
Bedford Metals Identifies Multiple Radioactive Zones at Ubiquity Lake Uranium Project

Bedford Metals Identifies Multiple Radioactive Zones at Ubiquity Lake Uranium Project

Bedford Metals在Ubiquity Lake鈾項目中確定了多個放射性區域。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/19 02:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bedford Metals Corp. (TSX-V: BFM, FWB: O8D, ISIN: CA0762301012) (the "Company" or "Bedford") is pleased to announce the completion of its Phase 1 prospecting program at the Ubiquity Lake Uranium Project in Northern Saskatchewan. The purpose of the program was to map historic showings, as well as high-value target zones identified through historic prospecting and geophysical programs. As part of the survey, the entire claim block was surveyed with state-of-the-art RS100 scintillometers to establish a baseline and investigate radioactive target zones.

溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞省,2024年8月19日(環球社交網絡)—— Bedford金屬公司。 (加拿大卑詩省溫哥華,2024年8月19日,環球新聞電)--

Of particular interest, the crew identified two previously undiscovered radioactive zones.


ZONE 1: The Ubiquity West Radioactive Zone is 350m x 350m, northwest of Ubiquity Lake, and displays consistently elevated spectrometer readings of 200-500 CPS with peak readings of up to 3613 CPS.

特別值得注意的是,乘員確定了兩個以前未發現的放射性區域。 區域1:普及湖西放射性帶,位於普及湖西北方,大小爲35000萬x 35000萬,具有穩定的200-500 CPS的譜儀讀數,並且峯值讀數高達3613 CPS。

ZONE 2: The Warr Lake Radioactive Zone consists of 5 large outcrop groups to the west of Warr Lake, each measuring roughly 150m x 350m along ridges. The Warr Lake outcrops, which are adjacent to a regional fault, display elevated spectrometer readings in the 150-400 CPS range, with peak readings as high as 7472 CPS.

區域2:瓦爾湖放射帶由5個大露頭群組成,位於瓦爾湖西側,每個群組沿着山脊測量大約15000萬x 35000萬。瓦爾湖露頭,毗鄰區域性斷層,在150-400 CPS範圍內顯示高譜儀讀數,並且峯值讀數高達7472 CPS。 此外,在普及湖西露頭區和瓦爾湖露頭區觀察到了含鐵金屬質變質花崗岩岩石和褶皺片麻岩。總共從露頭和卵石中收集了60個岩石樣品。測定結果將在近期公佈。

In addition, hematite-altered granitic rock with folded schist and gneiss were observed throughout the Ubiquity West outcrop zone and the Warr Lake outcrops. A total of 60 rock samples were collected from exposed outcrops and boulders. Assay results will be available in the near term.


Peter Born, President of Bedford, commented, "We are extremely pleased with the discovery of the new radioactive zones at a Ubiquity Lake. Results for this program will be integrated into the growing database with the ultimate intention of discovering an economic uranium deposit."

Peter Born,Bedford的總裁說:“我們很高興邁出發展Ubiquity Lake鈾礦項目的下一步。勘探許可證的申請是我們的團隊經過精心規劃和勤勉工作的集大成之作。我們相信,該勘探計劃的時機與人們對鈾需求的不斷增加及全球對可持續能源解決方案的關注完美契合。Bedford在2014年,Aeroquest和Condor Consulting Inc.進行了一項直升機Em和磁力勘測,確定了13個需要進行後續野外勘探的目標區。目標模型是基底岩石內結構受控的導電石墨化帶,有望容納鈾礦牀。基底深度預測小於5000萬,在調查區域一致實現。公司將調查具有電磁-磁性目標和表層岩石有異常鈾的區域。



The principal target zones at the Ubiquity Lake Uranium Project are northwest-trending subsurface conductive anomalies identified through a 2014 VTEM survey completed by Noka Resources Inc. and Alpha Exploration Inc. Additionally, the Company will be exploring conductive anomalies identified through a 2007 GEOTEM survey completed by Stikine Gold Corporation. A ground survey conducted in 2014 yielded numerous radioactive samples, with readings up to 2000 cps.

Ubiquity Lake鈾礦項目的主要目標區是通過Noka Resources Inc.和Alpha Exploration Inc.於2014年完成的2014 VTEm勘探調查確定的走向西北的亞表面導電異常。此外,公司還將勘探由Stikine Gold Corporation完成的2007 GEOTEm勘探調查中確定的導電異常。2014年進行的地面調查產生了大量放射性樣品,讀數高達2000次/秒。

In 2014, a helicopter-borne EM and magnetic survey carried out by Aeroquest and Condor Consulting Inc. identified 13 target zones needing follow-up field exploration. The target model is structurally controlled conductive graphitic zones within the basement rocks that could potentially host uranium deposits. The predicted depth to the basement is less than 50 m, which was consistently achieved throughout the survey area. The Company will investigate areas with electromagnetic-magnetic targets and areas with anomalous uranium in surface outcrops.

