, which has produced over 590 million ("M") pounds ("lbs") U3O8 at 0.2 to 0.4% U3O8 since the 1950s1,5-8.
  • Property consists of 324 lode mining claims on Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") ground that covers an area of 2,622 hectares ("ha") (6,480 acres).
  • Harts Point Anticline is Analogous to the Lisbon Valley Anticline: where the Lisbon Valley Uranium District hosted 17 large uranium mines which produced approximately 80M lbs U3O8 at 0.34% U3O8 from 1948 to 19882.
  • 世界級鈾區域:位於科羅拉多高原中心地帶,自1950年以來以0.2到0.4%U3O8的等級產出超過5900萬磅("M")("lbs")U3O81,5-8。
  • 該礦權由324個荒山地的採礦權申請組成,佔據2,622公頃("ha")(6,480英畝)的面積。
  • Harts Point Anticline類似於Lisbon Valley Anticline:Lisbon Valley 鈾區最初設有17個鈾礦並以0.34%的U3O8產生了約8000萬磅U3O8。

The dimensions of these tabular sandstone-hosted uranium deposits range from 2 to 13 m (7 to 43 feet) thick, 100 to 3,048 m (328 to 10,000 feet) long, and 31 to 427 m (100 to 1,400 feet) wide3.


  • Significant Historic Uranium Production:
  • 重要的鈾歷史產出:距離Harts Point Property 11公里(7英里)的幾處歷史遺址曾生產約280,000磅U3O8,且該礦牀以0.3%的U3O8等級爲主4。

Several historic mines located 11 km (7 miles) west of the Harts Point Property produced approximately 280,000 lbs U3O8 at 0.3% U3O8 from the favorable Chinle Formation host rock4.

Lisbon Valley Anticline距離Harts Point鈾礦產權31公里(19英里),總共產出約8000萬磅U3O8,以0.34%的U3O8等級爲主。

The Lisbon Valley Anticline is located 31 km (19 miles) to the east of the Harts Point Property produced approximately 80M lbs U3O8 0.34% U3O82.

卓越的基礎設施:距離白色石材鈾加工廠(White Mesa uranium processing facility)大約64公里(40英里)。

  • Excellent Infrastructure: located approximately 64 km (40 miles) north of the White Mesa uranium processing facility.
  • 礦權位置交通便捷,位於福克斯市(Fort which is situated 45 km (28 miles) from the town of Monticello, Utah)。

There is also excellent access throughout the Property, which is situated 45 km (28 miles) from the town of Monticello, Utah.

圖1:Harts Point鈾礦產權。

Figure 1: Harts Point Property


Private Placement:


The Company also announces that, further to its news release dated June 28th, 2024, it will not be proceeding with the final tranche of the non-brokered private placement offering.




1 Holger Albrethsen, Jr. and Frank E. McGinley (1982). Summary History of Domestic Procurement Under U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contracts, September 1982.
2 Chenoweth, W.L. (1990). Lisbon Valley, Utah's Premier Uranium Area, a Summary of Exploration and Ore Production. Utah Geological Survey Open File Report 188, July 1990.
3 Gordon W. Weir and Willard P. Puffett (1981). Incomplete manuscript on stratigraphy and structural geology and uranium-vanadium and copper deposits of the Lisbon Valley area, Utah-Colorado. Open-File Report 81-39. Pages 153 to 163. United States Department of the Interior
Geological Survey.
4 Chenoweth, W.L. (1993): The geology and Production History of the Uranium deposits in the White Canyon Mining District, San Juan County, Utah, Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 93-3.
5 Mills, Stephanie E. and Bear Jordan (2021). Uranium and Vanadium Resources of Utah: An Update in the Era of Critical Minerals and Carbon Neutrality, Open File Report 735, Utah Geological Survey.
6 Chenoweth, William L. (1981). The Uranium - Vanadium Deposits of the Uravan Mineral Belt and Adjacent Areas, Colorado and Utah, New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 32nd Field Conference, Western Slope Colorado.
7 McLemore, Virginia T. and Willam L. Chenoweth (1989). Uranium Resources in New Mexico, Resource Map 18, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.
8 Chenoweth, William L. and Virginia T. McLemore (1989). Uranium Resources on the Colorado Plateau in Energy Frontiers in the Rockies, Albuquerque Geological Society.

1 Holger Albrethsen, Jr., Frank E. McGinley(1982):美國原子能委員會合同下的國內採購概述歷史,1982年9月。
2 Chenoweth,W.L.(1990年)。猶他州Lisbon Valley:探索和礦石生產概述。猶他地質調查局公開文件報告188,1990年7月。
3 Gordon W. Weir和Willard P. Puffett(1981年)。Lisbon Valley區的地層和構造地質學以及鈾-釩和銅礦牀的不完整手稿。開放文件報告81-39。美國內政部地質調查。
4 Chenoweth,W.L.(1993年):聖胡安縣白峽谷採鈾礦牀的地質和生產歷史,猶他州地質調查局雜誌出版物93-3。
5 Mills,Stephanie E.和Bear Jordan(2021).猶他州的鈾和釩資源:在關鍵礦物和碳中和時代的更新,公開文件報告735,猶他州地質調查。
6 Chenoweth,William L.(1981年)。烏拉凡礦產帶和科羅拉多州和猶他州相鄰地區的鈾-釩礦牀,新墨西哥地質學會指南,第32次野外會議,科羅拉多西部斜坡。
7 McLemore,Virginia t.和Willam L. Chenoweth(1989)。新墨西哥的鈾資源,資源地圖18,新墨西哥礦業和礦產資源局。
8 Chenoweth,William L.和Virginia t. McLemore(1989)。猶他州高原上的鈾資源在落基山脈的能源前沿,阿爾布開克地質學會。

