
Fidelis Insurance Holdings Limited (FIHL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Fidelis Insurance Holdings Limited (FIHL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

moomoo AI ·  08/15 17:34  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Fidelis Insurance Holdings Limited (FIHL) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Fidelis Insurance Holdings Limited(FIHL)2024年第二季度業績會談話摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Fidelis Insurance Holdings reported a strong financial performance for Q2 2024 with gross premiums written up by 24.7%, driven by double-digit growth across all segments.

  • Operating net income for the quarter was $63 million, equating to $0.54 per diluted common share, supported by an annualized operating return on average equity of 10%.

  • Investment income significantly increased to $46 million for the quarter, compared to $27.3 million in the same period last year.

  • Fidelis Insurance Holdings報告了2024年第二季度強勁的財務業績,歸功於所有板塊的雙位數增長,使淨保費收入增長了24.7%。

  • 該季度的營業淨利潤爲6300萬美元,相當於每股經稀釋的普通股收益0.54美元,並獲得平均股權年化營收率爲10%的支持。

  • 本季度投資收益大幅增長至4600萬美元,去年同期爲2730萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • The company is focusing on targeted growth in its Specialty segment, successfully converting several significant structured credit deals in the Bespoke segment.

  • Expanded its global footprint by opening The Fidelis Partnership office in Abu Dhabi and entering Lloyd's through participation in Syndicate 3123, enhancing access to Middle Eastern markets and global licensing.

  • 公司專注於在其專業領域實現有針對性的增長,併成功轉換了Bespoke領域的幾筆重大結構性信貸交易。

  • 通過參與Syndicate 3123進入Lloyd's,在阿布扎比開設了The Fidelis Partnership辦事處,提高了進入中東市場和全球許可的能力。



  • Continued market leadership and disciplined capital management offer attractive growth prospects, especially in Property Direct and Facultative, and bespoke structured credit deals.

  • The company is set to capitalize on mature hard market conditions which remain favorable, especially for specialty insurance products.

  • 持續市場領導和紀律資本管理提供了有吸引力的增長前景,特別是在財產直接和做市商以及定製的結構性信貸交易領域。

  • 該公司準備充分利用有利的成熟艱難市場環境,特別是對於專業保險產品而言。



  • Fidelis faces risks from increased catastrophe and large losses, particularly in the Specialty segment, impacting the combined ratios adversely. Additionally, recent losses in intellectual property insurance have led to ceasing underwriting in this product line.

  • Fidelis面臨着來自於災難和大型損失增加的風險,尤其是在專業領域,這會對綜合損失率產生不利影響。另外,知識產權保險的最近損失導致停止承保該產品線。

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