
KLOXXADO 8mg Naloxone Nasal Spray Shelf-Life Extended From 24 Months to 36 Months

KLOXXADO 8mg Naloxone Nasal Spray Shelf-Life Extended From 24 Months to 36 Months

KLOXXADO 8毫克納洛酮鼻噴霧的保質期已從24個月延長至36個月。
PR Newswire ·  08/15 15:18

LONDON, Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (Hikma), the multinational pharmaceutical company, announces the shelf-life extension of KLOXXADO (naloxone HCl) nasal spray 8mg from 24 to 36 months. KLOXXADO packaging has been updated with 36-month dating, starting with product manufactured in March 2024.

跨國製藥公司Hikma藥業宣佈將KLOXXADO (鹽酸納洛酮) 鼻噴霧8毫克的保質期從24個月延長至36個月。從2024年3月開始生產的產品已更新爲36個月的日期。

KLOXXADO contains twice as much naloxone per spray as Narcan Nasal Spray 4mg in a ready-to-use nasal spray to reverse the effects of opioid overdose, providing an important treatment option in addressing the overdose epidemic.1,2

KLOXXADO是一種即用型鼻噴霧劑,每噴含有比Narcan Nasal Spray 4mg多兩倍的納洛酮,可逆轉對阿片類藥物過量反應,是緩解防止過量現象的一項重要治療選擇。

Naloxone has long been recognized as an important, safe and effective treatment in the fight against opioid overdose.3 With the increasing prevalence of illicitly manufactured synthetic opioids, organizations including the CDC,4 the American Medical Association5 and others have noted that a higher dose of naloxone may be required to revive a patient experiencing poisoning from illicit fentanyl or other opioids. As a ready-to-use nasal spray that contains twice as much naloxone per spray than Narcan Nasal Spray 4mg, KLOXXADO provides an important lifesaving treatment option.1,2

納洛酮長期以來已被認爲是對抗阿片類藥物所致過量反應的一種重要、安全、有效的治療方法。CDC、美國醫學協會和其他組織已指出,隨着非法合成阿片類藥物的普及,可能需要更高劑量的納洛酮來挽救因非法芬太尼或其他阿片類藥物而中毒的患者。KLOXXADO是一種即用型鼻噴霧劑,每噴含有比Narcan Nasal Spray 4mg多兩倍的納洛酮,爲重要的救生治療提供了選擇。

"The shelf-life extension is good news for frontline responders and the thousands of people who carry KLOXXADO and who may need to use it at a moment's notice to reverse an overdose," said Dr. Hafrun Fridriksdottir, President, Hikma Generics. "We have a role to play in the fight against illicit fentanyl and as we approach International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st, it's gratifying that we are supplying an important medicine that can save lives and help address the deadly overdose epidemic."

Hikma Generics總裁Hafrun Fridriksdottir博士說:「保質期的延長對前線救援者和成千上萬攜帶KLOXXADO的人來說都是好消息,因爲他們可能需要在一瞬間就使用它去逆轉過量反應。我們在對抗非法芬太尼方面也有責任,隨着8月31日國際過量意識日的臨近,我們很高興能提供一種重要的藥物,可以挽救生命,緩解致命的過量現象。」

About Naloxone
Naloxone hydrochloride is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. It can quickly restore normal breathing in someone experiencing an opioid overdose and should be given to any person who shows signs of an opioid overdose or when an opioid overdose is suspected.6


KLOXXADO is indicated for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose, as manifested by respiratory and/or central nervous system depression, for adult and pediatric patients.1 KLOXXADO is not a substitute for emergency medical care.1 KLOXXADO is intended for immediate administration as emergency therapy in settings where opioids may be present.1


This product has been approved for marketing in the United States by the US FDA. This product approval does not confer the right on Hikma, or any other party, to market this product outside the United States.


Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA
Steve Weiss
+1 732 788 8279
[email protected]

Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA
Steve Weiss
+1 732 788 8279
[email protected]

About Hikma


Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (LSE: HIK) (NASDAQ Dubai: HIK) (OTC: HKMPY) (rated BBB-/stable S&P and BBB-/positive Fitch)

Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC (LSE: HIK) (NASDAQ Dubai: HIK) (OTC: HKMPY) (S&P BBB- / Fitch BBB- /穩定)。

Hikma helps put better health within reach every day for millions of people around the world. For more than 45 years, we've been creating high-quality medicines and making them accessible to the people who need them. Headquartered in the UK, we are a global company with a local presence across North America, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Europe, and we use our unique insight and expertise to transform cutting-edge science into innovative solutions that transform people's lives. We're committed to our customers, and the people they care for, and by thinking creatively and acting practically, we provide them with a broad range of branded and non-branded generic medicines. Together, our 9,100 colleagues are helping to shape a healthier world that enriches all our communities. We are a leading licensing partner, and through our venture capital arm, are helping bring innovative health technologies to people around the world. For more information, please visit


KLOXXADO is a registered trademark of Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.
NARCAN is a registered trademark of Emergent Operations Ireland Limited.

KLOXXADO爲Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc的註冊商標。
NARCAN是Emergent Operations Ireland Limited的註冊商標。

Important Safety Information for KLOXXADO (naloxone HCl) Nasal Spray 8 mg
Hypersensitivity to naloxone hydrochloride or to any of the other ingredients

KLOXXADO (鹽酸納洛酮) 鼻噴霧8mg重要安全信息

Warnings and Precautions


  • Use KLOXXADO right away if you suspect an opioid overdose emergency, even if you are not sure, because an opioid overdose emergency can cause severe injury or death. Signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose emergency may include:
    • Unusual sleepiness; you are not able to awaken the person with a loud voice or by rubbing firmly on the middle of their chest (sternum).
    • Breathing problems, including slow or shallow breathing in someone difficult to awaken or who looks like they are not breathing.
    • The black circle in the center of the colored part of the eye (pupil) is very small (sometimes called "pinpoint pupils") in someone difficult to awaken.
  • Family members, caregivers or other people who may have to use KLOXXADO in an opioid overdose emergency should know where KLOXXADO is stored and how to give KLOXXADO before an opioid overdose emergency happens.
  • Get emergency medical help right away after using the first dose of KLOXXADO. Rescue breathing or CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) may be needed while waiting for emergency medical help.
  • The signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose emergency can return after KLOXXADO is given. If this happens, give another dose after 2 to 3 minutes, using a new KLOXXADO device, alternating nostrils, and watch the person closely until emergency medical help arrives.
  • Do not use KLOXXADO if you are allergic to naloxone hydrochloride or any of the ingredients in KLOXXADO.
  • KLOXXADO can cause sudden and severe opioid withdrawal, the symptoms of which may include body aches, diarrhea, increased heart rate, fever, runny nose, sneezing, goosebumps, sweating, yawning, nausea or vomiting, nervousness, restlessness or irritability, shivering or trembling, stomach cramps, weakness and increased blood pressure.
  • In infants under 4 weeks old who have been receiving opioids regularly, sudden opioid withdrawal may be life-threatening if not treated the right way. Signs and symptoms include: seizures, crying more than usual, and increased reflexes.
  • Tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions before using KLOXXADO, including if you have heart problems, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed.
  • Tell your doctor about all of the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, drugs, vitamins and herbal supplements.
  • 如果懷疑阿片類藥物過量急診,請立即使用KLOXXADO,即使您不確定,因爲阿片類藥物過量急症可能導致嚴重傷害或死亡。阿片類藥物過量急症的徵象和症狀可能包括:
    • 異常的昏睡;您無法通過大聲喊叫或在胸骨中央用力搓揉來喚醒這個人。
    • 呼吸問題,包括難以喚醒或看似不呼吸的人出現緩慢或淺呼吸。
    • 難以喚醒的人眼中色素部分(瞳孔)的黑色圓圈非常小(有時稱爲「針尖瞳孔」)。
  • 家庭成員,照顧者或其他可能在阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑用於阿片類藥物過量緊急情況時救助的人員應該知道阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑的存儲位置和如何在發生阿片類藥物過量緊急情況前使用阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑。
  • 在使用第一劑阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑後立即尋求緊急醫療幫助。在等待緊急醫療幫助時,可能需要進行急救呼吸或心肺復甦(CPR)。
  • 在使用阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑後,阿片類藥物過量緊急情況的症狀和徵象可能會再次出現。如果發生這種情況,兩到三分鐘後使用新的阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑設備,在鼻孔之間交替使用,並密切觀察患者直到緊急醫療幫助到達。
  • 如果您對鹽酸納洛酮或阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑的任何成分過敏,不要使用阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑。
  • 阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑可能導致突然而嚴重的阿片類藥物戒斷症狀,其中的症狀可能包括身體疼痛,腹瀉,心率增加,發熱,鼻塞,打噴嚏,雞皮疙瘩,出汗,打哈欠,噁心或嘔吐,神經緊張,不安或易怒,顫抖,肚子痛,虛弱和血壓升高。
  • 對於定期接受阿片類藥物治療的4周以下的嬰兒來說,突然的阿片類藥物戒斷可能會對生命構成威脅。症狀包括:抽搐,哭聲比平時更多,反射增強。
  • 在使用阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑前,請告訴醫生您的所有醫療狀況,包括您是否有心臟問題,是否懷孕或計劃懷孕,是否在哺乳。
  • 在使用阿洛諾爾鼻噴劑前,請告訴醫生您所服用的所有藥物,包括處方和非處方藥,藥物,維生素和草藥補品。