Technical Information


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared by or reviewed and approved by Matthew Schwab, P.Geo., President and CEO of the Company, and Garrett Ainsworth, P.Geo., Chairman of the Company. Each of Mr. Schwab and Mr. Ainsworth is a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞發佈中的所有科學和技術信息均由本公司的總裁兼首席執行官Matthew Schwab和董事長Garrett Ainsworth審查和批准。 Schwab先生和Ainsworth先生均爲符合國家43-101號法規的資格人員。

The data disclosed in this news release is related to historical drilling results. Kraken has not undertaken any independent investigation of the sampling, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. Kraken considers these historical drill results relevant as the Company is using this data as a guide to plan exploration programs. The Company's current and future exploration work includes verification of the historical data through drilling.


About the Harts Point Property


Harts Point is located in the center of the Colorado Plateau, referred to by some as "the Athabasca Basin of the US" and is 64 kilometers ("km") (40 miles) north of the White Mesa Uranium Mill, the only fully licensed and operating conventional uranium mill in the United States. The Property consists of 324 lode mining claims on Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") ground and drill permits are in place for up to 20 exploration drill holes.

哈茨角質產權位於科羅拉多高原中心,常被稱爲「美國的阿薩巴斯卡盆地」,距離美國唯一一個已完全獲得許可並在運營的傳統鈾礦廠White Mesa Uranium Mill有64公里(40英里),該產權由土地管理局的324個礦區申請組成,可進行20個勘探鑽孔的鑽探許可。

About Kraken Energy Corp.

關於Kraken Energy公司

Kraken Energy Corp. is an energy company advancing its portfolio of high-grade uranium properties in the Unites States. The Company is advancing its 100%-owned Apex Uranium Property, located 280 km (174 miles) east from Reno, Nevada which is recognized as Nevada's largest past-producing uranium mine. The Company has additionally entered into an option agreement to earn 100% of the Garfield Hills Uranium Property. The past-producing Garfield Hills Uranium Property covers 1,238 ha (3,060 acres) and is located 19 km (12 miles) east of Hawthorne in Mineral County, Nevada. Kraken has also staked the Huber Hills Uranium Property, located 136 km (85 miles) north of Elko, Nevada which covers 1,044 ha (2,580 acres) and encompasses the historic Race Track open pit mine. The Company has also entered into an option agreement to earn 75% of the Harts Point Uranium Property. The Harts Point Uranium Property covers 2,622 ha (6,480 acres) and is located 49 km (30 miles) northwest of Monticello in San Juan County, Utah.

Kraken Energy Corp.是一家專注於美國高品位鈾物業的能源公司。該公司正在推進其100%擁有的Apex Uranium物業,該物業位於內華達州雷諾市東部280公里(174英里)處,是內華達州最大的已生產過鈾礦。公司還簽訂了一項選擇協議,以獲得Garfield Hills Uranium Property的100%所有權。過去的Garfield Hills Uranium Property佔地1,238公頃(3,060英畝),位於內華達州礦物縣(Mineral County)霍桑市以東19公里(12英里)。Kraken還標誌了Huber Hills Uranium Property,位於內華達州埃爾科(Elko)以北136公里(85英里),佔地1,044公頃(2,580英畝),包括歷史悠久的賽車場露天礦。該公司還簽署了一項選擇協議,以獲取哈茨角(Harts Point)鈾物業的75%所有權。哈茨角鈾物業佔地2,622公頃(6,480英畝),位於猶他州聖胡安縣Monticello市西北49公里(30英里)的地方。

For more information about the Company, please visit; .


On Behalf of the Board of Kraken Energy Corp.

代表Kraken Energy Corp.董事會發表此新聞稿。

Matthew Schwab
President & Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Schwab

Corporate Office:
Suite 907 - 1030 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6E 2Y3

公司地址: Suite 907 - 1030 West Georgia Street
V6C 3E8(主要執行辦公室的地址)
V6E 2Y3

T: (604) 628-2669


For investor relations inquiries, contact:
Kin Communications Inc.
T: (604) 684-6730

Kin Communications公司。

This news release contains forward-looking information which is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release include our plans for exploration at the properties. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Risks that could change or prevent these statements from coming to fruition include changing costs for mining and processing; increased capital costs; the timing and content of upcoming work programs; geological interpretations based on drilling that may change with more detailed information; potential process methods and mineral recoveries assumption based on limited test work and by comparison to what are considered analogous deposits that with further test work may not be comparable; the availability of labour, equipment and markets for the products produced; and despite the current expected viability of the project, conditions changing such that the minerals on our property cannot be economically mined, or that the required permits to build and operate the envisaged mine can be obtained. The forward-looking information contained herein is given as of the date hereof and the Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.


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