
Granite Creek Copper Launches 2024 Drill Campaign at Carmacks Copper-Gold-Silver Project in Yukon, Canada

Granite Creek Copper Launches 2024 Drill Campaign at Carmacks Copper-Gold-Silver Project in Yukon, Canada

Granite Creek Copper在加拿大育空地區的Carmacks銅-黃金-白銀項目上啓動2024年的鑽探計劃。
Accesswire ·  08/19 07:45

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2024 / Granite Creek Copper Ltd. (TSX.V:GCX)(OTCQB:GCXXF) ("Granite Creek" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that drill crews and equipment have been mobilized to commence drilling at its wholly owned Carmacks copper-gold-silver project located in central Yukon, Canada.

溫哥華,卑詩省/ACCESSWIRE/2024年8月19日/Granite Creek Copper Ltd.(TSX.V:GCX)(OTCQB:GCXXF)("Granite Creek"或"公司")很高興宣佈,鑽探機組和設備已調集起來,在位於加拿大育空中心的其全資擁有的Carmacks銅-金-銀項目("Carmacks")進行鑽探。

The program will consist of approximately 1,800 meters of core drilling designed to test compelling new targets adjacent to existing high-grade, pit-constrained resources, namely the Gap, Sourtoe and Zone 4 target areas. Primary among these will be the Gap Target (see figure 1 below for drill section) which lies between the 147 and 2000 S zones and may represent a fault offset of either or both zones (see Figure 2, below). Modest, shallow drilling was completed by previous operators, but none to date have tested a large target identified in geophysical work by the Company which shows an Induced Polarization (IP) response nearly double that of the 147 Zone where high-grade mineralization is well defined.

該計劃將包括大約1,800米的岩心鑽探,旨在測試與現有高品位限制坑資源相鄰的有吸引力的新目標,即Gap,Sourtoe和Zone 4目標區域。這些目標中的主要目標之一是Gap目標(請參見下圖1鑽井剖面),該目標位於第147和2000 S區之間,可能代表兩個或兩個區域的故障抵消(請參見下圖2)。以前的開發商完成了適度的淺層鑽探,但迄今爲止還沒有測試公司在地球物理工作中確定的大型目標,該工作顯示出誘導極化(IP)響應幾乎是高品位礦化已定義的147區的兩倍。

Figure 1 - Gap Target Drill Section - Looking northwest

圖1 - 市場目標鑽探剖面 - 向西北方向觀看

Timothy Johnson President and CEO stated, "The Carmacks copper-gold-silver project remains relatively underexplored despite a long history of exploration on the project primarily focused on the 147 Zone. The project remains highly prospective for new discoveries and expansion, as evidenced by our first major drill campaign in 2021 where we expanded the resource by over 40% on a contained copper basis. Areas that were previously reserved for infrastructure under previous mine plans are now available for exploration and discovery of additional resources proximal to the proposed pits. Our goal is to execute on the opportunities identified in the Preliminary Economic Assessment to increase the projected mine life and NPV of the project while continuing to maintain the highest of environmental standards."

蒂莫西·約翰遜(Timothy Johnson)總裁兼首席執行官表示:「儘管項目一直主要集中在147區進行勘探開發,但Carmacks銅-金-銀項目仍然相對未經開發。該項目仍具有廣泛的新發現和擴展前景,正如我們在2021年首次大規模鑽進攻略中所證明的,我們將銅資源在含銅基礎上擴大了40%以上。以前用於基礎設施的區域現在可以用於礦坑的勘探和發現,從而找到靠近擬議礦坑的其他資源。我們的目標是在初步經濟評估中確定的機會上執行,以增加項目的預計礦山壽命和淨現值,同時繼續保持最高的環境標準。」

Figure 2 - Drill Target Locations

圖2 - 鑽探目標位置

The 177 sq km, Carmacks Project contains over 824 Mlbs Measured and Indicated and 29 Mlbs Inferred copper equivalent ("CuEq") metal within a National Instrument 43-101-compliant, high-grade resource of 36.2 million tonnes grading 1.07 % CuEq (0.81% Cu, 0.31 g/t Au, 3.41 Ag)1. The road accessible project is located along the Freegold Road, a Resource Gateway Road currently being upgraded by the Yukon government, and is within 20 km of the Yukon electrical grid. The project is also situated within the Minto Copper Belt, a roughly 80 km long belt of rocks known for high grade occurrences of copper-gold-silver mineralisation.

《177平方千米的卡馬克斯項目》包含了824 Mlbs的測定和推斷銅當量("CuEq”)金屬儲量,符合43-101規範的高品位資源3620萬噸,平均品位1.07% CuEq(0.81%Cu、0.31克/噸Au、3.41 Ag)。該項目可從Freegold Road進入,這是一條資源門戶道路,由於育空政府的升級而得以升級,並且距離育空電網僅20公里。該項目還位於Minto銅帶中,這是一個長約80公里的岩石帶,以高品位的銅-金-銀礦化爲特色。

The 2022 Preliminary Economic Assessment completed on the project by SGS Canada identified increased resources along with improved recovery as prime means of increasing the Net present Value (NPV) of the project. Work completed this year at Kemetco Research (see news release dated January 17,2024) demonstrated that recoveries exceeding the target outlined in the PEA can be achieved. The current drill program is designed to show that significant resource expansion is possible and is specifically targeting areas that could lead to an expanded mine life as envisioned by the PEA.