Side Effects
The following serious side effect is discussed in the full Prescribing Information for KLOXXADO:


  • Sudden and Severe Opioid Withdrawal
  • 突然而嚴重的阿片類藥物戒斷症狀

Symptoms of sudden and severe opioid withdrawal resulting from the use of KLOXXADO in someone regularly using opioids include: body aches, diarrhea, increased heart rate, fever, runny nose, sneezing, goosebumps, sweating, yawning, nausea or vomiting, nervousness, restlessness or irritability, shivering or trembling, stomach cramps, weakness and increased blood pressure.
Infants may have seizures, cry more than normal and have increased reflexes.
Some people may become aggressive after abrupt reversal of opioid overdose.
In two clinical studies, a total of 47 healthy adult volunteers were exposed to a single dose of KLOXXADO, one spray in one nostril. Side effects were reported in two subjects for each of the following: abdominal pain, asthenia, dizziness, headache, nasal discomfort, and presyncope.
These are not all of the possible side effects of KLOXXADO. Contact your doctor for medical advice about side effects.


Pregnancy, Infancy and Breastfeeding, Children
Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. If you are pregnant and opioid dependent, use of KLOXXADO may cause withdrawal symptoms in you and your unborn baby. A healthcare provider should monitor you and your unborn baby right away after you use KLOXXADO.
There is no information regarding the presence of naloxone in human milk, the effects of naloxone on the breastfed infant or on milk production.
If the primary concern is an infant at risk of an overdose, consider whether other naloxone-containing products may be more appropriate.
KLOXXADO nasal spray is safe and effective in children for known or suspected opioid overdose.


Dosage and Administration
Do not attempt to prime or test-fire the device. Each KLOXXADO Nasal Spray contains only 1 dose of medicine and cannot be reused. Read the "instructions for use" at the end of the Prescribing Information and Medication Guide for detailed information about the right way to use KLOXXADO Nasal Spray.


Storage and Handling
Store KLOXXADO at room temperature between 68°F to 77°F (20°C to 25°C). Do not expose to temperatures below 41°F (5°C) or above 104°F (40°C). Do not freeze KLOXXADO. Keep KLOXXADO in its box until ready to use. Protect from light. Replace KLOXXADO before the expiration date on the box. Keep KLOXXADO and all medicines out of the reach of children.


For more information, please see the full Prescribing Information and Medication Guide, which you can find on our website at .


  • To report an adverse event or product complaint, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1-877-845-0689 or 1-800-962-8364.
  • Adverse events may also be reported to the FDA directly at 1-800-FDA-1088 or .
  • 要報告不良事件或產品投訴,請通過[email protected] 與我們聯繫,或致電1-877-845-0689或1-800-962-8364。
  • 不良事件也可以直接向FDA報告,電話號碼爲1-800-FDA-1088,網址爲(。

Distributed by: Hikma Specialty USA Inc., Columbus, OH 43228.

分銷方:Hikma Specialty USA Inc.,Columbus,OH 43228。

Document Identification Number: HK-2667-v1




2 我們的董事會認爲,我們的薪酬政策和實踐是合理的,並適當地將我們的員工利益與股東的利益相一致。董事會認爲,對於我們的高管和其他員工的激勵性薪酬與收益掛鉤的事實鼓勵採取有利於公司短期和長期盈利的行動。此外,薪酬委員會審查有關我們的薪酬政策和實踐的變化,以確保此類政策和實踐不會鼓勵我們的高管和其他員工採取可能導致公司出現重大不利影響的行動。4
5 6

SOURCE Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.

資料來源:Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA Inc。

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