致力於進行以環保爲重點的所有勘探活動。公司優先考慮將其生態足跡最小化,並確保所有操作都是可持續和負責任的。此外,指定資格人員按照《國家43-101號儀器》的定義和公司的總裁Peter Born,P.Geo.,負責和已批准本發佈的技術信息。

Given the project's proximity to the southern lip of the Athabasca Basin, the Company is pursuing an exploration model similar to Fission's Patterson Lake South Deposit and NexGen's Arrow Deposit, which are shear-hosted basement deposits with continuity at depth.

鑑於該項目靠近Athabasca盆地的南部邊緣,因此該公司正在追求與Fission的Patterson Lake South Deposit和NexGen的Arrow Deposit相似的勘探模型,這些勘探模型是帶隙的基底礦牀,深度連續。

Bedford remains committed to conducting all exploration activities focusing on environmental responsibility. The Company prioritizes minimizing its ecological footprint and ensuring that all operations are sustainable and responsible. Additionally, Bedford values its relationships with local communities and indigenous groups and is committed to working collaboratively with these stakeholders to ensure its activities bring positive benefits to the region.

Bedford 所有應急響應行動都是根據環境要求的。 Bedford重視與當地社區和土著團體的關係,致力於與這些利益相關者合作,確保其活動爲該地區帶來積極效益。

Dr. Peter Born, P.Geo., is the designated qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and the President of the Company and is responsible for and has approved the technical information in this release.

Peter Born博士,P.Geo.,是根據43-101號國家規定的指定的合格人員,同時也是本公司的總裁,對本次發佈的技術信息負責並已批准。

About Bedford Metals Corp.

關於Bedford Metals Corp。

Bedford Metals Corp. is a mineral exploration company. We create value for our shareholders by identifying and developing highly prospective mineral exploration opportunities. Our strategy is to advance our projects from discovery to production.


The Close Lake Uranium Project lies on the eastern side of the Athabasca Basin, adjoining claims held by Cameco Corporation, the largest uranium producer in the world. The claim is approximately 245 hectares and lies within the primary exploration corridor, which hosts the Keys Lake Mine, the Cigar Lake Mine, and the McArthur River Mine. Access to the property is done through a network of roads and trails.

Close Lake Uranium Project位於Athabasca盆地的東部,靠近全球最大的鈾生產商Cameco Corporation持有的權利,該權利約爲245公頃,位於主要勘探走廊內,包括Keys Lake Mine,Cigar Lake Mine和McArthur River Mine。通過一系列道路和小徑可以進入該物業。

The Ubiquity Lake Uranium Project, covering 1382 hectares, lies just south of the bottom lip of the Athabasca Basin, adjacent to ALX Uranium's Carpenter Lake Project to the east. Situated near the Cable Bay Shear Zone, parallel to the Virgin River Shear Zone, which hosts Cameco's Centennial uranium deposit, the project holds immense potential. Furthermore, it is located 100 km west of Cameco's past-producing Key Lake uranium mine, underscoring the strategic significance of its location.

普遍湖鈾礦項目覆蓋面積爲1382公頃,位於Athabasca盆地的底部邊緣,在東部與ALX Uranium's Carpenter Lake項目毗鄰。該項目位於Cable Bay Shear帶附近,與Virgin River Shear帶平行,後者爲Cameco的Centennial鈾礦牀所在地。該項目有巨大的潛力,此外,它位於Cameco過去生產鈾的Key Lake鈾礦以西100公里,凸顯出其位置的戰略重要性。

The Sheppard Lake Uranium Project covers an area of approximately 2250 hectares and adjoins the Ubiquity Lake Project to the southeast. The project area is characterized by rocks of the Mudjatik domain, where uranium mineralization is typically basement-hosted, situated within shears or faults, and formed through hydrothermal redistributions of dissolved metals and subsequent redox reactions.

Sheppard Lake鈾項目佔地約2250公頃,位於Ubiquity Lake項目的東南側。 該項目 該地區的岩石屬於穆吉提克巖系,鈾礦化一般是底盤爲主體,位於斷層或剪切帶內,並通過熱液溶解金屬的重分配和隨後的氧化還原反應形成。

For further information, please contact the Company at or 604-622-1199 or visit the Company's website at .


On behalf of the Board,


Bedford Metals Corp.


"Peter Born"

「Peter Born」

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Alex Zertuche
For E.S.T Office Hours, Call 1 416-477-0587


Alex Zertuche
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