SGS Canada在2022年完成的前期經濟評估確認,增加資源和改善採礦回收率是提高項目淨現值(NPV)的主要手段。 今年在Kemetco Research(請參見2024年1月17日新聞稿)完成的工作表明,可以實現超過PEA中規定的目標的回收率。當前的鑽探計劃旨在表明,可擴展礦產量的資源擴大是有可能的,具體針對那些可能導致PEA中所預期的礦山壽命延長的區域進行定向探測。

About Granite Creek Copper

關於Granite Creek Copper

Granite Creek Copper, a member of the Metallic Group of Companies, is a focused on the exploration and development of critical minerals projects in North America. The Company's projects consist of its flagship 176 square kilometer Carmacks project in the Minto copper district of Canada's Yukon Territory on trend with the formerly operating, high-grade Minto copper-gold mine and the advanced stage LS molybdenum project and the Star copper-nickel-PGM project, both located in central British Columbia. More information about Granite Creek Copper can be viewed on the Company's website at .

Granite Creek Copper是金屬集團公司的成員,專注於在北美勘探和開發關鍵礦產項目。公司的項目包括位於加拿大育空地區的Minto銅礦區內與獲得過高品位金銅礦和先進階段LS鉬礦項目和Star銅-鎳-PGm項目同緯度的全標誌76平方公里Carmacks項目。有關Granite Creek Copper及其業務風險和挑戰的更多信息,投資者應查閱公司的年報,網址爲 。



Timothy Johnson, President & CEO
Telephone: 1 (604) 235-1982
Toll Free: 1 (888) 361-3494


Qualified Person


Debbie James P.Geo, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release. Ms. James is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101.

Debbie James P.Geo已經審查並批准了這則新聞稿中所包含的技術信息。James女士屬於NI 43-101中定義的合格人員。

1Mineral Resources are reported within a conceptual constraining pit shell that includes the following input parameters: Metal prices of $3.60/lb Cu, $1,750/Au, $22/oz Ag, $14/lb Mo and pit slope angles that vary from 35° for overburden to 55°for granodiorite host, metal prices are in US$. Metallurgical recoveries reflective of prior test work that averages: 85% Cu, 85% Au, 65% Ag in the oxide domain and 90% Cu, 76% Au, 65% Ag in the sulphide domain. Mo recovery is assumed to be 70% in both oxide and sulphide domain. Totals and Metal content may not sum due to rounding and significant digits used in calculations. Cu Eq calculation is based on 100% recovery of all metals using the same metal prices used in the resource calculation: $3.60/lb Cu, $1,750/Au, $22/oz Ag, $14/lb Mo.

1. 根據以下輸入參數報告礦物資源的概念約束坑殼:金屬價格分別爲3.60美元/磅Cu,1,750美元/盎司Au,22美元/盎司Ag,14美元/磅Mo,山坡角度從覆蓋物的35°到花崗岩二長巖主機的55°。金屬價格以美元爲單位。反映以前測試工作後的冶金回收率平均值:氧化域中銅、金和銀的85%,硫化域中的90%Cu,76%Au,65%Ag,Mo的恢復率在氧化和硫化域中均假定爲70%。由於計算中使用了四捨五入和有效數字,因此總數和金屬含量可能不會相匹配。CuEq計算基於使用對於資源計算使用的相同金屬價格的所有金屬100%回收率:3.60美元/磅Cu,1,750美元/盎司Au,22美元/盎司Ag,14美元 /磅Mo。

Forward-Looking Statements


Forward Looking Statements: This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts including, without limitation, statements regarding expected use of proceeds from the private placement and future plans and objectives of the company are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although Granite Creek Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include failure to obtain necessary approvals, unsuccessful exploration results, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, results of future resource estimates, future metal prices, availability of capital and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, risks associated with regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials and equipment on a timely basis, accidents or equipment breakdowns, uninsured risks, delays in receiving government approvals, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations and costs to remedy same, and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the companies with securities regulators. Readers are cautioned that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Mineral exploration and development of mines is an inherently risky business. Accordingly, the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Granite Creek Copper and the risks and challenges of their businesses, investors should review their annual filings that are available at .

前瞻性聲明:本新聞稿包括某些可能被視爲"前瞻性聲明"或"前瞻性信息"的聲明。本發佈中的所有聲明,除歷史事實聲明外(包括但不限於,關於從定向增發中預期的資金用途和公司未來計劃和目標的聲明)均屬於涉及多種風險和不確定因素的前瞻性聲明。儘管Granite Creek Copper認爲此類前瞻性聲明的表達反映了合理的假設,但此類聲明並非未來業績的保證,實際結果或發展可能與前瞻性聲明中的結果或發展有所不同。前瞻性聲明基於多種重要因素和假設。導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中的結果不同的因素包括無法獲得必要的批准,勘探結果不佳,隨着計劃的不斷完善,項目參數的變化,未來資源估計的結果,未來的金屬價格,接受合理條款的資本和融資的可用性,一般經濟,市場或業務條件,與監管變化相關的風險,所有權瑕疵,及時獲取人員、材料和設備的延誤等。此外,還有與開發礦山有關的風險和其他勘探或其他風險詳見本文和公司向證券監管機構提交的文件。讀者應當注意,未被證明經濟可行性的礦物資源不具有證明經濟可行性。礦物勘探和開發是一項固有的高風險業務。因此,實際事件可能與前瞻性聲明中預測的不同。有關Granite Creek Copper及其業務風險和挑戰的更多信息,請投資者查閱具有證券監管機構提供的年度備份。

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SOURCE: Granite Creek Copper Ltd.

來源:Granite Creek Copper Ltd.

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